Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Conservation - Supplementary Estimates 2016/17

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Conservation (M16), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations (M74)



Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations#

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Conservation with the Community (M16)

This appropriation is limited to public awareness and educational services, and growing conservation through building partnerships with others, including iwi, councils, community groups, businesses, and individuals.
31,754 1,109 32,863

Crown Contribution to Regional Pest Management (M16)

This appropriation is limited to delivery of services to control weed and animal pests on lands administered by the Department of Conservation to meet statutory good neighbour obligations and negotiated outcomes of regional pest management plans.
3,291 - 3,291

Management of Historic Heritage (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the protection and conservation management of historic heritage.
5,779 501 6,280

Management of Natural Heritage (M16)

This appropriation is limited to maintaining, restoring and protecting ecosystems, habitats and species.
160,639 35,112 195,751

Management of Recreational Opportunities (M16)

This appropriation is limited to recreational facilities and services, and the management of business concessions.
143,345 6,427 149,772

Total Departmental Output Expenses

344,808 43,149 387,957

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Department of Conservation - Capital Expenditure PLA (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of Conservation, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
35,216 (7,862) 27,354

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

35,216 (7,862) 27,354

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Community Conservation Partnerships Fund (M16)

This appropriation is limited to grants: for community groups and private landowners to undertake work on public and private land; to provide private land managers with information and advice, or assistance with pest and weed control, fencing and other biodiversity management actions; and to support community biodiversity restoration initiatives.
4,609 955 5,564

Management Services - Natural and Historic Places (M16)

This appropriation is limited to management services for properties with historical or natural significance, including maintenance work, access for the public and management advice on covenanted properties.
1,862 101 1,963

Moutoa Gardens/Pakaitore (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the ongoing management and maintenance of the Moutoa Gardens Reserve.
23 - 23

Stewart Island Infrastructure (M16)

This appropriation is limited to assistance to the Southland District Council for additional community infrastructure arising from increased visitor numbers on Stewart Island.
365 (336) 29

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

6,859 720 7,579

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Compensation Payments (M16)

This appropriation is limited to making obligatory compensation payments: when esplanade reserves are created, and upon vesting of coastal marine areas in the Crown.
60 - 60

Depreciation - Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the depreciation on Crown property, plant and equipment on Crown land administered by the Department of Conservation.
1,008 - 1,008

Impairment of Public Conservation Land (M74)

This appropriation is limited to the impairment in value of Public Conservation land to be transferred to iwi as part of Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.
50 8,009 8,059

Loss on Disposal of Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)

This appropriation is limited to losses incurred on the disposal of Crown property, plant and equipment.
2,525 5,775 8,300

Matauranga Maori Fund (M16)

This appropriation is limited to making grants to support initiatives to protect traditional Maori knowledge relating to NZ's indigenous biodiversity.
757 149 906

Payment of Rates on Properties for Concessionaires (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the payment of rates: on reserves; conservation areas that are used for private or commercial purposes; and for services provided by a local authority.
839 - 839

Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the write-off of debts relating to Crown Revenue.
100 - 100

Subscriptions to International Organisations (M16)

This appropriation is limited to meeting annual subscriptions to international conservation organisations.
405 - 405

Vesting of Reserves (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the costs incurred in vesting Crown reserves in third parties, and Crown contributions towards the purchase of reserves by third parties.
150 962 1,112

Waikaremoana Lakebed Lease (M16)

This appropriation is limited to payments made under the Lake Waikaremoana Act 1971 for the lease of the lakebed and foreshore for conservation purposes.
241 - 241

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

6,135 14,895 21,030

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Crown Land Acquisitions (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of property for the Conservation Estate.
1,400 1,000 2,400

Pike River Memorial and Museum (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the Pike River memorial, the interpretation centre and museum as historic assets.
144 - 144

Purchase and Development of Reserves (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of conservation land, including the purchase of reserves, and any associated administration costs as provided for under the Reserves Act 1977.
1,800 5,260 7,060

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

3,344 6,260 9,604

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure


Identification and Implementation of Protection for Natural and Historic Places MCA (M16)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the protection for natural and historic places.
20,903 (4,885) 16,018
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II
This category is limited to identification and implementation of protection of biodiversity on private land.
3,812 - 3,812
Nature Heritage Fund
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on private land.
2,733 (694) 2,039
Nga Whenua Rahui
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on Maori land.
7,977 293 8,270
South Island Landless Natives Act
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems in Maori ownership on South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) land.
6,381 (4,484) 1,897

Policy Advice, Statutory Planning, and Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies MCA (M16)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other services to Ministers and other parties.
12,925 (1,349) 11,576
Departmental Output Expenses
Policy Advice
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to conservation.
8,216 (1,500) 6,716
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies
This category is limited to statutory planning and the provision of services to Ministers (other than policy decision making responsibilities) and statutory bodies to enable them to discharge their portfolio and responsibilities.
4,709 151 4,860

Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

33,828 (6,234) 27,594

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

430,190 50,928 481,118

Multi-Year Appropriations#

Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriations, Adjustments and Use $000

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Predator Free New Zealand (M16)

This appropriation is limited to contributions towards activities aimed at controlling and eradicating mammalian pests in New Zealand by 2050.

Commences: 01 November 2016

Expires: 30 June 2020
Original Appropriation 23,504
Adjustments to 2015/16 -
Adjustments for 2016/17 -
Adjusted Appropriation 23,504
Actual to 2015/16 Year End -
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 353
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 7,717
Estimated Appropriation Remaining 15,434

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts#

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations 430,190 50,928 481,118
Total MYA Non-Departmental Output Expenses Forecasts - 353 353

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts

430,190 51,281 481,471

Capital Injection Authorisations#

  Estimates Budget
Estimates Budget
Total Budget
Department of Conservation - Capital Injection (M16) 17,446 (17,446) -

Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.2 - Trends in the Vote

Summary of Financial Activity

    Supplementary Estimates  


Output Expenses 351,667 43,149 1,073 44,222 395,889
Benefits or Related Expenses - N/A - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - -
Other Expenses 6,135 - 14,895 14,895 21,030
Capital Expenditure 38,560 (7,862) 6,260 (1,602) 36,958
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - N/A - -
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)          
Output Expenses 33,828 (1,349) (4,885) (6,234) 27,594
Other Expenses - - - - -
Capital Expenditure - N/A - - -

Total Appropriations

430,190 33,938 17,343 51,281 481,471

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - N/A - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 18,450 N/A 3,579 3,579 22,029
Capital Receipts 2,800 N/A 1,000 1,000 3,800

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

21,250 N/A 4,579 4,579 25,829

Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#

2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses#

Conservation with the Community (M16)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to public awareness and educational services, and growing conservation through building partnerships with others, including iwi, councils, community groups, businesses, and individuals.

Expenses and Revenue

Total Appropriation 31,754 1,109 32,863
Revenue from the Crown 29,669 (937) 28,732
Revenue from Others 2,085 2,046 4,131

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1.109 million to $32.863 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • additional third party revenue of $2.046 million (increase)
  • additional funding for Treaty settlement implementation costs of $283,000 (increase)
  • net expense transfers of $280,000 from 2015/16 to 2016/17 as a result of consultation delays on treaty settlements (increase), and
  • fiscally neutral adjustments of $1.500 million to the Management of Recreational Opportunities expenses in 2016/17 only to realign 2016/17 budgets with work plans (decrease).

Management of Historic Heritage (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the protection and conservation management of historic heritage.

Expenses and Revenue#

Total Appropriation 5,779 501 6,280
Revenue from the Crown 5,365 440 5,805
Revenue from Others 414 61 475

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $501,000 to $6.280 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • fiscally neutral adjustment of $1.250 million from Management of Natural Heritage expenses in 2016/17 only to realign 2016/17 budgets with work plans (increase)
  • additional third party revenue of $61,000 (increase), and
  • expense transfers of $810,000 from 2016/17 to 2017/18 as a result of delays in restoration work by specialist contractors (decrease).

Management of Natural Heritage (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to maintaining, restoring and protecting ecosystems, habitats and species.

Expenses and Revenue#

Total Appropriation 160,639 35,112 195,751
Revenue from the Crown 146,090 23,421 169,511
Revenue from Others 14,549 11,691 26,240

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $35.112 million to $195.751 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • additional funding of $21.316 million for the Battle for Our Birds 2017 targeted pest control programme (increase)
  • additional third party revenue of $11.691 million (increase)
  • additional funding of $4.750 million for the response to the Port Hill fires in February 2017 (increase)
  • additional funding of $712,000 for the Conservation Services Programme from industry levies (increase)
  • additional funding of $438,000 for the Predator Free New Zealand pest control programme (increase)
  • additional funding of $317,000 for biodiversity expenditure funded from the West Coast mining compensation received (increase)
  • fiscally neutral adjustments of $2.250 million to other Departmental output expenses in 2016/17 only to realign 2016/17 budgets with work plans (decrease)
  • capital charge adjustment of $1.843 million to reflect the rate reduction (decrease), and
  • net expense transfers of $19,000 as a result of consultation delays with third parties (decrease).

Management of Recreational Opportunities (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to recreational facilities and services, and the management of business concessions.

Expenses and Revenue#

Total Appropriation 143,345 6,427 149,772
Revenue from the Crown 117,747 3,906 121,653
Revenue from Others 23,598 2,521 26,119

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $6.427 million to $149.772 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • additional Crown concessions revenue of $4.551 million for recreational services (increase)
  • fiscally neutral adjustments of $4 million from other Departmental output expenses in 2016/17 only to realign 2016/17 budgets with work plans (increase)
  • net expense transfers of $2.725 million from 2015/16 to 2016/17 as a result of delays in consultation with Treaty partners (increase)
  • additional third party revenue of $2.521 million (increase), and
  • capital charge adjustment of $7.370 million to reflect the rate reduction (decrease).

2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections#

Department of Conservation - Capital Expenditure PLA (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of Conservation, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Capital Expenditure

Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment 33,216 (6,862) 26,354
Intangibles 2,000 (1,000) 1,000
Other - - -

Total Appropriation

35,216 (7,862) 27,354

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was decreased by $7.862 million to $27.354 million due to adjusting this permanent legislative authority with revised capital expenditure expectations.

Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets

Department of Conservation

Details of Net Asset Schedule 2016/17
Main Estimates Projections
Supplementary Estimates Projections
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2016/17
Opening Balance 606,510 603,461 Supplementary Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2016.
Capital Injections 17,446 - Deferred to 2017/18.
Capital Withdrawals - (2,246) Capital funding transfer to MBIE for Christchurch accommodation fit-out.
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) (2,000) (2,000)  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

621,956 599,215  

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses#

Community Conservation Partnerships Fund (M16)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to grants: for community groups and private landowners to undertake work on public and private land; to provide private land managers with information and advice, or assistance with pest and weed control, fencing and other biodiversity management actions; and to support community biodiversity restoration initiatives.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $955,000 to $5.564 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • an expense transfer of $655,000 from 2015/16 to 2016/17 as a result of aligning funding with the timing of grants (increase), and
  • additional funding of $300,000 for the Predator Free New Zealand pest control programme (increase).

Management Services - Natural and Historic Places (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to management services for properties with historical or natural significance, including maintenance work, access for the public and management advice on covenanted properties.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $101,000 to $1.963 million for 2016/17 due to an expense transfer from 2015/16 to 2016/17 as a result of project delays in the maintenance programmes of historical properties.

Predator Free New Zealand (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#

Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriations, Adjustments and Use $000

Predator Free New Zealand (M16)

This appropriation is limited to contributions towards activities aimed at controlling and eradicating mammalian pests in New Zealand by 2050.

Commences: 01 November 2016

Expires: 30 June 2020
Original Appropriation 23,504
Adjustments to 2015/16 -
Adjustments for 2016/17 -
Adjusted Appropriation 23,504
Actual to 2015/16 Year End -
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 353
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 7,717
Estimated Appropriation Remaining 15,434

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve a predator free New Zealand by 2050.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

Performance will be assessed through the monitoring of expenditure to ensure that it is in accordance with the Minister of Conservation's intentions to achieve a predator free New Zealand by 2050.

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Conservation in the Vote Conservation Non-Departmental Appropriations report.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This is a new appropriation for activities aimed at controlling and eradicating mammalian pests in New Zealand by 2050.

Service Providers#

Provider Estimates
Expiry of
Predator Free 2050 Ltd (Crown company) - 353 353 30 June 2020

Stewart Island Infrastructure (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to assistance to the Southland District Council for additional community infrastructure arising from increased visitor numbers on Stewart Island.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation decreased by $336,000 to $29,000 in 2016/17 due to an expense transfer from 2016/17 to 2017/18 as a result of delays in obtaining resource consents.

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#

Impairment of Public Conservation Land (M74)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the impairment in value of Public Conservation land to be transferred to iwi as part of Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $8.009 million to $8.059 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • additional funding for Treaty settlement costs of $5.017 million (increase), and
  • an expense transfer from 2015/16 to 2016/17 for $2.992 million as a result of the timing of the write-down of land subject to an iwi settlement (increase).

Loss on Disposal of Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to losses incurred on the disposal of Crown property, plant and equipment.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $5.775 million to $8.300 million for 2016/17 due to:

  • the write-off of reserve land of $7.700 million (increase)
  • additional funding for Treaty settlement costs of $388,000 (increase), and
  • an expense transfer of $2.313 million from 2016/17 to 2017/18 that is pending enactment of legislation (decrease).

Matauranga Maori Fund (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to making grants to support initiatives to protect traditional Maori knowledge relating to NZ's indigenous biodiversity.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $149,000 to $906,000 for 2016/17 due to net expense transfers from 2015/16 to 2016/17 for commitments entered into that cover more than one financial year.

Vesting of Reserves (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the costs incurred in vesting Crown reserves in third parties, and Crown contributions towards the purchase of reserves by third parties.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $962,000 to $1.112 million for 2016/17 due to the planned vesting of parcels of public conservation land to third parties.

3.5 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure#

Crown Land Acquisitions (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of property for the Conservation Estate.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation increased by $1 million to $2.400 million for 2016/17 due to a proposed land exchange.

Purchase and Development of Reserves (M16)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of conservation land, including the purchase of reserves, and any associated administration costs as provided for under the Reserves Act 1977.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation increased by $5.260 million to $7.060 million for 2016/17 due to the Reserve Trust balance brought forward to 2016/17 only.

Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Identification and Implementation of Protection for Natural and Historic Places (M16)

Overarching Purpose Statement

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the protection for natural and historic places.

Scope of Appropriation

Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II
This category is limited to identification and implementation of protection of biodiversity on private land.
Nature Heritage Fund
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on private land.
Nga Whenua Rahui
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on Maori land.
South Island Landless Natives Act
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems in Maori ownership on South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) land.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

20,903 (4,885) 16,018

Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II 3,812 - 3,812
Nature Heritage Fund 2,733 (694) 2,039
Nga Whenua Rahui 7,977 293 8,270
South Island Landless Natives Act 6,381 (4,484) 1,897

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreased by $4.885 million to $16.018 million for 2016/17 due to net expense transfers as a result of commitments by the Funds that will not be expended until 2017/18 and the complexities of multiple ownership for the land areas involved.

Policy Advice, Statutory Planning, and Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies (M16)#

Overarching Purpose Statement#

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other services to Ministers and other parties.

Scope of Appropriation#

Departmental Output Expenses

Policy Advice
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to conservation.
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies
This category is limited to statutory planning and the provision of services to Ministers (other than policy decision making responsibilities) and statutory bodies to enable them to discharge their portfolio and responsibilities.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure#

Supplementary Estimates

Total Appropriation

12,925 (1,349) 11,576

Departmental Output Expenses

Policy Advice 8,216 (1,500) 6,716
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies 4,709 151 4,860

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses


Revenue from the Crown

12,359 (1,349) 11,010
Policy Advice 8,116 (1,500) 6,616
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies 4,243 151 4,394

Revenue from Others

566 - 566
Policy Advice 100 - 100
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies 466 - 466

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

This appropriation decreased by $1.349 million to $11.576 million due to:

  • a fiscally neutral adjustment of $1.500 million to the Management of Recreational Opportunities expenses in 2016/17 only to realign 2016/17 budgets with work plans (decrease), and
  • an expense transfer of $151,000 from 2015/16 to 2016/17 relating to consultation delays with third parties (increase).