Forestry exports account for 11% of the total primary industry exports and are significantly impacted by global economic trends and demand from key markets. In the short term, we expect log export...
Introduction This special topic briefly examines how the Treasury's economic forecasts have evolved over the past 5 years - a period of much greater volatility than in the period prior to the COVID-19...
Introduction Following decades of rapid economic growth, China became the world’s second largest economy and New Zealand’s largest trading partner. But, in the years prior to the pandemic, and...
Special Topic: Business Talks During September 2024, Treasury officials met with a range of businesses and organisations to discuss business conditions and the outlook for the New Zealand economy. The...
Special Topic: The outlook for dairy exports New Zealand’s future dairy export volume and price growth will likely be slower than previously experienced and a change in the product mix is unlikely...
Special Topic: The outlook for the current account New Zealand's current account deficit has widened considerably, owing to many factors including the disruption caused by the pandemic, poor...
In the Fortnightly Economic Update – 28 April 2023 there was a special topic titled “Impacts from the North Island weather events”. This had been previously published on 27 April at Impacts from the...
Special Topic: The outlook for services exports COVID-19 and the closure of the border resulted in an abrupt shock to arrivals and New Zealand’s travel service exports. This special topic concludes...
Special Topic: Global financial stress and implications for New Zealand Global banking stresses are expected to lead to higher borrowing costs and tighter bank lending standards. This could lead to...
Special Topic: Decomposing inflation into supply and demand drivers The rise in inflation in New Zealand reflects both supply and demand factors. On the supply side, the pandemic disrupted labour...