Purpose of the Discussion Papers Series
The Treasury's aim in publishing the discussion papers is to encourage discussion on these topics. The discussion papers are not the Treasury’s position on measuring intergenerational wellbeing and its sustainability in New Zealand. There are marked differences in perspective between the papers that reflect differences in the subject matter as well as differences in the state of knowledge. The Treasury welcomes comments on these papers to help inform our ongoing development of the Living Standards Framework. To provide a contribution to the discussion, please email [email protected]
In contrast, The Living Standards Framework (LSF) 2021 is a Treasury Position Paper, which describes the current work on the Living Standards Framework and our plans for future work.
Online Publication Only
Please note that these papers are electronic publications - the Treasury does not print or provide printed copies.
The discussion papers each have a reference number indicating the year and sequence in which they were published. For example, DP 18/01 was the first discussion paper published in 2018.