Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Internal Affairs - Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations 2007/08

Formats and related files

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister for Ethnic Affairs (M30), Minister of Internal Affairs (M41)

ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Department of Internal Affairs


Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Internal Affairs
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses

Contestable Services RDA (M41)

Providing translation and other foreign language services to Government and the public.
899 169 1,068

Gaming and Censorship Regulatory Services (M41)

Operational advice and services to regulate and monitor gaming activity; the control of objectionable material and enforcement services to address the problem of spam.
23,908 2,781 26,689

Identity Services (M41)

Providing effective management of New Zealand's records of identity including: issuing New Zealand passports; processing citizenship applications; and registering births, deaths, marriages and civil unions; developing authorised information-matching programmes with specified government agencies; providing data or data verification to international government agencies, to enhance border and facilitate travel; working across government to develop authentication of identity and to facilitate good practice based on Evidence of Identity Standard.
85,479 3,056 88,535

Policy and Advisory Services MCOA (M41)

6,450 4,969 11,419
Information and Advisory Services
Publishing the New Zealand Gazette; authenticating official documents; supporting commissions of inquiry and coordinating the congratulatory message service.
1,470 5,291 6,761
Policy Advice - Internal Affairs
Policy advice on matters relating to: gaming, censorship, fire, identity, public inquiries, daylight saving and the Significant Community Based Projects Fund; the performance of and appointments to Crown entities; appointments to statutory bodies; and drafting ministerial correspondence and questions.
4,980 (322) 4,658

Services for Ethnic Affairs (M30)

Policy advice on ethnic affairs and provision of advisory and information services to ethnic communities; drafting ministerial correspondence and questions; management of the contract for the telephone interpreting service (Language Line); and provision of information and training to ethnic communities and government agencies using Language Line.
4,003 314 4,317

Total Departmental Output Expenses

120,739 11,289 132,028

Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Classification of Films, Videos and Publications (M41)

The examination and classification of films, videos and publications by the Office of Film and Literature Classification under the Films, Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993. Provision of information and research on classification procedures and systems.
1,960 - 1,960

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

1,960 - 1,960

Other Expenses to be incurred by the Crown

Miscellaneous Grants - Internal Affairs (M41)

Miscellaneous Grant payments to individuals or organisations to assist in building a strong and safe nation through serving and connecting citizens, communities and Government.
49 - 49

Public Inquiries (M41)

Fees for inquiries and investigations.
- 465 465

Total Other Expenses to be incurred by the Crown

49 465 514

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

122,748 11,754 134,502

Multi-Year Appropriations#

Multi-Year Appropriations - Internal Affairs
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriation $000

Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Significant Community Based Projects Fund (M41)

This appropriation is to support major community-based projects, with significant participation of the community, that have a range of benefits contributing to regional and/or national outcomes with particular reference to arts, culture and heritage; sport and recreation; tourism; conservation and the environment; and economic development.

Commences: 1 July 2005

Expires: 30 June 2009

Original Appropriation 32,000
Adjustments for 2006/07 -
Adjustments to 2007/08 846
Adjusted Appropriation 32,846
Actual to 2006/07 Year End 32,000
Estimated Actual for 2007/08 846
Estimated Actual for 2008/09 -
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Department of Internal Affairs

Department of Internal Affairs - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Internal Affairs
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2007/08 Main Estimates Projections
2007/08 Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2007/08
Opening Balance 44,738 44,172 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2007.
Capital Injections 9,472 520 The reduction reflects capital transfers from 2007/08 to 2008/09.
Capital Withdrawals - -
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) (289) (2,425)
Other Movements - -
Closing Balance 53,921 42,267

Information Supporting the Supplementary Estimates Vote Internal Affairs #

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister for Ethnic Affairs (M30), Minister of Internal Affairs (M41)

ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Department of Internal Affairs


Part 1 - Summary of the Vote#

Part 1.3 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

Summary of Financial Activity - Internal Affairs
Supplementary Estimates Total


Output Expenses 122,699 11,289 846 12,135 134,834
Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 49 - 465 465 514
Capital Expenditure - - - - -
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -

Total Appropriations

122,748 11,289 1,311 12,600 135,348

Crown Revenue and Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A N/A - -
Non-Tax Revenue - N/A N/A - -
Capital Receipts - N/A N/A - -

Total Crown Revenue and Receipts

- N/A N/A - -

Part 2 - Details and Expected Performance for Output Expenses#

Part 2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses#

Contestable Services RDA (M41)

Scope of Appropriation

Providing translation and other foreign language services to Government and the public.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation will increase by $169,000 to $1.068 million for 2007/08. The increase relates to an increase in rental offset by additional revenue from a sub tenant.

Gaming and Censorship Regulatory Services (M41)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Operational advice and services to regulate and monitor gaming activity; the control of objectionable material and enforcement services to address the problem of spam.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation will increase by $2.781 million to $26.689 million for 2007/08. The change relates to:

  • an increase for gambling licensing and compliance activities ($2.145 million)
  • expense transfers from 2006/07 for Unsolicited Electronic Messages ($350,000) and the Upgrade of Information and Technology Infrastructure ($286,000).

Identity Services (M41)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Providing effective management of New Zealand's records of identity including: issuing New Zealand passports; processing citizenship applications; and registering births, deaths, marriages and civil unions; developing authorised information-matching programmes with specified government agencies; providing data or data verification to international government agencies, to enhance border and facilitate travel; working across government to develop authentication of identity and to facilitate good practice based on Evidence of Identity Standard.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation will increase by $3.056 million to $88.535 million for 2007/08. The increase relates to:

  • an increase in demand for identity products ($1.977 million)
  • expense transfers from 2006/07 for the Upgrade of Information and Technology Infrastructure ($620,000) and Identity Verification Service ($400,000)
  • additional funding for the Identity Verification Service ($212,000)
  • decrease in the State Sector Retirement Savings Scheme costs (-$70,000) and rental (-$83,000).

Policy and Advisory Services MCOA (M41)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Information and Advisory Services Publishing the New Zealand Gazette; authenticating official documents; supporting commissions of inquiry and coordinating the congratulatory message service. Policy Advice - Internal Affairs Policy advice on matters relating to: gaming, censorship, fire, identity, public inquiries, daylight saving and the Significant Community Based Projects Fund; the performance of and appointments to Crown entities; appointments to statutory bodies; and drafting ministerial correspondence and questions.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation#

Both output expenses contribute to the strengthening of national identity and maintaining trust in government.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation will increase by $4.969 million to $11.419 million for 2007/08.

The increase in the Information and Advisory Services output expense relates to:

  • funding to establish the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance ($2.969 million)
  • funding to establish an expert panel and citizens' forum to review and report on the electoral system and state funding of political parties and other issues of electoral finance ($1.211 million)
  • funding for the Historical Abuse Claims ($597,000)
  • expense transfers from 2006/07 for the Expert Panel on War Disablement Pensions ($500,000) and the Upgrade of Information and Technology Infrastructure ($14,000).

The increase in the Policy Advice ? Internal Affairs output expense relates to:

  • expense transfers from 2006/07 for Gambling Research reports ($100,000) the Upgrade of Information and Technology Infrastructure ($88,000)
  • a transfer of funding to Vote Emergency Management due to a reprioritisation of the work programme (-$210,000)
  • a transfer of unutilised funding to the Significant Community based projects Fund (-$307,000)
  • a realignment of revenue and expenditure for State Sector Retirement Savings Scheme costs ($7,000).

Services for Ethnic Affairs (M30)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Policy advice on ethnic affairs and provision of advisory and information services to ethnic communities; drafting ministerial correspondence and questions; management of the contract for the telephone interpreting service (Language Line); and provision of information and training to ethnic communities and government agencies using Language Line.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation will increase by $314,000 to $4.317 million for 2007/08. The increase relates to:

  • an increase in migrant levy funding ($256,000)
  • an expense transfer from 2006/07 for the Upgrade of Information and Technology Infrastructure ($35,000)
  • a reallocation of corporate overhead ($23,000).

Part 2.2 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses#

Significant Community Based Projects Fund (M41)#

Scope of Appropriation and Expenses

Multi-Year Appropriations - Internal Affairs
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriation $000

Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Significant Community Based Projects Fund (M41) (M41)

This appropriation is to support major community-based projects, with significant participation of the community, that have a range of benefits contributing to regional and/or national outcomes with particular reference to arts, culture and heritage; sport and recreation; tourism; conservation and the environment; and economic development.

Commences: 1 July 2005

Expires: 30 June 2009

Original Appropriation 32,000
Adjustments for 2006/07 -
Adjustments to 2007/08 846
Adjusted Appropriation 32,846
Actual to 2006/07 Year End 32,000
Estimated Actual for 2007/08 846
Estimated Actual for 2008/09 -
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation will increase by $846,000 in 2007/08 to $32.846 million over the four year life of this multi-year appropriation. The increase relates to a transfer of unutilised departmental funding to this appropriation.

Part 5 - Details and Expected Results for Other Expenses#

Part 5.2 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives - Part 5.2 NonDepartmental Other Expenses - Internal Affairs
Intended Impacts, Outcomes or Objectives of Appropriations Appropriations
Objective: Fees for Inquiries and Investigations Public Inquiries

Public Inquiries (M41)

Scope of Appropriation

Fees for inquiries and investigations.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation will increase by $465,000 to $465,000 for 2007/08. The increase relates to funding for the establishment of the Royal Commission on Auckland Governance.

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Public Inquiries (M41) - Internal Affairs
Reference Conditions
The Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908 makes no specific provision for payment to Commissioners. Cabinet Office Circular CO (06) 08 "covers all statutory bodies and non-statutory bodies and committees in which the Crown has an interest that are outside the Remuneration Authority's or other fee setting bodies' jurisdiction" The fees are paid within the range specified for Group 1 bodies in Annex 3 of the circular.The process contained in the circular (paragraphs 47 - 53) for exceptions is followed where appropriate.
Appointments to specific Inquiries are made by Cabinet Appropriate Cabinet Minute received.