Working Papers published by the Treasury contain scholarly research on a variety of economic, financial, trade and social issues.
The Working Papers series includes new empirical research relevant to understanding the New Zealand economy or the impact of economic policy in New Zealand, theoretical frameworks relevant for understanding microeconomic or macroeconomic behaviour or the impact of a policy proposal, or syntheses of literature.
The papers do not themselves represent policy advice, nor do they represent the views of the Treasury or the Government. See
The Treasury's Technical Papers Editorial Committee coordinates the selection, peer review and quality control of papers selected for publication in the Working Papers series.
The Treasury's aim in publishing Working Papers is to make the research work available to a wider audience, and to inform and encourage public debate and further research, with the ultimate aim of informing the Treasury's policy advice.
Working Papers have been published as a formal series of publications since 1998; some earlier 'working papers' were published in 1997 and 1998.
Online publication only
Working Papers are available in PDF format only. If you require an accessible version please contact [email protected] and cite the paper title and reference number as a reference.
Working Papers each have a reference number indicating the year and sequence it was published eg, WP 21/02 was the second Working Paper published in 2021.