The Treasury publishes responses to Official Information Act (OIA) requests soon after the Treasury has sent the response to the requestor. The reply letter from the Treasury details the information being released and explains what information, if any, has been withheld and under which grounds of the OIA. The requestor's name and address have been removed.
Material pro-actively released by the Treasury, that is material not released directly in response to a particular OIA request, is available at Information Releases. This includes the regular Budget Information Releases and the Treasury's Briefings to Incoming Ministers.
OIA Response Publication Schedule
Batches of responses will typically be released here one or two afternoons each week. There will be no notification on this page if there are no responses to be published on a particular day, nor will we signal in advance which responses will be published.
OIA Responses
Documents are only available in Adobe PDF format and are listed in release date order, with the most recently released responses at the top.