Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Prime Minister and Cabinet - Supplementary Estimates 2015/16

Formats and related files

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Civil Defence (M11), Prime Minister (M52), Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration (M85), Deputy Prime Minister (M89)

APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATOR: Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet


Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations#

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Canterbury Earthquake Recovery (M85)

This appropriation is limited to provision of services supporting the regeneration of greater Christchurch.
- 8,922 8,922

Supporting Flag Consideration Process (M89)

This appropriation is limited to advice and services to support public engagement and decision-making in the process to consider New Zealand's Flag.
5,213 1,053 6,266

Total Departmental Output Expenses

5,213 9,975 15,188

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Capital Expenditure PLA (M52)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
100 875 975

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

100 875 975

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Regenerate Christchurch (M85)

This appropriation is limited to the development of strategies and planning activities, with communities, stakeholders and decision-makers, for the regeneration of areas in Christchurch.
- 2,000 2,000

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

- 2,000 2,000

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Emergency Expenses (M11)

This appropriation is limited to payments to local authorities as provided for under the National CDEM Plan.
2,000 1,000 3,000

Emergency Management Preparedness Grants (M11)

This appropriation is limited to grants to local authorities for activities associated with emergency management preparedness.
889 300 1,189

Ex gratia payment to the University of Auckland (M52)

This appropriation is limited to ex gratia payments to the University of Auckland to enable continued support of Professor Sir Peter Gluckman's own specialised research programme during his membership of the Science Advisory Committee.
150 (30) 120

Fees for the Commissioner of Security Warrants PLA (M52)

The appropriation under permanent legislative authority (the NZSIS Amendment (No. 2) Act 1999) will provide for payments to the Commissioner as an independent judicial officer for the authorisation of domestic security warrants.
74 - 74

Governor-General's Programme PLA (M52)

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred on the Governor-General's Programme, as authorised by section 13 of the Governor-General Act 2010.
989 130 1,119

Governor-General's Salary and Allowance PLA (M52)

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred on the salary, allowance and other payments to the Governor-General, as authorised by section 12 of the Governor-General Act 2010.
376 100 476

Governor-General's travel outside New Zealand PLA (M52)

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred on the Governor-General's travel outside New Zealand, as authorised by section 14 of the Governor-General Act 2010.
307 50 357

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

4,785 1,550 6,335

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure


Emergency Management MCA (M11)

The overarching purpose of this MCA is to support communities to be resilient by enhancing their capacity and capability to manage civil defence emergencies.
10,890 1,524 12,414
Departmental Output Expenses
Community Awareness and Readiness
This category is limited to the development and delivery of long-term national programmes to raise individual and community awareness and preparedness.
1,938 193 2,131
Emergency Sector and Support and Development
This category is limited to developing and implementing operational policies and projects, advice, assistance and information to the civil defence and emergency management sector.
3,804 2,184 5,988
Management of Civil Defence Emergencies
This category is limited to management of national emergency readiness, response and recovery, including support to local civil defence emergency management organisations, maintaining the National Crisis Management Centre in a state of readiness, national training and exercises, coordination and management of central government's response and recovery activities and administration of related expenses.
4,205 (267) 3,938
Policy Advice - Emergency Management
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to civil defence and emergency matters.
943 (586) 357

Government House Buildings and Assets MCA (M52)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is maintaining the Government House buildings and related assets in Wellington and Auckland to the standards necessary to fulfil their constitutional, ceremonial and community roles.
2,855 930 3,785
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Depreciation of Crown Assets
This category is limited to depreciation expenses on the Government House buildings and related assets.
1,962 (170) 1,792
Government House - Maintenance
This category is limited to the ongoing maintenance of the Government House buildings and related assets, and the grounds on which they are located.
514 500 1,014
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
Government House - Capital Investment
This category is limited to investment necessary to preserve the functionality and value of the Government House buildings and related assets.
379 600 979

Policy Advice and Support Services MCA (M52)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice to support decision-making by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet and provide support services to the Prime Minister, Cabinet and its committees, the Executive Council, and the Governor General.
25,455 2,518 27,973
Departmental Output Expenses
National Security Priorities and Intelligence Coordination
This category is limited to leadership and coordination around national security matters, leading collaboration within the New Zealand intelligence community and providing intelligence assessments to support national security priorities.
8,870 (36) 8,834
Policy Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
4,131 2,680 6,811
Science Advisory Committee
This category is limited to the purchase of high-quality scientific advice to the Prime Minister.
525 200 725
Support Services to the Governor-General and Maintenance of the Official Residences
This category is limited to financial, administrative, communications and advisory services for the Governor-General; and services to maintain the Governor-General's residences.
4,139 (131) 4,008
Support, Secretariat and Coordination Services
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities including support for the coordination of the Government's legislation programme; secretariat services to the Executive Council, Cabinet and its committees; and administration of the New Zealand Honours system.
7,790 (195) 7,595

Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

39,200 4,972 44,172

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

49,298 19,372 68,670

Capital Injection Authorisations#

  Estimates Budget
Estimates Budget
Total Budget
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Capital Injection (M52) - 1,160 1,160

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 5,213 9,975 2,000 11,975 17,188
Benefits or Related Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 4,785 - 1,550 1,550 6,335
Capital Expenditure 100 875 - 875 975
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses 36,345 4,042 - 4,042 40,387
Other Expenses 2,476 - 330 330 2,806
Capital Expenditure 379 N/A 600 600 979

Total Appropriations

49,298 14,892 4,480 19,372 68,670

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 150 N/A 30 30 180
Capital Receipts - N/A - - -

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

150 N/A 30 30 180

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery (M85)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to provision of services supporting the regeneration of greater Christchurch.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation - 8,922 8,922
Revenue from the Crown - 8,922 8,922
Revenue from Others - - -

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the regeneration of greater Christchurch including the ongoing provision of corporate capability.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Horizontal Infrastructure


Monitor and report on progress, timeliness and budget to Minister and Treasury, at least

New measure 4 Monthly 4 Monthly

The wider Horizontal Infrastructure programme completion, close-out and transition is finalised within the agreed timeframe

New measure Completed on Time Completed on Time

Policy and Legislation


Minister are satisfied (or very satisfied) with the policy and legal advice service on the regeneration of Greater Christchurch and the administration of the Greater Christchurch Regeneration Bill


The satisfaction of the Minister with the policy and legal advice service, as per the common satisfaction survey (see Note 1)

New measure Ministers' expectations are met or exceeded Ministers' expectations are met or exceeded

Technical quality of policy and legal advice papers will be assessed by a robust methodology (see Note 2)

New measure 90% 90%

Land and Land Use Planning


All Crown submissions are completed within the statutory timeframes

New measure 100% 100%

Leadership/Brokering/ Coordination


The satisfaction of the Minister with the policy advice service, as per the common satisfaction survey (see Note 1)

New measure Ministers' expectations are met or exceeded Ministers' expectations are met or exceeded

Technical quality of policy advice papers and legal advice assessed by a robust methodology (see Note 2)

New measure 80% 80%

The Learn, Prepare, Act Symposium and Report are completed by June 2017

New measure Completed Completed

Monitoring and Reporting


Report to the Minister(s) at least six monthly on recovery progress and the performance of the Regenerate Christchurch Board

New measure Achieved Achieved

Provide advice to the Minister on Crown appointments to the Regenerate Christchurch Board, as required (See Note 3)

New measure Achieved Achieved

Performance measure information yet to be provided.

Note 1 - Reporting on this measure will be covered in the Stakeholder Survey to the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration.

Note 2 - The quality characteristics of policy advice to be surveyed with the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration in 2016/17 are:

  • completeness/alignment (advice meets the Minister's needs)
  • timeliness (advice provided in time to meet Cabinet Office and ministerial requirements, or as otherwise agreed)
  • robustness (advice received is of high technical quality, considering clarity, accuracy, analytical rigour, fitness for purpose and relevance to the wider context), and
  • likelihood to recommend (level to which the Minister will tell other Ministers they have received good policy advice from policy advice units).

Note 3 - Reporting on this measure will be covered through the Stakeholder Survey to the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration. Achieved means that all the advice provided on appointments meets the Minister's expectations on completeness, quality and timeliness.

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in the 2015/16 Annual Report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This is a new appropriation established as part of the transition from Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) to other central government agencies. The new appropriation reflects the increased functions and accountabilities transferred to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

A total of $10.082 million was transferred from Vote Canterbury Earthquake Recovery in 2015/16, $6.582 million from the Departmental Output Expense "Managing the Recovery" and $3.500 million from the Departmental Output Expense "Policy Advice". Of this $10.082 million, $8.922 million was used for this appropriation and the remaining $1.160 million to provide a capital injection to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Supporting Flag Consideration Process (M89)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to advice and services to support public engagement and decision-making in the process to consider New Zealand's Flag.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1.053 million to $6.266 million for 2015/16 due to a transfer from 2014/15 to reflect uncertainties in timing of promotion and publicity expenditure.

2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Capital Expenditure PLA (M52)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Capital Expenditure

Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment 50 475 525
Intangibles - 400 400
Other 50 - 50

Total Appropriation

100 875 975

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $875,000 to $975,000 for 2015/16 due to a $400,000 transfer from 2014/15 to reflect a change in the timing of expenditure for the CabNet project, and a net $475,000 transfer of assets to support the transition of Canterbury Earthquake Recovery work.

Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Details of Net Asset Schedule 2015/16
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2015/16
Opening Balance 8,059 8,059 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2015.
Capital Injections - 1,160 This increase in capital is to enable DPMC to purchase assets to support the transition of functions from the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA).
Capital Withdrawals - (685) This decrease in capital is due to a transfer of capital funding from DPMC to Treasury for the purchase of IT assets provided to DPMC's Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) team.
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

8,059 8,534  

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Regenerate Christchurch (M85)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the development of strategies and planning activities, with communities, stakeholders and decision-makers, for the regeneration of areas in Christchurch.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 2,000 2,000

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve strategies and planning activities for the regeneration of areas in Christchurch.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Regenerate Christchurch will operate and deliver its work programme in accordance with the Responsible Minister's and Christchurch City Mayor's Letter of Expectations.

New Standard Achieved Achieved

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration in a report appended to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet's 2016/17 Annual Report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This new appropriation is to support the strategies and planning activities for the regeneration of areas in Christchurch.

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Emergency Expenses (M11)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to payments to local authorities as provided for under the National CDEM Plan.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1 million to $3 million for 2015/16 due to the expected increased reimbursements of response and recovery costs to local authorities relating to flooding events in June 2015.

Emergency Management Preparedness Grants (M11)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to grants to local authorities for activities associated with emergency management preparedness.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $300,000 to $1.189 million for 2015/16 due to a transfer from 2014/15 to reflect delays by local authorities in completing complex projects claims.

Ex gratia payment to the University of Auckland (M52)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to ex gratia payments to the University of Auckland to enable continued support of Professor Sir Peter Gluckman's own specialised research programme during his membership of the Science Advisory Committee.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreased by $30,000 to $120,000 for 2015/16 due to a change in funding arrangements for costs associated with the Science Advisory Committee.

Governor-General's Programme PLA (M52)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred on the Governor-General's Programme, as authorised by section 13 of the Governor-General Act 2010.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $130,000 to $1.119 million for 2015/16 due to a higher level of functions hosted by the Governor-General as part of the official programme.

Governor-General's Salary and Allowance PLA (M52)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred on the salary, allowance and other payments to the Governor-General, as authorised by section 12 of the Governor-General Act 2010.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $100,000 to $476,000 for 2015/16 due to the expected increase in salary costs associated with the transition to the incoming Governor-General.

Governor-General's travel outside New Zealand PLA (M52)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred on the Governor-General's travel outside New Zealand, as authorised by section 14 of the Governor-General Act 2010.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $50,000 to $357,000 for 2015/16 due to an expected increase in travel costs outside New Zealand associated with the transition to the incoming Governor-General.

Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

Emergency Management (M11)

Overarching Purpose Statement

The overarching purpose of this MCA is to support communities to be resilient by enhancing their capacity and capability to manage civil defence emergencies.

Scope of Appropriation

Departmental Output Expenses
Community Awareness and Readiness
This category is limited to the development and delivery of long-term national programmes to raise individual and community awareness and preparedness.
Emergency Sector and Support and Development
This category is limited to developing and implementing operational policies and projects, advice, assistance and information to the civil defence and emergency management sector.
Management of Civil Defence Emergencies
This category is limited to management of national emergency readiness, response and recovery, including support to local civil defence emergency management organisations, maintaining the National Crisis Management Centre in a state of readiness, national training and exercises, coordination and management of central government's response and recovery activities and administration of related expenses.
Policy Advice - Emergency Management
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to civil defence and emergency matters.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

10,890 1,524 12,414

Departmental Output Expenses

Community Awareness and Readiness 1,938 193 2,131
Emergency Sector and Support and Development 3,804 2,184 5,988
Management of Civil Defence Emergencies 4,205 (267) 3,938
Policy Advice - Emergency Management 943 (586) 357

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

10,660 1,088 11,748
Community Awareness and Readiness 1,915 193 2,108
Emergency Sector and Support and Development 3,683 1,770 5,453
Management of Civil Defence Emergencies 4,119 (289) 3,830
Policy Advice - Emergency Management 943 (586) 357

Revenue from Others

230 436 666
Community Awareness and Readiness 23 - 23
Emergency Sector and Support and Development 121 414 535
Management of Civil Defence Emergencies 86 22 108

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1.524 million to $12.414 million for 2015/16 due to:

  • $913,000 transfer from categories in Policy Advice and Support Services multi-category appropriation to reflect a recalibration of corporate costs across the Department
  • $436,000 for overseas aid for civil defence and emergency management funded by recoveries from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and recoverable communications activities, and
  • $175,000 expense transfers from 2014/15.

Government House Buildings and Assets (M52)

Overarching Purpose Statement

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is maintaining the Government House buildings and related assets in Wellington and Auckland to the standards necessary to fulfil their constitutional, ceremonial and community roles.

Scope of Appropriation

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Depreciation of Crown Assets
This category is limited to depreciation expenses on the Government House buildings and related assets.
Government House - Maintenance
This category is limited to the ongoing maintenance of the Government House buildings and related assets, and the grounds on which they are located.

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Government House - Capital Investment
This category is limited to investment necessary to preserve the functionality and value of the Government House buildings and related assets.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

2,855 930 3,785

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Depreciation of Crown Assets 1,962 (170) 1,792
Government House - Maintenance 514 500 1,014

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Government House - Capital Investment 379 600 979

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $930,000 to $3.785 million for 2015/16 due to:

  • $1.100 million transfer of funds from 2014/15 as a result of unforeseen delays in establishing supplier contracts for the programme of maintenance

partially offset by a reduction due to:

  • $170,000 transfer of funds into 2016/17 to provide for a loss on disposal of Crown assets to be appropriated and reported on separately.

Policy Advice and Support Services (M52)

Overarching Purpose Statement

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice to support decision-making by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet and provide support services to the Prime Minister, Cabinet and its committees, the Executive Council, and the Governor General.

Scope of Appropriation

Departmental Output Expenses

National Security Priorities and Intelligence Coordination
This category is limited to leadership and coordination around national security matters, leading collaboration within the New Zealand intelligence community and providing intelligence assessments to support national security priorities.
Policy Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
Science Advisory Committee
This category is limited to the purchase of high-quality scientific advice to the Prime Minister.
Support Services to the Governor-General and Maintenance of the Official Residences
This category is limited to financial, administrative, communications and advisory services for the Governor-General; and services to maintain the Governor-General's residences.
Support, Secretariat and Coordination Services
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities including support for the coordination of the Government's legislation programme; secretariat services to the Executive Council, Cabinet and its committees; and administration of the New Zealand Honours system.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

25,455 2,518 27,973

Departmental Output Expenses

National Security Priorities and Intelligence Coordination 8,870 (36) 8,834
Policy Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet 4,131 2,680 6,811
Science Advisory Committee 525 200 725
Support Services to the Governor-General and Maintenance of the Official Residences 4,139 (131) 4,008
Support, Secretariat and Coordination Services 7,790 (195) 7,595

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

25,425 1,598 27,023
National Security Priorities and Intelligence Coordination 8,870 (386) 8,484
Policy Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet 4,131 2,220 6,351
Science Advisory Committee 525 150 675
Support Services to the Governor-General and Maintenance of the Official Residences 4,109 (131) 3,978
Support, Secretariat and Coordination Services 7,790 (255) 7,535

Revenue from Others

30 920 950
National Security Priorities and Intelligence Coordination - 350 350
Policy Advice - Prime Minister and Cabinet - 460 460
Science Advisory Committee - 50 50
Support Services to the Governor-General and Maintenance of the Official Residences 30 - 30
Support, Secretariat and Coordination Services - 60 60

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $2.518 million to $27.973 million for 2015/16 due to:

  • $1.100 million transfers from 2014/15 due to delays in projects and uncertainties around timing of expenditure for the Policy Project leadership assessments, Central Agencies Shared Services (CASS), the high-side upgrade, and to support health and safety compliance relating to CERA transition plan
  • $1 million transfer from 2014/15 as a result of timing changes in expenditure for the CabNet project
  • $600,000 to reflect recoveries of secondment costs
  • $350,000 funding for Better Public Services seed funding towards the development of a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)
  • $320,000 to reflect revenue received from other Departments relating to the Policy Project and the Science Advisory Committee
  • $120,000 transfer of funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for the Science Advisory Committee's new funding arrangements under the revised Memorandum of Understanding
  • $30,000 transfer from Policy Advisory and Support Services multi-category appropriation, category Science Advisory Committee

partially offset by a reduction due to:

  • $913,000 to provide for a fiscally neutral transfer to the Emergency Management multi-category appropriation, and
  • $89,000 contribution to the Systems Package.