Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Defence Force - Supplementary estimates and supporting information 2009/10

Formats and related files




Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Defence Force
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Fixed Wing Transport Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of No 40 Squadron RNZAF (Boeing 757-200 and C-130 Hercules aircraft) prepared to conduct strategic and tactical air transport operations, including aeromedical evacuation, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications, and to contribute support services to the community.
226,490 1,524 228,014

Land Combat Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Land Combat Forces (command, control, intelligence and manoeuvre force elements) prepared to conduct land operations and to contribute support services to the community, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
373,762 11,949 385,711

Land Combat Service Support Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Land Combat Service Support Forces (transport, medical, supply, repair and movements force elements) prepared to support land operations and to contribute support services to the community, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
152,826 1,356 154,182

Land Combat Support Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Land Combat Support Forces (artillery, engineers, communications and military police force elements) prepared to conduct land operations and to contribute support services to the community, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
201,694 5,747 207,441

Maritime Patrol Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of No 5 Squadron RNZAF (P-3K Orion aircraft) prepared to conduct maritime surveillance of New Zealand's EEZ, the Pacific region and the Southern Ocean, to conduct search and rescue missions, and to conduct maritime air operations, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications. This output expense also includes some support services to the community.
167,876 6,119 173,995

Military Hydrography, and Hydrographic Data Collection and Processing for LINZ (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the hydrographic and oceanographic survey vessel, HMNZS RESOLUTION, specialist personnel and support infrastructure to conduct military hydrography in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications, and hydrographic data collection and processing that meets contractual commitments to Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). This output expense is supported by the Hydrographic Business Unit.
16,336 292 16,628

Military Policy Development, Coordination and Advice (M22)

Provision of advice to the Minister of Defence on military contributions to New Zealand's foreign policy and military responses to contingencies, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications. This output expense also includes military intelligence, responses to ministerial correspondence, select committee and parliamentary questions, Official Information Act inquiries, and Ombudsmen correspondence.
13,014 1,326 14,340

Mine Countermeasures (MCM) and MCM Diving Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Forces, HMNZS MANAWANUI with HMNZS KAHU as backup, prepared to conduct route surveys and conditioning of selected New Zealand ports, and the provision of the Operational Diving Team prepared to support MCM operations and to conduct independent diving tasks, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications. This output expense also includes some support services to the community.
25,511 980 26,491

Miscellaneous Support Activities MCOA (M22)

17,342 4,370 21,712
Support to Limited Service Volunteer Scheme
This output class is limited to the conduct of Limited Service Volunteer courses for unemployed or disadvantaged youth, selected by the Ministry of Social Development, to encourage these youth towards employment.
4,267 (2,576) 1,691
Support to Mutual Assistance Programme (MAP)
This output class is limited to the provision of training, technical advice and resources to the defence forces and law enforcement agencies of participant countries under the Mutual Assistance Programme (MAP), both in New Zealand and in MAP countries.
1,893 153 2,046
Support to New Zealand Cadet Forces
This output class is limited to the provision of leadership and skills training for all approved New Zealand Cadet Force (NZCF) units.
3,833 (247) 3,586
Support to Service Military Museums
This output class is limited to collection development, collection management and exhibits related to New Zealand's military history.
7,349 (52) 7,297
Support to Youth Development
This output class is limited to New Zealand Defence Force support to government initiated youth development schemes in New Zealand, being the conduct of Limited Service Volunteer courses and contributions to Youth Life Skills programmes (Service Academies and Military-style Activity Camps).
- 7,092 7,092

Naval Combat Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the frigates, HMNZ Ships TE KAHA and TE MANA, prepared to conduct maritime operations and to contribute support services to the community, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
384,715 22,161 406,876

Naval Helicopter Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of No 6 Squadron RNZAF (Seasprite SH-2G helicopters) prepared to conduct maritime operations in support of other Output Expenses, especially the Naval Combat Forces, Naval Support Forces and Naval Patrol Forces, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
82,637 1,284 83,921

Naval Patrol Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Offshore and Inshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs, IPVs) prepared for the conduct of maritime operations in support of Multi-Agency Operations and Tasks (MAO&T), and for the security and protection of New Zealand's economic border and EEZ, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications. Once in service the OPVs will also be prepared to conduct sovereignty and resource protection patrol operations in the Southern Ocean, Ross Dependency, South Pacific region and further afield when directed.
108,886 (6,690) 102,196

Naval Support Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Fleet Replenishment Ship, HMNZS ENDEAVOUR, and the Multi-Role Vessel, HMNZS CANTERBURY, prepared to conduct maritime logistic support and amphibious sealift operations for deployed military forces, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications. This output expense also includes contributions to a range of services provided to Government and the community.
98,496 9,890 108,386

Operationally Deployed Forces Annual (M22)

The provision of deployed force elements on military tasks, including the commitments agreed by Government under which the NZDF contributes to peace support and other operations conducted in support of the United Nations and other international agencies. It includes the provision of individuals, observers, advisers, instructors, headquarters staff, and complete force elements and contingents.
81,585 14,041 95,626

Rotary Wing Transport Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of No 3 Squadron RNZAF (Iroquois helicopters) prepared to conduct tactical air transport, including aeromedical evacuation, and counter-terrorist operations, and to contribute support services to the community, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
135,469 (5,735) 129,734

Special Operations Forces (M22)

Provision of the capabilities of the Special Operations Forces prepared to conduct special forces operations in support of land operations, counter-terrorist operations, and the provision of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Explosive, Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (CBRE IEDD) that threaten public safety or national interests, in accordance with NZDF Output Plan specifications.
63,184 3,930 67,114

Total Departmental Output Expenses

2,149,823 72,544 2,222,367

Departmental Other Expenses


Asset Write-Offs (M22)

To provide for the expensing of capitalised items that have no ongoing utility.
- 3,300 3,300

Revaluation Losses (M22)

This appropriation is limited to a write-down of Project PROTECTOR vessels.
- 90,000 90,000

Total Departmental Other Expenses

- 93,300 93,300

Departmental Capital Expenditure


New Zealand Defence Force - Capital Expenditure PLA (M22)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the New Zealand Defence Force, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
677,852 (157,852) 520,000

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

677,852 (157,852) 520,000

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

2,827,675 7,992 2,835,667

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

New Zealand Defence Force

New Zealand Defence Force - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Defence Force
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2009/10
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2009/10
Opening Balance 5,305,691 5,720,929 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2009.
Capital Injections 80,000 94,384 The increase reflects agreement during 2009/10 for a contribution to deployed forces and for asset sale proceeds to be retained.
Capital Withdrawals (171) (171) A contribution to a Government wide initiative limited to 2009/10.
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - (93,300) The change recognises a requirement identified during 2009/10 for a technical writedown of asset values.
Other Movements 3,340 93,300 A technical change to maintain the Departmental Net Asset value, if a forecast 2009/10 deficit does not occur.

Closing Balance

5,388,860 5,815,142