Supplementary estimates of appropriations

Vote Community and Voluntary Sector - Supplementary estimates and supporting information 2009/10

Formats and related files

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector (M15)

ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Department of Internal Affairs


Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Community and Voluntary Sector
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Estimates

Departmental Output Expenses


Community and Voluntary Sector Services MCOA (M15)

22,157 (157) 22,000
Administration of Grants
Processing, assessment and monitoring of grant applications, provision of administration, training and support services to boards on grant distribution committees, advising Ministers on appointments to boards, committees and trusts.
15,117 (176) 14,941
Community Advisory Services
A community development service providing information, resources and facilitation services to enable communities/whanau/hapu/iwi Māori organisations and community groups to develop innovative responses to meet their needs.
5,328 19 5,347
Policy Advice - Community
Provision of policy advice with a community/whanau/hapu/iwi development perspective, and on matters related to the performance of and appointment to the Charities Commission. Drafting ministerial correspondence and questions.
1,712 - 1,712

Total Departmental Output Expenses

22,157 (157) 22,000

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Charities - Administration (M15)

Funding for the Charities Commission to fulfil its functions outlined in the Charities Act 2005.
5,066 - 5,066

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

5,066 - 5,066

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Community Development Scheme (M15)

Three-year grants to community organisations for projects to achieve improved economic, social and cultural wellbeing in areas such as health, education and crime prevention.
2,560 - 2,560

Community Internship Programme (M15)

Grants for community internship programmes to place experienced people from the public, private and community sectors in short-term internships to develop capacity in community and voluntary sector organisations.
581 - 581

Community Organisation Grants Scheme (M15)

Locally distributed grants to community organisations for programmes that direct social services provision to disadvantaged community sectors.
13,873 - 13,873

Debt Write-downs (M15)

This appropriation is limited to the provision for write-downs of Crown debt administered by the Department of Internal Affairs, either for debt write-offs or debt provisions resulting from the revaluation of debt in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.
- 151 151

Disarmament Education Grants (M15)

Grants to fund activities to support New Zealand non-government organisations in the disarmament education field.
150 - 150

Support for Volunteering (M15)

Funding to promote the effective use, training and support of volunteers by funding Volunteering New Zealand, regional volunteer centres and various targeted projects within the community.
402 - 402

Youth Workers Training Scheme (M15)

Grants for informal training for both paid and voluntary youth workers to increase and maintain the quality of youth worker practice.
200 - 200

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

17,766 151 17,917

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

44,989 (6) 44,983