Formats and related files
APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector (M15), Minister for Ethnic Communities (M30), Minister of Internal Affairs (M41), Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services (M47), Minister of Local Government (M49), Minister for Racing (M55)
APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATOR: Department of Internal Affairs
Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#
Annual and Permanent Appropriations#
2016/17 | |||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Estimates Budget $000 |
Supplementary Estimates Budget $000 |
Total Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Administration of Grants (M15)This appropriation is limited to administration of the processes supporting government grant funding schemes, from receiving applications to monitoring grant recipients. |
3,642 | (53) | 3,589 |
Contestable Services RDA (M41)Providing translation and other language services to government agencies and the public, and support services to government agencies. |
1,000 | - | 1,000 |
Local Government Services (M49)This appropriation is limited to providing information to and about local government, administering the Local Government Act 2002 and other statutes, administering the Local Electoral Act 2001, administering the Rates Rebate Scheme, providing regulatory and boating services for Lake Taupo (including providing the Harbourmaster and managing the Lake Taupo Landing Reserve) and governance and management of the National Dog Control Information Database. |
2,696 | (112) | 2,584 |
Total Departmental Output Expenses |
7,338 | (165) | 7,173 |
Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Department of Internal Affairs - Capital Expenditure PLA (M41)This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of Internal Affairs, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. |
56,675 | (6,000) | 50,675 |
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure |
56,675 | (6,000) | 50,675 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Classification of Films, Videos and Publications (M41)This appropriation is limited to the examination and classification of films, videos and publications by the Office of Film and Literature Classification under the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993. |
1,960 | - | 1,960 |
Development of On-line Authentication Services (M41)This appropriation is limited to services provided by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in the development of on-line authentication services. |
116 | - | 116 |
Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors (M41)This appropriation is limited to payment to New Zealand authors in recognition that their books are available for use in New Zealand libraries. |
2,000 | - | 2,000 |
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
4,076 | - | 4,076 |
Benefits or Related Expenses |
Rates Rebate Scheme (M49)This appropriation is limited to assistance with rates for low-income residential ratepayers, as authorised by the Rates Rebate Act 1973. |
56,500 | (4,500) | 52,000 |
Total Benefits or Related Expenses |
56,500 | (4,500) | 52,000 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Chatham Islands Council (M49)This appropriation is limited to contribution to the cost of the Chatham Islands Council meeting its statutory responsibilities. |
3,170 | - | 3,170 |
Crown-owned Assets at Lake Taupo - Maintenance Costs (M49)This appropriation is limited to costs for maintaining Crown-owned assets, primarily navigational equipment, ramps, marinas and jetties, at Lake Taupo. |
1,037 | 1,184 | 2,221 |
Depreciation on Official Residences (M47)This appropriation is limited to depreciation on official residences owned by the Crown. |
193 | 60 | 253 |
Executive Council and Members of the Executive - Salaries and Allowances PLA (M47)This appropriation is limited to the cost of salaries and allowances for the Executive Council and Members of the Executive, as authorised by section 8(4) of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013. |
10,140 | - | 10,140 |
Former Governors-General - Annuities and Other Payments PLA (M47)This appropriation is limited to annuities and payments in respect of other benefits and privileges to former Governors-General and their surviving spouses or partners, as authorised by section 12 of the Governor-General Act 2010. |
466 | 50 | 516 |
Former Prime Ministers - Annuities PLA (M47)This appropriation is limited to annuities for former Prime Ministers and their surviving spouses or partners, as authorised by section 43(6) of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013. |
174 | 20 | 194 |
Former Prime Ministers - Domestic Travel PLA (M47)This appropriation is limited to costs of domestic travel by former Prime Ministers and their spouses or partners, as authorised by Section 44(4) of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013. |
270 | - | 270 |
Members of the Executive - Travel (M47)This appropriation is limited to domestic and international travel by Members of the Executive and approved accompanying parties in accordance with the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013. |
12,054 | 514 | 12,568 |
Miscellaneous Grants - Internal Affairs (M41)This appropriation is limited to payments to individuals or organisations to assist in building a strong and safe nation through serving and connecting citizens, communities and Government. |
49 | 700 | 749 |
Neutering of High-Risk Menacing Dogs (M49)This appropriation is limited to assistance towards the cost of neutering High-Risk Menacing Dogs and associated promulgation. |
- | 850 | 850 |
Official Residences - Maintenance Costs (M47)This appropriation is limited to costs for maintaining official residences owned by the Crown. |
376 | 200 | 576 |
Pitt Island Wharf (M41)This appropriation is limited to the redevelopment of Pitt Island Wharf in the Chatham Islands. |
- | 1,785 | 1,785 |
Public Inquiries (M41)This appropriation is limited to the payment of fees for inquiries and investigations. |
- | 520 | 520 |
Racing Safety Development Fund (M55)This appropriation is limited to matching racing industry contributions towards enhancing racecourse safety and raising the quality of facilities at racecourses. |
1,000 | - | 1,000 |
Settling-In Grants (M30)This appropriation is limited to providing grants to refugee and migrant community organisations to assist in reducing barriers to settlement. |
520 | - | 520 |
Supporting Local Authorities' Post-Earthquake Statutory Activities (M49)This appropriation is limited to assistance to local authorities to support their increased activities resulting from the November 2016 Hurunui/Kaikoura earthquake. |
- | 500 | 500 |
Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board PLA (M49)This appropriation is limited to payment to Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board to provide for continued public access to Lake Taupo, based upon a 2007 agreement between the Crown and the Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board and in accordance with section 10(2) of the Maori Trust Boards Act 1955. |
1,500 | - | 1,500 |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
30,949 | 6,383 | 37,332 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Capital Investments - Lake Taupo (M49)This appropriation is limited to upgrading of boating facilities at Lake Taupo. |
3,334 | 2,752 | 6,086 |
Heritage Collections - Annual (M41)This appropriation is limited to the purchase of material for the Alexander Turnbull Library collections held and managed by the National Library. |
2,356 | - | 2,356 |
Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
5,690 | 2,752 | 8,442 |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure |
Civic Information Services MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to contribute to the collection, management and provision of access to New Zealand's civic, government, identity and heritage information. |
234,070 | 1,520 | 235,590 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Managing and Accessing Identity InformationThis category is limited to providing effective management of New Zealand's records of identity, authenticating official documents and coordinating the congratulatory message service. |
142,206 | 4,519 | 146,725 |
Managing and Accessing Knowledge InformationThis category is limited to management of public archives in both physical and digital formats on behalf of the Crown, the provision of public access to archives held by Archives New Zealand, provision of services which assist access to library collections and other information, the collection and preservation of published and unpublished items for the National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library collections, provision of library and information services and products to schools in support of the National Curriculum, and administration of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Scheme. |
90,583 | (2,734) | 87,849 |
Publishing Civic InformationThis category is limited to publishing information through the New Zealand Gazette. |
1,281 | (265) | 1,016 |
Community Funding Schemes MCA (M15)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support communities and voluntary sector organisations so they become stronger, more cohesive and resilient. |
17,643 | 149 | 17,792 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Community Development SchemeThis category is limited to providing grants to community organisations for projects to achieve improved economic, social and cultural wellbeing. |
3,560 | 649 | 4,209 |
Community Internship ProgrammeThis category is limited to providing grants for community groups with identified needs to employ experienced people from the public, private and community sectors in short-term internships. |
231 | - | 231 |
Community Organisation Grants SchemeThis category is limited to providing locally distributed grants to community organisations for programmes that provide social services. |
13,000 | (500) | 12,500 |
Disarmament Education GrantsThis category is limited to providing grants to fund activities to support New Zealand non-government organisations in the disarmament education field. |
150 | - | 150 |
Support for VolunteeringThis category is limited to providing funding to Volunteering New Zealand, regional volunteer centres and various targeted projects within the community. |
502 | - | 502 |
Youth Workers Training SchemeThis category is limited to providing grants for information training for both paid and voluntary youth workers. |
200 | - | 200 |
Community Information and Advisory Services MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support communities, hapu and iwi to be empowered and resilient by providing information, training and advisory services. |
10,617 | 653 | 11,270 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Advisory and Information Services to Ethnic CommunitiesThis category is limited to the provision of advisory and information services to ethnic communities; management of the contract for the telephone interpreting service (Language Line); and provision of information and training to ethnic communities and agencies using Language Line. |
5,914 | 629 | 6,543 |
Community Archives SupportThis category is limited to support for community, iwi and hapu organisations and other jurisdictions in preserving and managing their own records and archives and making them available. |
111 | 25 | 136 |
Community Development and Engagement AdviceThis category is limited to the provision of advisory support and information to support community groups with community development, including information related to accessing grants. |
4,592 | (1) | 4,591 |
Information and Technology Services MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide advice to government and the state sector regarding ICT investment, and assurance in respect of data and information management. |
31,029 | 3,134 | 34,163 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Cross-Government ICT Strategy and Planning, Service Delivery and Investment ProposalsThis category is limited to supporting the functional leadership role of the Government Chief Information Officer by implementing an all-of-government ICT strategy, architecture, operating model, assurance framework, and the Result 10 service transformation programme; overseeing the government's ICT investment portfolio; and providing leadership across the State sector for the government's ICT supply chain. |
18,073 | 456 | 18,529 |
Government Chief Privacy OfficerThis Category is limited to developing and implementing an all of government approach to privacy including liaising with the regulator, developing and promulgating privacy standards for the public sector, supporting and working with agencies to build capability, and providing assurance on public sector performance in relation to privacy. |
1,200 | (121) | 1,079 |
Government Information and Technology ServicesThis category is limited to providing all-of-government online services and Government ICT common capabilities. |
11,756 | 2,799 | 14,555 |
Ministerial Support Services MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide services to Ministers in order to support them to discharge their portfolio responsibilities other than policy decision-making. |
2,493 | 131 | 2,624 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Crown Entity MonitoringThis category is limited to providing support, information and advice to Ministers to enable them to discharge their responsibilities (other than policy decision-making) for the Crown entities for which they are responsible. |
951 | - | 951 |
Ministerial Support Services - Community and Voluntary SectorThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to the community and voluntary sector. |
202 | - | 202 |
Ministerial Support Services - Ethnic CommunitiesThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to ethnic communities. |
108 | - | 108 |
Ministerial Support Services - Internal AffairsThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to internal affairs. |
433 | 131 | 564 |
Ministerial Support Services - Local GovernmentThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to local government. |
547 | - | 547 |
Ministerial Support Services - Ministerial ServicesThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to Ministerial Services. |
192 | - | 192 |
Ministerial Support Services - RacingThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to racing. |
60 | - | 60 |
Policy Advice MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice to support Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making responsibilities. |
11,713 | (270) | 11,443 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Policy Advice - Community and Voluntary SectorThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to the community and voluntary sector. |
610 | - | 610 |
Policy Advice - Ethnic CommunitiesThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to ethnic communities. |
785 | (409) | 376 |
Policy Advice - Internal AffairsThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to internal affairs. |
4,404 | (46) | 4,358 |
Policy Advice - Local GovernmentThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to local government. |
5,720 | 185 | 5,905 |
Policy Advice - RacingThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to racing. |
194 | - | 194 |
Regulatory Services MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to carry out the effective delivery of regulatory functions and services that are assigned to the Department of Internal Affairs. |
40,564 | 2,444 | 43,008 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Charities RegulationThis category is limited to registration and monitoring of charities in order to contribute to promoting public trust and confidence in the charitable sector. |
6,277 | 466 | 6,743 |
Regulatory ServicesThis category is limited to operational policy advice and services to administer all aspects of the regulatory regime under the Public Records Act 2005. |
34,287 | 1,978 | 36,265 |
Services Supporting the Executive MCA (M47)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the Government and the Executive to perform their role. |
39,908 | 3,579 | 43,487 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Coordination of Official Visits and EventsThis category is limited to managing programmes for visiting guests of Government, State and ministerial functions, co-ordinating a range of services in support of ceremonial and commemorative events and facilitating passage of New Zealand and foreign dignitaries and others authorised by the Crown into and out of New Zealand. |
5,557 | 1,983 | 7,540 |
Support Services to Members of the ExecutiveThis category is limited to providing support services for Members of the Executive, including in their capacity as a Member of Parliament, primarily through office personnel and administrative services, information and communication technology, and the provision and management of residential and office accommodation. |
26,437 | 510 | 26,947 |
VIP Transport ServicesThis category is limited to providing chauffeur-driven and self-drive vehicle services for parties specified in legislation, as authorised by Members of the Executive, or who otherwise meet qualifying criteria. |
7,914 | 1,086 | 9,000 |
Support for Statutory and Other Bodies MCA (M41)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support statutory, advisory and other bodies to discharge their responsibilities. |
16,058 | 2,082 | 18,140 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Commissions of Inquiry & Similar BodiesThis category is limited to supporting commissions of inquiry and similar bodies. |
- | 2,107 | 2,107 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National ArchivesThis category is limited to the provision of advisory and support services to statutory and advisory bodies established under the Public Records Act 2005 in respect of their statutory functions. |
117 | - | 117 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National LibraryThis category is limited to the provision of services and advice to statutory and advisory bodies established under the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 and the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Act 2008 in respect of their statutory functions. |
105 | - | 105 |
Statutory Body Support - Gambling CommissionThis category is limited to the provision of services and advice to the Gambling Commission to enable the Commission to discharge its responsibilities. |
1,158 | - | 1,158 |
Statutory Body Support - Local Government CommissionThis category is limited to the provision of advisory and support services to the Local Government Commission in respect of its statutory functions. |
3,805 | - | 3,805 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Community and Voluntary SectorThis category is limited to the provision of operational and secretariat support for grant funding bodies, and includes supporting member appointment processes. The focus of operational support is on processing grant applications and grant decisions on behalf of the grant funding bodies. |
241 | - | 241 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Internal AffairsThis category is limited to the provision of operational and secretariat support for grant funding bodies, including supporting member appointment processes. The focus of operational support is on processing grant applications and grant decisions on behalf of the grant funding bodies. |
10,632 | (25) | 10,607 |
Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure |
404,095 | 13,422 | 417,517 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations |
565,323 | 11,892 | 577,215 |
Multi-Year Appropriations#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Chatham Islands Wharf Redevelopment (M41)This appropriation is limited to the reconstruction of wharves on the Chatham Islands.Commences: 01 October 2015 Expires: 30 June 2019 |
Original Appropriation | 53,257 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 53,257 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 14,000 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 28,000 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 11,257 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Fire Service Reform - Capital Injection (M41)This appropriation is limited to a repayable capital injection to support the transition of the New Zealand Fire Service Commission to Fire and Emergency New Zealand.Commences: 20 September 2016 Expires: 30 June 2021 |
Original Appropriation | 111,940 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 111,940 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 25,961 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 38,000 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 47,979 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates Budget $000 |
Supplementary Estimates Budget $000 |
Total Budget $000 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations | 565,323 | 11,892 | 577,215 |
Total MYA Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure Forecasts | 28,000 | 25,961 | 53,961 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts |
593,323 | 37,853 | 631,176 |
Capital Injection Authorisations#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates Budget $000 |
Supplementary Estimates Budget $000 |
Total Budget $000 |
Department of Internal Affairs - Capital Injection (M41) | 15,715 | (8,000) | 7,715 |
Supporting Information#
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#
1.2 - Trends in the Vote
Summary of Financial Activity
2016/17 | |||||
Supplementary Estimates | |||||
Estimates $000 |
Departmental Transactions $000 |
Non-Departmental Transactions $000 |
Total Transactions $000 |
Total $000 |
Appropriations |
Output Expenses | 11,414 | (165) | - | (165) | 11,249 |
Benefits or Related Expenses | 56,500 | N/A | (4,500) | (4,500) | 52,000 |
Borrowing Expenses | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Expenses | 30,949 | - | 6,383 | 6,383 | 37,332 |
Capital Expenditure | 90,365 | (6,000) | 28,713 | 22,713 | 113,078 |
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | - | N/A | - | - |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA) | |||||
Output Expenses | 386,452 | 13,273 | - | 13,273 | 399,725 |
Other Expenses | 17,643 | - | 149 | 149 | 17,792 |
Capital Expenditure | - | N/A | - | - | - |
Total Appropriations |
593,323 | 7,108 | 30,745 | 37,853 | 631,176 |
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts |
Tax Revenue | - | N/A | - | - | - |
Non-Tax Revenue | - | N/A | - | - | - |
Capital Receipts | - | N/A | - | - | - |
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts |
- | N/A | - | - | - |
Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#
2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses#
Administration of Grants (M15)
Scope of Appropriation
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $53,000 to $3.589 million for 2016/17 due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $52,000), and
- a reduction in the capital rate charge (decrease of $1,000).
Local Government Services (M49)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Expenses and Revenue#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation | 2,696 | (112) | 2,584 |
Revenue from the Crown | 1,991 | - | 1,991 |
Revenue from Others | 1,062 | - | 1,062 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation decreased by $112,000 to $2.584 million for 2016/17 due to a reduction in expenditure as a result of the change in timing from 2016/17 to 2017/18 associated with the tendering process for the National Dog Control Information Database operation and support contract.
Memorandum Account#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Use of Facilities and Access to Lake Taupo by Boat Users |
Opening Balance at 1 July | 277 | 70 | 347 |
Revenue | 512 | - | 512 |
Expenses | 774 | - | 774 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
15 | 70 | 85 |
A review of fees is expected to be completed during 2017 after the completion of the redevelopment of Motuoapa Marina at Lake Taupo.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
National Dog Control Information Database |
Opening Balance at 1 July | 268 | 108 | 376 |
Revenue | 400 | - | 400 |
Expenses | 668 | (464) | 204 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
- | 572 | 572 |
A period of higher expenditure is expected in 2017/18 associated with reviewing and renewing the National Dog Control Information Database operation and support contract. This expenditure is expected to utilise the accumulated surplus.
2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections#
Department of Internal Affairs - Capital Expenditure PLA (M41)#
Scope of Appropriation
Capital Expenditure
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Forests/Agricultural | - | - | - |
Land | - | - | - |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 27,843 | (13,477) | 14,366 |
Intangibles | 27,204 | 7,641 | 34,845 |
Other | 1,628 | (164) | 1,464 |
Total Appropriation |
56,675 | (6,000) | 50,675 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $6 million to $50.675 million for 2016/17 mainly due to delays associated with the construction of the new Archives New Zealand building in Christchurch.
Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets
Department of Internal Affairs
Details of Net Asset Schedule | 2016/17 Main Estimates Projections $000 |
2016/17 Supplementary Estimates Projections $000 |
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2016/17 |
Opening Balance | 290,370 | 300,953 | Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2016. |
Capital Injections | 15,715 | 7,715 | The decrease in capital injections reflects capital transfers from 2016/17 to 2017/18 for the new Archives New Zealand building in Christchurch ($7 million) and for the Department of Internal Affairs' future asset replacement programme ($10 million). This decrease was partially offset by a capital injection for the Department of Internal Affairs Wellington Accommodation Project Tranche 2 related costs ($9 million). |
Capital Withdrawals | - | (37,000) | The $37 million reflects a capital withdrawal associated with the sale and leaseback of land agreement between the Department of Internal Affairs and Taranaki Whanui, following the Crown's Treaty settlement with Taranaki Whanui. |
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) | 13,223 | 23,843 | The $23.843 million reflects the forecast surplus for the Department of Internal Affairs as at 30 June 2017. |
Other Movements | - | - | |
Closing Balance |
319,308 | 295,511 |
Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#
3.2 - Non-Departmental Benefits or Related Expenses#
Rates Rebate Scheme (M49)
Scope of Appropriation
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation decreased by $4.500 million to $52 million for 2016/17 due to the forecast lower uptake of the Rates Rebate Scheme in 2016/17.
3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#
Crown-owned Assets at Lake Taupo - Maintenance Costs (M49)#
Scope of Appropriation
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $1.184 million to $2.221 million for 2016/17 due to:
- an expense transfer from 2015/16 to 2016/17 to reflect the expected timing of the delivery of sediment relocation work at Motuoapa Marina at Lake Taupo as a result of the delays associated with the resource consent process (increase of $784,000), and
- funding for the operating costs associated with the redevelopment of Motuoapa Marina at Lake Taupo (increase of $400,000).
Depreciation on Official Residences (M47)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $60,000 to $253,000 for 2016/17 due to the additional depreciation associated with the revaluation of official residences owned by the Crown.
Former Governors-General - Annuities and Other Payments PLA (M47)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $50,000 to $516,000 for 2016/17 due to an increase in costs pursuant to the Governor-General (Annuities) Determination 2016 and an additional former Governor-General.
Former Prime Ministers - Annuities PLA (M47)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $20,000 to $194,000 for 2016/17 due to an increase in costs pursuant to the Parliamentary Annuities Determination 2016 and an additional former Prime Minister.
Members of the Executive - Travel (M47)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $514,000 to $12.568 million for 2016/17 due to an increase in costs for Ministerial travel.
Miscellaneous Grants - Internal Affairs (M41)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $700,000 to $749,000 for 2016/17 due to:
- central government agencies club funding contributions for Wellington resilience modelling (increase of $600,000), and
- funding for a one-off allocation to the promotional fund established by the Hastings District Council to support recovery from the Havelock North water contamination incident (increase of $100,000).
Neutering of High-Risk Menacing Dogs (M49)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation | - | 850 | 850 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve improved protection of New Zealanders from high-risk menacing dogs by providing a nationwide subsidy of neutering fees for these dogs and the associated promulgation costs.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under section 15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual non-departmental other expense appropriation is less than $5 million.
Service Providers#
2016/17 | ||||
Provider | Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
32 Territorial Local Authorities | - | 850 | 850 | 30 June 2017 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation was established in 2016/17 to provide funding for a nationwide subsidy of neutering fees for high-risk menacing dogs and the associated promulgation (increase of $850,000).
Conditions on Use of Appropriation#
Reference | Conditions |
Dog Control Act 1996 Section 6.2(a) | Notes that "either singly or jointly with any other territorial authority or any other group or body of persons [may] undertake, promote, and encourage the development of such services and programmes as it considers desirable to promote responsible dog ownership and the welfare of dogs." |
Official Residences - Maintenance Costs (M47)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $200,000 to $576,000 for 2016/17 due to a reallocation of funding for the maintenance costs associated with official residences owned by the Crown.
Pitt Island Wharf (M41)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation | - | 1,785 | 1,785 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve improved resilience and functionality of the Pitt Island Wharf in the Chatham Islands.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
2016/17 | |||
Performance Measures | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
December 2016: Variation to the Co-Alliance Agreement to deliver Pitt Island Wharf resilience programme (stage one) signed by the Department, New Zealand Transport Agency and Memorial Park Alliance |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
March 2017: Memorandum of Understanding is signed by the Department and the New Zealand Transport Agency, and funds released to the Transport Agency |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
June 2017: Pitt Island Wharf resilience programme stage one completed |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
End of Year Performance Reporting#
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Internal Affairs in a report appended to the Department of Internal Affairs' Annual Report.
Service Providers#
2016/17 | ||||
Provider | Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Memorial Park Alliance | - | 1,765 | 1,765 | 30 June 2017 |
New Zealand Transport Agency | - | 20 | 20 | 30 June 2017 |
Total |
- | 1,785 | 1,785 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation was established in 2016/17 to provide funding for stage one of the costs associated with improving the resilience and functionality of Pitt Island Wharf (increase of $1.785 million).
Public Inquiries (M41)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation | - | 520 | 520 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve the timely and efficient payment of fees for the Inquiry Chair and two members related to the Government Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking-Water.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under section 15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual non-departmental other expense appropriation is less than $5 million.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation was re-established in 2016/17 to provide funding for the fees for the Government Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking-Water chair and two members (increase of $520,000).
Supporting Local Authorities' Post-Earthquake Statutory Activities (M49)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation | - | 500 | 500 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for delivering effective local government services by affected local authorities following the November 2016 Hurunui/Kaikoura earthquake.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
2016/17 | |||
Performance Measures | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Funds distributed as per agreement between central government and local authorities |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
End of Year Performance Reporting#
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Internal Affairs in a report appended to the Department of Internal Affairs' Annual Report.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation was established in 2016/17 to provide funding to local authorities to support their increased activities resulting from the November 2016 Hurunui/Kaikoura earthquake (increase of $500,000).
3.5 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure#
Capital Investments - Lake Taupo (M49)#
Scope of Appropriation
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation increased by $2.752 million to $6.086 million for 2016/17 due to:
- funding brought forward to 2016/17 from 2017/18 to 2029/30 for the redevelopment of Motuoapa Marina at Lake Taupo (increase of $2.570 million), and
- a capital transfer from 2015/16 to 2016/17 to reflect the expected timing of the redevelopment of Motuoapa Marina at Lake Taupo, as a result of the delays associated with the resource consent process (increase of $582,000).
These increases were partially offset by:
- a swap of capital funding to operating to fund the operating costs associated with the redevelopment of Motuoapa Marina at Lake Taupo (decrease of $400,000).
Fire Service Reform - Capital Injection (M41)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Fire Service Reform - Capital Injection (M41)This appropriation is limited to a repayable capital injection to support the transition of the New Zealand Fire Service Commission to Fire and Emergency New Zealand.Commences: 20 September 2016 Expires: 30 June 2021 |
Original Appropriation | 111,940 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 111,940 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 25,961 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 38,000 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 47,979 |
Components of the Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Infrastructure - Technology | - | 7,326 | 7,326 |
People and Change | - | 3,263 | 3,263 |
Communications | - | 3,005 | 3,005 |
Project Office | - | 2,626 | 2,626 |
Governance, Support, Strategy and Performance | - | 2,576 | 2,576 |
Operations, Policy and Process | - | 2,311 | 2,311 |
Stakeholder Engagement | - | 2,185 | 2,185 |
Implementation and Pilots | - | 2,018 | 2,018 |
Infrastructure - Assets | - | 651 | 651 |
Total |
- | 25,961 | 25,961 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve financial support for the amalgamation of rural and urban fire services into a new unified organisation.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
2016/17 | |||
Performance Measures | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Repayment as per the agreed schedule in the Memorandum of Understanding between the New Zealand Fire Service Commission and the Minister of Internal Affairs |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
Services are transitioned in accordance with the agreed transition work programme |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
End of Year Performance Reporting#
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Internal Affairs in a report appended to the Department of Internal Affairs' Annual Report.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation was established in 2016/17 to provide a repayable capital injection to the New Zealand Fire Service Commission for the transition project costs to amalgamate rural and urban fire services into a new unified organisation, Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Civic Information Services (M41)
Overarching Purpose Statement
Scope of Appropriation
Departmental Output Expenses
Managing and Accessing Identity InformationThis category is limited to providing effective management of New Zealand's records of identity, authenticating official documents and coordinating the congratulatory message service.
Managing and Accessing Knowledge Information
This category is limited to management of public archives in both physical and digital formats on behalf of the Crown, the provision of public access to archives held by Archives New Zealand, provision of services which assist access to library collections and other information, the collection and preservation of published and unpublished items for the National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library collections, provision of library and information services and products to schools in support of the National Curriculum, and administration of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Scheme.
Publishing Civic Information
This category is limited to publishing information through the New Zealand Gazette.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
234,070 | 1,520 | 235,590 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Managing and Accessing Identity Information | 142,206 | 4,519 | 146,725 |
Managing and Accessing Knowledge Information | 90,583 | (2,734) | 87,849 |
Publishing Civic Information | 1,281 | (265) | 1,016 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
104,071 | (5,146) | 98,925 |
Managing and Accessing Identity Information | 20,201 | (924) | 19,277 |
Managing and Accessing Knowledge Information | 83,870 | (4,222) | 79,648 |
Revenue from Others |
135,294 | 23,590 | 158,884 |
Managing and Accessing Identity Information | 127,027 | 22,538 | 149,565 |
Managing and Accessing Knowledge Information | 6,840 | 1,317 | 8,157 |
Publishing Civic Information | 1,427 | (265) | 1,162 |
Components of the Appropriation
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Managing and Accessing Identity Information |
142,206 |
4,519 |
146,725 |
Passports | 94,940 | 3,002 | 97,942 |
RealMe | 17,239 | (2,442) | 14,797 |
Births. Deaths and Marriages and Civil Unions, Authenticating official documents and congratulatory message service | 15,957 | 1,965 | 17,922 |
Citizenship | 14,070 | 1,994 | 16,064 |
Managing and Accessing Knowledge Information |
90,583 |
(2,734) |
87,849 |
National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library collection and preservation functions | 63,157 | (1,373) | 61,784 |
Archives New Zealand access provision | 21,024 | (1,221) | 19,803 |
Developing and maintaining databases and Te Puna products | 3,779 | (653) | 3,126 |
Management of Public Archives | 1,596 | (236) | 1,360 |
Kotui - Shared integrated library management and resource discovery | 1,027 | 749 | 1,776 |
Publishing Civic Information |
1,281 |
(265) |
1,016 |
New Zealand Gazette | 1,281 | (265) | 1,016 |
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation
2016/17 | |||
Assessment of Performance | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Perception of the overall ease of access, availability and use of civic, government, identity and heritage information and services, and growth of preservation and collections (see Note 1) |
- | Satisfied | Satisfied |
Note 1 - Satisfaction performance measure involves a five point scale, either numerical (1-5, with '5' the highest rating) or qualitative: Very Satisfied, Good, Satisfied, Poor, Very Unsatisfied.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The appropriation increased by $1.520 million to $235.590 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Managing and Accessing Identity Information category was due to:
- an increase in expenditure for Identity Products due to demand and expenditure associated with the Transforming the System of Service Delivery programme (increase of $7.797 million).
This increase was partially offset by:
- a decrease in expenditure associated with the uptake of RealMe Services (decrease of $1.962 million)
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $755,000)
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $361,000), and
- a reallocation of funding to the non-departmental appropriation Official Residences - Maintenance Costs for costs associated with official residences owned by the Crown (decrease of $200,000).
The decrease in the Managing and Accessing Knowledge Information category was due to:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $2.923 million)
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $1.099 million)
- a realignment of the revenue and expenditure baseline associated with the provision of services provided by the National Library of New Zealand to third parties (decrease of $267,000), and
- a transfer of funding to the non-departmental appropriation Miscellaneous Grants - Internal Affairs to reflect the Department of Internal Affairs' contribution for Wellington resilience modelling (decrease of $200,000).
These decreases were partially offset by:
- expenditure associated with demand for the Kotui shared library and resource discovery service (increase of $876,000) and Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration services (increase of $879,000).
The decrease in the Publishing Civic Information category was due to:
- a reduction in expenditure due to lower demand for the New Zealand Gazette (decrease of $265,000).
Memorandum Accounts
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
New Zealand Gazette |
Opening Balance at 1 July | (220) | (18) | (238) |
Revenue | 1,427 | (265) | 1,162 |
Expenses | 1,281 | (265) | 1,016 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
(74) | (18) | (92) |
New fees were implemented for the New Zealand Gazette in February 2016. The new fees will support the reduction of the current deficit. Future periodic fee reviews are scheduled to ensure full cost recovery.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Passport Products |
Opening Balance at 1 July | 10,312 | 2,377 | 12,689 |
Revenue | 100,045 | 20,000 | 120,045 |
Expenses | 91,480 | 5,016 | 96,496 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
18,877 | 17,361 | 36,238 |
The change to 10 year validity for adult passports has resulted in increased demand for passport products. It is expected that this behaviour will continue for the next five years until 2021. This has resulted in higher revenue and expenses with the net result being an overall increase in the memorandum account surplus. After 2021, there is a significant decrease in forecast adult volumes at which point the memorandum account will return to a deficit. A report to Cabinet is due in 2018 on options to address the projected deficit from 2021.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Citizenship Products |
Opening Balance at 1 July | 12,236 | 1,059 | 13,295 |
Revenue | 12,700 | 4,500 | 17,200 |
Expenses | 12,437 | 1,995 | 14,432 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
12,499 | 3,564 | 16,063 |
A higher number of Citizenship applications have been received than in previous years resulting in an increased surplus. This surplus is expected to contribute to the costs of replacing ageing technology. Following approval from Cabinet, the Department will undertake work as part of the Transforming the System of Service Delivery programme to modernise systems for Identity-related products. Citizenship fees will be reviewed following the completion of this programme of work.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Marriage and Civil Union Products |
Opening Balance at 1 July | (859) | 143 | (716) |
Revenue | 2,877 | - | 2,877 |
Expenses | 3,200 | 47 | 3,247 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
(1,182) | 96 | (1,086) |
Analysis of costs to provide Marriage and Civil Union products has shown that an increase in fees is required. Following approval from Cabinet, the Department will undertake work as part of the Transforming the System of Service Delivery programme to modernise systems for Identity-related products. The new fees will support reducing the deficit and contribute to the replacement of ageing technology.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Issue of Birth, Death and Marriage Certifications and other Products |
Opening Balance at 1 July | (1,876) | 729 | (1,147) |
Revenue | 7,323 | - | 7,323 |
Expenses | 8,967 | 347 | 9,314 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
(3,520) | 382 | (3,138) |
Analysis of costs associated with the issue of Birth, Death and Marriage certifications and other products has shown that an increase in fees is required. Following approval from Cabinet, the Department will undertake work as part of the Transforming the System of Service Delivery programme to modernise systems for Identity-related products. The new fees will support reducing the deficit and contribute to the replacement of ageing technology.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Kotui Library Services |
Opening Balance at 1 July | 1,019 | (129) | 890 |
Revenue | 1,027 | 680 | 1,707 |
Expenses | 900 | 876 | 1,776 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
1,146 | (325) | 821 |
The increase in revenue and expenses for the Kotui shared library and resource discovery service is due to growth in the number of libraries who have joined the service during 2016/17. Subscription costs will be reviewed periodically to ensure full cost recovery.
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Electronic Purchasing in Collaboration (EPIC) |
Opening Balance at 1 July | 162 | (74) | 88 |
Revenue | 2,411 | 904 | 3,315 |
Expenses | 2,411 | 879 | 3,290 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
162 | (49) | 113 |
Community Funding Schemes (M15)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Community Development SchemeThis category is limited to providing grants to community organisations for projects to achieve improved economic, social and cultural wellbeing.
Community Internship Programme
This category is limited to providing grants for community groups with identified needs to employ experienced people from the public, private and community sectors in short-term internships.
Community Organisation Grants Scheme
This category is limited to providing locally distributed grants to community organisations for programmes that provide social services.
Disarmament Education Grants
This category is limited to providing grants to fund activities to support New Zealand non-government organisations in the disarmament education field.
Support for Volunteering
This category is limited to providing funding to Volunteering New Zealand, regional volunteer centres and various targeted projects within the community.
Youth Workers Training Scheme
This category is limited to providing grants for information training for both paid and voluntary youth workers.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
17,643 | 149 | 17,792 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Community Development Scheme | 3,560 | 649 | 4,209 |
Community Internship Programme | 231 | - | 231 |
Community Organisation Grants Scheme | 13,000 | (500) | 12,500 |
Disarmament Education Grants | 150 | - | 150 |
Support for Volunteering | 502 | - | 502 |
Youth Workers Training Scheme | 200 | - | 200 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $149,000 to $17.792 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Community Development Scheme category was due to:
- a reallocation of funding between grant schemes (increase of $500,000), and
- an expense transfer from 2015/16 to 2016/17 to provide flexibility to maximise community outcomes of resilience and sustainability (increase of $149,000).
The decrease in the Community Organisation Grants Scheme category was due to:
- a reallocation of funding between grant schemes (decrease of $500,000).
Community Information and Advisory Services (M41)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Advisory and Information Services to Ethnic CommunitiesThis category is limited to the provision of advisory and information services to ethnic communities; management of the contract for the telephone interpreting service (Language Line); and provision of information and training to ethnic communities and agencies using Language Line.
Community Archives Support
This category is limited to support for community, iwi and hapu organisations and other jurisdictions in preserving and managing their own records and archives and making them available.
Community Development and Engagement Advice
This category is limited to the provision of advisory support and information to support community groups with community development, including information related to accessing grants.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
10,617 | 653 | 11,270 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Advisory and Information Services to Ethnic Communities | 5,914 | 629 | 6,543 |
Community Archives Support | 111 | 25 | 136 |
Community Development and Engagement Advice | 4,592 | (1) | 4,591 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
9,230 | 370 | 9,600 |
Advisory and Information Services to Ethnic Communities | 4,558 | 346 | 4,904 |
Community Archives Support | 80 | 25 | 105 |
Community Development and Engagement Advice | 4,592 | (1) | 4,591 |
Revenue from Others |
1,387 | 283 | 1,670 |
Advisory and Information Services to Ethnic Communities | 1,356 | 283 | 1,639 |
Community Archives Support | 31 | - | 31 |
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Assessment of Performance | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Community satisfaction with the availability of information, training and advice provided by the Department |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $653,000 to $11.270 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Advisory and Information Services to Ethnic Communities category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $354,000), and
- an increase in expenditure associated with an increase in SERCO costs for Language Line (increase of $283,000).
These increases were partially offset by:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $8,000).
The increase in the Community Archives Support category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $25,000).
The decrease in the Community Development and Engagement Advice category was due to:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $1,000).
Information and Technology Services (M41)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Cross-Government ICT Strategy and Planning, Service Delivery and Investment ProposalsThis category is limited to supporting the functional leadership role of the Government Chief Information Officer by implementing an all-of-government ICT strategy, architecture, operating model, assurance framework, and the Result 10 service transformation programme; overseeing the government's ICT investment portfolio; and providing leadership across the State sector for the government's ICT supply chain.
Government Chief Privacy Officer
This Category is limited to developing and implementing an all of government approach to privacy including liaising with the regulator, developing and promulgating privacy standards for the public sector, supporting and working with agencies to build capability, and providing assurance on public sector performance in relation to privacy.
Government Information and Technology Services
This category is limited to providing all-of-government online services and Government ICT common capabilities.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
31,029 | 3,134 | 34,163 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Cross-Government ICT Strategy and Planning, Service Delivery and Investment Proposals | 18,073 | 456 | 18,529 |
Government Chief Privacy Officer | 1,200 | (121) | 1,079 |
Government Information and Technology Services | 11,756 | 2,799 | 14,555 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
25,144 | 1,105 | 26,249 |
Cross-Government ICT Strategy and Planning, Service Delivery and Investment Proposals | 18,073 | 456 | 18,529 |
Government Chief Privacy Officer | 1,200 | (121) | 1,079 |
Government Information and Technology Services | 5,871 | 770 | 6,641 |
Revenue from Others |
6,409 | (867) | 5,542 |
Government Information and Technology Services | 6,409 | (867) | 5,542 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $3.134 million to $34.163 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Cross-Government ICT Strategy and Planning, Service Delivery and Investment Proposals category was due to:
- expense transfers from 2015/16 to 2016/17 to enable the continuation and completion of various significant initiatives within the Result 10 Work Programme in 2016/17 ($750,000) and to enable the successful completion of the Result 9: Common Delegations and Information Sharing initiatives in 2016/17 due to the recommendations of the Result 9 panel endorsed by Ministers ($504,000).
This increase was partially offset by:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $769,000), and
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $29,000).
The decrease in the Government Chief Privacy Officer category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $121,000).
The increase in the Government Information and Technology Services category was due to:
- an increase in expenditure associated with All-of-Government Common Capability Products due to demand, project expenditure for the ICT Market Place and Telecommunications as a Service and an increase in security related expenditure for existing products (increase of $2.029 million)
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $450,000), and
- funding for the ICT Market Place (increase of $400,000).
These increases were partially offset by:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $80,000).
Memorandum Account#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Common Capability Products |
Opening Balance at 1 July | (9,734) | (1,094) | (10,828) |
Revenue | 6,240 | (867) | 5,373 |
Expenses | 5,178 | 2,029 | 7,207 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
(8,672) | (3,990) | (12,662) |
The forecasted increase in expenditure for 2016/17 reflects the continuing investment in ensuring the sustained value of current and new common capability products which will deliver greater system-wide benefits and choice to government agencies. The rate of recovery from deficit will depend on the uptake rate by government agencies and the fees applied.
Ministerial Support Services (M41)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Crown Entity MonitoringThis category is limited to providing support, information and advice to Ministers to enable them to discharge their responsibilities (other than policy decision-making) for the Crown entities for which they are responsible.
Ministerial Support Services - Community and Voluntary Sector
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to the community and voluntary sector.
Ministerial Support Services - Ethnic Communities
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to ethnic communities.
Ministerial Support Services - Internal Affairs
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to internal affairs.
Ministerial Support Services - Local Government
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to local government.
Ministerial Support Services - Ministerial Services
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to Ministerial Services.
Ministerial Support Services - Racing
This category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities relating to racing.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
2,493 | 131 | 2,624 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Crown Entity Monitoring | 951 | - | 951 |
Ministerial Support Services - Community and Voluntary Sector | 202 | - | 202 |
Ministerial Support Services - Ethnic Communities | 108 | - | 108 |
Ministerial Support Services - Internal Affairs | 433 | 131 | 564 |
Ministerial Support Services - Local Government | 547 | - | 547 |
Ministerial Support Services - Ministerial Services | 192 | - | 192 |
Ministerial Support Services - Racing | 60 | - | 60 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
2,493 | 131 | 2,624 |
Crown Entity Monitoring | 951 | - | 951 |
Ministerial Support Services - Community and Voluntary Sector | 202 | - | 202 |
Ministerial Support Services - Ethnic Communities | 108 | - | 108 |
Ministerial Support Services - Internal Affairs | 433 | 131 | 564 |
Ministerial Support Services - Local Government | 547 | - | 547 |
Ministerial Support Services - Ministerial Services | 192 | - | 192 |
Ministerial Support Services - Racing | 60 | - | 60 |
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Assessment of Performance | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Ministers' satisfaction with the quality of support received from the Department is assessed as satisfied or better (see Note 1) |
- | Satisfied | Satisfied |
Note 1 - Satisfaction performance measures involves using a five point scale, either numerical (1-5, with '5' the highest rating) or qualitative: Very Satisfied, Good, Satisfied, Poor, Very Unsatisfied.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $131,000 to $2.624 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Ministerial Support Services - Internal Affairs category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $131,000).
Policy Advice (M41)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Policy Advice - Community and Voluntary SectorThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to the community and voluntary sector.
Policy Advice - Ethnic Communities
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to ethnic communities.
Policy Advice - Internal Affairs
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to internal affairs.
Policy Advice - Local Government
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to local government.
Policy Advice - Racing
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to racing.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
11,713 | (270) | 11,443 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Policy Advice - Community and Voluntary Sector | 610 | - | 610 |
Policy Advice - Ethnic Communities | 785 | (409) | 376 |
Policy Advice - Internal Affairs | 4,404 | (46) | 4,358 |
Policy Advice - Local Government | 5,720 | 185 | 5,905 |
Policy Advice - Racing | 194 | - | 194 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
11,677 | (270) | 11,407 |
Policy Advice - Community and Voluntary Sector | 610 | - | 610 |
Policy Advice - Ethnic Communities | 785 | (409) | 376 |
Policy Advice - Internal Affairs | 4,368 | (46) | 4,322 |
Policy Advice - Local Government | 5,720 | 185 | 5,905 |
Policy Advice - Racing | 194 | - | 194 |
Revenue from Others |
36 | - | 36 |
Policy Advice - Internal Affairs | 36 | - | 36 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
2016/17 | |||
Assessment of Performance | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Portfolio Ministers' satisfaction with the overall quality of policy advice received assessed as satisfied or better (see Note 1) |
- | Satisfied | Satisfied |
Note 1 -Satisfaction performance measures involves using a five point scale, either numerical (1-5, with '5' the highest rating) or qualitative: Very Satisfied, Good, Satisfied, Poor, Very Unsatisfied.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation decreased by $270,000 to $11.443 million for 2016/17.
The decrease in the Policy Advice - Ethnic Communities category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $409,000).
The decrease in the Policy Advice - Internal Affairs category was due to:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $36,000), and
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $10,000).
The increase in the Policy Advice - Local Government category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $185,000).
Regulatory Services (M41)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Charities RegulationThis category is limited to registration and monitoring of charities in order to contribute to promoting public trust and confidence in the charitable sector.
Regulatory Services
This category is limited to operational policy advice and services to administer all aspects of the regulatory regime under the Public Records Act 2005.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
40,564 | 2,444 | 43,008 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Charities Regulation | 6,277 | 466 | 6,743 |
Regulatory Services | 34,287 | 1,978 | 36,265 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
18,251 | 1,824 | 20,075 |
Charities Regulation | 5,425 | 466 | 5,891 |
Regulatory Services | 12,826 | 1,358 | 14,184 |
Revenue from Others |
29,360 | (2,900) | 26,460 |
Charities Regulation | 852 | - | 852 |
Regulatory Services | 28,508 | (2,900) | 25,608 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $2.444 million to $43.008 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Charities Regulation category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $499,000).
This increase was partially offset by:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $33,000).
The increase in the Regulatory Services category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (increase of $1.202 million)
- expenditure associated with gaming activities (increase of $649,000), and
- funding for the implementation of Phase II of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism reforms (increase of $393,000).
These increases were partially offset by:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $266,000).
Memorandum Account#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Gaming |
Opening Balance at 1 July | (12,576) | (393) | (12,969) |
Revenue | 27,575 | (2,900) | 24,675 |
Expenses | 20,541 | 620 | 21,161 |
Transfers and Adjustments | - | - | - |
Closing Balance at 30 June |
(5,542) | (3,913) | (9,455) |
Fees were reviewed and subsequently increased in 2016. The fees review is expected to result in a declining deficit balance. Fees are expected to be reviewed every three years to ensure full cost recovery and reduction of the deficit balance.
Services Supporting the Executive (M47)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Coordination of Official Visits and EventsThis category is limited to managing programmes for visiting guests of Government, State and ministerial functions, co-ordinating a range of services in support of ceremonial and commemorative events and facilitating passage of New Zealand and foreign dignitaries and others authorised by the Crown into and out of New Zealand.
Support Services to Members of the Executive
This category is limited to providing support services for Members of the Executive, including in their capacity as a Member of Parliament, primarily through office personnel and administrative services, information and communication technology, and the provision and management of residential and office accommodation.
VIP Transport Services
This category is limited to providing chauffeur-driven and self-drive vehicle services for parties specified in legislation, as authorised by Members of the Executive, or who otherwise meet qualifying criteria.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
39,908 | 3,579 | 43,487 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Coordination of Official Visits and Events | 5,557 | 1,983 | 7,540 |
Support Services to Members of the Executive | 26,437 | 510 | 26,947 |
VIP Transport Services | 7,914 | 1,086 | 9,000 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
31,954 | 2,533 | 34,487 |
Coordination of Official Visits and Events | 5,552 | 1,988 | 7,540 |
Support Services to Members of the Executive | 26,402 | 545 | 26,947 |
Revenue from Others |
7,954 | 1,046 | 9,000 |
Coordination of Official Visits and Events | 5 | (5) | - |
Support Services to Members of the Executive | 35 | (35) | - |
VIP Transport Services | 7,914 | 1,086 | 9,000 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $3.579 million to $43.487 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Coordination of Official Visits and Events category was due to:
- funding for additional costs associated with a larger than anticipated programme of official visits and events (increase of $1.991 million).
This increase was partially offset by:
- a realignment of the revenue and expenditure baseline associated with the provision of services to third parties (decrease of $5,000), and
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $3,000).
The increase in the Support Services to Members of the Executive category was due to:
- funding for fiscal pressures associated with new obligations under the Remuneration Authority's Members of Parliament (Accommodation Services and Travel Services for Family Members and Former Prime Ministers) Determination 2016 and changes to Ministerial portfolios following the resignation of the previous Prime Minister (increase of $648,000).
This increase was partially offset by:
- a reduction in the capital charge rate (decrease of $103,000), and
- a realignment of the revenue and expenditure baseline associated with the provision of services to third parties (decrease of $35,000).
The increase in the VIP Transport Services category was due to:
- a realignment of the revenue and expenditure baseline associated with an increase in demand and an increase in expenditure associated with the provision of VIP Transport (increase of $1.086 million).
Support for Statutory and Other Bodies (M41)#
Overarching Purpose Statement#
Scope of Appropriation#
Departmental Output Expenses
Commissions of Inquiry & Similar BodiesThis category is limited to supporting commissions of inquiry and similar bodies.
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Archives
This category is limited to the provision of advisory and support services to statutory and advisory bodies established under the Public Records Act 2005 in respect of their statutory functions.
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Library
This category is limited to the provision of services and advice to statutory and advisory bodies established under the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 and the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Act 2008 in respect of their statutory functions.
Statutory Body Support - Gambling Commission
This category is limited to the provision of services and advice to the Gambling Commission to enable the Commission to discharge its responsibilities.
Statutory Body Support - Local Government Commission
This category is limited to the provision of advisory and support services to the Local Government Commission in respect of its statutory functions.
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Community and Voluntary Sector
This category is limited to the provision of operational and secretariat support for grant funding bodies, and includes supporting member appointment processes. The focus of operational support is on processing grant applications and grant decisions on behalf of the grant funding bodies.
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Internal Affairs
This category is limited to the provision of operational and secretariat support for grant funding bodies, including supporting member appointment processes. The focus of operational support is on processing grant applications and grant decisions on behalf of the grant funding bodies.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | |||
Estimates $000 |
Supplementary Estimates $000 |
Total $000 |
Total Appropriation |
16,058 | 2,082 | 18,140 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Commissions of Inquiry & Similar Bodies | - | 2,107 | 2,107 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Archives | 117 | - | 117 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Library | 105 | - | 105 |
Statutory Body Support - Gambling Commission | 1,158 | - | 1,158 |
Statutory Body Support - Local Government Commission | 3,805 | - | 3,805 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Community and Voluntary Sector | 241 | - | 241 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Internal Affairs | 10,632 | (25) | 10,607 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
4,864 | 2,082 | 6,946 |
Commissions of Inquiry & Similar Bodies | - | 2,107 | 2,107 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Archives | 117 | - | 117 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Library | 98 | - | 98 |
Statutory Body Support - Local Government Commission | 3,805 | - | 3,805 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Community and Voluntary Sector | 241 | - | 241 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Internal Affairs | 603 | (25) | 578 |
Revenue from Others |
11,194 | - | 11,194 |
Statutory and Advisory Body Support - National Library | 7 | - | 7 |
Statutory Body Support - Gambling Commission | 1,158 | - | 1,158 |
Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Internal Affairs | 10,029 | - | 10,029 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed#
2016/17 | |||
Assessment of Performance | Estimates Standard |
Supplementary Estimates Standard |
Total Standard |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Commissions of Inquiry & Similar Bodies |
This category is intended to achieve effective support for the Government Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking-Water. |
Inquiry's satisfaction with the timeliness and quality of services received assessed as '4' or '5' (see Note 1): |
- | Achieved | Achieved |
Note 1 - Satisfaction performance measures involves using a five point scale, either numerical (1-5, with '5' the highest rating) or qualitative: Very Good, Good, Satisfied, Poor and Very Poor.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation increased by $2.082 million to $18.140 million for 2016/17.
The increase in the Commissions of Inquiry & Similar Bodies category was due to:
- funding for the staff, travel, accommodation, professional fees and other operating costs associated with the Government Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking-Water (increase of $2.107 million).
The decrease in the Support for Grant Funding Bodies - Internal Affairs category was due to:
- a transfer of funding between departmental appropriations based on the provision of services across the portfolios within Vote Internal Affairs (decrease of $25,000).