Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Transport - Supplementary Estimates 2013/14

Formats and related files

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Transport (M72)



Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations#

Details of Appropriations#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Fuel Excise Duty Refund Administration (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the receipt and processing of applications for, and the refunding of, Fuel Excise Duty.
429 271 700

Milford Sound / Piopiotahi Aerodrome Operation and Administration (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the operation of Milford Sound/Piopiotahi aerodrome to provide a safe and efficient airport.
230 48 278

Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA (M72)

31,143 798 31,941
Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal - Facilitation of Procurement
This output class is limited to the facilitation of the procurement of a ferry terminal at Clifford Bay.
1,000 (350) 650
Governance and Performance Advice on Crown Agencies
This output class is limited to monitoring of and advice on the governance, performance and capability of transport Crown agencies.
800 - 800
Ministerial Servicing
This output class is limited to services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities.
2,800 (200) 2,600
Policy Advice
This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to transport.
26,543 1,348 27,891

Search and Rescue Activity Coordination PLA (M72)

The estimated amount to be spent on the coordination of search and rescue activities as authorised by section 9(1) of Land Transport Management Act 2003.
1,136 - 1,136

Total Departmental Output Expenses

32,938 1,117 34,055

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Ministry of Transport - Capital Expenditure PLA (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Transport, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
510 - 510

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

510 - 510

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Accident or Incident Investigation and Reporting (M72)

This appropriation is limited to investigation and reporting on aviation, rail and marine accidents and incidents in New Zealand and the waters over which it has jurisdiction.
3,865 - 3,865

Construction of Passing Opportunities on State Highway 2 between Napier and Gisborne (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the investigation, design and construction of passing opportunities on State highway 2 between Napier and Gisborne.
3,000 350 3,350

Crash Analysis (M72)

This appropriation is limited to operating the Crash Analysis System and performing associated crash analysis and research activities.
775 - 775

Licensing Activities (M72)

This appropriation is limited to land transport licensing services, including driver licensing, not met by user fees.
3,483 62 3,545

Maritime Port Security (M72)

This appropriation is limited to standby screening and searching services at ports.
145 - 145

Ministerial Servicing by the New Zealand Transport Agency (M72)

This appropriation is limited to Ministerial servicing by the New Zealand Transport Agency.
548 - 548

National Land Transport Programme PLA (M72)

The estimated amount to be spent on activities under the National Land Transport Programme, as authorised by section 9 (3) and (4) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
1,867,600 12,147 1,879,747

Policy Advice and Related Outputs - Civil Aviation MCOA (M72)

2,219 - 2,219
Health and Safety in Employment Activities - Civil Aviation
This output class is limited to health and safety activities, for which there is a designated responsibility.
440 - 440
International Relations and International Civil Aviation Organisation Obligations
This output class is limited to technical information and advice in relation to international matters affecting New Zealand aviation, to ensure the Minister's obligations in relation to international civil aviation agreements are met, and to promote the development of New Zealand aviation in the international context.
685 - 685
Ministerial Servicing - Civil Aviation
This output class is limited to services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities.
431 - 431
Policy Advice - Civil Aviation
This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to civil aviation.
663 - 663

Policy Advice and Related Outputs - Maritime MCOA (M72)

6,510 1,077 7,587
Health and Safety in Employment Activities - Maritime
This output class is limited to health and safety activities, for which there is a designated responsibility.
954 - 954
Maritime Incident Response
This output class is limited to building capability to respond to complex maritime pollution incidents.
- 1,077 1,077
Maritime Safety and Marine Protection Services
This output class is limited to the development and delivery of regulatory services which are the responsibility of Maritime New Zealand under legislation
2,078 - 2,078
Policy Advice - Maritime
This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision making by ministers on government policy matters and Ministerial servicing.
3,478 - 3,478

Reinstatement of Local Roads in Canterbury (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the reinstatement of local roads in Canterbury following the earthquakes as approved by the New Zealand Transport Agency under relevant legislation.
- 30,800 30,800

Road User Charges Collection (M72)

This appropriation is limited to collecting road user charges.
13,773 288 14,061

Road User Charges Investigation and Enforcement (M72)

This appropriation is limited to investigating evasion and enforcing of Road User Charges.
6,279 (855) 5,424

Road User Charges Refunds (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the processing of Road User Charge refunds.
450 - 450

Search and Rescue Activities (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of search and rescue activities and a search and rescue coordination service, including follow-up inquiries and reporting, associated with the searches and rescues undertaken.
3,316 - 3,316

Search and Rescue and Recreational Boating Safety Activities PLA (M72)

The estimated amount to be spent in relation to search and rescue and recreational boating safety activities, as authorised under Section 9 (1) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
5,873 - 5,873

SuperGold Card - Administration of the Public Transport Concessions Scheme (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the administration costs of the scheme to provide enhanced public transport concessions for SuperGold cardholders.
95 - 95

Weather Forecasts and Warnings (M72)

This appropriation is limited to severe-weather warnings and a level of weather forecast services for land, coastal waters and oceanic areas for which New Zealand has international responsibility.
20,017 - 20,017

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

1,937,948 43,869 1,981,817

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Auckland Transport Package - Fair Value Write-down of Loan (M72)

This appropriation is limited to fair value write-downs of Crown debt associated with the Auckland Transport Package, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.
- 122,000 122,000

Bad Debt Provision - Motor Vehicle Registration/Licences and Road User Charges (M72)

This appropriation is limited to provision for bad debts that arise from non payment of motor vehicle registrations and road user charges.
6,000 (2,000) 4,000

Membership of International Organisations (M72)

This appropriation is limited to non-discretionary payments to international transport related organisations.
743 (170) 573

Rail - Public Policy Projects (M72)

This appropriation is limited to public policy rail initiatives.
3,270 - 3,270

Rail - Railway Safety (M72)

This appropriation is limited to public safety works.
500 - 500

SuperGold Card - public transport concessions for cardholders (M72)

This appropriation is limited to providing enhanced public transport concessions for SuperGold cardholders.
23,905 - 23,905

Tauranga Maritime Incident Response (M72)

This appropriation is limited to responding to the MV Rena grounding off Tauranga.
940 743 1,683

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

35,358 120,573 155,931

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Aviation Security Service (M72)

This appropriation is limited to meeting the ongoing capital costs of the security measures under international and domestic obligations, including accommodation and IT systems.
- 200 200

KiwiRail Equity Injection (M72)

This appropriation is limited to increasing Crown equity in the New Zealand Railways Corporation (KiwiRail).
- 25,000 25,000

Maritime New Zealand (M72)

This appropriation is limited to a replacement ground station for the Search and Rescue satellite system.
1,100 - 1,100

Maritime New Zealand - Oil Response (M72)

This appropriation is limited to capital required for oil pollution prevention and control.
- 100 100

Maritime New Zealand Capital Expenditure PLA (M72)

The estimated amount to be spent in relation to Maritime New Zealand costs, as authorised by Section 9 (1) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
- 381 381

National Land Transport Programme - New Infrastructure for and Renewal of State Highways PLA (M72)

The estimated amount to be spent on capital works for new infrastructure and renewal of State Highways, as authorised by Section 9 (3) and (4) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
761,010 15,217 776,227

National War Memorial Park: Buckle Street Undergrounding Project (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the undergrounding of that part of State Highway 1 necessary for the establishment of the National War Memorial Park in Wellington.
25,000 - 25,000

NLTF Borrowing Facility for a Short-Term Advance in 2012/2013 (M72)

This appropriation is limited to a short-term advance to the New Zealand Transport Agency to manage variations between cash outlays from, and flows of hypothecated revenue into, the National Land Transport Fund.
100,000 - 100,000

NLTF Borrowing Facility for Short-Term Advances (M72)

This appropriation is limited to short-term advances to the New Zealand Transport Agency to manage variations between cash outlays from and flows of hypothecated revenue into the National Land Transport Fund, with the maximum amount of such advances at any one time not exceeding $250 million.
750,000 - 750,000

Rail - KiwiRail Turnaround Plan Funding (M72)

This appropriation is limited to approved capital expenditure that contributes to the KiwiRail Turnaround Plan outcomes.
93,849 - 93,849

Rail - Loan for Auckland Metro Rail Electric Multiple Unit Package (M72)

This appropriation is limited to a loan for the Auckland metro rail electric multiple unit package.
130,000 8,000 138,000

Rail - Wellington Metro Rail Network Upgrade (M72)

The appropriation is limited to catch up investment in the Wellington metro rail network which will enable sustainable operation of the network through the Metro Rail Operating model.
36,146 - 36,146

Roading - Reinstatement of earthquake damaged roads in Christchurch - Loan (M72)

This appropriation is limited to a loan to the New Zealand Transport Agency for the reinstatement of earthquake damaged local roads in Christchurch.
- 20,000 20,000

Tauranga Eastern Link Loan (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the government provision of a loan to the New Zealand Transport Agency to contribute towards the costs of the construction and tolling operations for the Tauranga Eastern Link Roading Project.
120,000 (120,000) -

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

2,017,105 (51,102) 1,966,003

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

4,023,859 114,457 4,138,316

Multi-Year Appropriations

Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriation, Adjustments and Use $000

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Auckland Rail Development (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the renewal, upgrade, and electrification of the Auckland metropolitan rail network.

Commences: 01 July 2009

Expires: 30 June 2014

Original Appropriation 663,875
Adjustments for 2012/13 (278)
Adjustments to 2013/14 26,000
Adjusted Appropriation 689,597
Actual to 2012/13 Year End 625,619
Estimated Actual for 2013/14 63,978
Estimated Actual for 2014/15 -
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Joint Venture Airports - Crown Contribution (M72)

This appropriation is limited to enhancements to joint venture airport terminals and runways and the Crown's share of operating losses.

Commences: 01 July 2011

Expires: 30 June 2015

Original Appropriation 2,000
Adjustments for 2012/13 101
Adjustments to 2013/14 -
Adjusted Appropriation 2,101
Actual to 2012/13 Year End 551
Estimated Actual for 2013/14 1,050
Estimated Actual for 2014/15 500
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets#

Ministry of Transport
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2013/14
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2013/14
Opening Balance 2,708 2,708 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2013.
Capital Injections - -  
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

2,708 2,708  

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 1,970,886 1,117 43,869 44,986 2,015,872
Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 57,191 - 162,718 162,718 219,909
Capital Expenditure 2,018,115 - (50,552) (50,552) 1,967,563
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses
- - - - -
Other Expenses
- - - - -
Capital Expenditure
- N/A - - -

Total Appropriations

4,046,192 1,117 156,035 157,152 4,203,344

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue 1,312,992 N/A (3,362) (3,362) 1,309,630
Non-Tax Revenue 21,804 N/A 26,367 26,367 48,171
Capital Receipts - N/A - - -

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

1,334,796 N/A 23,005 23,005 1,357,801

Mapping the Layout of the 2013/14 Supplementary Estimates to the Layout of the 2013/14 Estimates

Supplementary Estimates Structure 2013/14 Estimates Structure 2013/14
Part # Part Name Part # Part Name
2.1 Departmental Output Expenses 2.1 Departmental Output Expenses
2.2 Departmental Other Expenses 5.1 Departmental Other Expenses
2.3 Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections 6.1 Departmental Capital Expenditure
3.1 Non-Departmental Output Expenses 2.2 Non-Departmental Output Expenses
3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses 3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses
3.3 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses 4.2 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses
3.4 Non-Departmental Other Expenses 5.2 Non-Departmental Other Expenses
3.5 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure 6.2 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
4 Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure N/A Did not exist in the Estimates

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses

Fuel Excise Duty Refund Administration (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the receipt and processing of applications for, and the refunding of, Fuel Excise Duty.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $271,000 from $429,000 to $700,000. The increase was a reprioritisation of funding from elsewhere in Vote Transport to cover the cost of higher Fuel Excise Duty refund activity.

Milford Sound / Piopiotahi Aerodrome Operation and Administration (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the operation of Milford Sound/Piopiotahi aerodrome to provide a safe and efficient airport.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation increased by $48,000 from $230,000 to $278,000 due to higher revenue from landing fees and also costs that had to be met.

Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal - Facilitation of Procurement

This output class is limited to the facilitation of the procurement of a ferry terminal at Clifford Bay.

Governance and Performance Advice on Crown Agencies

This output class is limited to monitoring of and advice on the governance, performance and capability of transport Crown agencies.

Ministerial Servicing

This output class is limited to services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities.

Policy Advice

This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to transport.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

All of the output classes are directed at the government's long term outcome of an efficient transport system that supports high levels of economic productivity, provides strong international connections for freight, business and tourism, and meets international obligations.

Expenses and Revenue


Total Appropriation

31,143 798 31,941
Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal - Facilitation of Procurement 1,000 (350) 650
Governance and Performance Advice on Crown Agencies 800 - 800
Ministerial Servicing 2,800 (200) 2,600
Policy Advice 26,543 1,348 27,891

Revenue from the Crown

31,143 715 31,858
Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal - Facilitation of Procurement 1,000 (350) 650
Governance and Performance Advice on Crown Agencies 800 - 800
Ministerial Servicing 2,800 (200) 2,600
Policy Advice 26,543 1,265 27,808

Revenue from Others

- 83 83
Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal - Facilitation of Procurement - - -
Governance and Performance Advice on Crown Agencies - - -
Ministerial Servicing - - -
Policy Advice - 83 83

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Governance and Performance Advice on Crown Agencies

Twice yearly Ministry strategic discussions with each Crown entity Chair / Board New measure Achieved Achieved
Assessment of technical quality of Ministry advice is an average score of 7.5, or more, of all papers assessed through an annual external review of advice by NZIER New measure Achieved Achieved
Regularity of Ministry strategic discussions with each Crown entity Chair / Board Twice yearly No longer a measure No longer a measure
Assessment of technical quality of Ministry policy advice (based largely on annual external review of policy advice by NZIER) ≥ 75% No longer a measure No longer a measure

Policy Advice

Assessment of technical quality of Ministry advice is an average score of 7.5, or more, of all papers assessed through an annual external review of policy advice by NZIER New measure Achieved Achieved
At least twice yearly revenue forecasting provided for use in Crown accounts and Budget forecasts New measure Achieved Achieved
Assessment of technical quality of Ministry policy advice (based largely on annual external review of policy advice by NZIER) >75% No longer a measure No longer a measure
Revenue forecasting provided for use in Crown accounts and Budget forecasts Twice yearly No longer a measure No longer a measure
The Ministry's initial deliverables for each of the five work streams specified in the 2013-15 Safer Journeys action plan, are implemented according to agreed timetables Achieved No longer a measure No longer a measure

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

Cabinet decided not to proceed with the Clifford Bay ferry terminal, and work on this output class was concluded. Unspent funding that had previously been reprioritised to this output class was returned to the Policy Advice output class, and the balance of the unspent funding was returned as savings to the Crown.

Funding was reprioritised between other output classes to reflect their forecast costs. Costs varied due to changing circumstances during the year.

The overall increase in the appropriation of $798,000, from $31.143 million to $31.941 million is the net of:

  • $1.300 million carried forward from 2012/13 for the Clifford Bay and Policy Advice output classes (increase)
  • $500,000 of the carry forward reprioritised to a new non-departmental output to meet forecast costs (decrease)
  • $85,000 for the Clifford Bay output class was returned to the Crown (decrease)
  • $83,000 of additional revenue from third parties (increase).

During the year the Ministry has reviewed its performance measures and adjusted them as required. The changes shown are mainly wording, to better reflect what is being measured.

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Construction of Passing Opportunities on State Highway 2 between Napier and Gisborne (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the investigation, design and construction of passing opportunities on State highway 2 between Napier and Gisborne.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation increased during the year by $350,000, from $3 million to $3.350 million due to an expense transfer from 2012/13.

Licensing Activities (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to land transport licensing services, including driver licensing, not met by user fees.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation increased during the year by $62,000, from $3.483 million to $3.545 million, as two of its elements were adjusted.

Driver licence stop order implementation was completed during 2013/14 at below expected cost, and the balance of $108,000 was reprioritised to drug and alcohol assessments to cover the expected costs.

Drug and alcohol assessments is a demand driven activity and the cost has been increasing in recent years due to new legislation. To cover these costs in 2013/14 and 2014/15:

  • $108,000 was reprioritised to here from driver license stop order implementation as noted above (increase)
  • $100,000 was an expense transfer from 2012/13 (increase)
  • $170,000 was reprioritised to here from elsewhere in Vote Transport (increase), and then
  • $208,000 was an expense transfer to 2014/15 (decrease).

Components of the Appropriation

Supplementary Estimates
Older driver licence holder subsidy 1,445 - 1,445
Driver licence stop orders 1,008 (108) 900
Drug and alcohol assessments 1,030 170 1,200
Total 3,483 62 3,545

National Land Transport Programme PLA (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

The estimated amount to be spent on activities under the National Land Transport Programme, as authorised by section 9 (3) and (4) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The increase in this appropriation during the year of $12.147 million, from $1,867.600 million to $1,879.747 million reflects changes in how the New Zealand Transport Agency proposes to spend its funding and the split between operating and capital expenditure.

During the year the performance measures were reviewed and adjusted as required. The changes shown are mainly wording, to better reflect what is being measured.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Percentage of target audience that rate road user safety messages as relevant to them > 60% No longer a measure No longer a measure
Percentage of road safety advertising campaigns that meet or exceed their agreed success criteria New measure 75% 75%
Cost of renewals (excluding emergency reinstatement) per network lane km $2,800 - $3,300 $3,000 - $3,500 $3,000 - $3,500

Policy Advice and Related Outputs - Maritime MCOA (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

Health and Safety in Employment Activities - Maritime

This output class is limited to health and safety activities, for which there is a designated responsibility.

Maritime Incident Response

This output class is limited to building capability to respond to complex maritime pollution incidents.

Maritime Safety and Marine Protection Services

This output class is limited to the development and delivery of regulatory services which are the responsibility of Maritime New Zealand under legislation

Policy Advice - Maritime

This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision making by ministers on government policy matters and Ministerial servicing.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

All the output classes are directed at the government's long term outcomes of an efficient transport system that supports high levels of economic productivity, provides strong international connections for freight, business and tourism, and meets international obligations.


Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

6,510 1,077 7,587
Health and Safety in Employment Activities - Maritime 954 - 954
Maritime Incident Response - 1,077 1,077
Maritime Safety and Marine Protection Services 2,078 - 2,078
Policy Advice - Maritime 3,478 - 3,478

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Percentage of Ministerial correspondence and parliamentary questions provided within agreed timeframe 100% No longer a measure No longer a measure
Percentage of Ministerial correspondence and parliamentary questions accepted by the Ministry of Transport 95% No longer a measure No longer a measure
Number of Health and Safety in Employment Act training workshops conducted 8 No longer a measure No longer a measure
Percentage of warranted health and safety inspectors that complete a Continual Professional Development programme 100% No longer a measure No longer a measure
All written policy reports/advice to Ministers meet Maritime New Zealand's quality criteria (content, form and analysis) New measure 100% 100%
All written policy reports/advice to Ministers are completed by the due date New measure 100% 100%
Prosecutions brought under the Health and Safety in Employment Act that are successful New measure 75% 75%
Develop a national maritime incident plan that includes; OPRC-HNS Protocol elements, salvage, non-oil pollution, volunteer communication and community engagement elements and plan. New measure Achieved Achieved
Develop and maintain offshore oil spill response capability New measure Achieved Achieved

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The Maritime Incident Response output class was created during 2013/14 with funding of $1.077 million for that year.

During the year the performance measures were reviewed and adjusted as required. The changes shown are mainly wording, to better reflect what is being measured.

Reinstatement of Local Roads in Canterbury (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the reinstatement of local roads in Canterbury following the earthquakes as approved by the New Zealand Transport Agency under relevant legislation.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 30,800 30,800

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Percentage of activities delivered to agreed standards and timeframes (All funds allocated to programmed activity) New measure 100% 100%

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the New Zealand Transport Agency in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This is a new appropriation due to an expense transfer from 2012/13.

Road User Charges Collection (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to collecting road user charges.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation increased during the year by $288,000 from $13.773 million to $14.061 million. The increase is the net of:

  • $584,000 was reprioritised from elsewhere in Vote Transport for agreed costs (increase)
  • $296,000 was an expense transfer to 2014/15 (decrease).

Road User Charges Investigation and Enforcement (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to investigating evasion and enforcing of Road User Charges.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation decreased during the year by $855,000 from $6.279 million to $5.424 million through reprioritisation to related outputs within Vote Transport to meet forecast costs.

SuperGold Card - Administration of the Public Transport Concessions Scheme (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the administration costs of the scheme to provide enhanced public transport concessions for SuperGold cardholders.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Average number of working days taken to process and pay claims received from local authorities 10 20 20

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Auckland Rail Development (M72)

Scope of Appropriation and Expenses

Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriations, Adjustments and Use $000

Auckland Rail Development (M72)

This appropriation is limited to the renewal, upgrade, and electrification of the Auckland metropolitan rail network.

Commences: 01 July 2009

Expires: 30 June 2014
Original Appropriation 663,875
Adjustments to 2012/13 (278)
Adjustments for 2013/14 26,000
Adjusted Appropriation 689,597
Actual to 2012/13 Year End 625,619
Estimated Actual for 2013/14 63,978
Estimated Actual for 2014/15 -
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation increased by $26 million from $37.978 million to $63.978 million to meet increased costs for the Auckland Rail Electrification Project.

Auckland Transport Package - Fair Value Write-down of Loan (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to fair value write-downs of Crown debt associated with the Auckland Transport Package, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 122,000 122,000

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Write-down processing is consistent with the requirements of financial reporting standards. New measure 100% 100%

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the New Zealand Transport Agency in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was created during 2013/14 to reflect the interest free loan in 2014/15 and outyears to the New Zealand Transport Agency for the delivery of the Auckland Transport Package. The write-down is a book entry in accordance with generally accepted accounting practise, and no cash will be paid.

Bad Debt Provision - Motor Vehicle Registration/Licences and Road User Charges (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to provision for bad debts that arise from non payment of motor vehicle registrations and road user charges.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation decreased by $2 million from $6 million to $4 million. The New Zealand Transport Agency has changed the application of its revenue recognition policy which will result in a reduction in bad debt being written off.

Membership of International Organisations (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to non-discretionary payments to international transport related organisations.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation decreased during the year by $170,000 from $743,000 to $573,000 as funding was reprioritised to elsewhere in Vote Transport.

Tauranga Maritime Incident Response (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to responding to the MV Rena grounding off Tauranga.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The increase in the appropriation of $743,000 from $940,000 to $1.683 million is the net of an expense transfer of $1.043 million from 2012/13 to 2013/14 (increase), and then an expense transfer of $300,000 from 2013/14 to 2014/15 (decrease) to match planned expenditure.

3.5 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Aviation Security Service (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to meeting the ongoing capital costs of the security measures under international and domestic obligations, including accommodation and IT systems.

Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 200 200

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Meets international best practice standards for aviation security practices New measure 100% 100%
Compliance with health and safety regulations New measure 100% 100%

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Civil Aviation Authority in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This is a new appropriation due to an expense transfer from 2012/13.

KiwiRail Equity Injection (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to increasing Crown equity in the New Zealand Railways Corporation (KiwiRail).

Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 25,000 25,000

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
The paperwork for the issuing of shares was completed appropriately. New measure Achieved Achieved

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by KiwiRail in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

$25 million was appropriated to KiwiRail as an equity injection to meet cashflow requirements.

Maritime New Zealand - Incident Response (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to investment in capability to respond to complex maritime pollution incidents.

Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 100 100

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Develop and implement a procurement programme for off-shore vessel dispersant systems by 30 June 2014. New measure Achieved Achieved

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Maritime New Zealand in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was created to provide capital for oil pollution prevention and control.

Maritime New Zealand Capital Expenditure PLA (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

The estimated amount to be spent in relation to Maritime New Zealand costs, as authorised by Section 9 (1) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 381 381

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Maritime New Zealand in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in 2013/14 was to reimburse Maritime New Zealand for high search and rescue costs incurred in 2012/13.

National Land Transport Programme - New Infrastructure for and Renewal of State Highways PLA (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

The estimated amount to be spent on capital works for new infrastructure and renewal of State Highways, as authorised by Section 9 (3) and (4) of the Land Transport Management Act 2003.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The increase in the appropriation during the year of $15.217 million from $761.010 million to $776.227 million is due to:

  • $30 million for surplus funds accumulated in the National Land Transport Fund from previous years (increase)
  • $1.403 million from changes in the road tax revenue forecasts (increase)
  • $12.147 million transferred to the non-departmental output expense National Land Transport Programme PLA to reflect changes in how the New Zealand Transport Agency proposes to spend its funding and the split between operating and capital expenditure (decrease)
  • $4.039 million (net) appropriated to other outputs that are funded from road tax revenue (decrease).

The two National Land Transport Programme appropriations for operating and capital expenses vary in line with the road tax revenue available. Any decreases due to updated revenue forecasting are reflected in this capital appropriation rather than being spread across both appropriations. This is for simplicity and because the State Highways are the largest component of the Programme. This approach is consistent with prior and future years.

Rail - Loan for Auckland Metro Rail Electric Multiple Unit Package (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to a loan for the Auckland metro rail electric multiple unit package.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The increase of $8 million from $130 million to $138 million due to an expense transfer from 2012/13.

Roading - Reinstatement of earthquake damaged roads in Christchurch - Loan (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to a loan to the New Zealand Transport Agency for the reinstatement of earthquake damaged local roads in Christchurch.

Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 20,000 20,000

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Percentage of activities that are delivered to agreed standards and timeframes New measure 100% 100%

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the New Zealand Transport Agency in its annual report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was created during 2013/14 with total funding of $183.420 million, spread over 2013/14 to 2015/16. The appropriation for 2013/14 was initially set at $40 million, and subsequently reduced by $20 million by an expense transfer to 2014/15.

Tauranga Eastern Link Loan (M72)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the government provision of a loan to the New Zealand Transport Agency to contribute towards the costs of the construction and tolling operations for the Tauranga Eastern Link Roading Project.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation was reduced from $120 million to zero by:

  • an expense transfer of $90 million to 2014/15
  • a reduction of $30 million, as the New Zealand Transport Agency does not require the full amount.