Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Health - Supplementary estimates and supporting information 2009/10

Formats and related files




Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Health
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Administration of Funding and Purchasing of Health and Disability Support Services (M36)

Administration of the funding and purchasing of health and disability support services on behalf of the Crown, including post-clinical education and training. Services funded and purchased include some national personal health services, Māori health services, disability support services, mental health services, public health services and national screening services.
23,614 3,329 26,943

Administration of Legislation and Regulations (M36)

Implementation, enforcement and administration of health legislation and regulations.
36,724 (1,571) 35,153

Funding and Performance of Crown Entities (M36)

Administration of funding to DHBs and Crown Entities and the provision of advice on planning and performance, supporting and monitoring the implementation of strategic plans, assistance to meet legislative obligations and regulatory frameworks and advice on governance issues to Ministers and Crown Entities.
9,109 (967) 8,142

Information Services (M36)

Provision of national health information services.
62,859 4,831 67,690

Payment Services (M36)

Provision of health sector payments and the administration of contracts and payments.
19,937 (1,538) 18,399

Servicing of Ministers and Ministerial Committees (M36)

Provision of administrative and advisory support services to the Minister and Associate Ministers of Health and ministerial advisory committees.
15,431 (489) 14,942

Strategy, Policy and System Performance (M36)

Provision of health policy advice, leadership for the health and disability sector, and research and evaluation of long term strategic plans and regulatory frameworks.
49,575 853 50,428

Total Departmental Output Expenses

217,249 4,448 221,697

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Clinical Training Agency (M36)

Provision of clinical training for doctors, nurses, dentists and other health professionals.
125,692 (3,025) 122,667

Health and Disability Support Services - Auckland DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Auckland DHB.
941,884 (11,753) 930,131

Health and Disability Support Services - Bay of Plenty DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Bay of Plenty DHB.
522,467 735 523,202

Health and Disability Support Services - Canterbury DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Canterbury DHB.
1,078,053 1,005 1,079,058

Health and Disability Support Services - Capital and Coast DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Capital and Coast DHB.
569,843 (647) 569,196

Health and Disability Support Services - Counties-Manukau DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Counties-Manukau DHB.
999,265 5,567 1,004,832

Health and Disability Support Services - Hawkes Bay DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Hawkes Bay DHB.
377,914 333 378,247

Health and Disability Support Services - Hutt DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Hutt DHB.
307,500 1,097 308,597

Health and Disability Support Services - Lakes DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Lakes DHB.
245,689 (1,097) 244,592

Health and Disability Support Services - MidCentral DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from MidCentral DHB.
399,608 (2,693) 396,915

Health and Disability Support Services - Nelson-Marlborough DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Nelson-Marlborough DHB.
322,716 1,385 324,101

Health and Disability Support Services - Northland DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Northland DHB.
417,725 314 418,039

Health and Disability Support Services - Otago DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Otago DHB.
436,500 (73,791) 362,709

Health and Disability Support Services - South Canterbury DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from South Canterbury DHB.
143,662 (265) 143,397

Health and Disability Support Services - Southern DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Southern DHB.
- 113,580 113,580

Health and Disability Support Services - Southland DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Southland DHB.
244,770 (39,578) 205,192

Health and Disability Support Services - Tairawhiti DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Tairawhiti DHB.
123,786 287 124,073

Health and Disability Support Services - Taranaki DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Taranaki DHB.
268,645 (2,451) 266,194

Health and Disability Support Services - Waikato DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Waikato DHB.
841,504 (1,009) 840,495

Health and Disability Support Services - Wairarapa DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Wairarapa DHB.
104,172 853 105,025

Health and Disability Support Services - Waitemata DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Waitemata DHB.
1,065,771 8,976 1,074,747

Health and Disability Support Services - West Coast DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from West Coast DHB.
106,112 709 106,821

Health and Disability Support Services - Whanganui DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Whanganui DHB.
181,245 (753) 180,492

Health Services Funding (M36)

Funding to respond to emerging health sector risks, provision for DHB structural deficit support, and contingency funding for Government priority health policy initiatives.
239,738 (239,729) 9

Management of Residual Health Liabilities and District Health Board Term Debt (M36)

Funding for Crown Health Financing Agency (CHFA) to provide and manage the Crown term debt facilities for DHBs, provide independent advice to the Minister on the credit worthiness and financial sustainability of DHBs, and to manage residual area health board liabilities.
1,700 - 1,700

Meningococcal Vaccine Programme (M36)

Funding for the purchase and delivery of a vaccine against the epidemic strain of group B meningococcal disease to target population groups.
1,800 - 1,800

Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36)

Provision of services to monitor and protect health consumer interests by the Health and Disability Commissioner, District Mental Health Inspectors and Review Tribunals, and the Mental Health Commission.
14,484 355 14,839

National Advisory and Support Services (M36)

Provision of advisory and support services by independent service providers.
340 - 340

National Child Health Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of child health services directly by the Crown.
58,994 (900) 58,094

National Contracted Services - Other (M36)

For the funding and purchase of other health services including mobile surgical services, telephone advice services, sexual and reproductive health services, and services associated with the implementation of the Oral Health and Cancer Control Strategies.
172,018 (6,986) 165,032

National Disability Support Services (M36)

Delivery of disability support services provided through DHBs and third-party service providers.
895,386 43,627 939,013

National Elective Services (M36)

Funding for the purchase of additional elective surgery services.
189,898 12,708 202,606

National Emergency Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of health emergency services directly by the Crown.
81,194 1,883 83,077

National Māori Health Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of Māori health services directly by the Crown.
8,562 (1,141) 7,421

National Maternity Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of maternity services directly by the Crown.
137,483 (4,841) 132,642

National Mental Health Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of mental health services directly by the Crown.
69,268 (10,281) 58,987

Primary Health Care Strategy (M36)

This appropriation is limited to services to implement and deliver the Primary Health Care Strategy.
154,535 21,143 175,678

Problem Gambling Services (M36)

Funding to support the research and implementation of strategies to prevent and minimise the harm from gambling, and for the provision of treatment services to problem gamblers and assistance to their families and whanau in accordance with the Gambling Act 2003.
17,510 - 17,510

Public Health Service Purchasing (M36)

Public Health Services funded by the Ministry of Health from DHBs and other public health service providers.
514,781 (19,454) 495,327

Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as They Affect Public Health (M36)

Purchasing taxonomic services to support surveillance programmes for exotic mosquitoes of public health significance.
56 - 56

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

12,382,270 (205,837) 12,176,433

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


International Health Organisations (M36)

Funding for New Zealand's membership to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the contribution to specific WHO projects.
2,570 - 2,570

Legal Expenses (M36)

Funding for the defence and settlement of legal claims against the Crown.
1,778 (1,000) 778

Provider Development (M36)

Funding support and provide assistance for the development of the third party health service workforce, in particular, Māori and Pacific people's providers.
19,289 1,350 20,639

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

23,637 350 23,987

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Ministry of Health - Capital Expenditure PLA (M36)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Health, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
35,410 (18,145) 17,265

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

35,410 (18,145) 17,265

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Deficit Support for DHBs (M36)

This appropriation is limited to equity injections to District Health Boards to address deficits.
- 110,000 110,000

Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and the New Zealand Blood Service (M36)

Capital contributions to DHBs and the New Zealand Blood Service to cover new investments and reconfiguration of their balance sheets.
279,249 (208,575) 70,674

Loans for Capital Projects (M36)

Provision of new loans to DHBs for the purpose of facilities redevelopment and other purposes agreed by the Crown including balance sheet reconfiguration.
24,900 55,920 80,820

Residential Care Loans (M36)

Funding to provide interest-free loans to people entering into aged residential care facilities.
15,000 - 15,000

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

319,149 (42,655) 276,494

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

12,977,715 (261,839) 12,715,876

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Health
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2009/10
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2009/10
Opening Balance 33,740 31,401 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2009.
Capital Injections 10,594 - The capital injection for 2009/10 has been transferred to the 2010/11 year.
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

44,334 31,401