Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Justice - Supplementary Estimates 2015/16

Formats and related files

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Justice (M42)



Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations#

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Administration of Legal Services (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the administration of community, legal and related services; and the management and collection of related debt.
28,188 13 28,201

Public Defence Service (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of legal services by the Public Defence Service.
26,593 477 27,070

Sector Leadership and Support (M42)

This appropriation is limited to advice and services focused on the Ministry's leadership role in the justice sector. This covers enhancing the Ministry's coordination with other sector and Government agencies, advice and information about judicial and statutory appointments and monitoring specific crown entities.
7,906 163 8,069

Total Departmental Output Expenses

62,687 653 63,340

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Ministry of Justice - Capital Expenditure PLA (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Justice, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
274,470 (48,442) 226,028

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

274,470 (48,442) 226,028

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Community Law Centres (M42)

This appropriation is limited to funding programmes to support Community Law Centres.
10,970 - 10,970

Crime Prevention and Community Safety Programmes (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the funding of programmes delivered by non government organisations and local government agencies to prevent and reduce crime.
12,401 - 12,401

Electoral Services (M42)

This appropriation is limited to funding services relating to the administration of parliamentary elections and referenda; services relating to the maintenance of electoral rolls, including all activities required to register electors and produce electoral rolls as required by law; servicing the work of the Representation Commission; and the provision of advice, reports and public education on electoral matters.
31,416 - 31,416

Equity Promotion and Protection Services - Inspector General PLA (M42)

This appropriation is limited to funding the Inspector-General as per the provisions of the Permanent Legislative Authority contained in section 8 of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1996.
550 40 590

Family Dispute Resolution Services (M42)

This appropriation is limited to approved family dispute resolution services.
7,360 (1,500) 5,860

Justice Advocacy, Advice and Promotion Services (M42)

This appropriation is limited to funding work performed by the Law Commission, the Human Rights Commission, the Independent Police Conduct Authority, the Privacy Commissioner and the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.
22,668 510 23,178

Legal Aid (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the payments of legal aid to approved providers.
112,300 29,550 141,850

Provision of Protective Fiduciary Services (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of fiduciary services provided by the Public Trust as specified by statute where charges to the recipient, if any, will not meet the costs of the service.
2,627 - 2,627

Support and Assistance provided by Victim Support to Victims of Crime (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of services from the New Zealand Council of Victim Support Groups ("Victim Support") for the provision of services to victims of crime and trauma. This covers personalised support services (covering 24 hour emergency support and follow up support through the criminal justice system) and the administration of victim assistance schemes (covering counselling for families of homicide victims, and financial assistance to help victims).
6,032 - 6,032

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

206,324 28,600 234,924

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Impairment of Legal Aid Debt (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of legal aid debt in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.
18,866 (10,980) 7,886

Impairment of Offender Levy (M42)

This appropriation is limited to allowances for the impairment of the Offender Levy in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.
1,359 (656) 703

Victims' Services (M42)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of funding for entitlements and services for victims of crime.
5,964 (1,416) 4,548

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

26,189 (13,052) 13,137

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure


Justice Policy Advice and Related Services MCA (M42)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities.
21,974 768 22,742
Departmental Output Expenses
Justice Policy Advice
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to civil, criminal and constitutional law and the justice sector.
17,668 150 17,818
Legal and Ministerial Services
This category is limited to the provision of legal and ministerial services to support decision-making by Ministers on government matters (other than policy decision-making).
4,306 618 4,924

Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

21,974 768 22,742

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

591,644 (31,473) 560,171

Capital Injection Authorisations#

  Estimates Budget
Estimates Budget
Total Budget
Ministry of Justice - Capital Injection (M42) 202,925 (37,000) 165,925

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 269,011 653 28,600 29,253 298,264
Benefits or Related Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 26,189 - (13,052) (13,052) 13,137
Capital Expenditure 274,470 (48,442) - (48,442) 226,028
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses 21,974 768 - 768 22,742
Other Expenses - - - - -
Capital Expenditure - N/A - - -

Total Appropriations

591,644 (47,021) 15,548 (31,473) 560,171

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 48,656 N/A (17,480) (17,480) 31,176
Capital Receipts 200 N/A - - 200

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

48,856 N/A (17,480) (17,480) 31,376

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses

Administration of Legal Services (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the administration of community, legal and related services; and the management and collection of related debt.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation 28,188 13 28,201
Revenue from the Crown 28,051 3 28,054
Revenue from Others 137 10 147

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $13,000 to $28.201 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • an increase of $64,000 for additional capital charge on the revaluation of land and buildings as at 30 June 2015, and
  • an increase of $10,000 funded from revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies.

Offset by:

  • a decrease of $61,000 for funds returned to the Crown as a contribution to the share of costs for Budget 2015 whole-of-government initiatives.

Public Defence Service (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the provision of legal services by the Public Defence Service.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation 26,593 477 27,070
Revenue from the Crown 26,490 467 26,957
Revenue from Others 103 10 113

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

No Public Defence Service lawyer received a 'poor' or 'very poor' rating in Provider Services Quality and Value Audits of PDS lawyers (see Note 1)

New measure Achieved Achieved

Judicial satisfaction with the services of the Public Defence Service (see Note 2)

80% or higher Expired measure Expired measure

Note 1 - this measure replaces the measure of judicial satisfaction with the services of the Public Defence Service for 2015/16.

Note 2 - the District Court judiciary will not be surveyed about their satisfaction with the Public Defence Service in 2015/16.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $477,000 to $27.070 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • an increase of $500,000 owing to a transfer from other appropriations administered by the Ministry to fund priorities, address cost pressures, and to adjust the allocation of overheads in the 2015/16 financial year
  • an increase of $23,000 for additional capital charge on the revaluation of land and buildings as at 30 June 2015, and
  • an increase of $10,000 funded from revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies.

Offset by:

  • a decrease of $56,000 for funds returned to the Crown as a contribution to the share of costs for Budget 2015 whole-of-government initiatives.

Sector Leadership and Support (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to advice and services focused on the Ministry's leadership role in the justice sector. This covers enhancing the Ministry's coordination with other sector and Government agencies, advice and information about judicial and statutory appointments and monitoring specific crown entities.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation 7,906 163 8,069
Revenue from the Crown 7,838 47 7,885
Revenue from Others 68 116 184

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

The satisfaction of the Minister of Justice with the quality of support and advice provided by the Ministry in relation to its management of Crown entities and agencies (see Note 1)

At least 80% At least 8/10 At least 8/10

Note 1 - Target adjusted as the information for this measure comes from a single respondent and a rating out of 10 is more appropriate.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $163,000 to $8.069 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • a net increase of $700,000 owing to a transfer from the Justice Sector Fund for the development of the initial model on the Integrated Data Infrastructure for the implementation of the Investment Approach programme
  • an increase of $116,000 funded from revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies, and
  • an increase of $11,000 for additional capital charge on the revaluation of land and buildings as at 30 June 2015.

Offset by:

  • a decrease of $646,000 owing to a transfer to 2016/17 to fund the future New Zealand Crime and Safety Survey, and
  • a decrease of $18,000 for funds returned to the Crown as a contribution to the share of costs for Budget 2015 whole-of-government initiatives.

2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections

Ministry of Justice - Capital Expenditure PLA (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Justice, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Capital Expenditure

Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment 242,391 (39,436) 202,955
Intangibles 32,079 (9,006) 23,073
Other - - -

Total Appropriation

274,470 (48,442) 226,028

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Dunedin Courthouse structural upgrade (see Note 1)

Operational in 2016/17 Expired measure Expired measure

Note 1 - This measure has been withdrawn because, while the Dunedin Courthouse structural upgrade was approved in December 2015, the project will not commence until 2016/17.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has decreased by $48.442 million to $226.028 million, due to changes in the timing of the Ministry's capital work programme.

Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets

Ministry of Justice

Details of Net Asset Schedule 2015/16
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2015/16
Opening Balance 911,438 939,112 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2015.
Capital Injections 202,925 165,925 Funding received for the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct build.
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) (52) (52)  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

1,114,311 1,104,985  

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Crime Prevention and Community Safety Programmes (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the funding of programmes delivered by non government organisations and local government agencies to prevent and reduce crime.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Number of strategic partnerships between the Ministry, territorial authorities and other organisations for which the Ministry provides contract management services or grant funding (see Note 1)

12 Expired measure Expired measure

Number of operational partnerships between the Ministry, territorial authorities and other organisations for which the Ministry provides contract management services or grant funding (see Note 1)

14 Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of victims satisfied with restorative justice conferences, as measured through the victim satisfaction survey (see Note 2)

75% Expired measure Expired measure

Note 1 - Measure withdrawn because the initiative was discontinued in July 2015.

Note 2 - Measure withdrawn because the victim satisfaction survey has been delayed until 2016/17.

Electoral Services (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to funding services relating to the administration of parliamentary elections and referenda; services relating to the maintenance of electoral rolls, including all activities required to register electors and produce electoral rolls as required by law; servicing the work of the Representation Commission; and the provision of advice, reports and public education on electoral matters.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Facilitate participation in Parliamentary Elections


Percentage of eligible New Zealanders enrolled

New measure 92.6%-93.5% 92.6%-93.5%

Percentage of eligible New Zealanders enrolled on Election Day

90.5%-92.5% Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of eligible New Zealanders voting in the General Election

69.6%-75.0% Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of 18 to 24 year olds enrolled

75.0%-80.0% Expired measure Expired measure

Making available information to assist political parties, candidates, and third parties to meet their statutory obligations in respect of electoral matters administered by the Electoral Commission


Maximum response time to requests for advisory opinions

New measure Five working days Five working days

All returns are by due dates

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Request and complaints received are processed

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Feedback received on advisory opinions indicates satisfaction with the standard of the response

Satisfactory or better Expired measure Expired measure

Response time for follow-up action on statutory returns where non-compliance is established

Five working days Expired measure Expired measure

Response time to requests for advisory opinions

Five working days Expired measure Expired measure

Promoting public awareness of electoral matters through education and information programmes


Percentage of New Zealanders who express confidence in the administration of the electoral system

New measure 90%-95% 90%-95%

Percentage of voters who consider the voting system is easy to understand

60% Expired measure Expired measure

Rate of informal voting as a result of error in marking the voting paper

0.25% Expired measure Expired measure

Providing advice to the Minister and the House on electoral matters, including those referred to the Electoral Commission


Advice is provided within the timeframe requested

New measure 100% 100%

All requests for policy advice are acknowledged and scheduled into the work programme

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Advice does not require further classification

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Advice provided in the timeframe requested

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Compiling and maintaining electoral rolls


Number of applications for enrolment processed

400,000 Expired measure Expired measure

Number of updates to elector information processed

900,000 Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage accuracy of processing

At least 99% Expired measure Expired measure

Applications and changes are processed on receipt with confirmations (except changes to honorifics and occupation) prepared and mailed by the following Tuesday

At least 99% Expired measure Expired measure

Conduct of the 2014 General Election


Percentage of New Zealanders who express confidence in the administration of the electoral system

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of New Zealanders who express satisfaction with the administration of the General Election

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Act 1993

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Release of results on Election Day: 100% of advance voting results by 8:30pm

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Release of results on Election Day: 50% of voting place results by 10:00pm

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Release of results on Election Day: 100% of voting place results by 11:30pm

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Availability of official results within 14 days

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Conduct of By-elections and Referendums


Release of By-election results: Full preliminary count results published by 10:00pm

New measure Achieved Achieved

Release of the Flag referendum results: Preliminary results published by 8:30pm on the last day of each Referendum

New measure Achieved Achieved

Note - Performance information has been revised to align with the Electoral Commission's 2015/16 Statement of Performance Expectations (SPE). Not all measures from the 2015/16 SPE have been included.

Equity Promotion and Protection Services - Inspector General PLA (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to funding the Inspector-General as per the provisions of the Permanent Legislative Authority contained in section 8 of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Act 1996.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $40,000 to $590,000 for 2015/16, reflecting increased fees payable.

Family Dispute Resolution Services (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to approved family dispute resolution services.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation has decreased by $1.500 million to $5.860 million due to a fiscally neutral adjustment from this appropriation to the Impairment of Legal Aid Debt appropriation.

Justice Advocacy, Advice and Promotion Services (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to funding work performed by the Law Commission, the Human Rights Commission, the Independent Police Conduct Authority, the Privacy Commissioner and the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Law Commission


Law reform


Number of open references as at 30 June

7 6 6

Number of completed references

7 6 6

Quality of legislation


Referred Government Bills reviewed against the LAC Guidelines

100% Expired measure Expired measure

All advice to LAC approved by the lead Commissioner prior to submission

100% Expired measure Expired measure

All advice to LAC is provided within the agreed time

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Provision consistent with budgeted total output cost

Within +/-10% Expired measure Expired measure

Human Rights Commission


Education promotion and advocacy


Increased reach and relevance, as measured by stakeholder survey

3% increase Meet or exceed previous results Meet or exceed previous results

Increased reach and relevance, as measured by the number of downloads of Commission reports from HRC website

New measure Number of downloads Number of downloads

Increased reach and relevance, as measured by the number of mainstream media (television and radio) references where Commissioners are able to state human rights positions and viewpoints

New measure Number of references Number of references

Increased reach and relevance, as measured by social media reach and engagement statistics

New measure Social media statistics Social media statistics

Effectiveness of working arrangements with government partners to realise human rights, as measured by feedback from social policy and justice sector Chief Executives

Positive feedback Expired measure Expired measure

Effectiveness of working arrangements with government partners to realise human rights, as measured by key HRC recommendations implemented by central and local government agencies

Recommendations implemented Expired measure Expired measure

Effectiveness of engagement with civil society, including tangata whenua, business and affected sector groups, as measured by the number of monitoring mechanisms established through the National Plan of Action

3 Expired measure Expired measure

Monitoring and reporting


Timely recording of changes to NPA actions as measured by NPA tool being updated to reflect changes to actions

New measure Achieved Achieved

Quality of annual review and report in to the good employer obligations implemented by Crown Entities as measured by the number of Crown entities reaching 100% compliance rating

New measure Increase from previous year Increase from previous year

Effectiveness of the advice and guidance provided to Crown entities to improve their performance as measured by the number of Crown Entities who have received advice that improve their 'good employer' practices

New measure At least 3 At least 3

Effectiveness of servicing and reporting on the independent monitoring mechanisms for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities and the Optional Protocol for the Convention against Torture, as measured by satisfaction with the coordinating role played by the Commission

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Effectiveness of servicing and reporting on the independent monitoring mechanisms for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities and the Optional Protocol for the Convention against Torture, as measured by reports being tabled in the House within agreed timeframes

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Quality of annual review and report into the good employer obligations implemented by Crown entities, as measured by relevant and accurate report

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Effectiveness of the advice and guidance provided to Crown entities to improve their performance, as measured by the number of Crown entities receiving advice

At least three Expired measure Expired measure

Effectiveness of the process to establish performance indicators for the National Plan of Action, as measured by indicators being established

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Responding to and resolving anti-discrimination complaints


Responsive and timely resolution of enquiries and complaints as measured by the percentage of unlawful discrimination complaints that are provided a disputes resolution service

New measure 100% 100%

Responsive and timely resolution of enquiries and complaints as measured by the percentage of complaints of unlawful discrimination closed within one year

New measure 80% 80%

New enquiries and complaints

5,800 Expired measure Expired measure

Number of human rights complaints (including unlawful discrimination) provided a disputes resolution service

1,400 Expired measure Expired measure

Complaints of unlawful discrimination closed within one year

80% Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of cases resolved through dispute resolution services

80% Expired measure Expired measure

Number of positive systemic changes led to by resolution, which increase the realisation of human rights

85 Expired measure Expired measure

Providing legal representation and bringing proceedings (Office of Human Rights Proceedings)


Responsive and timely decision making as measured by the number of human rights and privacy matters received and undertaken

New measure 60-80 60-80

Responsive and timely decision making as measured by the number of human rights matters received and undertaken

60-80 Expired measure Expired measure

Responsive and timely decision making, as measured by the percentage of applications assessed and allocated to a solicitor within 10 working days

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Responsive and timely decision making, as measured by applications for representation substantially progressed within four months

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA)


Receive and manage complaints and incidents


All notifications of new complaints and incidents are acknowledged within seven days

95% Expired measure Expired measure

All new complaints and incidents are categorised and decisions made about the appropriate actions are taken within 42 days

95% Expired measure Expired measure

Independent, high quality and timely investigations and reviews


For each Category 1 (IPCA investigation) an investigation plan, milestones and a completion date will be set and monitored, as measured by the percentage of investigations with these attributes

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Reports as a result of Category 1 investigations are clear, consistent and well-structured, and have well-argued conclusions, as measured by the percentage of reports meeting required standards

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Make recommendations for improved Police conduct, policies, practices and procedures, and monitoring implementation of those recommendations


All systemic issues identified by the IPCA relating to Police practices, policies and procedures are raised and discussed with Police prior to the completion of the relevant review or independent investigation

New measure 100% 100%

All issues identified by the IPCA relating to Police practices, policies and procedures are raised and discussed with Police prior to the completion of the relevant review or independent investigation

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Monitor places of Police detention


All complaints and referrals indicating systemic custodial management issues are investigated and required improvements recommended

New measure 100% 100%

All routine audits of compliance with the National Standards are undertaken as agreed

New measure 100% 100%

New National Standards for Police custodial facilities agreed with Police and operational by 31 December 2014

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Ongoing performance audits of compliance with the National Standards are agreed with Police by 30 June 2015

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Privacy Commissioner


Guidance, education and awareness


Respond to all enquiries within one working day

New measure 100% 100%

Education workshops delivered

35 Expired measure Expired measure

Presentations at conferences / seminars

35 Expired measure Expired measure

Media enquiries received and answered

250 Expired measure Expired measure

Evaluations show that at least 90% of respondents are satisfied with the overall effectiveness of the workshops they attended

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Website contains up-to-date copies of all privacy codes and commentary, all formal statutory reports of the Privacy Commissioner, all current published guidance from the Privacy Commissioner, and additional resources to support compliance with the Act

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Guidance materials produced by the Privacy Commissioner meet the 'Plain English Writing Standard'

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Respond to 90% of 0800 line enquiries within one working day

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Guidance materials are produced within agreed timelines

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Policy and research


Survey of recipients of policy advice indicate that at least 80% are satisfied with the service they received from the Privacy Commissioner

New measure 80% 80%

An external review of a sample of advice provided on policy files rates 85% as 3.5 out of 5 or better on the quality of analysis, focus on important issues, clear communications and good working relationships

New measure 85% 85%

Identifiable progress in international efforts in which we are engaged to enhance cooperation and interoperability between privacy laws across trading partners

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Cross-border enforcement laws and practices in place

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Maintain close working relationship with Ministry of Justice officials on the content and progress of the Law reform

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Survey of recipients of policy advice indicate that at least 70% are satisfied with the service they received from the Privacy Commissioner

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Our participation in the law reform process is valued by stakeholders

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Advice on proposals provided within agreed timeframes

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Requests for input into law reform is made available within agreed timelines

90% Expired measure Expired measure

Information sharing / matching (Better Public Services)


Information matching programmes monitored

52 3 55

New information sharing or matching programmes assessed

10 (5) 5

Provide advice and training to key stakeholders regarding information sharing to provide an understanding across the public sector of how information can be shared to achieve results and minimise risks, including the use of technology

New measure Achieved Achieved

Toolkit produced for government agencies preparing to implement new information sharing programmes

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Complaints able to be made online through the Privacy Commissioner website

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

An active programme of engagement with the Government Chief Privacy Officer (GCPO) to improve the handling of personal information within the public sector

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

All statutory obligations to report on information matching met

100% Expired measure Expired measure

60% of recommendations from formal review of information sharing or matching programmes have been acted upon within 30 working days of the date of the review report being received

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

A trend of reducing concern about government agencies sharing personal information

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Statutory timelines for reporting on information matching met

100% Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of responses to requests to review information sharing agreements provided within agreed timeframes

90% Expired measure Expired measure



Of the complaints processed, an increasing percentage are closed by settlement between the parties

New measure 35% 35%

An external review of a sample of complaints investigations rates 85% as 3.5 out of 5 or better on the legal analysis, correctness of the legal conclusions, soundness of the investigative procedure and timeliness of response

New measure 85% 85%

Percentage of open files greater than 6 months old at year end

New measure 10% 10%

Number of current complaints processed to completion or settled or discontinued

800 Expired measure Expired measure

Of the complaints processed, 30% are closed by settlement between the parties

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Amendments to Codes of Practice meet all statutory requirements

100% Expired measure Expired measure

An external review of a sample of complaints investigations rates 70% as 3.5 out of 5 or better on the legal analysis, correctness of the legal conclusions, soundness of the investigative procedure and timeliness of response

70% Expired measure Expired measure

Complaints received are acknowledged within five days of receipt

100% Expired measure Expired measure

80% of complaints are completed, settled or discontinued within nine months of receipt

80% Expired measure Expired measure

Review of the operation of Credit Reporting Code commenced

Achieved Expired measure Expired measure

Note - Performance information has been revised to align with the Crown entities' 2015/16 Statements of Performance Expectations (SPE). Not all measures in the respective Crown entities' SPEs have been included.

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported in the annual reports for the Law Commission, Human Rights Commission, Independent Police Conduct Authority and the Privacy Commissioner. The performance information will be consolidated and reported by the Minister of Justice in a separate report, once the information has been reported by each Crown entity.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $510,000 to $23.178 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • an increase of $280,000 owing to a transfer from the Intelligence Community to fund the expansion of the office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
  • an increase of $130,000 owing to a transfer from 2014/15 to fund the expansion of the office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, and
  • an increase of $100,000 to enable the Human Rights Commission to produce a campaign to build understanding of New Zealand's increasing diversity.

Legal Aid (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the payments of legal aid to approved providers.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $29.550 million to $141.850 million for 2015/16, owing to additional funding received to address legal aid cost pressures.

Provision of Protective Fiduciary Services (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of fiduciary services provided by the Public Trust as specified by statute where charges to the recipient, if any, will not meet the costs of the service.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Number of actions undertaken for individuals who have Protection of Personal Property Rights (see Notes 1 and 2)

New measure 5,744 5,744

Hours to manage and advise on small estates and trusts (see Notes 1 and 3)

New measure 3,969 3,969

Number of actions relating to provision of Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988 (PPPR Act) administration, audit and advice services to incapacitated persons, or under Public Trust agencies

6,232 Expired measure Expired measure

Number of enquiries provided on behalf of incapacitated persons on matters relating to the PPPR Act, or under Public Trust agencies

1,442 Expired measure Expired measure

Hours of service delivered relating to the administration of small and/or complex estates and trusts, including providing advice and assistance to deal with assets that do not warrant formal administration, whether or not a Will has been made

5,600 Expired measure Expired measure

Number of tax returns relating to the administration of small and/or complex estates and trusts, including providing advice and assistance to deal with assets that do not warrant formal administration, whether or not a Will has been made

700 Expired measure Expired measure

Hours of service delivered relating to the representation, audit, review or administration of assets and rights of missing, unknown, incapable or insolvent owners and other public functions

40 Expired measure Expired measure

Note 1 - Performance measures and targets revised to align with the 2015/16 Public Trust Statement of Performance Expectations.

Note 2 - Providing Protection of Personal Property Rights Act 1988 administration, audit and advice services to incapacitated persons, or under Public Trust agencies.

Note 3 - Administration of small and/or complex estates and trusts, including providing advice and assistance to deal with assets that do not warrant formal administration, whether or not a Will has been made.

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Impairment of Legal Aid Debt (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of legal aid debt in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has decreased by $10.980 million to $7.886 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • an accounting standard change of $9.480 million to recognise legal aid revenue at fair value. The initial write-down of legal aid revenue was previously recognised as impairment expense. The new standard requires the initial fair value write-down be offset against legal aid revenue received, and
  • an expense transfer of $1.500 million from the Family Dispute Resolution Services appropriation.

Impairment of Offender Levy (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to allowances for the impairment of the Offender Levy in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has decreased by $656,000 to $703,000 for 2015/16, due to an accounting standard change to recognise revenue at fair value. The initial write-down of offender levy revenue was previously recognised as impairment expense. The new standard requires the initial fair value write-down to be offset against offender levy revenue received.

Victims' Services (M42)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the provision of funding for entitlements and services for victims of crime.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Performance Measures Estimates

Percentage of victims who report being subject to no further family violence within the home in the six months following the National Home Safety Service upgrade (see Note 1)

95% Expired measure Expired measure

Percentage of National Home Safety Service clients reporting no further physical family violence at the point of service conclusion (see Note 2)

New measure 95% 95%

Number of victims supported by the National Sexual Violence Survivor Advocate Service (see Note 3)

New measure 40 40

Percentage of victims/survivors reporting improved outcomes as a result of National Sexual Violence Survivor Advocate Service (see Note 3)

New measure 90% 90%

Number of victims supported by Sexual Violence Court Victim Advisors (see Notes 3 and 4)

New measure 1,300-1,500 1,300-1,500

Note 1 - Measure replaced because provider can only report at point of service conclusion.

Note 2 - Replacement measure.

Note 3 - Measure moved from Vote: Courts because it is funded under this appropriation.

Note 4 - Replacement for incorrectly worded measure, which was previously included under Vote: Courts but is funded under this appropriation.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has decreased by $1.416 million to $4.548 million for 2015/16, due to a transfer to 2016/17 to ensure the existing level of grants and services can be maintained.

Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

Justice Policy Advice and Related Services (M42)

Overarching Purpose Statement

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities.

Scope of Appropriation

Departmental Output Expenses
Justice Policy Advice
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to civil, criminal and constitutional law and the justice sector.
Legal and Ministerial Services
This category is limited to the provision of legal and ministerial services to support decision-making by Ministers on government matters (other than policy decision-making).

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

21,974 768 22,742

Departmental Output Expenses

Justice Policy Advice 17,668 150 17,818
Legal and Ministerial Services 4,306 618 4,924

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

21,740 573 22,313
Justice Policy Advice 17,479 (16) 17,463
Legal and Ministerial Services 4,261 589 4,850

Revenue from Others

234 195 429
Justice Policy Advice 189 166 355
Legal and Ministerial Services 45 29 74

What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed

Assessment of Performance Estimates
Supplementary Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Justice Policy Advice


The satisfaction of the Minister of Justice with the policy advice service, as per the common satisfaction survey (see Note 1)

At least 70% At least 7/10 At least 7/10

Note 1 - Target adjusted as the information for this measure comes from a single respondent and a rating out of 10 is more appropriate.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

Justice Policy Advice

The category has increased by $150,000 to $17.818 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • an increase of $166,000 funded from revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies, and
  • an increase of $17,000 for additional capital charge on the revaluation of land and buildings as at 30 June 2015.

Offset by:

  • a decrease of $33,000 for funds returned to the Crown as a contribution to the share of costs for Budget 2015 whole-of-government initiatives.
Legal and Ministerial Services

The category has increased by $618,000 to $4.924 million for 2015/16, due to:

  • an increase of $595,000 to fund an inquiry into the management of a prisoner by the Department of Corrections and other State Sector agencies before and after his release from prison
  • an increase of $29,000 funded from revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies, and
  • an increase of $4,000 for additional capital charge on the revaluation of land and buildings as at 30 June 2015.

Offset by:

  • a decrease of $10,000 for funds returned to the Crown as a contribution to the share of costs for Budget 2015 whole-of-government initiatives.