Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Māori Affairs - Supplementary Estimates 2013/14

Formats and related files

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Māori Affairs (M46), Minister for Whānau Ora (M82)



Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations#

Details of Appropriations#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Integrated Whānau Social Assistance (M46)

This appropriation is limited to community level social assistance through the provision of Whānau Advocates and Māori Wardens programmes.
6,652 337 6,989

Operations Management (M46)

This appropriation is limited to the design, delivery and management of community investment programmes, the Māori Business Facilitation Service, and management of land administered under Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989.
14,026 (1,373) 12,653

Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA (M46)

22,943 365 23,308
Ministerial Servicing
This output class is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision- making responsibilities).
3,000 (1,578) 1,422
Policy - Crown Māori Relationships
This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to Crown Māori Relationships.
7,214 1,381 8,595
Policy - Māori Development
This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to Māori Development.
12,729 562 13,291

Relationships and Information (M46)

Strengthening relationships with Māori, with emphasis on brokerage, co-ordination and facilitation to assist Māori to achieve their economic, social and cultural aspirations.
7,785 (140) 7,645

Whānau Ora Administration (M82)

This appropriation is limited to activities associated with implementing, developing and evaluating the whānau ora service delivery approach.
8,567 2,839 11,406

Whānau Ora Commissioning Administration (M82)

This appropriation is limited to activities associated with implementing, developing, administering and evaluating the Whānau Ora commissioning approach.
- 750 750

Total Departmental Output Expenses

59,973 2,778 62,751

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Te Puni Kokiri - Capital Expenditure PLA (M46)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of Te Puni Kokiri, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
585 800 1,385

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

585 800 1,385

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Administration of Māori Broadcasting (M46)

Purchase of administration services from Te Mangai Paho to meet its statutory functions and deliver on the Government's Māori broadcasting policy.
1,808 - 1,808

Commissioning Whānau Ora Outcomes (M82)

This appropriation is limited to purchasing the achievement of Whānau Ora outcomes from non-government commissioning agencies.
- 3,256 3,256

Establishment of a Whānau Ora Commissioning Approach (M82)

This appropriation is limited to providing support to Whānau Ora commissioning agencies to meet one-off establishment costs.
- 3,326 3,326

Iwi Housing Support (M46)

Provision of capacity building support for Special Housing Action Zones.
456 - 456

Māori Radio Broadcasting (M46)

Promotion of Māori language and Māori culture through radio broadcasting.
10,744 - 10,744

Māori Television Broadcasting (M46)

Promotion of Māori language and Māori culture through television broadcasting.
40,332 - 40,332

Māori Television Channel (M46)

Administration costs of the Māori Television channel.
16,611 - 16,611

Māori Trustee Functions (M46)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of trustee and land management functions from the Māori Trustee.
10,347 - 10,347

Matauranga (Knowledge) (M46)

Purchasing partnered interventions, tools and investigative studies to support Māori in the acquisition, creation, maintenance and transferral of traditional and contemporary knowledge required to accelerate Māori development.
5,668 - 5,668

Promotion of the Māori Language (M46)

Purchase of initiatives to revitalise and develop the Māori language in New Zealand. This includes outputs from Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission) and involves the promotion of the Māori language in New Zealand.
7,204 1,646 8,850

Rawa (Resources) (M46)

Purchasing partnered interventions, tools and investigative studies to support Māori access to, utilisation, development and retention of resources required to accelerate Māori development.
4,648 (1,000) 3,648

Strengthening and Promoting Māori Tourism (M46)

This appropriation is limited to payments to providers to strengthen the strategic leadership of the Māori Tourism sector, facilitate improvements in the capability and capacity of Māori tourism product, and promote Māori tourism.
1,160 - 1,160

Whakamana (Leadership) (M46)

Purchasing partnered interventions, tools and investigative studies to strengthen Māori leadership, governance and management to accelerate Māori development.
7,894 - 7,894

Whānau Ora-based Service Development MCOA (M82)

44,700 (17,637) 27,063
Service Delivery Capability
This output class is limited to support for providers to develop whānau ora service delivery capability.
36,300 (13,637) 22,663
Whānau Integration, Innovation and Engagement
This output class is limited to support for providers to develop whānau integration, innovation and engagement.
8,400 (4,000) 4,400

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

151,572 (10,409) 141,163

Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses


Rangatiratanga Grants (M46)

Financial assistance to promote and enhance initiatives for the social, economic and cultural advancement of Māori.
480 - 480

Total Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses

480 - 480

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Administrative Expenses for Crown Land (M46)

This appropriation is limited to funding the direct costs of Crown owned land administered by Te Puni Kokiri under Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989.
49 - 49

Māori Language Research (M46)

This appropriation is limited to payments to providers to support research and development projects that support the revitalisation of the Māori language.
2,000 - 2,000

Māori Registration Service (M46)

Contribution towards the ongoing cost of a national Māori registration service, which will assist in linking Māori with their tribes and tribal groups and compiling comprehensive and accurate registers of their members.
626 - 626

Māori Wardens (M46)

Assistance to the National Māori Wardens Association to meet administrative costs and to provide funding to Māori Wardens for locally based initiatives that focus on improving outcomes for Māori youth and Whānau.
1,178 - 1,178

Māori Women's Development Fund (M46)

Provide for the administration of government funding for the Māori Women's Development Fund.
1,867 - 1,867

New Zealand Wall Enhancement at UN Headquarters (M46)

This appropriation is limited to providing enhancement to the New Zealand Wall at the United Nations' Headquarters, New York.
- 35 35

NZ Māori Council (M46)

Administration costs of the New Zealand Māori Council.
196 - 196

Orakei Act 1991 (M46)

Orakei Reserves Board fees and travel expenses in accordance with Section 29 of the Orakei Act 1991.
7 - 7

Payments to Trust Boards PLA (M46)

Payment of annuities to Māori Trust Boards, in accordance with sections 4(2), 9(2) and 10(2) of the Māori Trust Boards Act 1955.
15 - 15

Te Ariki Trust (M46)

Costs of administering the Te Ariki Trust.
21 - 21

Te Putahi Paoho (M46)

Administration costs of Te Putahi Paoho (the Māori Television Electoral College).
131 - 131

Turanganui-a-Kiwa Capacity Building (M46)

This appropriation is limited to capacity building funding to the Turanganui-a-Kiwa post-settlement entities.
500 - 500

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

6,590 35 6,625

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

219,200 (6,796) 212,404

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets#

Te Puni Kokiri
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2013/14
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2013/14
Opening Balance 4,621 4,621 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2013.
Capital Injections - -  
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

4,621 4,621  

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 211,545 2,778 (10,409) (7,631) 203,914
Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses 480 N/A - - 480
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 6,590 - 35 35 6,625
Capital Expenditure 585 800 - 800 1,385
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses
- - - - -
Other Expenses
- - - - -
Capital Expenditure
- N/A - - -

Total Appropriations

219,200 3,578 (10,374) (6,796) 212,404

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 10 N/A - - 10
Capital Receipts - N/A - - -

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

10 N/A - - 10

Mapping the Layout of the 2013/14 Supplementary Estimates to the Layout of the 2013/14 Estimates

Supplementary Estimates Structure 2013/14 Estimates Structure 2013/14
Part # Part Name Part # Part Name
2.1 Departmental Output Expenses 2.1 Departmental Output Expenses
2.2 Departmental Other Expenses 5.1 Departmental Other Expenses
2.3 Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections 6.1 Departmental Capital Expenditure
3.1 Non-Departmental Output Expenses 2.2 Non-Departmental Output Expenses
3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses 3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses
3.3 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses 4.2 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses
3.4 Non-Departmental Other Expenses 5.2 Non-Departmental Other Expenses
3.5 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure 6.2 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
4 Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure N/A Did not exist in the Estimates

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses

Integrated Whānau Social Assistance (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to community level social assistance through the provision of Whānau Advocates and Māori Wardens programmes.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Kaitoko Whānau and Oranga Whānau Programmes

Manage the Whānau Social Assistance programme to place a number of whānau advocates (community workers) into vulnerable Māori communities, referred to as Kaitoko Whānau and Oranga Whānau:      
  • Vulnerable whānau are connected to appropriate and essential support services.
Minimum of 800 whānau during the period Minimum of 800 whānau engagements during the period Minimum of 800 whānau engagements during the period

Māori Wardens Programme

A programme to enhance the capacity and capability of Māori Wardens through enhanced training and improved resources:      
  • A consistent induction programme is provided to new Māori Wardens prior to warranting.
90% of new Māori Wardens 100 new Māori Wardens 100 new Māori Wardens

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $337,000 to $6.989 million in 2013/14. The increase relates to:

  • fiscally neutral adjustments between outputs to align resources with the planned work programme ($324,000), and
  • an expense transfer of organisational change funding to 2013/14 ($13,000).

Operations Management (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the design, delivery and management of community investment programmes, the Māori Business Facilitation Service, and management of land administered under Part 2 of the Māori Affairs Restructuring Act 1989.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation 14,026 (1,373) 12,653
Revenue from the Crown 14,026 (1,425) 12,601
Revenue from Others - 52 52

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Iwi Housing Support

Refers to the management of the Special Housing Action Zones (SHAZ) programme funded through the Non-Departmental Output Expense: Iwi Housing Support, the details of which are found in Part 2.2:      
  • Facilitation and capacity building support to enable Māori housing providers/projects to fully meet the criteria for Government's social housing fund initiatives, or productively engage with capital funders.
Minimum of 8 projects Minimum of 8 projects supported Minimum of 8 projects supported

Māori Business Facilitation Service (MBFS)

The MBFS provides assistance to Māori owners of small and medium enterprises and collective entities with access to information, advice, and mentoring support to enhance business to develop, grow new businesses, and sustain economic performance of existing businesses.
Administer the MBFS through:
  • Existing businesses complete the MBFS continuum (from client engagement through to the mentoring phase), and
At least 120 to 150 existing businesses (removed) (removed)
  • New businesses start trading through the support of MBFS.
A minimum of 80 businesses start trading 40 40

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreased by $1.373 million to $12.653 million in 2013/14. The decrease relates to fiscally neutral adjustments between outputs to align resources with the planned work programme ($1.569 million).

The decrease was offset by:

  • an expense transfer of organisational change funding to 2013/14 ($144,000), and
  • an increase in other revenue reflecting income received from subleasing Te Puni Kokiri premises to third parties ($52,000).

Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

Ministerial Servicing

This output class is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision- making responsibilities).

Policy - Crown Māori Relationships

This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to Crown Māori Relationships.

Policy - Māori Development

This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to Māori Development.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

The output classes relate to the provision of policy advice and related outputs including Ministerial servicing within Vote Māori Affairs.

Expenses and Revenue


Total Appropriation

22,943 365 23,308
Ministerial Servicing 3,000 (1,578) 1,422
Policy - Crown Māori Relationships 7,214 1,381 8,595
Policy - Māori Development 12,729 562 13,291

Revenue from the Crown

22,943 65 23,008
Ministerial Servicing 3,000 (1,578) 1,422
Policy - Crown Māori Relationships 7,214 1,081 8,295
Policy - Māori Development 12,729 562 13,291

Revenue from Others

- 300 300
Ministerial Servicing - - -
Policy - Crown Māori Relationships - 300 300
Policy - Māori Development - - -

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Output Class 2: Policy - Māori Development


Review of the Māori Language Sector and Strategy

The Cabinet paper about the Māori Language Strategy consultation confirmed by 20 December 2013. (new measure) Māori Language Strategy Cabinet paper completed by 20 December Māori Language Strategy Cabinet paper completed by 20 December
Consultation hui completed and analysis provided to the Minister of Māori Affairs by 31 March 2014. (new measure) Report to the Minister of Māori Affairs by 31 March 2014 Report to the Minister of Māori Affairs by 31 March 2014
Support the implementation of review findings as agreed by Cabinet and within agreed timeframes. (removed) (removed) (removed)

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $365,000 to $23.308 million in 2013/14. The increases relates to:

  • fiscally neutral adjustments between outputs to align resources with the planned work programme ($391,000)
  • a fiscally neutral transfer from Vote Justice for Constitutional Advisory Panel ($300,000)
  • an expense transfer for Waikato River Accords to 2013/14 ($255,000), and
  • an expense transfer of Organisational Change funding to 2013/14 ($219,000).

The increases were offset by an expense transfer for the Constitutional Advisory Panel to 2014/15 ($800,000).

Relationships and Information (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

Strengthening relationships with Māori, with emphasis on brokerage, co-ordination and facilitation to assist Māori to achieve their economic, social and cultural aspirations.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Provision of high quality and timely brokerage, facilitation, information and other support to state sector agencies, local government, non-government organisations and others to engage with and encourage Māori inclusion and access to resources and services, evidenced by:      
  • Regional based facilitation and brokerage activities have led to enhanced Crown-Māori Relationships, and
Minimum of 500 examples across all regions (removed) (removed)
  • Provide brokerage, facilitation, information and other support to state sector agencies, local government and non-government entities to engage with and support Māori inclusion, and access to resources and services generally, and to assist the Treaty settlement process in particular
(new measure) 500 500

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreased by $140,000 to $7.645 million in 2013/14. The decrease relates to fiscally neutral adjustments between outputs to align resources with the planned work programme ($215,000). This is partially offset by an expense transfer of organisational change funding to 2013/14 ($75,000).

Whānau Ora Administration (M82)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to activities associated with implementing, developing and evaluating the whānau ora service delivery approach.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $2.839 million to $11.406 million in 2013/14. The increase relates to:

  • a one-off funding top up of $2.500 million in 2013/14 to fund the procurement, transition and establishment costs of the new Whānau Ora commission approach
  • fiscally neutral adjustments between outputs to align resources with the planned work programme ($1.069 million), and
  • an expense transfer of organisational change funding to 2013/14 ($20,000).

The increases were offset by a fiscally neutral transfer of $750,000 to Departmental Output Expense: Whānau Ora Commissioning Administration to fund the implementation of the new Whānau Ora commissioning approach.

Whānau Ora Commissioning Administration (M82)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to activities associated with implementing, developing, administering and evaluating the Whānau Ora commissioning approach.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation - 750 750
Revenue from the Crown - 750 750
Revenue from Others - - -

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Ministerial Advice

Provision of advice to the Minister for Whānau Ora on policy settings, implementation progress, performance information, regional priorities and system issues:      
  • To the satisfaction of the Minister based on qualitative survey asking for feedback, and
(new measure) Feedback remains positive Feedback remains positive
  • Within agreed timeframes.
(new measure) 95% meets timeframes 95% meets timeframes

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This is a new appropriation. Funding of $750,000 has been transferred from Departmental Output Expense: Whānau Ora Administration to fund the transition and implementation of the new Whānau Ora commissioning approach.

2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections

Te Puni Kokiri - Capital Expenditure PLA (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of Te Puni Kokiri, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Capital Expenditure

Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment 485 400 885
Intangibles 100 400 500
Other - - -

Total Appropriation

585 800 1,385

Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets

Te Puni Kokiri

Details of Net Asset Schedule 2013/14
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2013/14
Opening Balance 4,621 4,621 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2013.
Capital Injections - -  
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

4,621 4,621  

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Commissioning Whānau Ora Outcomes (M82)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to purchasing the achievement of Whānau Ora outcomes from non-government commissioning agencies.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 3,256 3,256

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
The Whānau Ora Results Commissioning Framework provides context for the desired outcomes of Whānau Ora and provides guidance with the development of commissioning activities for each Commissioning Agency.
Te Puni Kokiri will monitor the achievement of outcomes as detailed in the annual investment plan of each Commissioning Agency.
  • Three approved investment plans.
(new measure) Three approved investment plans Three approved investment plans

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister for Whānau Ora in the Minister for Whānau Ora's Non Departmental Appropriation Report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This is a new appropriation in 2013/14 of $3.256 million for purchasing the achievement of Whānau Ora outcomes from non-government commissioning agencies.

Establishment of a Whānau Ora Commissioning Approach (M82)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to providing support to Whānau Ora commissioning agencies to meet one-off establishment costs.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 3,326 3,326

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates
Te Puni Kokiri will monitor the achievement of activities as detailed in the establishment schedule of each Commissioning Agency contract.      
Three Commissioning Agencies established. (new measure) 100% 100%

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister for Whānau Ora in the Minister for Whānau Ora's Non Departmental Appropriation Report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This is a new appropriation in 2013/14 of $3.326 million to meet one-off establishment costs of the Whānau Ora commissioning agencies.

Promotion of the Māori Language (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

Purchase of initiatives to revitalise and develop the Māori language in New Zealand. This includes outputs from Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission) and involves the promotion of the Māori language in New Zealand.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1.646 million to $8.850 million in 2013/14 due to a fiscally neutral transfer of Community Based Language Initiative funding from Vote Education.

Rawa (Resources) (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

Purchasing partnered interventions, tools and investigative studies to support Māori access to, utilisation, development and retention of resources required to accelerate Māori development.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreased by $1 million to $3.648 million for 2013/14 due to a contribution to Te Awa Tupua Putea for the Whanganui River Settlement.

Whānau Ora-based Service Development MCOA (M82)

Scope of Appropriation

Service Delivery Capability

This output class is limited to support for providers to develop whānau ora service delivery capability.

Whānau Integration, Innovation and Engagement

This output class is limited to support for providers to develop whānau integration, innovation and engagement.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

Both output classes contribute to the provision of the Whānau ora-based service delivery approach.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreased by $17.637 million to $27.063 million in 2013/14. The decrease relates to:

  • a fiscally neutral transfer of $10 million to Vote Health to lead the Whānau Ora Information Systems programme on behalf Te Puni Kokiri, and
  • fiscally neutral transfers towards establishment of the two new Whānau Ora Commissioning appropriations ($7.637 million).

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses

New Zealand Wall Enhancement at UN Headquarters (M46)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to providing enhancement to the New Zealand Wall at the United Nations' Headquarters, New York.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 35 35

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $35,000 in 2013/14 due to an expense transfer from 2012/13.