Formats and related files
ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Ministry for the Environment
Details of Appropriations#
Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations
2009/10 | |||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Estimates Budget $000 |
Supplementary Estimates Budget $000 |
Total Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Applications to the Environmental Protection Authority (M29)This appropriation is limited to exercising the powers and functions of the Environmental Protection Authority for applications made under the Resource Management Act 1991 and where necessary, providing assistance to applicants. |
- | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Delivery of Environmental Management Programmes (M29)This appropriation is limited to the contracting, managing, monitoring, and auditing of a range of environmental management programmes delivered by third parties. |
1,100 | - | 1,100 |
Environmental assistance to the Pacific Islands (M29)Environmental clean-up of Pacific Island sites. |
48 | - | 48 |
Environmental Policy Advice (M29)This appropriation is limited to advice on environmental policies, issues and the implementation of government decisions to achieve a healthy environment, which sustains nature and people; and Ministerial servicing. |
40,925 | (2,483) | 38,442 |
Resource Management Act Call-ins (M29)This appropriation is limited to the public notification process for considering nationally significant applications under the Resource Management Act, where the Minister for the Environment exercises the call-in powers under the legislation, and where necessary, providing support to Boards of Inquiry. |
1,265 | 2,821 | 4,086 |
Waste Minimisation (M29)This appropriation is limited to the administration of the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. |
2,260 | - | 2,260 |
Total Departmental Output Expenses |
45,598 | 2,338 | 47,936 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Contaminated Sites Remediation Fund (M29)This appropriation is limited to the investigation, management and remediation of contaminated sites. |
9,245 | (3,470) | 5,775 |
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Assessment and Management (M29)This appropriation is limited to the implementation and operation of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996. |
10,170 | - | 10,170 |
Promotion of Sustainable Land Management (M29)This appropriation is limited to the promotion and coordination of sustainable land management practice through a national network of coordinators. |
400 | - | 400 |
Sustainable Management Fund (M29)Projects that support and strengthen proactive partnerships between the community, industry, iwi and local government and a wide range of practical environmental initiatives and involve the community in practically focused "action for the environment". |
3,844 | 467 | 4,311 |
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
23,659 | (3,003) | 20,656 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Contestable Waste Minimisation Fund (M29)This appropriation is limited to the funding of grants for waste minimisation initiatives. |
12,740 | - | 12,740 |
International Subscriptions (M29)This appropriation is limited to subscriptions to International Environmental Agreements. |
117 | - | 117 |
Legal and Environment Centre Grants (M29)Funding and grant schemes to help remove some of the barriers to public participation in resource management processes, particularly in the legal environment, and to support the work of environment centres in raising awareness of environmental issues and actions. |
1,378 | - | 1,378 |
Rotorua Lakes Restoration Programme (M29)This appropriation is limited to funding to Environment Bay of Plenty and the Rotorua District Council to maintain and improve the water quality of the Rotorua Lakes. |
7,200 | (525) | 6,675 |
Scoping Study for Clean-up Fund (M29)This appropriation is limited to funding for a scoping study to: identify rehabilitation priorities in relation to the Waikato River and the cost of these priority activities; to provide useful background information for the establishment and operation of the Waikato River Clean-up Fund; and to make recommendations about the final contributions of the Crown and other parties to the fund. |
200 | 585 | 785 |
United Nations Environment Programme (M29)New Zealand's membership of the United Nations Environment Programme. |
393 | - | 393 |
Waikato and Waipa River transitional co-governance (M29)This appropriation is limited to the establishment, operation and support of transitional co-governance arrangements for the Waikato and Waipa Rivers, including the Guardians Establishment Committee. |
- | 919 | 919 |
Waikato River Clean-up Fund (M29)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Waikato River Clean-up Fund for the restoration and protection of the health and wellbeing of the Waikato River for future generations. |
14,200 | (200) | 14,000 |
Waikato River Co-Management (M29)This appropriation is limited to enabling the Waikato River Iwi to engage in the new co-management arrangements in relation to the Waikato River. |
6,000 | 29,500 | 35,500 |
Waikato River Initiatives Fund (M29)This appropriation is limited to a Crown Contribution to the Waikato-Tainui Raupatu River Trust for the purposes of cultural and environment development projects related to the Waikato River; enhancing the restoration and protection of the relationship of Waikato-Tainui with the Waikato River; and protection and enhancing sites of significance, fisheries, flora and fauna. |
40,000 | - | 40,000 |
Warm Homes Grants and Assistance (M29)Crown's contribution to assist with installation of clean and energy efficient heating with a particular focus on the homes of low income earners. |
1,100 | - | 1,100 |
Waste Disposal Levy Disbursements to Territorial Local Authorities (M29)This appropriation is limited to payments to Territorial Local Authorities of their proportion of the Waste Disposal Levy as prescribed under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. |
15,000 | - | 15,000 |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
98,328 | 30,279 | 128,607 |
Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Ministry for the Environment - Capital Expenditure PLA (M29)This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry for the Environment, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. |
1,486 | 39 | 1,525 |
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure |
1,486 | 39 | 1,525 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations |
169,071 | 29,653 | 198,724 |
Details of Multi-Year Appropriations#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Contestable Aquaculture Planning Fund (M29)Funding of grants to assist regional councils and unitary authorities in aquaculture planning. Commences: 1 July 2006 Expires: 30 June 2011 |
Original Appropriation | 2,000 |
Adjustments for 2008/09 | - | |
Adjustments to 2009/10 | (1,079) | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 921 | |
Actual to 2008/09 Year End | 886 | |
Estimated Actual for 2009/10 | 35 | |
Estimated Actual for 2010/11 | - | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#
Ministry for the Environment
Details of Net Asset Schedule | 2009/10 Main Estimates Projections $000 |
2009/10 Supplementary Estimates Projections $000 |
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2009/10 |
Opening Balance | 5,101 | 5,101 | Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2009. |
Capital Injections | 891 | 891 | $430,000 capital to continue development of the New Zealand Carbon Accounting System database; $461,000 capital to continue the development costs of the Waste Levy System database. |
Capital Withdrawals | - | - | |
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) | - | - | |
Other Movements | - | - | |
Closing Balance |
5,992 | 5,992 |