Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Courts - Supplementary Estimates 2013/14

Formats and related files

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister for Courts (M19)



Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations#

Details of Appropriations#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCOA (M19)

468,284 (8,789) 459,495
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services
This output class is limited to the purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.
70,729 (6,466) 64,263
District Court Services
This output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court.
236,213 (3,499) 232,714
Higher Court Services
This output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court.
69,263 1,361 70,624
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services
This output class is limited to the provision of services in regard to the work of the Environment Court, Employment Court, Māori Land Court, Māori Appellate Court, Disputes Tribunals, Tenancy Tribunal, Liquor Licensing Authority, the Waitangi Tribunal, Coroners and a range of other tribunals and authorities. This output class also includes services to Māori landowners and contracting mortuary services as part of supporting the work of Coroners.
92,079 (185) 91,894

Total Departmental Output Expenses

468,284 (8,789) 459,495

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Abortion Supervisory Committee - Certifying Consultants Fees (M19)

Payments to certifying consultants for providing opinions under Section 33 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.
5,063 (500) 4,563

Assistance to Victims of Crime (M19)

Funding for the Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme.
40 - 40

Coroners Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)

This appropriation is limited to the costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Coroners pursuant to Section 110 of the Coroners Act 2006.
4,788 385 5,173

Court and Coroner Related Costs (M19)

This appropriation is limited to funding professional and administrative services provided to or directed by courts and coroners, including costs that are required by legislation and costs incurred by Visiting Justices.
85,974 (8,281) 77,693

Impairment of Debt Established to Recognise Contributions towards Family Court Professional Services (M19)

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of debt owing as a contribution towards Family Court Professional Services costs, which includes the assessment of future remittals; the discounting to present value; expected collection costs and other elements in determining fair value.
909 - 909

Impairment of Fines Receivable (M19)

Allowance for the impairment of fines and enforcement fees including the assessment of future fines remittals; the discounting to present value; expected collection costs and other elements in determining fair value.
37,072 23,000 60,072

Judges' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)

Costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Judges and acting warranted Judges in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, District Court, Employment Court and Māori Land Court incurred pursuant to s.9A Judicature Act 1908, s.6 District Courts Act 1948 and s.13 Te Ture Whenua Māori Land Act 1993.
110,689 6,100 116,789

Judicial Review Costs (M19)

Cost of legal services (including settlement of claims) in cases involving the exercise of judicial functions or the execution of judicial process or costs of counsel to assist the court, including payments ordered to be made from the Māori Land Court Special Aid Fund.
1,196 300 1,496

Justices of the Peace Association (M19)

This appropriation is limited to the cost of administrative services from the Royal Federation of Justices including training and rostering Justices of the Peace for court hearings, and training for Visiting Justices.
350 - 350

Tribunal Related Fees and Expenses (M19)

This appropriation is limited to funding remuneration, allowances, or fees for the Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors of Specialist Tribunals, and expenses incurred by those Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors in relation to Tribunal work.
4,774 250 5,024

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

250,855 21,254 272,109

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

719,139 12,465 731,604

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 468,284 (8,789) - (8,789) 459,495
Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 250,855 - 21,254 21,254 272,109
Capital Expenditure - - - - -
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses
- - - - -
Other Expenses
- - - - -
Capital Expenditure
- N/A - - -

Total Appropriations

719,139 (8,789) 21,254 12,465 731,604

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 177,349 N/A - - 177,349
Capital Receipts - N/A - - -

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

177,349 N/A - - 177,349

Mapping the Layout of the 2013/14 Supplementary Estimates to the Layout of the 2013/14 Estimates

Supplementary Estimates Structure 2013/14 Estimates Structure 2013/14
Part # Part Name Part # Part Name
2.1 Departmental Output Expenses 2.1 Departmental Output Expenses
2.2 Departmental Other Expenses 5.1 Departmental Other Expenses
2.3 Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections 6.1 Departmental Capital Expenditure
3.1 Non-Departmental Output Expenses 2.2 Non-Departmental Output Expenses
3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses 3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses
3.3 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses 4.2 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses
3.4 Non-Departmental Other Expenses 5.2 Non-Departmental Other Expenses
3.5 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure 6.2 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
4 Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure N/A Did not exist in the Estimates

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCOA (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

This output class is limited to the purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.

District Court Services

This output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court.

Higher Court Services

This output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court.

Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services

This output class is limited to the provision of services in regard to the work of the Environment Court, Employment Court, Māori Land Court, Māori Appellate Court, Disputes Tribunals, Tenancy Tribunal, Liquor Licensing Authority, the Waitangi Tribunal, Coroners and a range of other tribunals and authorities. This output class also includes services to Māori landowners and contracting mortuary services as part of supporting the work of Coroners.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

These output classes relate to the provision of services by courts, tribunals and other authorities services, including the collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services within Vote Courts.

Expenses and Revenue


Total Appropriation

468,284 (8,789) 459,495
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services 70,729 (6,466) 64,263
District Court Services 236,213 (3,499) 232,714
Higher Court Services 69,263 1,361 70,624
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services 92,079 (185) 91,894

Revenue from the Crown

423,834 (13,028) 410,806
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services 66,560 (6,616) 59,944
District Court Services 211,597 (4,445) 207,152
Higher Court Services 60,823 (1,024) 59,799
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services 84,854 (943) 83,911

Revenue from Others

44,427 4,239 48,666
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services 4,169 150 4,319
District Court Services 24,616 946 25,562
Higher Court Services 8,440 2,385 10,825
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services 7,202 758 7,960

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

Assessment of Performance Estimates
Supplementary Estimates

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services


Departmental Output Expenses

District Court Services
Criminal (including jury, summary and Youth Court)
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about criminal trial cases that rate "satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about criminal trial cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about criminal trial cases that rate "satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about criminal trial cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about Youth Court cases that rate "satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about Youth Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about Youth Court cases that rate "satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about Youth Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about civil cases that rate "satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about civil cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about civil cases that rate "satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about civil cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Family Court
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about Family Court cases that rate "satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about Family Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of survey responses about Family Court cases that rate "satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of survey responses about Family Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services
Coronial Services Unit
Existing measure
Percentage of coroners surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with inquest hearing support (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of coroners surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with inquest hearing support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of coroners surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of coroners surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Employment Court
Existing measure
Percentage of Employment Court judges surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with case management/file preparation (see Note 1)
100% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Employment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management/file preparation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of Employment Court judges surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with courtroom and hearing support (see Note 1)
100% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Employment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with courtroom and hearing support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Environment Court
Existing measure
Percentage of Environment Court judges surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
95% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Environment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of Environment Court judges surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with courtroom, hearing and mediation support (see Note 1)
95% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Environment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with courtroom, hearing and mediation support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Māori Land Court
Existing measure
Percentage of Māori Land Court judges surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with judicial support and administration services provided (see Note 1)
95% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Māori Land Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with judicial support and administration services provided (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of Māori Land Court judges surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with courtroom and hearing support provided (see Note 1)
95% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Māori Land Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with courtroom and hearing support provided (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of judicial officers surveyed who are at least "satisfied" with case management or file preparation and presentation (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of judicial officers surveyed who are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management or file preparation and presentation (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of judicial officers surveyed who are at least "satisfied" with hearing or hearing room support (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of judicial officers surveyed who are at least "fairly satisfied" with hearing or hearing room support (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Waitangi Tribunal
Existing measure
Percentage of Waitangi Tribunal judicial officers surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with judicial support and administration services provided (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Waitangi Tribunal judicial officers surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with judicial support and administration services provided (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%
Existing measure
Percentage of Waitangi Tribunal judicial officers surveyed that are at least "satisfied" with hearing support provided (see Note 1)
90% Expired measure Expired measure
Replacement measure
Percentage of Waitangi Tribunal judicial officers surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with hearing support provided (see Note 2)
New measure 75% (see Note 3) 75%

Note 1: Satisfaction is measured by an annual survey of the relevant judges or judicial officers. In 2011/12, the performance measure standard was the percentage of respondents who rated "satisfied" or better about case management, file preparation, file presentation, and courtroom and hearing or mediation support provided (where applicable). The scale for responses was a five-point satisfaction scale, which had a mid-point of "Meets expectations". In 2012/13, the satisfaction scale was adjusted to a five-point scale with a neutral mid-point of "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied".

Note 2: Satisfaction is measured by an annual survey of the relevant judges or judicial officers. The performance measure standard is the percentage of respondents who rate "fairly satisfied" or better about case management, file preparation, file presentation, and courtroom and hearing or mediation support provided (where applicable). The scale for responses is a five-point satisfaction scale, with a neutral mid-point of "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied".

Note 3: The budgeted standard has been revised to 75%. This reflects changes to the satisfaction scale, which has been adjusted from a five-point scale with a mid-point of "Meets expectations", to a five-point scale with a mid-point of "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied".

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

The appropriation has decreased by $6.466 million to $64.263 million, due to:

  • a transfer of $6.407 million to other appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address cost pressures and priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan in the 2013/14 financial year, and
  • a transfer of efficiency savings of $2.006 million to the Justice Sector Fund.

Offset by:

  • a transfer of $1.753 million from the non-departmental output expense for Court and Coroner Related Costs to address priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan
  • an increase of $111,000 from additional revenue collected following the civil fees review
  • an increase of $44,000 due to baselines being adjusted for revaluation changes as stated in the capital charge rules, and
  • an increase to baseline of $39,000 from revenue for the Crown Law sub-lease agreement.
District Court Services

The appropriation has decreased by $3.499 million to $232.714 million, due to:

  • a transfer of efficiency savings of $14.645 million to the Justice Sector Fund, and
  • a transfer of $130,000 to 2014/15 to fund the implementation of the Victims' Code.

Offset by:

  • a transfer of $6.982 million from the non-departmental output expense for Court and Coroner Related Costs to address priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan
  • a transfer of $2.040 million to address cost pressures and priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year plan
  • a transfer of $986,000 from the Justice Sector Fund for costs associated with the design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct
  • an increase of $672,000 from additional revenue collected following the civil fees review
  • an increase of $322,000 due to baselines being adjusted for revaluation changes as stated in the capital charge rules
  • an increase of $167,000 to baseline for revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies, and
  • an increase to baseline of $107,000 from the Crown Law sub-lease agreement.
Higher Court Services

The appropriation has increased by $1.361 million to $70.624 million, due to:

  • an increase of $2.212 million from additional revenue following the civil fees review
  • a transfer of $1.844 million from the non-departmental output expense for Court and Coroner Related Costs to address priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan
  • a transfer of $323,000 from the Justice Sector Fund for costs associated with the design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct
  • an expense transfer from 2012/13 of $300,000 to fund the on-going implementation of audio-visual links within courts
  • an increase of $180,000 due to baselines being adjusted for revaluation changes as stated in the capital charge rules
  • an increase to baseline of $148,000 from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for a programme where New Zealand Judges support and mentor Judges from the Pacific Islands, and
  • an increase to baseline of $25,000 from revenue received from the Crown Law sub-lease agreement.

Offset by:

  • a transfer of efficiency savings of $2.606 million to the Justice Sector Fund, and
  • a transfer of $1.065 million to other appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address cost pressures and priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan.
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services

The appropriation has decreased by $185,000 to $91.894 million, due to:

  • a transfer of efficiency savings of $3.266 million to the Justice Sector Fund
  • a transfer of $1.401 million to other appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address cost pressures and priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan in the 2013/14 year
  • a transfer of $500,000 to 2014/15 for the Waitangi Tribunal's historical District Inquiry Programme, and
  • a transfer of $120,000 to 2014/15 for tribunal improvement legislative proposals.

Offset by:

  • a transfer of $2.421 million from the non-departmental output expense for Court and Coroner Related Costs to address priorities identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan
  • a transfer of $1.475 million to fund the on going initiatives that will improve the delivery of coronial services, Waitangi Tribunal's historical District Inquiry Programme, Māori Land Court, Employment Court and Environment Court
  • an increase of $616,000 from additional revenue following the civil fees review
  • a transfer of $391,000 from the Justice Sector Fund for costs associated with the design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct
  • an increase of $107,000 to baseline for revenue received for employees seconded to other government agencies
  • an increase of $57,000 due to baselines being adjusted for revaluation changes as stated in the capital charge rules, and
  • an increase to baseline of $35,000 from revenue received from the Crown Law sub-lease agreement.

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Abortion Supervisory Committee - Certifying Consultants Fees (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

Payments to certifying consultants for providing opinions under Section 33 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 5,063 (500) 4,563

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has decreased by $500,000 to $4.563 million, due to a transfer to Vote Justice for the establishment of the Youth Crime Action Plan Innovation Fund.

Coroners Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Coroners pursuant to Section 110 of the Coroners Act 2006.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 4,788 385 5,173

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $385,000 to $5.173 million due to salary adjustments made as a result of the release of the Coroners (Salaries and Superannuation) Determination 2013.

Court and Coroner Related Costs (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to funding professional and administrative services provided to or directed by courts and coroners, including costs that are required by legislation and costs incurred by Visiting Justices.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 85,974 (8,281) 77,693

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has decreased by $8.281 million to $77.693 million, due to:

  • a transfer of $8 million to departmental output expenses to address priorities and cost pressures identified in the Justice Sector Four-Year Plan
  • a transfer of $4 million to departmental output expenses to fund a programme aimed at modernising court processes
  • a transfer of $1 million to the departmental output expense for District Court Services to improve domestic violence programmes
  • a transfer of $300,000 to the non-departmental other expense for Judicial Review Costs to meet increased demand, and
  • a transfer of $250,000 to the non-departmental other expense for Tribunal Related Fees and Expenses to fund an increase in tribunal members' fees.

Offset by:

  • a transfer of $3 million from 2012/13 to facilitate the development and implementation of improved domestic violence programmes
  • a transfer of $1.320 million from the Vote Justice non-departmental output expense for Family Dispute Resolution Services, due to changes to the timing of some family justice reforms, and
  • a transfer of $949,000 from Vote Police for coronial transport services.

Impairment of Fines Receivable (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

Allowance for the impairment of fines and enforcement fees including the assessment of future fines remittals; the discounting to present value; expected collection costs and other elements in determining fair value.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 37,072 23,000 60,072

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $23 million to $60.072 million. The remittal of fines in favour of a custodial sentence, home detention, or community service order has increased over recent years. The appropriation is increased to reflect the increase to the remittal of fines.

Judges' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

Costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Judges and acting warranted Judges in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, District Court, Employment Court and Māori Land Court incurred pursuant to s.9A Judicature Act 1908, s.6 District Courts Act 1948 and s.13 Te Ture Whenua Māori Land Act 1993.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 110,689 6,100 116,789

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $6.100 million to $116.789 million following the review of the Judicial Salaries and Allowances Determination 2013 and a one-off accounting adjustment to allow for judges annual leave.

Judicial Review Costs (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

Cost of legal services (including settlement of claims) in cases involving the exercise of judicial functions or the execution of judicial process or costs of counsel to assist the court, including payments ordered to be made from the Māori Land Court Special Aid Fund.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 1,196 300 1,496

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $300,000 to $1.496 million due to a transfer from the Court and Coroner Related Costs appropriation. This transfer is necessary to meet an increasing demand for services, which include counsel to assist within the High Court, legal services administered by the Ministry's Office of Legal Counsel, and special aid within the Māori Land Court.

Tribunal Related Fees and Expenses (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to funding remuneration, allowances, or fees for the Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors of Specialist Tribunals, and expenses incurred by those Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors in relation to Tribunal work.


Supplementary Estimates
Total Appropriation 4,774 250 5,024

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation has increased by $250,000 to $5.024 million to fund an increase in tribunal members' fees following Cabinet's requirement to have tribunal member fees independently reviewed on a biennial basis.