Productivity Commission inquiry

More effective social services - Productivity Commission inquiry material 2014 - 2015

The Productivity Commission completed its inquiry into more effective social services and presented the final report to the Government in 2015.

The inquiry#

The Government asked the Commission to investigate how to improve outcomes for New Zealanders from social services funded or otherwise supported by the Government. This included how agencies identify the needs of people who use the services, how they choose organisations to provide the services, and how the contracts between agencies and organisations work.

Social services included health care, social care, education and training, employment services and community services. They also included the services targeted to those whose health, age, socioeconomic or other circumstances means that they have greater needs than others in society.

The inquiry examined how commissioning and purchasing influence the quality and effectiveness of social services, and suggested ways to improve these practices to achieve better outcomes for New Zealanders.

Key recommendations#

The Commission observed that many social services continue to be funded and run in much the same way over decades, with little evaluation of their impact or cost-effectiveness. The inquiry also identified a flow of new initiatives that attract much media and political attention but has little impact on New Zealand’s most disadvantaged.

The Commission found that a new approach is required that puts the needs of people and their families at the centre of decision-making. This would require a shift in thinking and structures.

Early intervention was a central theme of the final report. The Commission believed that better use of data and analytics would help the government target those most in need early.

The final report#

The Commission made 89 findings and 61 recommendations about how to make social services more responsive, client-focused, accountable and innovative.

The Commission completed a number of case studies on employment services, Whānau Ora, services for people with disabilities, and home-based support for older people.

Government response#

In May 2017 the Treasury, in conjunction with the State Services Commission, announced and released the Government Response to the Commission's report.


An independent evaluation of the Commission's performance has been undertaken to understand whether the inquiry had the right focus, the right process, whether the engagement and delivery of message was effective, and analysis, findings and recommendations were of high quality.


  • Terms of reference- June 2014
    • Consultation and engagement started
  • Issues paper
    • Submissions closed 2 December 2014
  • Draft report
    • Submissions closed 24 June 2015
  • Final report - 15 September 2015
  • Evaluation - December 2015
  • Government response - 1 May 2017

Key documents#

Final report and Government response#

Final Report: More Effective Social Services Inquiry
Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
Government of New Zealand
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission

Case studies and research#

Case Studies and Research: More Effective Social Services Inquiry

Doc. Date Creator Title Sort descending
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
Mansell, James

Terms of reference and issues paper#

Issues Paper: More Effective Social Services Inquiry
Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
New Zealand Productivity Commission
Minister of Finance
New Zealand Productivity Commission

Draft report#

Draft Report: More Effective Social Services Inquiry
Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission
New Zealand Productivity Commission


Public submissions on issues paper - More effective social services

Public submissions on draft report - More effective social services


Evaluation: More Effective Social Services Inquiry
Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
Spencer, Kathy
New Zealand Productivity Commission
Preston, David A