Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Lands - Supplementary Estimates 2017/18

Formats and related files

Vote Lands#

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister for Land Information (M44), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations (M74), Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration (M85)



Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations#

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Administering the Overseas Investment Regime (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the assessment of applications for consent to acquire sensitive New Zealand assets, monitoring and enforcement.
5,982 1,300 7,282

Administering the Residential Property Regime (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the development and implementation of a system for assessment and enforcement of applications for consent to acquire or develop residential property.
- 1,550 1,550

Total Departmental Output Expenses

5,982 2,850 8,832

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Land Information New Zealand - Capital Expenditure PLA (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Land Information New Zealand, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
1,170 3,830 5,000

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

1,170 3,830 5,000

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Contaminated Sites (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the analysis, investigation and, where necessary, appropriate remedial action on contaminated sites for which the Crown has accepted responsibility.
400 - 400

Forestry Plantation Activity (M44)

This appropriation is limited to forestry operations on Crown Land.
- 4,015 4,015

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

400 4,015 4,415

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Bad and Doubtful Debts (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the provision for writing off bad and doubtful debts.
145 - 145

Crown Forest Management (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the management of Crown forest properties and licences, including settling reviews, interest liability and GST on refunded fees.
400 - 400

Depreciation (M44)

This appropriation is limited to depreciation of buildings on surplus Crown land.
3,993 - 3,993

Impairment of Land for Treaty Settlements (M74)

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of the value of land used in Treaty settlements.
- 11,481 11,481

Land Liabilities (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the investigation and resolution, including legal costs and settlement, of land-related liabilities administered by the department.
843 (500) 343

Loss on sale of Landbank properties (M74)

This appropriation is limited to the loss on sale expense incurred when disposing of Landbank properties.
- 12,025 12,025

Proceeds from Sale of New Zealand Transport Agency Properties (M44)

This appropriation is limited to payments to the New Zealand Transport Agency equivalent to the proceeds received from the sales of Crown land no longer required for New Zealand Transport Agency purposes.
100,000 - 100,000

Rates on Crown Land (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the rate expense on Crown land and surplus government properties managed by the department on behalf of the Crown.
3,957 1,500 5,457

Residual Crown Leasehold Rents (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the leasehold expenses and liabilities incurred on residual surplus government accommodation managed by the department on behalf of the Crown.
700 - 700

Soil Conservation Reserve Management (M44)

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred in the management of soil conservation reserves in accordance with the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act 1941.
380 - 380

Tangoio Catchment Management Fund (M44)

This appropriation is limited to soil conservation and management of environmental effects related to the Tangoio Catchment Area.
120 - 120

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

110,538 24,506 135,044

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Capital Improvements (M44)

This appropriation is limited to capital improvements expenditure for Crown properties.
- 402 402

Crown Acquisitions - Huntly East (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the acquisition of properties falling within Cabinet's approved policy area for Huntly East subsidence zone.
1,000 (1,000) -

Crown Purchases- Land Exchanges (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the acquisition of land effecting boundary adjustments for works and to enable land exchanges as negotiated.
100 250 350

Purchase of Assets for Possible Use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements (M74)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of assets for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements.
10,000 (7,144) 2,856

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

11,100 (7,492) 3,608

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure


Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Land Ownership and Management MCA (M85)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the recovery of Canterbury through the purchase, clearance, maintenance and management of land affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
44,865 39,131 83,996

Departmental Output Expenses


Acquisition and Disposal Expenses

This category is limited to the Crown's costs incurred in acquiring and disposing of land and buildings in Canterbury.
- 1,460 1,460

Managing the Recovery

This category is limited to managing properties and associated issues relating to the Canterbury earthquakes.
3,977 1,984 5,961

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Clearance of built structures and associated works

This category is limited to the clearance of built structures and other works deemed necessary on land affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
4,694 (2,172) 2,522

Initial write-down in the value of land and improvements

This category is limited to the write-down to fair value on the acquisition of land and improvements in Canterbury.
- 5,855 5,855

Loss on disposal of Land and Improvements

This category is limited to the loss incurred on disposal of land and improvements in Canterbury.
- 2,630 2,630

Management and Clearance of Land

This category is limited to costs arising from the management of properties affected by the Canterbury earthquakes and anchor projects.
21,567 (10,187) 11,380

Mass Movement of Land

This category is limited to assisting the Christchurch City Council response to the landslide hazards in the Port Hills exacerbated by the Canterbury earthquakes.
- 2,928 2,928

Purchase of land and improvements operational

This category is limited to the purchase of land and improvements and other associated operating costs relating to properties affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
4,627 24,270 28,897

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Purchase of land and improvements capital

This category is limited to the purchase of land and improvements and other capital costs relating to properties affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
10,000 12,363 22,363

Crown Land MCA (M44)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to enable the best economic, environmental and recreational uses of Crown-owned and Crown-used land.
29,864 3,799 33,663

Departmental Output Expenses


Centralised clearance service for acquisitions and disposals

This category is limited to statutory decision making on land acquisitions and disposals by the Crown and road legislation actions for local authorities and related work.
1,198 - 1,198

Land disposal services for other agencies

This category is limited to costs associated with the disposal of land and improvements that have been assigned to Land Information New Zealand for disposal.
8,240 - 8,240

Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme

This category is limited to the delivery of the Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme.
3,426 323 3,749

Management of Crown Land

This category is limited to the management of the Crown's interest in land, including disposals, related liabilities, and establishing standards relating to Crown Land.
17,000 3,476 20,476

Location Based Information MCA (M44)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to enable location information to be widely available, easily accessible and readily used.
27,373 4,770 32,143

Departmental Output Expenses


Administration of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha O Aotearoa

This category is limited to the official geographic naming activities of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha O Aotearoa.
783 - 783

Land Information New Zealand Location Based Information Infrastructure

This category is limited to costs associated with the collection, authorisation, maintenance and dissemination of location based information.
23,342 4,270 27,612

Leading the New Zealand Geospatial Strategy

This category is limited to the delivery and ongoing support of Spatial Data Infrastructure.
3,248 500 3,748

Policy Advice and Related Services MCA (M44)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities.
3,843 221 4,064

Departmental Output Expenses


Ministerial Services, Appointments, Implementation and Operational Policy

This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities, including appointments to boards, the implementation of policy decisions and development of operational policy.
750 - 750

Policy Advice

This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to land, property and geospatial information.
3,093 221 3,314

Property Rights MCA (M44)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to ensure that property rights and information are clear, certain, easily tradable and accessible.
72,519 20,000 92,519

Departmental Output Expenses


Regulating Valuation

This category is limited to the certification of rating revaluations and the administration of the Valuers Registration Board.
2,516 - 2,516

The Survey and Title system

This category is limited to the provision of the system for providing information, transacting and recording land property rights including establishing standards.
70,003 20,000 90,003

Purchase and Preparation of Assets for Possible Use in future Treaty of Waitangi Settlements MCA (M74)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the Treaty Settlement process through providing for the purchase and preparation of assets for potential use in Treaty Settlements.
- 18,308 18,308

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Preparation of Assets

This category is limited to the clearance of built structures, the removal of hazardous material and other works deemed necessary to prepare the asset for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.
- 6,000 6,000

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Purchase of Assets

This category is limited to the purchase of assets for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.
- 12,308 12,308

Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

178,464 86,229 264,693

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

307,654 113,938 421,592

Multi-Year Appropriations#

Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriations, Adjustments and Use $000

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Land Tenure Reform Acquisitions (M44)

This appropriation is limited to the acquisition of the lessees' interest in pastoral lease land and purchase of any land and/or assets required to complete the acquisition of lessee interest in order to achieve Tenure Review outcomes under the Crown Pastoral Land Act 1998, or to achieve Government high country objectives.

Commences: 01 July 2014

Expires: 30 June 2019
Original Appropriation 480,570
Adjustments to 2016/17 -
Adjustments for 2017/18 -
Adjusted Appropriation 480,570
Actual to 2016/17 Year End 92,341
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 131,246
Estimated Actual for 2018/19 256,983
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts#

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations 307,654 113,938 421,592
Total MYA Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure Forecasts 131,246 - 131,246

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts

438,900 113,938 552,838

Capital Injection Authorisations#

  Estimates Budget
Estimates Budget
Total Budget
Land Information New Zealand - Capital Injection (M44) - 1,550 1,550

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity
    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 6,382 2,850 4,015 6,865 13,247
Benefits or Related Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 110,538 - 24,506 24,506 135,044
Capital Expenditure 143,516 3,830 (7,492) (3,662) 139,854
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses 137,576 32,234 - 32,234 169,810
Other Expenses 30,888 - 29,324 29,324 60,212
Capital Expenditure 10,000 N/A 24,671 24,671 34,671

Total Appropriations

438,900 38,914 75,024 113,938 552,838

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 113,700 N/A 3,650 3,650 117,350
Capital Receipts 91,547 N/A 250 250 91,797

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

205,247 N/A 3,900 3,900 209,147

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses#

Administering the Overseas Investment Regime (M44)

Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to the assessment of applications for consent to acquire sensitive New Zealand assets, monitoring and enforcement.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1.300 million to $7.282 million for 2017/18 due to additional costs required to increase resources and focus on enforcement activities a result of the review of the Overseas Investment Office.

Memorandum Account

Overseas Investment Office (OIO)

Opening Balance at 1 July (1,859) (496) (2,355)
Revenue 5,982 (1,044) 4,938
Expenses 5,982 1,300 7,282
Transfers and Adjustments - - -
Closing Balance at 30 June (1,859) (2,840) (4,699)

Administering the Residential Property Regime (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the development and implementation of a system for assessment and enforcement of applications for consent to acquire or develop residential property.

Expenses and Revenue#

Total Appropriation - 1,550 1,550
Revenue from the Crown - - -
Revenue from Others - - -

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

Performance Measures Estimates

Ministerial satisfaction with Land Information's advice on residential property regime matters.

N/A 7/10 7/10

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve effective administrative of New Zealand's Residential Property Regime.

End of Year Performance Reporting#

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Land Information New Zealand in the 2017/18 Annual Report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased to $1.550 million for 2017/18 due to the one-off implementation costs in relation to the Residential Housing Regime.

Memorandum Account#


Residential Housing Regime

Opening Balance at 1 July - - -
Revenue - - -
Expenses - 1,550 1,550
Transfers and Adjustments - - -
Closing Balance at 30 June - (1,550) (1,550)

2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections#

Land Information New Zealand - Capital Expenditure PLA (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Land Information New Zealand, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Capital Expenditure

Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment - 2,000 2,000
Intangibles 1,170 1,830 3,000
Other - - -

Total Appropriation

1,170 3,830 5,000

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $3.830 million to $5 million for 2017/18 due to increases in various projects such as Records in Hamilton Office.

Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets

Land Information New Zealand

Details of Net Asset Schedule 2017/18
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2017/18
Opening Balance 101,364 93,795 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2017.
Capital Injections - 1,550 Residential Property Regime.
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) 2,113 (23,576) Total 2017/18 deficit relating to LINZ's memorandum accounts.
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

103,477 71,769  

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses#

Forestry Plantation Activity (M44)

Scope of Appropriation
This appropriation is limited to forestry operations on Crown Land.
Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 4,015 4,015
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve effective forestry operations on Crown land.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

An exemption was granted under s.15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act 1989 because the annual amount of the non-departmental appropriation is less than $5 million for expenses.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $4.015 million for 2017/18 due to costs associated with harvesting of trees in the Wairakei and Pukeora forestry blocks as a result of LINZ's forestry plantation activities.

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#

Impairment of Land for Treaty Settlements (M74)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of the value of land used in Treaty settlements.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 11,481 11,481

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve the effective management of land used in Treaty settlements.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

An exemption was granted under S.15D(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Finance Act 1989 because additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because the appropriation is non cash and for accounting purposes only.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $11.481 million for 2017/18 due to an impairment of Landbank land as part of a Treaty settlement.

Land Liabilities (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the investigation and resolution, including legal costs and settlement, of land-related liabilities administered by the department.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation decreased by $500,000 to $300,000 for 2017/18 due to a one-off transfer to the Rates on Crown Land appropriation to cover rates cost pressures.

Loss on sale of Landbank properties (M74)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the loss on sale expense incurred when disposing of Landbank properties.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 12,025 12,025

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve management of losses on the sale of Crown land for Treaty of Waitangi settlements.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s.15D(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Finance Act 1989 because additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because the appropriation is non cash and for accounting purposes only.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The appropriation increased by $12.025 million for 2017/18 due to a one-off loss on sale of a Landbank property as part of a Treaty settlement.

Rates on Crown Land (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the rate expense on Crown land and surplus government properties managed by the department on behalf of the Crown.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $1.500 million to $5.457 million for 2017/18 due to a one-off transfer in 2017/18 to cover cost pressure in rates on Crown land.

3.5 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure#

Capital Improvements (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to capital improvements expenditure for Crown properties.

Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation - 402 402

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve the effective management of capital improvements for Crown properties.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

An exemption was granted under s.15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act 1989 because the annual amount of the non-departmental appropriation is less than $15 million for capital.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $402,000 for 2017/18 due to a transfer of funding from 2016/17 to 2017/18 for costs associated with the Haldon Camping ground improvements.

Crown Acquisitions - Huntly East (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the acquisition of properties falling within Cabinet's approved policy area for Huntly East subsidence zone.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The appropriation decreased by $1 million to nil for 2017/18 due to a one-off transfer out of 2017/18 to the Rates on Crown Land appropriation to cover rates cost pressures.

Crown Purchases- Land Exchanges (M44)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the acquisition of land effecting boundary adjustments for works and to enable land exchanges as negotiated.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $250,000 to $350,000 for 2017/18 due to additional costs associated with the NZTA's acquisition of land to align the roadway in the Otaki to Peka Peka region.

Purchase of Assets for Possible Use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements (M74)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of assets for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation decreased by $7.144 million to $2.856 million for 2017/18 due to the establishment and transfer of funding in 2017/18 to the "Purchase and Preparation of Assets for Possible Use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements MCA".

Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Land Ownership and Management (M85)

Overarching Purpose Statement
The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the recovery of Canterbury through the purchase, clearance, maintenance and management of land affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
Scope of Appropriation

Departmental Output Expenses

Acquisition and Disposal Expenses
This category is limited to the Crown's costs incurred in acquiring and disposing of land and buildings in Canterbury.
Managing the Recovery
This category is limited to managing properties and associated issues relating to the Canterbury earthquakes.

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Clearance of built structures and associated works
This category is limited to the clearance of built structures and other works deemed necessary on land affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
Initial write-down in the value of land and improvements
This category is limited to the write-down to fair value on the acquisition of land and improvements in Canterbury.
Loss on disposal of Land and Improvements
This category is limited to the loss incurred on disposal of land and improvements in Canterbury.
Management and Clearance of Land
This category is limited to costs arising from the management of properties affected by the Canterbury earthquakes and anchor projects.
Mass Movement of Land
This category is limited to assisting the Christchurch City Council response to the landslide hazards in the Port Hills exacerbated by the Canterbury earthquakes.
Purchase of land and improvements operational
This category is limited to the purchase of land and improvements and other associated operating costs relating to properties affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Purchase of land and improvements capital
This category is limited to the purchase of land and improvements and other capital costs relating to properties affected by the Canterbury earthquakes.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

44,865 39,131 83,996

Departmental Output Expenses

Acquisition and Disposal Expenses - 1,460 1,460
Managing the Recovery 3,977 1,984 5,961

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Clearance of built structures and associated works 4,694 (2,172) 2,522
Initial write-down in the value of land and improvements - 5,855 5,855
Loss on disposal of Land and Improvements - 2,630 2,630
Management and Clearance of Land 21,567 (10,187) 11,380
Mass Movement of Land - 2,928 2,928
Purchase of land and improvements operational 4,627 24,270 28,897

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Purchase of land and improvements capital 10,000 12,363 22,363

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

3,977 3,444 7,421
Acquisition and Disposal Expenses - 1,460 1,460
Managing the Recovery 3,977 1,984 5,961
Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $39.1 million to $84 million for 2017/18 due to transfers from 2016/17 to 2017/18 to align costs to the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery programme of work:

  • Acquisition and Disposal Expenses increased by $1.460m as this was carried forward from 2016/17 for carrying out acquisitions and disposals work largely in relation to the Anchor projects within Canterbury
  • Managing the Recovery increased by $1.984m as this was carried forward from 2016/17 for carrying out work in relation to managing properties affected by the Canterbury Earthquakes
  • Clearance of built structures and associated works decreased by $2.522m due to an expense transfer to 2018/19 as a result of some demolition work being delayed or dependent on future use decisions
  • Initial write-down in the value of land and improvements increased by $5.855m due to the acquisition of land and improvements that required a write-down to fair value
  • Loss on disposal of Land and Improvements increased by $2.630m due to losses expected to be incurred on divestment of land
  • Management and Clearance of Land decreased by $10.187m due to an expense transfer to 2018/19 for work that is dependent on future use decisions
  • Mass Movement of Land increased by $2.928m as this was carried forward from 2016/17 for completion of work programme being led by Christchurch City Council
  • Purchase of land and improvements operational increased by $24.270m as this was carried forward from 2016/17 for purchases of land and improvements largely in relation to the Anchor projects within Canterbury, and
  • Purchase of land and improvements capital increased by $12.363m as this was carried forward from 2016/17 for purchases of land and improvements largely in relation to the Anchor projects within Canterbury.

Crown Land (M44)#

Overarching Purpose Statement#

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to enable the best economic, environmental and recreational uses of Crown-owned and Crown-used land.

Scope of Appropriation#

Departmental Output Expenses

Centralised clearance service for acquisitions and disposals
This category is limited to statutory decision making on land acquisitions and disposals by the Crown and road legislation actions for local authorities and related work.
Land disposal services for other agencies
This category is limited to costs associated with the disposal of land and improvements that have been assigned to Land Information New Zealand for disposal.
Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme
This category is limited to the delivery of the Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme.
Management of Crown Land
This category is limited to the management of the Crown's interest in land, including disposals, related liabilities, and establishing standards relating to Crown Land.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

29,864 3,799 33,663

Departmental Output Expenses

Centralised clearance service for acquisitions and disposals 1,198 - 1,198
Land disposal services for other agencies 8,240 - 8,240
Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme 3,426 323 3,749
Management of Crown Land 17,000 3,476 20,476

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

21,377 3,476 24,853
Land disposal services for other agencies 1,241 - 1,241
Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme 3,136 - 3,136
Management of Crown Land 17,000 3,476 20,476

Revenue from Others

8,487 25 8,512
Centralised clearance service for acquisitions and disposals 1,198 (298) 900
Land disposal services for other agencies 6,999 - 6,999
Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme 290 323 613

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $3.800 million to $33.700 million due to one-off transfers from 2016/17 to 2017/18:

  • Land Information New Zealand Biosecurity Programme - the transfer of $323,000 was due to setting up information systems as part of the National Wilding Conifer Programme.
  • Management of Crown Land - $3.476 million was transferred for the Disposal Landbank Work programme.

Memorandum Account#


Crown Property Clearances

Opening Balance at 1 July (136) 134 (2)
Revenue 1,198 (298) 900
Expenses 1,198 - 1,198
Transfers and Adjustments - - -
Closing Balance at 30 June (136) (164) (300)

Location Based Information (M44)#

Overarching Purpose Statement#

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to enable location information to be widely available, easily accessible and readily used.

Scope of Appropriation#

Departmental Output Expenses

Administration of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha O Aotearoa
This category is limited to the official geographic naming activities of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha O Aotearoa.
Land Information New Zealand Location Based Information Infrastructure
This category is limited to costs associated with the collection, authorisation, maintenance and dissemination of location based information.
Leading the New Zealand Geospatial Strategy
This category is limited to the delivery and ongoing support of Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

27,373 4,770 32,143

Departmental Output Expenses

Administration of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha O Aotearoa 783 - 783
Land Information New Zealand Location Based Information Infrastructure 23,342 4,270 27,612
Leading the New Zealand Geospatial Strategy 3,248 500 3,748

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

24,744 2,570 27,314
Administration of the New Zealand Geographic Board Nga Pou Taunaha O Aotearoa 783 - 783
Land Information New Zealand Location Based Information Infrastructure 20,863 2,070 22,933
Leading the New Zealand Geospatial Strategy 3,098 500 3,598

Revenue from Others

2,629 2,200 4,829
Land Information New Zealand Location Based Information Infrastructure 2,479 2,200 4,679
Leading the New Zealand Geospatial Strategy 150 - 150

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $4.800 million to $32.100 million mainly due to one-off transfers to 2017/18 from 2016/17 as follows:

  • Land Information New Zealand Location Based Information Infrastructure $4.270 million - Pacific Regional Navigation initiative $2,200 Metadata Project $600,000, Hydrographic Survey $550,000, Syndicated LDS $400,000, Kaikoura Event $300,000 Addressing Projects $220,000 and Electronic Chart $100,000 offset by $100,000 contribution to the cross-agency funding for the 2017/18 Service Work Programme.
  • Leading the New Zealand Geospatial Strategy - $500,000 was transferred for the Canterbury Cadastre.

Overarching Purpose Statement#

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities.

Scope of Appropriation#

Departmental Output Expenses

Ministerial Services, Appointments, Implementation and Operational Policy
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities, including appointments to boards, the implementation of policy decisions and development of operational policy.
Policy Advice
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to land, property and geospatial information.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

3,843 221 4,064

Departmental Output Expenses

Ministerial Services, Appointments, Implementation and Operational Policy 750 - 750
Policy Advice 3,093 221 3,314

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

3,843 221 4,064
Ministerial Services, Appointments, Implementation and Operational Policy 750 - 750
Policy Advice 3,093 221 3,314

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $221,000 to $4.064 million for 2017/18 due to costs associated with the Maori Land Service Business Case and a retention of underspend from 2016/17.

Property Rights (M44)#

Overarching Purpose Statement#

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to ensure that property rights and information are clear, certain, easily tradable and accessible.

Scope of Appropriation#

Departmental Output Expenses

Regulating Valuation
This category is limited to the certification of rating revaluations and the administration of the Valuers Registration Board.
The Survey and Title system
This category is limited to the provision of the system for providing information, transacting and recording land property rights including establishing standards.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

72,519 20,000 92,519

Departmental Output Expenses

Regulating Valuation 2,516 - 2,516
The Survey and Title system 70,003 20,000 90,003

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

800 - 800
The Survey and Title system 800 - 800

Revenue from Others

71,719 616 72,335
Regulating Valuation 2,516 - 2,516
The Survey and Title system 69,203 616 69,819

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $20 million to $92.519 million for 2017/18 due to the Advanced Survey and Title Search project, offset by a decrease in costs associated with Landonline.

Memorandum Account#



Opening Balance at 1 July 46,434 870 47,304
Revenue 69,203 2,216 71,419
Expenses 70,003 20,000 90,003
Transfers and Adjustments - - -
Closing Balance at 30 June 45,634 (16,914) 28,720

Purchase and Preparation of Assets for Possible Use in future Treaty of Waitangi Settlements (M74)#

Overarching Purpose Statement#

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the Treaty Settlement process through providing for the purchase and preparation of assets for potential use in Treaty Settlements.

Scope of Appropriation#

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Preparation of Assets
This category is limited to the clearance of built structures, the removal of hazardous material and other works deemed necessary to prepare the asset for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Purchase of Assets
This category is limited to the purchase of assets for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

- 18,308 18,308

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Preparation of Assets - 6,000 6,000

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Purchase of Assets - 12,308 12,308

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient and effective management of purchasing and preparation of Crown assets used in potential future Treaty settlements.

How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation#

Assessment of Performance Estimates
Supplementary Estimates
How performance will be assessed for the MCA as a whole      

Ministerial satisfaction with Land Information New Zealand's management of Treaty Settlement Landbank.

7/10 7/10 7/10

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Preparation of Assets


This category is intended to achieve the efficient and effective preparation of assets for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements.


Health and safety issues are mitigated on Treaty Settlement Landbank properties requiring demolition or remediation.

Achieved Achieved Achieved

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Purchase of Assets


This category is intended to achieve the efficient and effective purchase of assets for possible use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlements.


An exemption was granted under s.15D(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Finance Act 1989 because end of year performance information for this appropriation is not likely to be informative.

Exempt Exempt Exempt

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This is a new appropriation of $18.308 million for 2017/18 due to the establishment of this appropriation and transfer of funding from the "Purchase of Assets for Possible Use in future Treaty of Waitangi settlement" Non-Departmental capital expenditure appropriation for demolition and remediation of Treaty settlement properties.