Information supporting the estimates of appropriations

Health Sector - Information Supporting the Estimates 2010/11 - Budget 2010

Information Supporting the Estimates is organised on the basis of sectors, with each Vote and its administering department allocated to one sector (with a small number of exceptions). The Information Supporting the Estimates comprises of sector overview information, together with statements of responsibility; performance information for appropriations in Votes covered by the sector; and statements of forecast service performance and forecast financial statements of departments included in the sector. Statements of Intent of departments included in the sector form part of the supporting information.


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Cover, Contents#


  • Purpose of Information Supporting the Estimates
  • Votes and Departments in Each Sector
  • Purpose and Nature of Appropriations
  • Guide to Reading Information Supporting the Estimates
  • Terms and Definitions
  • Useful Links

Sector Overview#

  • Ministerial Statements of Responsibility
  • Chief Executive Statements of Responsibility

Performance Information for Appropriations in Each Vote#

  • Vote Health

Statement of Forecast Service Performance of Department#

Forecast Financial Statements of Department#

  • Statement of Common Accounting Policies
  • Ministry of Health

Statement of Intent of Department (separately produced but forming part of this volume)#

Votes and Departments in Each Sector#

Votes and Departments in Each Sector
Votes by Sector Departments by Sector

Economic Development and Infrastructure Sector - B.5A Vol.1

Vote Economic Development Ministry of Economic Development
Vote Commerce
Vote Communications
Vote Consumer Affairs
Vote Energy
Vote Tourism
Vote Transport Ministry of Transport
Vote Labour Department of Labour
Vote ACC
Vote Employment
Vote Immigration

Education and Science Sector - B.5A Vol.2

Vote Education Ministry of Education
Vote Education Review Office Education Review Office
Vote Research, Science and Technology Ministry of Research, Science and Technology
Vote Crown Research Institutes (this Vote is administered by the Treasury, which is in the Finance and Government Administration Sector.)

Environment Sector - B.5A Vol.3

Vote Environment Ministry for the Environment
Vote Climate Change
Vote Conservation Department of Conservation
Vote Local Government (this Vote is administered by the Department of Internal Affairs, which is in the Māori, Other Populations and Cultural Sector)
Vote Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

External Sector - B.5A Vol.4

Vote Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Vote Official Development Assistance
Vote Defence Ministry of Defence
Vote Defence Force New Zealand Defence Force
Vote Veterans' Affairs - Defence Force
Vote Customs New Zealand Customs Service

Finance and Government Administration Sector - B.5A Vol.5

Vote Prime Minister and Cabinet Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Vote Communications Security and Intelligence Government Communications Security Bureau
Vote Security Intelligence New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
Vote State Services State Services Commission
Vote Finance The Treasury
Vote State-Owned Enterprises
Vote Revenue Inland Revenue Department
Vote Ministerial Services (this Vote is administered by the Department of Internal Affairs, which is in the Māori, Other Populations and Cultural Sector)  
Vote Office of the Clerk Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives
Vote Ombudsmen Office of the Ombudsmen
Vote Parliamentary Service Parliamentary Service
Vote Audit Office of the Auditor-General

Health Sector - B.5A Vol.6

Vote Health Ministry of Health

Justice Sector - B.5A Vol.7

Vote Justice Ministry of Justice
Vote Courts
Vote Corrections Department of Corrections
Vote Police New Zealand Police
Vote Serious Fraud Serious Fraud Office
Vote Attorney-General Crown Law Office
Vote Parliamentary Counsel Parliamentary Counsel Office

Māori, Other Populations and Cultural Sector - B.5A Vol.8

Vote Arts, Culture and Heritage Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Vote Sport and Recreation
Vote Statistics Statistics New Zealand
Vote National Archives Archives New Zealand
Vote National Library National Library of New Zealand
Vote Māori Affairs Te Puni Kōkiri
Vote Treaty Negotiations (this Vote is administered by the Ministry of Justice, which is in the Justice Sector)  
Vote Pacific Island Affairs Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
Vote Women's Affairs Ministry of Women's Affairs
Vote Internal Affairs Department of Internal Affairs
Vote Community and Voluntary Sector
Vote Emergency Management
Vote Racing

Primary Sector - B.5A Vol.9

Vote Agriculture and Forestry Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Vote Biosecurity
Vote Food Safety
Vote Fisheries Ministry of Fisheries
Vote Lands Land Information New Zealand

Social Development and Housing Sector - B.5A Vol.10

Vote Social Development Ministry of Social Development
Vote Senior Citizens
Vote Veterans' Affairs - Social Development
Vote Youth Development
Vote Housing Department of Building and Housing

Purpose and Nature of Appropriations#

An appropriation is a statutory authority from Parliament allowing the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure.

Neither the Crown nor an Office of Parliament can legally incur any expense or capital expenditure - as those terms are defined in the Public Finance Act 1989 (PFA) - unless it is expressly authorised by or under an Act of Parliament.

Each appropriation is allocated to, and managed as, one of six types of appropriation.

Limits Created by Appropriations#

Each appropriation has a defined scope that limits the uses or activities for which the expenses or capital expenditure can be incurred. The scope should be sufficient on its own to establish the nature and extent of the authority to incur expenses or capital expenditure. The wording of the appropriation scope should achieve the balance between being sufficiently precise to act as an effective constraint against non-authorised activities and not so specific that it inadvertently limits activity intended to be authorised.

In most cases an appropriation also limits the amount of expenses or capital expenditure that can be incurred, and the time period within which those expenses or capital expenditure can be incurred.

Aside from the very limited exclusions provided for in the PFA, the amount of expense or capital expenditure authorised by an appropriation is measured in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.

As generally accepted accounting practice does not normally treat GST as an expense, appropriation amounts also generally exclude GST. Prior to 2005/06, however, appropriations included applicable GST. All prior-year appropriation data, such as in the Summary of Trends table in the Estimates and the Summary of Financial Activity Table for each Vote in Information Supporting the Estimates - have been adjusted to exclude GST to allow appropriate comparison.

Responsibility for Appropriations#

Each appropriation is the responsibility of a designated Minister, who controls the right to use that appropriation within the limits authorised by Parliament. A department is also assigned to administer that appropriation in accordance with the Minister's wishes concerning its use.

A Vote is a group of appropriations (and can be a single appropriation) administered by a single department. Different appropriations within a Vote may be the responsibility of different Ministers.


Types of Appropriation#

The PFA provides for six types of appropriation. Four appropriation types authorise the incurring of expenses; one type authorises the incurring of capital expenditure; and the remaining type authorises both.

These appropriation types can be further differentiated by whether the expenses or capital expenditure are departmental or non-departmental transactions.

Types of Appropriation
Appropriation Type Transaction Status Description

Output Expenses


Authorises expenses to be incurred by a department or an Office of Parliament in supplying a specified category of outputs (goods and services).


Authorises expenses to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) in purchasing a specified category of outputs (goods and services) from Crown entities or other third parties.

Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses


Authorises expenses to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) in transferring resources (generally to individuals for their personal benefit) for which the Crown receives nothing directly in return.

Examples include the Unemployment Benefit, student allowances and various scholarships and awards.

Borrowing Expenses


Authorises the incurring of interest or other financing expenses for loans made to a department or an Office of Parliament, or for public securities (undertakings that represent part of the public debt) issued by a department or an Office of Parliament.

In practice, limitations on the rights of departments to borrow or issue securities mean that these are likely to be incurred only by Offices of Parliament.


Authorises the incurring of interest or other financing expenses for loans made to the Crown (excluding departments), or public securities (undertakings that represent part of the public debt) issued by the Crown.

Crown debt management is centralised, which means that most debt-servicing expenses appear in Vote Finance.

Other Expenses


Authorises expenses to be incurred by a department or an Office of Parliament that are not either output expenses or borrowing expenses.

Other expenses should be used only for events that cannot be related back to output production, such as redundancy costs arising from a government decision to cease purchasing certain types of outputs, or a loss on sale of assets made surplus by departmental restructuring.


Authorises expenses to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) that are not structured or managed as output expenses, benefits and unrequited expenses, or borrowing expenses.

Other expenses is the residual appropriation type, which should not be used where an appropriation could be better classified or managed as one of the other appropriation types (eg, as output expenses).

Examples include disposal of an asset for less than market value, grants to community organisations, subscriptions for membership of international bodies and remuneration of independent statutory officers.

Capital expenditure


Authorises capital expenditure to be incurred by a department or an Office of Parliament to acquire or develop assets for the use of the department.


Authorises capital expenditure to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) to acquire or develop Crown assets, including the purchase of equity, or making a loan to a person or organisation that is not a department.

Expenses or Capital expenditure Incurred by an Intelligence and Security Department


Authorises both expenses and capital expenditure to be incurred by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service or the Government Communications Security Bureau.

Types of Output Expense Appropriations#

A number of variations are possible for output expense appropriations. In particular, the constraint on the amount of expense that can be incurred is not always a fixed amount; and an output expense appropriation can cover more than one class of outputs.

Types of Output Expense Appropriations
Output Expense Appropriation Type and Authority Description, Constraints on Form and Typical Application

Standard Output Expense Appropriations

(section 7(1), Public Finance Act 1989)

Departmental or non-departmental: Authorise a department or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses in supplying a specified class of outputs (goods and services), or the Crown (excluding departments) to incur expenses to purchase a specified class of outputs.

Annual or multi-year: The authority lapses at the end of the financial year or multi-year period specified.

Single output class only: The scope is limited to a single class of outputs (defined as a grouping of similar outputs).

Amount limited by Appropriation Act: The amount of a standard output expense appropriation is limited to a set amount of NZ dollars specified in an Appropriation Act.

Typical application: The normal or default form for an output expense appropriation, used for a wide range of outputs for which the flexibility offered by the other types of output expense appropriation is not required.

Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriations (MCOA)

(section 7(3)(b), Public Finance Act 1989)

Departmental or non-departmental: Authorise a department or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses in supplying more than one specified class of outputs (goods and services), or the Crown (excluding departments) to incur expenses to purchase more than one specified class of outputs.

A proposed MCOA must be approved by the Minister of Finance before it is presented in the Estimates. The information supporting the Estimates must explain why the Minister has allowed those classes of outputs to be grouped in one appropriation.

Annual or multi-year: The authority lapses at the end of the financial year or multi-year period specified.

Multiple output classes: The scope of an MCOA is determined by the combined scope of each of the output classes included in that appropriation.

Amount limited by Appropriation Act: The amount of an MCOA is limited to a set amount of NZ dollars specified in an Appropriation Act. The amount of expense that can be incurred in relation to each component output class is flexible within the total amount of the MCOA, although expenses must be separately forecast and reported for each individual class in the Estimates, Information Supporting the Estimates, Supplementary Estimates and the department's annual report.

Typical application: An MCOA is used where it is appropriate to give the responsible Minister or department ongoing discretion over the output mix across two or more classes of outputs. Such discretion will most commonly be sought where the output classes contribute to a common outcome, or use a common or closely related set of inputs or processes, and the circumstances that determine the appropriate output choice or mix are likely to vary during the appropriation period.

Revenue-Dependent Appropriations (RDA)

(section 21(1), Public Finance Act 1989)

Departmental only: Authorise a department or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses in supplying a specified a class of outputs (goods and services) that are not paid for directly by the Crown.

A proposed RDA must be approved by the Minister of Finance, before it is presented in the Estimates. Each class of outputs for which an RDA is approved is listed in an Appropriation Act for the relevant financial year.

Annual only: The authority lapses at the end of the financial year specified.

Single output class only: The scope of an RDA is limited to a single class of outputs (defined as a grouping of similar outputs).

Amount limited by amount of revenue earned: The amount of an RDA is limited tothe amount of revenue earned by a department or an Office of Parliament from other departments or from parties other than the Crown during a financial year. The Minister of Finance can further direct a department to incur expenses to a level lower than the amount of revenue earned, though such directions have been rare.

Typical application: An RDA provides flexibility to respond to unanticipated changes in the level of external demand for a class of outputs, where the full cost of the outputs is met by external parties and not the Crown.

Department-to-Department Appropriation (DDA)

(section 20(2), Public Finance Act 1989)

Departmental only: Authorise a department or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses in supplying specified outputs (goods and services) paid for by another department.

Creation of a DDA requires an agreement between two departments. Implicitly it also requires the approval of the Minister who will become responsible for the appropriation - namely, the Minister responsible for the supplying department - as the agreement has implications for the scope and risk of that department's operations.

Annual or multi-year: The period of a DDA will depend on the negotiated terms of the agreement.

Single or multiple output class(es): The scope of a DDA (and hence whether it covers one or more classes of outputs) will depend on the way in which the agreement defines what is to be delivered. In most cases, an agreement that provides for a range of different outputs is better treated as creating several single-class DDAs.

Amount limited by departmental agreement: The amount of a DDA is limited to either the amount of revenue earned from the commissioning department, or the cost incurred by the supplying department in providing those outputs (if that cost is less than the amount of revenue earned under the agreement).

Typical application: DDAs are intended to make collaboration between departments easier by reducing the time and effort required to obtain / adjust the relevant appropriations while also allowing a commissioning department to retain full control over the resources it provides.

The use of a DDA is not confined to bilateral agreements. A set of related DDAs could be used to enable one department to co-ordinate and manage the work of several departments that must work together to contribute to providing an integrated service to third parties, or to pool contributions from several departments to enable another department to provide a specific service to or on behalf of those departments.

Appropriation Period#

The length of the appropriation period affects how appropriations are presented in the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates. Three kinds of appropriation can be distinguished on the basis of period - annual and multi-year (as referred to in the above table on types of output expense appropriations), and permanent:

  • Annual Appropriations - Most appropriations listed in the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates allow expenses or capital expenditure to be incurred only during a particular financial year. The annual amounts, for which parliamentary authority is being sought, are shown in bold type in Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations in the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates for each Vote. The amounts for RDAs and annual DDAs are forecasts only, and so are not shown in bold type.
  • Multi-Year Appropriations (MYAs) - The PFA also permits appropriations that allow expenses or capital expenditure to be incurred during a specified period that spans the whole or parts of more than one financial year, but no more than five financial years. The details of each MYA, including its commencement date and expiry date, are specified in Details of Multi-Year Appropriations in the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates for relevant Votes.
  • Permanent Appropriations (sometimes referred to as permanent legislative authorities or PLAs) -Permanent appropriations are authorised by legislation other than an Appropriation Act and continue in effect until revoked by Parliament. Generally the authorising legislation will impose limits on the scope of the appropriation and not its amount. For those appropriations that with limits set in cash terms, section 11(2) of the Public Finance Act 1989 requires that they be reported on an accrual basis. The usual legislative wording allows for expenses or capital expenditure to be incurred for the purpose specified in the legislation “without further appropriation than this section”. Details of permanent appropriations are included in Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations in the Estimates and Supplementary Estimates for each Vote for completeness, though the amount specified is a forecast rather than a limit. The amounts of permanent appropriations are therefore not shown in bold type. The scope of a permanent appropriation will reference the relevant section of the authorising legislation.

Guide to Reading Information Supporting theEstimates#

The Information Supporting the Estimates for each of the 10 sectors comprises five components, each of which is briefly described, below.

1 Sector Overview Information

The first component of the Information Supporting the Estimates may include a statement, agreed by all Ministers responsible for appropriations in each Vote included in the sector, that presents an overview of the sector and a high-level summary of the government's expectations and priorities. The Overview also includes Ministerial and Chief Executive Statements of Responsibility for the information provided in the Information Supporting the Estimates.

2 Performance Information Relating to Appropriations in Each Vote#

The second component of the Information Supporting the Estimates presents performance information relating to each appropriation.

Thetitle pages for each Vote specify the Minister(s) responsible for existing and proposed appropriations in the Vote, and the Responsible Minister for the department. The performance information meets the requirements of sections 15 and 41(1)(e) of the PFA and contains up to six parts. If particular information is not applicable to the Vote or a specific appropriation or type, or is otherwise unavailable, the relevant heading is not included.

Part 1 - Summary of the Vote

The Summary of the Vote comprises:

  • Part 1.1 Overview of the Vote - A plain-language summary of the focus of the appropriations through a brief explanation of the Vote. The Overview also appears at the start of the Vote in the Estimates.
  • Part 1.2 High-Level Objectives of the Vote - The objectives for the Vote presented through links and relationships and high-level priorities and outcomes to which they contribute. Where applicable, priorities and outcomes are drawn from the priorities and desired outcomes and published strategy documents. Links are also made to specific government strategies. Links may also be made to specific Government objectives.
  • Part 1.3 Trends in the Vote - A presentation of the actual and estimated trends in the Vote, comprising:
    • Summary of Financial Activity - A table showing financial information over the preceding five years (actual, budgeted or estimated actual), the current year (Budget) and the following three years (estimated) for the type of appropriations and Crown revenue and capital receipts.
    • New Policy Initiatives - A table showing how new initiatives (and the associated expenses or capital expenditure) are allocated to appropriations in the Vote. References are included where appropriations in other Votes are affected by the same initiative.
    • Analysis of Significant Trends - High-level analysis of appropriations and Crown revenue and capital receipts by type over the nine financial years covered by the Summary of Financial Activity table, explanations of significant changes and may also contain graphical presentations.
  • Part 1.4 Reconciliation of Changes in Appropriation Structure - a table providing a reconciliation and explanation of any changes in the structure or classification of appropriations made in the Budget year. These changes are restated for the previous financial year to facilitate comparison.

Part 2 - Details and Expected Performance for Output Expenses#

This Part provides further detail about appropriations and expected performance for output expenses.

  • Part 2.1 Departmental Output Expenses - Intended impacts, outcomes and objectives are presented for departmental output expense appropriations in the Vote. This is followed by information on each appropriation, including its scope, a table showing expenses and revenue (distinguishing the revenue sources between the Crown and others), a statement of reasons for change in the appropriation (if material), and tables detailing performance measures and standards for significant aspects of expected output performance, any conditions on use of appropriation, any memorandum accounts (which record accumulated surpluses and deficits incurred in the provision of outputs on a full cost-recovery basis), and any current and past policy initiatives affecting the appropriation.
    • Information on impacts and outcomes or objectives to which the outputs contribute is provided. Further information on the relationships between outputs, impacts, and outcomes or objectives is outlined in Part 1.2 and the Statement of Intent. Conditions on use include administrative criteria and processes contained in legislation, regulation and Government decisions, which may be reference in scope statement or performance measures. The current and past policy initiatives tables provides a five-year history of announced initiatives that impact on the Budget year, the preceding year and the following three years.
    • For MCOA, an explanation is provided as to why the classes of outputs have been grouped under a single appropriation, and the scope statement, expenses and revenue, and performance information is presented for each output class.
    • Information provided for MYAs enables the original appropriation to be reconciled to the adjusted level if changes have been approved or are proposed, and the balance remaining to be derived taking account of actual or estimated expenses incurred to date.
    • The appropriation scope, expenses and revenue, and output performance measures and standards match information required to be included in a department's Statement of Forecast Service Performance with respect to departmental output expense appropriations used by the department.
  • Part 2.2 Non-Departmental Output Expenses - This sub-part contains comparable information to that presented in Part 2.1 on departmental output expense appropriations. The main differences are that details of third parties’ other revenue is not relevant and a summary of service providers is included.
    • The service providers table shows Crown entities and non-governmental organisations providing outputs funded through the Vote, and (where applicable) the mechanism for reporting actual performance to Parliament and the expiry of the Government's resource commitment. The reporting mechanisms are typically an entity's annual report or a report by the responsible Minister required by section 32A of the PFA. Where the provider is a Crown entity that is required to produce a Statement of Intent, its annual report may contain more detailed performance information at the output class or output level. ‘Section 32A' reports include a statement of service performance in relation to the appropriation.

Part 3 - Details for Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses#

Part 3 provides performance information about appropriations for benefits and other unrequited expenses incurred by the Crown. No departmental transactions arise under this appropriation type.

  • Part 3.2 Non-Departmental Benefits and Other Expenses - Information on each appropriation includes impacts and outcomes intended to be achieved, a scope statement, expense components, reasons for material changes, any conditions of use, and details of any current and past policy initiatives over the five years up to and including the Budget year.

Part 4 - Details for Borrowing Expenses#

This Part provides detail about appropriations for borrowing expenses. No departmental borrowing expense appropriations exist at present.

  • Part 4.2 Non-Departmental Borrowing Expenses - The set of performance information is the same as that for non-departmental benefits and other expenses, except that conditions on use are no specified.

Part 5 - Details and Expected Results for Other Expenses#

Part 5 provides detail about appropriations for:

  • Part 5.1 Departmental Other Expenses - It is uncommon for this category of appropriation to be utilised. In the few cases where it occurs, the performance information is the same as that for non-departmental other expense appropriations except for a summary of reporting mechanisms.
  • Part 5.2 Non-Departmental Other Expenses- Information on other expenses incurred by the Crown covers intended impacts and outcomes, appropriation scope, expenses analysed by component, reasons for material changes in the appropriation, expected results and standards, any conditions on use, any current and past policy initiatives, and a summary of mechanisms for reporting actual performance to Parliament.

Part 6 - Details and Expectations of Capital Expenditure#

This Part provides further details about appropriations for capital expenditure.

  • Part 6.1 Departmental Capital Expenditure - The purchase or development of assets by a department is made under a permanent appropriation authorised by section 24(1) of the PFA. Capital expenditure is defined in section 2 as the cost of assets acquired or developed, including tangible, intangible or financial assets, and any ownership interest in entities, but excluding inventories. The appropriation appears in the Vote that contains appropriations that are the responsibility of the department's Responsible Minister.
    • Information is provided on intended impacts and outcomes of the appropriation, its scope, expenditure analysed by standard asset categories, reasons for material changes in the appropriation, and expected results. The scope statement is in a standard form for all departments. The performance information relates to the department as a whole and is not limited to any specific capital injection.
  • Part 6.2 Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure - Performance information for capital expenditure incurred by the Crown is the same as that for departmental capital expenditure except for not detailing asset categories and the addition of any conditions on use of the appropriation, any current and past policy initiatives, and a summary of the mechanism for reporting to Parliament.
    • The scope statement indicates the form of interest or asset acquired by the Crown, such as a capital injection (equity), loan or shares.

The following table summarises the performance information that is required for a ‘standard' appropriation in each sub-part.

Summary of performance information that is required for a ?standard' appropriation
Standard Appropriations Part 2.1 Part 2.2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1 Part 5.2 Part 6.1 Part 6.2
For each sub-part:                    
Intended impacts, outcomes or objectives
For each appropriation:                    
Scope of appropriation
Expenses and revenue N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Expenses N/A N/A N/A
Capital expenditure N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Reasons for change in appropriation
Output performance measures and standards N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Expected results N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Conditions on use of appropriation N/A N/A N/A
Memorandum account N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Current and past policy initiatives N/A
Summary of service providers N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Reporting mechanism N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Information on reasons for change, conditions on use, current and past policy initiatives, and reporting mechanisms appears where applicable or material. Memorandum accounts are relevant only in Part 2.1. Some variations exist for non-standard appropriations, including MCOAs in Parts 2.1 and 2.2 and MYAs in Parts 2.1, 2.2, 5.2 and 6.2. Furthermore performance information may not be available for some appropriations.

3 Statement of Forecast Service Performance of Departments#

The third component of the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations comprises the Statement of Forecast Service Performance for each department included in the sector, by reference to material already set out in Part 2.1 of Votes containing appropriations proposed to be used by the department.

4 Forecast Financial Statements of Departments#

The fourth component of the Information Supporting the Estimates begins with a Statement of Common Accounting Policies applicable to all departments. The forecast financial statements for the forthcoming financial year for each department covered by the sector includes a:

  • Statement of Forecast Comprehensive Income
  • Statement of Forecast Changes in Taxpayers' Funds
  • Forecast Statement of Financial Position
  • Statement of Forecast Cash Flows
  • Statement of Significant Assumptions.

Each department will include a Statement of Entity- Specific Accounting Policies detailing policies for any matters not addressed by the Statement of Common Accounting Policies (such as a “going concern” statement) or where its policies are more specific than the common policies (such as capitalisation thresholds and estimated useful lives of individual classes of assets). Notes to the Financial Statements provide additional details to assist interpretation of the accounts and to meet disclosure requirements outlined in legislation and accounting standards.

5 Statements of Intent of Departments#

The final component of the Information Supporting the Estimates presents the Statements of Intent of the departments covered by each sector. These statements contain the information required by section 40 of the PFA. They focus on the medium term and generally cover:

  • Nature and scope of the department's functions - A brief high-level description of the department's functions, addressing its role(s) and purpose and how it intends fulfilling them.
  • Strategic direction - impacts and outcomes - A brief high-level overview of the department's strategic direction covering both the impacts and outcomes the department is seeking to achieve (or contribute to) and the strategic environment in which the department operates through, in particular, its responses to the government's priorities.
  • Operating intentions - Information that describes how the department intends to achieve (or contribute to) those desired impacts and outcomes through its operations. This section should also include the main measures and standards the department will use to assess and demonstrate what it has achieved, including measures of outcome achievement, impact and cost effectiveness.
  • Managing in a changeable operating environment - Information on the risks to achievement of the desired outcomes and priorities, and the department's mitigation strategies.
  • Assessing organisational health and capability - The department's intentions for building and strengthening its internal capability, including its responses to the development goals for the State Services and its strategic approach to managing its asset base and forecast capital expenditure in the medium term. If capital expenditure is significant, it is in a separate section.
  • Additional information and statutory reporting requirements - As required either by the responsible Minister or Minister of Finance, or by specific legislation.

Terms and Definitions#

The table below contains terms that are used in the Estimates and the Information Supporting the Estimates.

Terms and Definitions
Appropriation An appropriation is a parliamentary authorisation for the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure.
Appropriation scope One of the defining terms of an appropriation that establishes limits on the activities for which the Crown or an Office of Parliament is authorised to incur expenses or capital expenditure under that appropriation.
Capital expenditure The cost of assets acquired or developed including any ownership interest in entities, but excluding inventory.
Crown revenue Revenue earned on behalf of the Crown. These flows are accounted for as revenue to the Crown rather than as departmental revenue.
DDA Department-to-department appropriations, which are authorised by section 20(2) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Department Generally references to Departments also include an Office of Parliament as provided in section 26E(4) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Expenses Amounts consumed or losses of service potential or future economic benefits, other than those relating to capital withdrawals, in a financial year. [An accrual concept measured in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.]
GST Goods and services tax. Appropriations are stated GST exclusive.
MCOA Multi-class output expense appropriation.
MYA Multi-year appropriation.
N/A Not applicable.
Outcomes States or conditions of society, the economy or the environment, including changes in those states or conditions.
Outputs Goods or services supplied by departments and other entities to external parties. Outputs are a variety of types, including policy advice, administration of contracts and grants, and the provision of specific services.
PFA Public Finance Act 1989.
PLA Permanent Legislative Authority - the traditional term for an appropriation authorised for an indefinite period by legislation other than an Appropriation Act (also known as a permanent appropriation).
Minister The Minister responsible for specific appropriations being sought within a Vote. As several Ministers may now hold appropriations within a single Vote, each appropriation will have a tag (M1, M2 etc) identifying the Minister responsible for that line item.
RDA Revenue-dependent appropriations, which are authorised by section 21(1) of the PFA 1989.
Responsible Minister The Minister responsible for the financial performance of a department or Crown entity. In relation to an Office of Parliament, the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and the Parliamentary Service, the Speaker is the Responsible Minister.
Revenue from the Crown Revenue earned by a department from the Crown for the provision of outputs to or on behalf of the Crown. These flows are accounted for as departmental revenue. Revenue from the Crown is eliminated for purposes of reporting the Crown's overall financial performance and position.
Revenue from Others Revenue earned by a department from other departments and from third parties. Revenue from other departments is eliminated for purposes of reporting the Crown's overall financial performance and position.
Vote A grouping of one or more appropriations that are the responsibility of one or more Ministers of the Crown and are administered by one department.

The suite of Budget 2010 documents can be accessed in the Budgets section of the website: Documents providing guidance on the PFA and the public sector financial management system can be accessed in the Public Finance Overviews section of the Treasury's website:

Ministerial Statement of Responsibility#

I am satisfied that the information on future operating intentions provided by my department and included in the Information Supporting the Estimates for the Health Sector is in accordance with sections 38, 40 and 41 of the Public Finance Act 1989 and is consistent with the policies and performance expectations of the government.

Hon Tony Ryall
Responsible Minister for the Ministry of Health

19 April 2010

Chief Executive Statement of Responsibility#

Ministry of Health

In signing this statement, I acknowledge that I am responsible for the information contained in the Information Supporting the Estimates for the Health Sector relating to the Ministry of Health and for the Vote for which the Ministry of Health is the administering department. Specifically, this information is contained in the Ministry of Health's statement of forecast service performance, forecast financial statements and statement of intent.

This information has been prepared in accordance with the Public Finance Act 1989. It is also consistent with the proposed appropriations set out in the Appropriation (2010/11 Estimates) Bill, as presented to the House of Representatives in accordance with section 13 of the Public Finance Act 1989, and with existing appropriations and financial authorities.

Stephen McKernan
Director-General of Health
Ministry of Health

16 April 2010

Richard Morris
Chief Financial Officer
Ministry of Health

16 April 2010

Performance Information for Appropriations Vote Health#




Part 1 - Summary of the Vote

Part 1.1 - Overview of the Vote

Overview of the Vote

The Minister of Health is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2010/11 financial year totalling just under $13,574 million, an increase of $858 million or 6.7% from 2009/10 (Supplementary Estimates) and covering the following.

Departmental Operating Appropriations

A total of just over $216 million (1.6% of the Vote) relates to the functions of the Ministry of Health for: policy advice, administering the purchasing of national health services, performance monitoring of the funders and providers of health and disability services, developing and administering legislation and regulations related to health service facilities, providers and public safety, ministerial servicing, and information services.

Non-Departmental Operating Appropriations

A total of nearly $12,847 million (94.6% of the Vote) is for operating expenses to be incurred on behalf of the Crown and is intended to be spent as follows.

Output Expenses

These total nearly $12,815 million (94.4% of the Vote) and are to fund the purchases of health services as follows:

  • Just over $10,044 million (74.0% of the Vote) to fund health services from DHBs through the DHB appropriations.
  • Just over $970 million (7.1% of the Vote) to purchase national disability support services.
  • Just over $517 million (3.8% of the Vote) to purchase public health services.
  • Just over $905 million (6.7% of the Vote) to purchase national health services and provide clinical training for health professionals.
  • Nearly $20 million (0.1% of the Vote) to manage health sector risks.
  • $95 million (0.7% of the Vote) for a provision for DHB deficit support.
  • Just over $182 million (1.4% of the Vote) to purchase primary health care services.
  • Just over $83 million (0.6% of the Vote) to fund other health and disability services.
Other Expenses Incurred by the Crown

A total of nearly $32 million (0.2% of the Vote) is for other expenses to fund provider development, legal expenses and international health obligations including World Health Organisation (WHO) membership.

Capital Expenditure

A total of nearly $511 million (3.8% of the Vote) is to provide capital funding and will be spent as follows:

  • Nearly $478 million (3.5 % of the Vote) is to provide debt or equity for District Health Boards (DHBs) or Health Sector Crown Agencies to cover new investments or for other purposes agreed by the Crown including balance sheet restructuring, or to invest in specific health sector assets.
  • $15 million (0.1% of the Vote) is to provide interest-free loans to assist people in long term care.
  • Just over $18 million (0.1% of the Vote) is to purchase or develop assets for use by the Ministry of Health.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 below.

Part 1.2 - High-Level Objectives of the Vote#

Government Priorities and Outcomes - Links to Appropriations

The Ministry appropriations contribute to the Government's outcomes impacts and objectives as described in the Statement of Intent.

Government Priorities and Outcomes - Links to Appropriations - Health
Government Priorities Government Outcomes Appropriations
A growing, sustainable economy providing security, prosperity and opportunities for all New Zealanders Two goals have been identified for the health system:
  • New Zealanders living longer, healthier and more independent lives
  • New Zealand's economic growth is supported
All Appropriations
Ministry of Health intermediate outcomes  
Good health and independence are protected and promoted Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA
Strategy, Policy and System Performance
A more unified and improved health and disability system Information and Payment Services MCOA
Sector Leadership and Services MCOA
Strategy, Policy and System Performance
People receive better health and disability services Sector Leadership and Services MCOA
Strategy, Policy and System Performance
The health and disability system and services are trusted and can be used with confidence Information and Payment Services MCOA
Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA
Sector Leadership and Services MCOA
Strategy, Policy and System Performance

Summary of Financial Activity

Summary of Financial Activity - Health
  2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14


Output Expenses 9,051,315 9,838,251 10,750,223 11,599,059 12,398,130 12,333,299 216,263 12,814,616 13,030,879 12,939,040 12,915,398 12,891,967
Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses - - - - - - N/A - - - - -
Borrowing Expenses - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other Expenses 48,288 19,347 22,113 22,180 23,987 22,787 - 31,947 31,947 29,297 28,297 28,297
Capital Expenditure 492,211 318,188 268,969 185,233 293,759 267,759 18,310 492,611 510,921 258,714 131,034 36,396
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure - - - - - - - N/A - - - -

Total Appropriations

9,591,814 10,175,786 11,041,305 11,806,472 12,715,876 12,623,845 234,573 13,339,174 13,573,747 13,227,051 13,074,729 12,956,660

Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue - - - - - - N/A - - - - -
Non-Tax Revenue 401,958 471,150 539,480 378,446 617,324 617,324 N/A 639,011 639,011 656,031 674,587 694,739
Capital Receipts 36,825 61,779 24,477 58,731 36,499 36,499 N/A 51,299 51,299 36,499 36,499 36,499

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

438,783 532,929 563,957 437,177 653,823 653,823 N/A 690,310 690,310 692,530 711,086 731,238

New Policy Initiatives

Budget Policy Intiatives - Health
Policy Initiative Appropriation 2009/10
DHBs - Demographic Funding DHB Appropriations - 182,783 182,783 182,783 182,783
DHBs Contribution For Cost Pressures - 167,217 167,217 167,217 167,217
PlunketLine National Child Health Services - 375 375 375 375
Well Child (Plunket Contract) - 688 688 688 688
Increased Health Sector Purchases National Contracted Services - Other   15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Contact Lens Volume - 94 94 94 94
Healthline - 587 587 587 587
Hospital Chaplaincy - 114 114 114 114
Mobile Surgical Services - 521 521 521 521
DSS Equipment Waiting List National Disability Support Services - 15,000 5,000 - -
Carer Support - 600 600 600 600
Cochlear Implants - 400 400 400 400
Increased DHB Funding to Support Disabled People - 830 830 830 830
Home and Community Support Services - 6,390 6,390 6,390 6,390
NASC Management - 177 177 177 177
Other Disability Support Services - 862 862 862 862
Residential Services For People With Intellectual Disabilities - 5,370 5,370 5,370 5,370
Respite Care - 677 677 677 677
Supported Independent Living - 1,980 1,980 1,980 1,980
Young Persons with Physical/Sensory Disability - Residential/Hospital - 1,053 1,053 1,053 1,053
Cardiac Elective Surgery - Increased Funding To Reduce Waiting Lists National Elective Services - 1,500 - - -
Breast Reconstruction Surgery - Increased Availability - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Elective Services Funding 6,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Electives Cardiac Initiative 4,200 - - - -
Mental Health Services - Government Commitment National Mental Health Services - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
PHO Performance Programme Primary Health Care Strategy - 3,772 3,772 3,772 3,772
Primary Health Care - Very Low Cost Access - 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500
Primary Health Care Plus   15,982 15,982 15,982 15,982
Maori Innovations Fund Provider Development - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Bowel Cancer Screening Programme Public Health Service Purchasing - 1,200 7,600 7,600 7,600
Antenatal & Newborn Screening Services - 288 288 288 288
Breast Screening - 4,030 4,030 4,030 4,030
Breast Screening Secondary Services - 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Cervical Screening - 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250
Funding For Measles Vaccine 1,500 - - - -
Pandemic Funding 3,315 - - - -
Voluntary Bonding - Additional volumes Health Services Funding - - 5,128 1,368 1,094
Risk Reserve - Increase - 10,195 7,700 7,700 7,700
Boost funding for subsidised medicines in addition of DHB funding - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
MRG Shared Services and Other Costs.   6,000 - - -
Shared Services and Change Costs Information Services 2,640 1,860      
Payment Services 1,000 500 - - -
Total Operating Initiatives   18,655 507,795 486,968 478,208 477,934
Re-prioritisation Savings Departmental Appropriations   (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
National Mental Health Services - (2,650) (3,150) (3,150) (3,150)
National Contracted Services Other   (5,797) (7,656) (6,127) (7,627)
Primary Health Care Strategy - (14,190) (14,690) (14,690) (14,690)
Public Health Service Purchasing - (18,570) (16,570) (16,570) (16,570)
Risk Reserve Unutilised 08/09 Balance Health Services Funding (31,015) - - - -
Total Re-prioritisation Savings   (31,015) (46,207) (47,066) (45,537) (47,037)
Health Sector Projects Health Sector Projects - 3,765 - -  
Increase to Capital Envelope Equity for capital projects for District Health Boards and the New Zealand Blood Service - - - 3,336 3,336
Equity for capital projects for District Health Boards and the New Zealand Blood Service - - 37,087 -  
Loans for Capital Projects Loans for Capital Projects - - 68,043 26,510  
Total Capital Initiatives   - 3,765 105,130 29,846 3,336
Total Operating Initiatives   (12,360) 461,588 439,902 432,671 430,897
Total Initiatives   (12,360) 465,353 545,032 462,517 434,233

$512 million of New Initiatives

The Budget 2010 Vote Health package totals $512 million in new operating and capital initiatives in 2010/11. Over the forecast period, total operating and capital initiatives amount to $2.120 billion, of which $1.400 billion is going directly to DHBs for cost and demographic pressures. Vote Health's Budget 2010 package is funded with $420 million per year of ongoing operating funding from the Government's operating allowance, re-prioritised savings (as shown above) and time-limited funding from Vote Health's 2008/09 operating and capital underspends.

Vote Allocation for Health - Health
Operating 2009/10$000 2010/11
2013/14$000 Total$000
Vote Health - Per table above 18,655 507,795 486,968 478,208 477,934 1,969,560
Boost Medical Places - Vote Education - 527 1,491 2,487 3,496 8,001
Total Operating 18,655 508,322 488,459 480,695 481,430 1,977,561
Vote Health Capital Initiatives - per table above - 3,765 105,130 29,846 3,336 142,077
Total Operating & Capital 18,655 512,087 593,589 510,541 484,766 2,119,638

Analysis of Significant Trends

Total Vote: All Appropriations

The graph below shows that in 2010/11, Vote Health appropriations total $13,574 million, an increase of $858 million or 6.7% over the previous year.

Trends in total vote and actual expenses
The Trends in total vote and actual expenses chart is a Bar chart. Sourced from Ministry of Health. The X axis shows Financial Year; The Y axis shows millions of dollars. There are 2 series: Budgeted covering the 2005 2006 to 2013 2014 Financial Year, and Actual covering the 2005 2006 to 2009 2010 Financial Year. The values for the Budgeted series are: 2005 2006 9810.168 million, 2006 2007 10412.845 million, 2007 2008 11208.992 million, 2008 2009 12078.61 million, 2009 2010 12715.876 million, 2010 2011 13573.747 million, 2011 2012 13227.051 million, 2012 2013 13074.729 million, 2013 2014 12959.660 million. The values for the Actual series are: 2005 2006 9580.401 million, 2006 2007 10162.845 million, 2007 2008 11051.506 million, 2008 2009 11919.992 million, 2009 2010 12715.876 million.
Source: Ministry of Health

Departmental Output Expenses

Departmental Output Expenses
The Trends in actual and estimated departmental output expenses chart is a Bar chart. Sourced from Ministry of Health. The X axis shows Financial Year; The Y axis shows millions of dollars. There are 2 series: Actual covering the 2005 2006  Actual to 2008 2009  Actual Financial Year, and Estimated Actual covering the 2009 2010  Estimated Actual to 2013 2014   Main Estimates Financial Year. The values for the Actual series are: 2005 2006  Actual 169 million, 2006 2007  Actual 185 million, 2007 2008  Actual 210 million, 2008 2009  Actual 214 million. The values for the Estimated Actual series are: 2009 2010  Estimated Actual 209.303 million, 2010 2011  Main Estimates 216.263 million, 2011 2012  Main Estimates 213.855 million, 2012 2013  Main Estimates 213.871 million, 2013 2014   Main Estimates 213.598 million.
Source: Ministry of Health

The impacts of Budget policy initiatives from earlier Budgets on individual departmental output expense appropriations are detailed in Part 2.1.

Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Non-Departmental Output Expenses
The Trends in actual and estimated non-departmental output expenses chart is a Bar chart. Sourced from Ministry of Health. The X axis shows Financial Year; The Y axis shows millions of dollars. There are 2 series: Actual covering the 2005 2006  Actual to 2008 2009  Actual Financial Year, and Estimated Actual covering the 2009 2010  Estimated Actual to 2012 2013  Main Estimates Financial Year. The values for the Actual series are: 2005 2006  Actual 8882.807 million, 2006 2007  Actual 9653.515 million, 2007 2008  Actual 10539.979 million, 2008 2009  Actual 11410.805 million. The values for the Estimated Actual series are: 2009 2010  Estimated Actual 12137.433 million, 2010 2011  Main Estimates 12814.616 million, 2011 2012  Main Estimates 12725.185 million, 2012 2013  Main Estimates 12701.527 million, 2012 2013  Main Estimates 12678.369 million.
Source: Ministry of Health

The increase in non-departmental output expenses in 2010/11 is due to additional funding provided for new initiatives in Budget 2010 as shown in the Budget Policy Initiatives table above, and the rephasing of expenditure for various programmes between years.

The impacts of Budget policy initiatives from earlier Budgets on individual departmental output expense appropriations are detailed in Part 2.2.

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

The non-departmental other expenses comprise around 0.2% of Vote Health and provide funding for provider development, to defend the Crown in legal claims, fund legal settlements and contribute to various international health organisations eg, the World Health Organisation.

The impact of Budget policy initiatives from earlier Budgets on individual departmental other expense appropriations are detailed in Part 5.

Departmental Capital

Further details are provided in Part 6.1.

Non-Departmental Capital

Non-Departmental Capital
The Trends in actual and estimated non-departmental capital expenditure chart is a Bar chart. Sourced from Ministry of Health. The X axis shows Financial year; The Y axis shows millions of dollars. There are 2 series: Actual covering the 2005 2006  Actual to 2008 2009  Actual Financial year, and Estimated Actual covering the 2009 2010  Estimated Actual to 2010 2011  Main Estimates Financial year. The values for the Actual series are: 2005 2006  Actual 480.798 million, 2006 2007  Actual 305.247 million, 2007 2008  Actual 268.969 million, 2008 2009  Actual 237.488 million. The values for the Estimated Actual series are: 2009 2010  Estimated Actual 273.494 million, 2010 2011  Main Estimates 492.611 million.
Source: Ministry of Health

In 2010/11, these appropriations are largely being used to provide equity and debt for District Health Boards to develop or purchase capital assets.

Significant appropriations existed up until 2007/08 to rollover existing Crown loans held by DHBs (ie, on the basis these loans were repaid then redrawn) or refinance private sector loans held by DHBs with Crown debt.

A decision in July 2007 to extend the criteria whereby existing Crown debt could be renewed for longer terms meant appropriations are no longer required to rollover loans in 2007/08 or 2008/09 (the $392 million initially provided for this purpose in 2007/08 was returned to the Crown).

The following table details the funding for capital projects, the refinancing and rollover of existing loans held by DHBs and other capital funding requirements since 2005/06:

Actual and estimated capital expenditure by funding stream

Actual and Estimated Capital Expenditure - Health
Actual and Estimated
Capital Expenditure
Capital Projects 136 200 158 99 151 478
Debt Rollover or Refinancing 288 92 70 - - -
Equity Injections and Deficit Support 41 2 30 74 87 -
Residential Care Loans 14 10 11 12 12 15
Total Capital Expenditure 479 304 269 185 250 493

Part 1.4 - Reconciliation of Changes in Appropriation Structure#

Reconciliation of Changes in Appropriation Structure - Health
2009/10 Appropriations
in the 2009/10 Structure
Appropriations to which
Expenses (or Capital
Expenditure) have been Moved from or to
2009/10 Appropriations
in the 2010/11 Structure
Non-Departmental Output Expense            
Health and Disability Support Services - Otago DHB 435,251 Transferred to Health and Disability Support Services - Southern DHB (72,542)   362,709 -
Health and Disability Support Services - Southland DHB 246,230 Transferred to Health and Disability Support Services - Southern DHB (41,038)   205,192 -
  Transferring from Health and Disability Support Services - Otago DHB & Southland DHB 113,580 Health and Disability Support Services - Southern DHB 113,580 680,934
Total Non Department Output Expense 681,481   -   681,481 680,934
Departmental Output Expense            
Administration of Legislation & Regulations 35,153 To MCOA Regulatory and Health Emergency Response - Responding to National & International Health Emergencies (1,840)   - -
  To MCOA Regulatory and Health Emergency Response - Regulatory and Enforcement Services (28,489)      
  To Overhead costs reallocated (4,824)      
Funding & Performance of Crown Entities 8,142 to MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system leadership and planning (3,242)   - -
  To MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery (3,321)      
  To Overhead costs reallocated (1,579)      
Funding and Purchasing of health and disability services 26,943 To MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery (22,352)   - -
  To Overhead costs reallocated (4,591)      
Information Services 67,690 MCOA Information and MCOA Information and payment services - Information technology services (56,681)   - -
  To MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery (647)      
  To Overhead costs reallocated (10,362)      
Payment Services 18,399 To MCOA Information and payment services - Payment Services (14,139)   - -
  To Overhead costs reallocated (4,260)      
Servicing Ministers and Ministerial Committees 14,942 to MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system leadership and planning (1,000)   - -
  To MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery (132)      
  To MCOA Sector leadership and Services - To Supporting Ministerial Committees (5,956)      
  To Strategy, Policy & System Performance (3,304)      
  To Overhead costs reallocated (4,550)      
Strategy, Policy & System Performance 50,428 to MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system leadership and planning (14,734)   - -
  To MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery (2,954)      
  To MCOA Regulatory and Health Emergency Response - Responding to National & International Health Emergencies (1,013)      
  To Strategy, Policy & System Performance (23,399)      
  To Overhead costs reallocated (8,328)      
    From Information Services 56,681 MCOA Information and payment services - Information technology services 67,421 63,747
  From Overhead costs reallocated 10,740  
  From Payment Services 14,139 MCOA Information and payment services - Payment Services 18,114 18,838
  From Overhead costs reallocated 3,975  
  From Administration of Legislation & Regulations 28,489 MCOA Regulatory and Health Emergency Response - Regulatory and Enforcement Services 34,295 31,918
  From Overhead costs reallocated 5,806  
  From Administration of Legislation & Regulations 1,840 MCOA Regulatory and Health Emergency Response - Responding to National & International Health Emergencies 3,385 3,258
  From Strategy, Policy & System Performance 1,013  
  From Overhead costs reallocated 532  
  Servicing Ministers and Ministerial Committees 5,956 MCOA Sector leadership and Services - To Supporting Ministerial Committees 7,098 7,060
  From Overhead costs reallocated 1,142  
  Funding & Performance of Crown Entities 3,242 MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system leadership and planning 23,117 23,502
  From Servicing Ministers and Ministerial Committees 1,000  
  From Strategy, Policy & System Performance 14,734  
  From Overhead costs reallocated 4,141  
  From Funding and Purchasing of health and disability services 22,352 MCOA Sector leadership and Services - Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery 35,767 33,808
  Funding & Performance of Crown Entities 3,321  
  From Information Services 647  
  From Servicing Ministers and Ministerial Committees 132  
  From Strategy, Policy & System Performance 2,954  
  From Overhead costs reallocated 6,361  
  Servicing Ministers and Ministerial Committees 3,304 Strategy, Policy & System Performance 32,500 34,132
  From Strategy, Policy & System Performance 23,399  
  From Overhead costs reallocated 5,797  
Total Department Output Expense 221,697   -   221,697 216,263

Explanations of the reasons for changing the appropriation structure are noted in the details of each appropriation in Parts 2-6.

Part 2 - Details and Expected Performance for Output Expenses#

Part 2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives - Part 2.1 Departmental Output Expenses - Health
Intended Impacts, Outcomes or Objectives of Appropriations Appropriations
Outcomes: All the Ministry of Health's departmental output expenses contribute to the health and disability system's outcomes of:
  • New Zealanders living longer, healthier and more independent lives
  • New Zealand's economic growth is supported
Impact: The Ministry of Health protects and promotes good health and independence, builds trust and confidence in the health and disability system, promotes better health services and improves system performance. It does this by ensuring:
  • stakeholders make well-informed choices based on high-quality, reliable policy advice and information
  • the regulatory environment appropriately protects people without stifling innovation and health and disability legislation and regulations are complied with
  • New Zealanders are supported and encouraged to have the best health and independent life possible in the circumstances and national threats to good health such as pandemics are anticipated, prepared for and effectively coordinated if they occur
  • health and disability services are as effective as possible, and are based on good clinical information and robust local and international best practice
  • through its leadership and policy roles, the Ministry ensures the health and disability services and system are as affordable and sustainable as they can be, and proactively identify and remove inefficient and unnecessary regulatory barriers and service duplication is identified and eliminated.
All departmental output expenses
Outcome: This MCOA appropriation contributes to the following Ministry intermediate outcomes:
  • A more unified and improved health and disability system
  • The health and disability system and services are trusted and can be used with confidence
Impact: A stable information technology platform enables data within the health and disability system to be captured, shared and used effectively. This information supports greater interaction and co-operation within the system and, through effective performance monitoring and analyses, helps drive improved performance as well as to identify risks, issues and improvement opportunities. Ensuring payments to the health and disability system are made reliably and effectively means service providers have the necessary financial resources to deliver services when and where required and to do so reliably. New Zealanders are less likely to have trust and confidence in the system if it cannot reliably deliver health services when and where they are needed.
Information and Payment Services (MCOA)
  • Information Technology Services
  • Payment Services
Outcome: This MCOA appropriation contributes to the following Ministry intermediate outcomes:
  • Good health and independence are protected and promoted
  • The health and disability system and services are trusted and can be used with confidence
Impact: Ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework means patients and other people or organisations dealing with the health and disability system can have trust and confidence in the services they receive. Preparing for health emergencies and monitoring and responding to health emergencies ensures the health of New Zealanders can be well-protected. Given the complex nature of health and disability policy and the changing nature of threats to good health, supporting the Minister to have strong, independent advice on critical areas of policy ensures good health is promoted and protected and trust in the system can be maintained.
Regulatory and Health Emergency Response (MCOA)
  • Regulatory and Enforcement Services
  • Responding to National and International Health Emergencies
  • Supporting Ministerial Committees
Outcomes: This MCOA appropriation contributes to the following Ministry intermediate outcomes:
  • A more unified and improved health and disability system
  • People receive better health and disability services
  • The health and disability system and services are trusted and can be used with confidence
Impact: Leadership and planning drives greater coordination and rationalisation within the health and disability system and focuses attention on performance and productivity. Promoting innovation and supporting clinically-led networks enhances the services people receive and helps promote a more unified and improved system. Purchasing, funding and monitoring gives a high level of oversight and control over service delivery to ensure services are delivered where, when and to the quality required. This mechanism allows improved services to be implemented and gives people the trust and confidence that they are receiving the best quality services possible, where and when they need them.
Sector Leadership and Services (MCOA)
  • Health and Disability System Leadership and Planning
  • Health and Disability System Performance Monitoring and Service Delivery
Outcome: This appropriation contributes to the following Ministry intermediate outcomes:
  • Good health and independence are protected and promoted
  • A more unified and improved health and disability system
  • People receive better health and disability services
  • The health and disability system and services are trusted and can be used with confidence
Impact: Providing sound, well-reasoned and well-researched advice and strategy helps the Minister of Health (and associates), the Director-General and the public to make better, informed decisions about health and disability issues. Strategies, policy options, bench-marking and research information and guidance on topical issues support decision-making and ideas for improving services or making the system more effective or efficient. The health and disability system is inherently complex. Good policy, strategy and system advice simplifies this complexity and enables the most rational and well-informed decisions possible in the circumstances. It is also primarily through these frameworks that the Minister and government can effect policy changes by making informed choices and implement new programmes or priorities.
Strategy, Policy and System Performance

Information and Payment Services MCOA (M36)

Scope of Appropriation

Information Technology Services
This output class is limited to the provision of information technology services to the health and disability system.
Payment Services
This output class is limited to the administration of contracts and payments on behalf of the Crown and Crown agencies.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

These two output expenses under this MCOA are grouped together as sector focused services and in anticipation of decisions arising out of the Ministerial Review Group. Both of these outputs form the basis of a shared service to support the health and disability system. A shared service approach will support a more unified approach that will lead to more efficient systems to reduce costs and maximise information sharing. This grouping provides a high level of transparency for these functions.

Expenses and Revenue

Expenses and Revenue - Information and Payment Services MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual

Total Appropriation

- - 82,585
Information Technology Services - - 63,747
Payment Services - - 18,838

Revenue from Crown

- - 82,172
Information Technology Services - - 63,339
Payment Services - - 18,833

Revenue from Other

- - 413
Information Technology Services - - 408
Payment Services - - 5

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was established in 2010/11 to better align Vote Health's appropriations with recent changes in the role and functions of the Ministry of Health.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Information and Payment Services MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual

Information Technology Services

Applications and systems are supported and are available to users, and repaired when errors occur. Service levels for applications and systems are established and maintained      
  • Two key systems - National Health Identifier (NHI) and National Immunisation Register (NIR) - have a planned availability
N/A 99% Exceeds 98%
  • When systems fail there is a response within agreed timeframes
N/A 95% 95%
Delivery of agreed new capability and maintenance information projects to support health services      
  • Projects will be delivered within the timeframe, budget, and quality performance measures as evaluated against success criteria agreed by each project board
N/A 75% 75%
  • Projects implementation is complete within ±10% of baseline delivery date
N/A 75% 75%

Payment Services

Health Agreements: a national shared service for processing all DHBs and national services agreements (demand driven)      
  • All appropriately completed agreements will be processed
Maximum volume of 11,000 agreements Achieved Maximum volume of 11,000 agreements
  • All appropriately completed agreements will be processed within agreed timeframes
Achieved Achieved 100%
  • Error rates are within agreed limits
Achieved Achieved Achieved
Health Payments: a national shared service for processing all DHBs and national services payments (demand driven)      
  • All appropriately completed payments will be processed
Up to a volume of 90 million transactions Achieved Up to a volume of 90 million transactions
  • All appropriately completed payments will be processed within agreed timeframes
Achieved Achieved 100%
  • Error rates are within agreed limits
Achieved Achieved Achieved

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Information and Payment Services MCOA (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Departmental Appropriation Restructure 2010/11 - 82,585 80,327 80,327 80,327

Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Regulatory and Enforcement Services
This output class is limited to implementing, enforcing and administering health- and disability-related legislation and regulations; as well as providing advice to ministers and the sector on legislation and regulations.
Responding to National and International Health Emergencies
This output class is limited to the provision of support services for the Ministry of Health's emergency management and preparedness functions; and providing advice to ministers and the sector on national and international health emergencies and emerging threats.
Supporting Ministerial Committees
This output class is limited to the provision of administrative and support services to ministerial advisory committees.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

These three output expenses under this MCOA contribute to the Ministry's outcome of protecting and promoting good health and ensuring trust and confidence in the health and disability system by ensuring compliance with the regulatory framework; threats to the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders are identified; and appropriately managed and advisory committees supporting the Minister are maintained. This grouping better aligns these output expenses with the Ministry's outcomes and enhances transparency and accountability.

Expenses and Revenue

Expenses and Revenue - Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual

Total Appropriation

- - 42,236
Regulatory and Enforcement Services - - 31,918
Responding to National and International Health Emergencies - - 3,258
Supporting Ministerial Committees - - 7,060

Revenue from Crown

- - 25,748
Regulatory and Enforcement Services - - 15,477
Responding to National and International Health Emergencies - - 3,243
Supporting Ministerial Committees - - 7,028

Revenue from Other

- - 16,488
Regulatory and Enforcement Services - - 16,441
Responding to National and International Health Emergencies - - 15
Supporting Ministerial Committees - - 32

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was established in 2010/11 to better align Vote Health's appropriations with recent changes in the role and functions of the Ministry of Health.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Regulatory and Enforcement Services      
  • Provision of advice and direction on enforcement matters to Designated Officers via a monthly newsletter
N/A 12 12
  • Respond to complaints and notifications under health legislation within 10 working days
N/A N/A 95%
  • Training and upskilling of Designated Officers on enforcement of relevant legislation
N/A 5 5 workshops per annum
Administration of the Medicines Act 1981 and accompanying regulations      
  • Medsafe will complete an evaluation of new medicine applications (NMAs) and changed medicine notifications (CMNs) against guidelines and in accordance with Medsafe's quality system
Estimated 290 NMAs
Estimated 1,500 CMNs
Estimated 290 NMAs
Estimated 1,500 CMNs
Estimated 290 NMAs
Estimated 1,500 CMNs
  • Initial evaluation of 80% of applications for medicines new to the New Zealand market will be completed within 200 days
100% compliance 100% compliance 100% compliance
  • CMNs responded to within 45 days, as outlined in Medsafe's Quality System
100% 100% 100%
  • Medicines Control will issue licences under this Act after evaluation of compliant licence applications
1,000 licences (estimated) 1,000 1,000 licences (estimated)
  • Licences issued within 45 working days of receipt of a completed licence application and fee
95% 95% 95%
Administration of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 and accompanying regulations      
  • Medicines Control will issue licences under this Act after evaluation of compliant licence applications
1,100 licences (estimated) 1,100 1,100 licences (estimated)
  • Licences issued within 45 working days of receipt of a completed licence application and fee
95% 95% 95%
An effective legislative and policy environment for improving, promoting and protecting public health - Health Act 1956      
  • Provide professional leadership to the designated officers in DHBs/PHUs
Achieved Achieved Achieved
  • Provide advice to other key agencies on actions to improve public health
Achieved Achieved Achieved
Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001 - HealthCERT      
  • Management of enforcement/complaints made under this Act
135 responses (estimate) 135 responses (estimate) 135 responses (estimate)
  • Responses within 7 working days
95% 95% 95%
  • Final inspection reports completed within 30 working days of obtaining all relevant information following an unannounced inspection
95% 95% 95%
Radiation Protection Act 1965 - radiation protection services and emergency management      
  • Licensing of persons to use irradiating apparatus and/or radioactive material
3,300 licences (estimate) 3,300 licences (estimate) 3,300 licences (estimate)
  • All applications to be completed within 10 days of receipt of all required information
95% 95% 95%
International obligations      
  • New Zealand's international health relationships and obligations are managed in accordance with international requirements.
Achieved Achieved Achieved
  • Support and co-ordination for visiting international delegations as required
N/A Achieved Achieved
Responding to National and International Health Emergencies      
Lead health sector response to emergencies      
  • Maintain capability and capacity to lead and co-ordinate a national health response to an emergency
N/A Responses to 3 events activated within 2 hours Response activated within 2 hours (24/7)
Facilitate health sector co-ordination at the regional level      
  • Quarterly regional meetings held in each region
N/A 16 16
  • Annual regional plans developed
N/A 4 4
Critical national communications and reserve supplies      
  • Ensure systems for communications with and among DHBs, and with other government agencies, are in place for major regional and national emergencies
Achieved Achieved Achieved
  • Maintain an emergency management information system and satellite phone networks on a 24 hour, seven days a week basis for emergency communications
Achieved 100% 100%
  • Test satellite phone networks regionally and nationally in real time a minimum of once a quarter
N/A Tested 10 times nationally
Tested 30 times regionally
4 times nationally
16 times regionally
  • National reserve supply is maintained and available for deployment if required
N/A Achieved Achieved
Exercise responses to critical emergencies at national and local levels      
  • Implement and/or participate in a minimum of 10 emergency exercises or activations (at a national, regional or local level) involving DHBs, ambulance providers and/or other government agencies
Minimum of 10 emergency exercises Participation in 14 exercises (3 activations) Participation in a minimum of 10 exercises/activations
Intersectoral emergency planning and response      
  • Maintain effective working relationships with other key emergency management agencies and provide input into intersectoral planning activities
N/A Achieved Achieved
  • Convene meetings of the Intersectoral Pandemic Planning Group
2 per annum 2 per annum 2 per annum

Statutory and Ministerial Advisory Committee Support

All appointments are made in accordance with the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, DPMC and SSC requirements 100% 100% 100%

Memorandum Account

Memorandum Account - Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
National Radiation Laboratory      
Opening Balance at 1 July 273 273 328
Revenue 686 699 700
Expenses 654 644 666
Closing Balance at 30 June 305 328 362
Medsafe fees      
Opening Balance at 1 July 2,288 2,288 4,261
Revenue 8,386 9,420 8,386
Expenses 7,547 7,447 8,386
Closing Balance at 30 June 3,127 4,261 4,261

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Regulatory and Health Emergency Response MCOA (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Departmental Appropriation Restructure 2010/11 - 42,236 42,258 42,280 42,287

Sector Leadership and Services MCOA (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Health and Disability System Leadership and Planning
This output class is limited to leading and monitoring planning across the health and disability system, and supporting coordination and issue resolution between health and disability service providers; assisting the sector to meet regulatory obligations; and advising ministers and the sector on the governance of publicly-funded health and disability agencies.
Health and Disability System Performance Monitoring and Service Delivery
This output class is limited to funding, purchasing and monitoring health and disability support services on behalf of the Crown; including funding and monitoring of District Health Boards and Crown agencies for which the Ministry of Health has responsibility, and other providers of health and disability support services.

Explanation for Use of Multi-Class Output Expense Appropriation

These two output expenses under this MCOA include the functions being undertaken by the newly formed National Health Board and its Business Unit. Grouping these output expenses recognises the alignment of these functions and provides a greater degree of transparency around the government's decision to create a National Health Board.

Expenses and Revenue

Expenses and Revenue - Sector Leadership and Services MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual

Total Appropriation

- - 57,310
Health and Disability System Leadership and Planning - - 23,502
Health and Disability System Performance Monitoring and Service Delivery - - 33,808

Revenue from Crown

- - 57,047
Health and Disability System Leadership and Planning - - 23,390
Health and Disability System Performance Monitoring and Service Delivery - - 33,657

Revenue from Other

- - 263
Health and Disability System Leadership and Planning - - 112
Health and Disability System Performance Monitoring and Service Delivery - - 151

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation was established in 2010/11 to better align Vote Health's appropriations with recent changes in the role and functions of the Ministry of Health.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Sector Leadership and Services MCOA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual

Health and disability system leadership and planning

Advice on DHB and Crown entity vacancies within 10 days of the vacancy occurring N/A 100% 100%
Capital Investment Committee (a committee of the NHB) is supported, and available capital budget is utilised N/A Achieved Achieved
A longer-term planning programme developed with NHB work programme N/A N/A Achieved

Health and disability system performance monitoring and service delivery

DHBs' Crown Funding Agreements are updated quarterly by variation 100% 100% 100%
Funding and planning information with advice on all planning, reporting and accountability requirements distributed to DHBs and other health Crown entities By 31 December 2009 23 December 2009 By 31 December 2010
Provide non-financial monitoring of DHBs and other health Crown entities including; Ministry assessment, feedback, re-assessment, performance advice to the Minister, snapshot reports, reports to Treasury and production reports and quarterly reports on other health Crown entity performance Quarterly reports produced for the Minister
Ad hoc reports as required
Achieved Quarterly reports produced for the Minister
Ad hoc reports as required
Administration support for the Monitoring and Intervention Framework (MIF) committee in its assessment and evaluation of DHB performance against the MIF, and in its response to material changes in DHB performance      
  • Administrative support provided to MIF committee meetings (number of meetings per annum)
10 10 10
  • Responses are sent to affected DHBs within eight weeks of confirmed material deterioration of DHB performance
100% 100% 100%
An annual work programme for Ministry-funded NDE is delivered to the Minister for the following year N/A By 30 June 2010 By 30 June 2011
All Ministry-funded NDE purchase plans have service specifications that are consulted on with relevant users and sector groups 100% 100% 100%
Services purchased through Ministry-funded NDE have purchase plans completed before service purchasing commences 100% 100% 100%
Contracting of Ministry-funded NDE complies with Ministry and Government standards and expectations 100% 100% 100%
Each Ministry-funded NDE will have an annual service plan which will be completed no later than 30 June for the forthcoming financial year Achieved Achieved By 30 June 2011
For Ministry-funded NDE, the service plans, service descriptions and purchase plans will consider outcomes and measures for disadvantaged groups 100% 100% 100%
An annual programme of service development for Ministry-funded NDE, will be completed for the forthcoming year Achieved Achieved By 30 June 2011
An annual programme of service evaluation for Ministry-funded NDE, will be completed for the forthcoming financial year Achieved Achieved By 30 June 2011

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Sector Leadership and Services MCOA (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Departmental Appropriation Restructure 2010/11 - 57,310 57,310 57,310 57,310

Strategy, Policy and System Performance (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the provision of policy analysis and advice, research and evaluation of long term strategic plans and regulatory frameworks; and the provision of advisory support services to the Minister and Associate Ministers of Health.

Expenses and Revenue

Expenses and Revenue - Strategy, Policy and System Performance (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 50,428 44,534 34,132
Revenue from Crown 50,027 50,027 33,981
Revenue from Other 401 7 151

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

This appropriation decreases by $16 million in 2010/11 due to the realignment of departmental expenditure appropriations to the recent changes in the roles and functions in the Ministry of Health.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Strategy, Policy and System Performance (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual

Policy Advice

Policy analysis and advice complies with the Quality Standards for Policy Advice (refer to Conditions on Use of Appropriation), as assessed by the Minister four-monthly N/A N/A ≥4 (met and sometimes exceeded Minister's expectations)
Policy analysis and advice assessed through an annual independent external policy quality audit, review and benchmarking process N/A ≥7/10 ≥7/10

Servicing of Ministers

The content of all ministerial services provided will be factually accurate and appropriate in style and content for the individual Minister, and will be consistent with the Communication Standards for the Ministry of Health N/A 98% 98%
Responses and provision of information to Ministers, and Parliament and its committees will be prepared to agreed timeframes N/A 96% 96%
Responses to Official Information Act 1982 will be provided within statutory deadlines 100% 93% 100%

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Ministry of Health Quality Standards for Policy Advice

This Quality Standard for Policy Advice sets out the characteristics and dimensions of policy advice that will best enable policy advice to promote well-informed high-quality decision-making by Ministers.

Judgements are required to apply and balance the quality dimensions to ensure the advice is fit-for-purpose in achieving the result sought.

Rigorous analysis

Relevant frameworks

  • Appropriate analytical frameworks are used, and knowledge is up to date and informed by recent thinking and literature in the field.
  • Assumptions behind the frameworks used are explicit and consideration has been given to how they will be expected to play out in the real world.
  • Consideration has been given to less traditional frameworks and whether they would add innovative or useful perspectives.

Robust reasoning and logic

  • Advice has a clear purpose, problem definition, evaluation of options against criteria, and assessment of risks and opportunities.
  • There is a clear conclusion and action-oriented recommendations.


  • Analysis is supported by relevant evidence: empirical methods are sound, data gaps are identified and the level of confidence/certainty in our empirical base is explicit.
  • New Zealand experience of current and past policy interventions is drawn on and, where relevant, the experience of other countries.
  • Best judgement is given despite any acknowledged data imperfections.

Free and frank

  • Advice is honest, impartial and politically neutral - the Ministry has a duty to alert the Minister to the possible consequences of following particular policies, whether or not such advice accords with Ministers' views.
  • Good free and frank advice is offered with an understanding of its political context and the constraints within which the Minister is operating.

Strategic context


  • Advice is set in the context of the Ministry's results and informed by a strategic view about what is important.
  • Advice is explicit about the relative importance and materiality of the issue, in fiscal, economic and strategic terms.
  • Connections across policy issues are made.
  • Advice considers the long-term implications of decisions and provides a perspective that goes beyond immediate impacts.


  • Issues of implementation, technical feasibility, practicality and timing are considered and advice accurately identifies compliance, transitional, legislative, funding, administrative implications and costs.



  • Advice is compellingly presented, brief and concise - key messages should be readily apparent to the reader.
  • Easy to read - has a clear and logical structure, avoids technical jargon and uses visual devices such as charts and tables where possible.
  • Pitched to suit the target audience - uses appropriate language, style and level of detail.
  • Fits with previous advice and communications with the Minister.


  • Reports should meet Ministers' need for advice that helps in the decision-making process (even if it means, at times, that advice is not fully developed), and indicates when a decision is required.

Politically aware

  • Advice demonstrates awareness of the wider environment and political situation.
  • Is based on a clear understanding of the desired outcomes of the Minister/Government.
  • Relates to the perspectives of the Minister, even if suggesting something that tests their perspectives.
  • Recognises choices and constraints Ministers face, and includes a range of options to address these.

Solution focused

  • Advice is proactive, anticipating, and responds to Ministers' needs.
  • Advice suggests a clear way forward and includes a range of practical options.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Strategy, Policy and System Performance (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Departmental Appropriation Restructure 2010/11 - (16,296) (16,635) (16,639) (16,919)
Line-by-Line Review 2008/09 (1,885) (409) (336) (336) (336)
Assisted Human Reproduction 2005/06 444 444 444 444 444

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Part 2.2 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses#

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives - Part 2.2 NonDepartmental Output Expenses - Health
Intended Impacts, Outcomes or Objectives of Appropriations Appropriations
Government's goal
A growing, sustainable economy providing security, prosperity and opportunities for all New Zealanders
Health system goals
  • New Zealanders living longer, healthier and more independent lives
  • New Zealand's economic growth is supported
Effective and efficient services, programmes and other activities support health system outcomes
Crown Health Financing Agency
Health and Disability Support Services - DHBs
Health Services Funding
Health Workforce Training and Development
Meningococcal Vaccine Programme
Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests
National Advisory and Support Services
National Child Health Services
National Contracted Services - Other
National Disability Support Services
National Elective Services
National Emergency Services
National Maori Health Services
National Maternity Services
National Mental Health Services
Primary Health Care Strategy
Problem Gambling Services
Public Health Service Purchasing
Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as they affect Public Health

Crown Health Financing Agency (M36)

Scope of Appropriation

Funding for Crown Health Financing Agency (CHFA) to provide and manage the Crown term debt facilities for DHBs, provide independent advice to the Minister on the credit worthiness and financial sustainability of DHBs, and to manage residual area health board liabilities.


Expenses - Crown Health Financing Agency (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 1,700 1,700 1,700

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

There will be no change in this appropriation in 2010/11.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Crown Health Financing Agency (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 77 77 77 77 77
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 52 52 52 52 52
Demographics 2007/08 29 29 29 29 29
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 16 16 16 16 16
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 2 2 2 2 2

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Auckland DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Auckland DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Auckland DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 930,131 929,203 957,271

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Auckland DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 29,102 29,102 29,102 29,102
Funding for Price Pressures/Government 2009/10 8,729 8,729 8,729 8,729 8,729
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 51,749 51,749 51,749 51,749 51,749
Senior Medical Officers Settlement 2008/09 1,685 1,498 483 483 483
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 82 162 162 162 162
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 14,202 14,202 14,202 14,202 14,202
Demographics 2007/08 23,196 137,428 137,428 137,428 137,428
Financial Reporting Standard 3 (FRS3) Revaluations 2006/07 11,585 11,585 11,585 11,585 11,585
Funding for Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 203 203 203 203 203
Home Based Support for Older people 2006/07 1,392 1,392 1,392 1,392 1,392
Palliative Care 2006/07 384 384 384 384 384
PBFF Top up pool 2006/07 396 396 396 396 396
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 1,399 1,399 1,399 1,399 1,399
Industrial Settlements 2004/05 16,013 16,013 16,013 16,013 16,013
Holidays Act 2004/05 4,461 4,461 4,461 4,461 4,461
Disability Support for Older People 2004/05 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123 3,123
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 5,567 5,567 5,567 5,567 5,567
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 465 465 465 465 465
Demographics 2004/05 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Bay of Plenty DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Bay of Plenty DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Bay of Plenty DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 523,202 523,202 541,879

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Bay of Plenty DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 19,254 19,254 19,254 19,254
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 5,048 5,048 5,048 5,048 5,048
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 25,661 25,661 25,661 25,661 25,661
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 205 205 205 205 205
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 285 278 278 278 278
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 29,657 29,657 29,657 29,657 29,657
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 895 895 895 895 895
FFT/Demo 2006/07 47,702 47,702 47,702 47,702 47,702
DHBs - Additional cost of National Services 2006/07 1,294 1,294 1,294 1,294 1,294
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 530 530 530 530 530
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 797 797 797 797 797
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 220 220 220 220 220
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 230 230 230 230 230
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 499 499 499 499 499
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 193 193 193 193 193
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 2,626 2,626 2,626 2,626 2,626
Hospice Funding 2005/06 285 285 285 285 285
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 118 118 118 118 118
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 26 26 26 26 26

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Canterbury DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Canterbury DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Canterbury DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 1,079,058 1,079,058 1,123,123

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Canterbury DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 45,394 45,394 45,394 45,394
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 10,485 10,485 10,485 10,485 10,485
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 40,168 40,168 40,168 40,168 40,168
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 157 157 157 157 157
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 955 566 566 566 566
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 40,095 40,095 40,095 40,095 40,095
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 2,288 2,288 2,288 2,288 2,288
Demographics 2006/07 64,320 5,727 5,727 5,727 5,727
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 700 700 700 700 700
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 9,961 9,961 9,961 9,961 9,961
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 165 165 165 165 165
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 1,613 1,613 1,613 1,613 1,613
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 445 445 445 445 445
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 125 125 125 125 125
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 1,862 1,862 1,862 1,862 1,862
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 398 398 398 398 398
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912 9,912
Hospice Funding 2005/06 587 587 587 587 587
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 244 244 244 244 244
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 52 52 52 52 52

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Capital and Coast DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Capital and Coast DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Capital and Coast DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 569,196 569,196 590,225

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Capital and Coast DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 21,928 21,928 21,928 21,928
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 5,459 5,459 5,459 5,459 5,459
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 27,174 27,174 27,174 27,174 27,174
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 99 99 99 99 99
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 611 294 294 294 294
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 15,139 15,139 15,139 15,139 15,139
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 1,149 1,149 1,149 1,149 1,149
Demographics 2006/07 42,006 42,006 42,006 42,006 42,006
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 7,671 7,671 7,671 7,671 7,671
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 314 314 314 314 314
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 851 851 851 851 851
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 235 235 235 235 235
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 246 246 246 246 246
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 1,342 1,342 1,342 1,342 1,342
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 211 211 211 211 211
Cataract Initiative 2005/06 21 21 21 21 21
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 8,223 8,223 8,223 8,223 8,223
Hospice Funding 2005/06 311 311 311 311 311
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 129 129 129 129 129
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 28 28 28 28 28

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Counties-Manukau DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Counties-Manukau DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services CountiesManukau DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 1,004,832 1,004,832 1,053,264

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services CountiesManukau DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 50,024 50,024 50,024 50,024
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 9,583 9,583 9,583 9,583 9,583
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 56,922 56,922 56,922 56,922 56,922
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 198 198 198 198 198
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 634 516 516 516 516
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 49,967 49,967 49,967 49,967 49,967
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 1,362 1,362 1,362 1,362 1,362
FFT/Demo 2006/07 80,189 80,189 80,189 80,189 80,189
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 2,293 2,293 2,293 2,293 2,293
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 6,834 6,834 6,834 6,834 6,834
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 203 203 203 203 203
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 1,462 1,462 1,462 1,462 1,462
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 403 403 403 403 403
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 408 408 408 408 408
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 1,457 1,457 1,457 1,457 1,457
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 358 358 358 358 358
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 8,140 8,140 8,140 8,140 8,140
Hospice Funding 2005/06 528 528 528 528 528
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 218 218 218 218 218
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 48 48 48 48 48

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Hawkes Bay DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Hawkes Bay DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Hawkes Bay DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 378,247 378,247 390,687

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Hawkes Bay DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 12,918 12,918 12,918 12,918
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 3,674 3,674 3,674 3,674 3,674
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 15,202 15,202 15,202 15,202 15,202
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 310 310 310 310 310
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 251 196 196 196 196
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 15,793 15,793 15,793 15,793 15,793
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 640 640 640 640 640
FFT/ Demo 2006/07 26,267 26,267 26,267 26,267 26,267
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 362 362 362 362 362
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 1,503 1,503 1,503 1,503 1,503
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 585 585 585 585 585
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 161 161 161 161 161
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 64 64 64 64 64
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 383 383 383 383 383
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 143 143 143 143 143
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 2,076 2,076 2,076 2,076 2,076
Hospice Funding 2005/06 212 212 212 212 212
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 88 88 88 88 88
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 19 19 19 19 19

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Hutt DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Hutt DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Hutt DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 308,597 308,597 317,706

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Hutt DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 9,557 9,557 9,557 9,557
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 2,960 2,960 2,960 2,960 2,960
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 16,742 16,742 16,742 16,742 16,742
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 59 59 59 59 59
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 240 152 152 152 152
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 12,970 12,970 12,970 12,970 12,970
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 645 645 645 645 645
FFT/ Demo 2006/07 18,556 18,556 18,556 18,556 18,556
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 1,487 1,487 1,487 1,487 1,487
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 30 30 30 30 30
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 462 462 462 462 462
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 9 9 9 9 9
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 127 127 127 127 127
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 449 449 449 449 449
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 113 113 113 113 113
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 7 7 7 7 7
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 2,515 2,515 2,515 2,515 2,515
Hospice Funding 2005/06 167 167 167 167 167
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 70 70 70 70 70
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 15 15 15 15 15

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Lakes DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Lakes DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Lakes DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 244,592 244,592 250,638

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Lakes DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 6,384 6,384 6,384 6,384
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 2,382 2,382 2,382 2,382 2,382
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 8,825 8,825 8,825 8,825 8,825
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 119 119 119 119 119
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 152 129 129 129 129
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 6,150 6,150 6,150 6,150 6,150
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 403 403 403 403 403
FFT/ Demo 2006/07 15,111 15,111 15,111 15,111 15,111
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 883 883 883 883 883
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 384 384 384 384 384
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 106 106 106 106 106
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 351 351 351 351 351
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 94 94 94 94 94
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 2,141 2,141 2,141 2,141 2,141
Hospice Funding 2005/06 139 139 139 139 139
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 58 58 58 58 58
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 13 13 13 13 13

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - MidCentral DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from MidCentral DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services MidCentral DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 396,915 396,915 408,081

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services MidCentral DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 11,231 11,231 11,231 11,231
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800 3,800
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 22,492 22,492 22,492 22,492 22,492
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 185 185 185 185 185
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 304 205 205 205 205
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 12,995 12,995 12,995 12,995 12,995
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 726 726 726 726 726
FFT/ Demo 2006/07 25,859 25,859 25,859 25,859 25,859
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 422 422 422 422 422
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 2,508 2,508 2,508 2,508 2,508
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 604 604 604 604 604
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 166 166 166 166 166
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 75 75 75 75 75
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 639 639 639 639 639
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 148 148 148 148 148
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 3,437 3,437 3,437 3,437 3,437
Hospice Funding 2005/06 218 218 218 218 218
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 91 91 91 91 91
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 20 20 20 20 20

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Nelson-Marlborough DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Nelson-Marlborough DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services NelsonMarlborough DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 324,101 324,101 332,147

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services NelsonMarlborough DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 8,381 8,381 8,381 8,381
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175 3,175
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 9,712 9,712 9,712 9,712 9,712
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 331 331 331 331 331
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 251 176 176 176 176
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 8,425 8,425 8,425 8,425 8,425
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 640 640 640 640 640
FFT/ Demo 2006/07 17,788 17,788 17,788 17,788 17,788
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 591 591 591 591 591
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 2,282 2,282 2,282 2,282 2,282
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 507 507 507 507 507
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 84 84 84 84 84
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 140 140 140 140 140
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 105 105 105 105 105
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 862 862 862 862 862
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 123 123 123 123 123
Cataract Initiative 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 4,813 4,813 4,813 4,813 4,813
Hospice Funding 2005/06 181 181 181 181 181
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 75 75 75 75 75
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 17 17 17 17 17

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Northland DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Northland DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Northland DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 418,039 418,039 428,541

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Northland DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 11,045 11,045 11,045 11,045
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 12,191 12,191 12,191 12,191 12,191
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 23,201 23,201 23,201 23,201 23,201
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 554 554 554 554 554
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 283 211 211 211 211
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 21,986 21,986 21,986 21,986 21,986
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 585 585 585 585 585
FFT/ Demo 2006/07 28,364 28,364 28,364 28,364 28,364
DHBs - Additional Costs of National Services 2006/07 691 691 691 691 691
FRS3 Funding - New Initiative 2006/07 408 408 408 408 408
Funding Refugee Primary Health Care 2006/07 614 614 614 614 614
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 170 170 170 170 170
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 123 123 123 123 123
PBFF Pool Top-up - 2006/07 509 509 509 509 509
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 149 149 149 149 149
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 2,983 2,983 2,983 2,983 2,983
Hospice Funding 2005/06 220 220 220 220 220
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 92 92 92 92 92
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 20 20 20 20 20

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Otago DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Otago DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Otago DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 362,709 362,709 -

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The funding for the Otago DHB has been transferred to the newly established Southern DHB.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Otago DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 4,248 4,248 4,248 4,248 4,248
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 13,111 13,111 13,111 13,111 13,111
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 304 304 304 304 304
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 316 225 225 225 225
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 11,338 11,338 11,338 11,338 11,338
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 871 871 871 871 871
FFT/Demo 2006/07 21,383 21,383 21,383 21,383 21,383
DHBs - Additional cost of National Services 2006/07 4 4 4 4 4
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 3,305 3,305 3,305 3,305 3,305
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 664 664 664 664 664
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 151 151 151 151 151
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 183 183 183 183 183
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 1 1 1 1 1
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 632 632 632 632 632
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 164 164 164 164 164
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 3,574 3,574 3,574 3,574 3,574
Hospice Funding 2005/06 242 242 242 242 242
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 101 101 101 101 101
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 22 22 22 22 22

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - South Canterbury DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from South Canterbury DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services South Canterbury DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 143,397 143,397 147,404

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services South Canterbury DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 4,115 4,115 4,115 4,115
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406 1,406
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 4,285 4,285 4,285 4,285 4,285
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 145 145 145 145 145
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 80 75 75 75 75
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 6,788 6,788 6,788 6,788 6,788
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 279 279 279 279 279
FFT/Demo 2006/07 11,469 11,469 11,469 11,469 11,469
DHBs - Additional cost of National Services 2006/07 350 350 350 350 350
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 730 730 730 730 730
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 220 220 220 220 220
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 85 85 85 85 85
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 61 61 61 61 61
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 62 62 62 62 62
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 122 122 122 122 122
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 54 54 54 54 54
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 726 726 726 726 726
Hospice Funding 2005/06 79 79 79 79 79
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 33 33 33 33 33
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 7 7 7 7 7

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Southern DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Southern DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Southern DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 113,580 113,580 698,408

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The Southern DHB was formed from the amalgamation of the Otago and Southland DHBs with effect from 1 May 2010.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Southern DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 17,474 17,474 17,474 17,474
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 20,478 20,478 20,478 20,478 20,478
Supplementary Funding For Price Pressures and Government Commitments - New Initiative 2009/10 6,663 6,663 6,663 6,663 6,663

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Southland DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Southland DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Southland DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 205,192 205,192 -

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The funding for the Southland DHB has been transferred to the newly established Southern DHB.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Southland DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 2,415 2,415 2,415 2,415 2,415
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 7,367 7,367 7,367 7,367 7,367
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 276 276 276 276 276
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 173 131 131 131 131
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 6,341 6,341 6,341 6,341 6,341
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 476 476 476 476 476
FFT/Demo 2006/07 16,339 16,339 16,339 16,339 16,339
DHBs - Additional cost of National Services 2006/07 18 18 18 18 18
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 115 115 115 115 115
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 387 387 387 387 387
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 84 84 84 84 84
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 107 107 107 107 107
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 3 3 3 3 3
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 205 205 205 205 205
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 94 94 94 94 94
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 1,232 1,232 1,232 1,232 1,232
Hospice Funding 2005/06 138 138 138 138 138
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 58 58 58 58 58
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 13 13 13 13 13

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Tairawhiti DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Tairawhiti DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Tairawhiti DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 124,073 124,073 127,599

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Tairawhiti DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 3,726 3,726 3,726 3,726
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,186 1,186
Forecast Funding track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 7,017 7,017 7,017 7,017 7,017
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 167 167 167 167 167
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 91 61 61 61 61
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 5,298 5,298 5,298 5,298 5,298
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 178 178 178 178 178
FFT/Demo 2006/07 12,546 12,546 12,546 12,546 12,546
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 978 978 978 978 978
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 188 188 188 188 188
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 52 52 52 52 52
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 183 183 183 183 183
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 46 46 46 46 46
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 7 7 7 7 7
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 1,034 1,034 1,034 1,034 1,034
Hospice Funding 2005/06 68 68 68 68 68
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 28 28 28 28 28
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 6 6 6 6 6

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Taranaki DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Taranaki DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Taranaki DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 266,194 266,194 274,163

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Taranaki DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 8,224 8,224 8,224 8,224
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 7,952 7,952 7,952 7,952 7,952
Forecast Funding track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 7,973 7,973 7,973 7,973 7,973
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 2,598 2,598 2,598 2,598 2,598
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 161 161 161 161 161
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 9,894 9,894 9,894 9,894 9,894
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 453 453 453 453 453
FFT/Demo 2006/07 16,206 16,206 16,206 16,206 16,206
DHBs Additional cost of National Services 2006/07 2 2 2 2 2
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 2,115 2,115 2,115 2,115 2,115
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 406 406 406 406 406
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 42 42 42 42 42
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 112 112 112 112 112
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 0 75 75 75 75
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 242 242 242 242 242
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 100 100 100 100 100
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 1,505 1,505 1,505 1,505 1,505
Hospice Funding 2005/06 147 147 147 147 147
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 61 61 61 61 61
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 13 13 13 13 13

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Waikato DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Waikato DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Waikato DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 840,495 840,495 879,450

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Waikato DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 35,116 35,116 35,116 35,116
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 24,487 24,487 24,487 24,487 24,487
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 47,431 47,431 47,431 47,431 47,431
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 7,994 7,994 7,994 7,994 7,994
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 213 213 213 213 213
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 46,695 46,695 46,695 46,695 46,695
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 1,291 1,291 1,291 1,291 1,291
FFT/Demo 2006/07 65,260 65,260 65,260 65,260 65,260
DHBs - Additional costs of National Services 2006/07 2,015 2,015 2,015 2,015 2,015
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 5,112 5,112 5,112 5,112 5,112
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 1,227 1,227 1,227 1,227 1,227
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 338 338 338 338 338
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 359 359 359 359 359
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 960 960 960 960 960
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 302 302 302 302 302
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 5,508 5,508 5,508 5,508 5,508
Hospice Funding 2005/06 445 445 445 445 445
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 185 185 185 185 185
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 40 40 40 40 40

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Wairarapa DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Wairarapa DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Wairarapa DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 105,025 105,025 107,623

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Wairarapa DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 2,692 2,692 2,692 2,692
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 1,026 1,026 1,026 1,026 1,026
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 3,142 3,142 3,142 3,142 3,142
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 58 58 58 58 58
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 58 55 55 55 55
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 3,980 3,980 3,980 3,980 3,980
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 193 193 193 193 193
FFT/Demo 2006/07 6,634 6,634 6,634 6,634 6,634
DHBs - Additional costs of National Services 2006/07 4 4 4 4 4
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 164 164 164 164 164
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 163 163 163 163 163
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 42 42 42 42 42
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 45 45 45 45 45
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 1 1 1 1 1
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 77 77 77 77 77
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 40 40 40 40 40
Cataract Initiative - CQI 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 466 466 466 466 466
Hospice Funding 2005/06 59 59 59 59 59
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 25 25 25 25 25
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 5 5 5 5 5

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Waitemata DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Waitemata DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Waitemata DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 1,074,747 1,074,747 1,119,852

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Waitemata DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 46,467 46,467 46,467 46,467
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 10,362 10,362 10,362 10,362 10,362
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 41,564 41,564 41,564 41,564 41,564
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 225 225 225 225 225
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 743 557 557 557 557
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 42,951 42,951 42,951 42,951 42,951
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 1,659 1,659 1,659 1,659 1,659
FFT/Demo 2006/07 93,264 93,264 93,264 93,264 93,264
DHBs -Additional costs of National Services 2006/07 2,644 2,644 2,644 2,644 2,644
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 5,247 5,247 5,247 5,247 5,247
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 203 203 203 203 203
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 1,578 1,578 1,578 1,578 1,578
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 435 435 435 435 435
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 471 471 471 471 471
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 1,991 1,991 1,991 1,991 1,991
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 386 386 386 386 386
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 10,850 10,850 10,850 10,850 10,850
Hospice Funding 2005/06 570 570 570 570 570
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 235 235 235 235 235
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 52 52 52 52 52

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - West Coast DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from West Coast DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services West Coast DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 106,821 106,821 109,293

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services West Coast DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 2,572 2,572 2,572 2,572
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 1,045 1,045 1,045 1,045 1,045
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 3,195 3,195 3,195 3,195 3,195
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 177 177 177 177 177
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 78 45 45 45 45
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 4,816 4,816 4,816 4,816 4,816
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 167 167 167 167 167
FFT/Demo 2006/07 3,056 3,056 3,056 3,056 3,056
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 374 374 374 374 374
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 133 133 133 133 133
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 85 85 85 85 85
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 37 37 37 37 37
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 325 325 325 325 325
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 32 32 32 32 32
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 2,019 2,019 2,019 2,019 2,019
Hospice Funding 2005/06 47 47 47 47 47
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 20 20 20 20 20
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 4 4 4 4 4

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health and Disability Support Services - Whanganui DHB (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Whanganui DHB.


Expenses - Health and Disability Support Services Whanganui DHB (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 180,492 180,492 184,671

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health and Disability Support Services Whanganui DHB (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Demographic Funding and Contribution for Cost Pressures 2010/11 - 4,396 4,396 4,396 4,396
Funding for Price Pressures/Government Commitments 2009/10 1,745 1,745 1,745 1,745 1,745
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2009/10 6,592 6,592 6,592 6,592 6,592
National Travel Assistance 2008/09 115 115 115 115 115
Senior Medical Officers' Settlement 2008/09 127 87 87 87 87
FFT/DEMO 2007/08 8,121 8,121 8,121 8,121 8,121
ARC Price Increase 2006/07 256 256 256 256 256
FFT/Demo 2006/07 7,780 7,780 7,780 7,780 7,780
DHBs - Additional costs of National Services 2006/07 5 5 5 5 5
FRS3 Funding 2006/07 631 631 631 631 631
Home Based Support For Older People 2006/07 263 263 263 263 263
Outreach Immunisation Services Evaluation 2006/07 42 42 42 42 42
Palliative Care Additional Funding 2006/07 73 73 73 73 73
PBFF Pool Top-up 2006/07 1 1 1 1 1
PSA Industrial Negotiations 2006/07 511 511 511 511 511
Cancer Drugs 2005/06 65 65 65 65 65
Cataract Initiative 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14
DHB PSA Settlement 2005/06 3,155 3,155 3,155 3,155 3,155
Hospice Funding 2005/06 95 95 95 95 95
Influenza Immunisation 2005/06 40 40 40 40 40
Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis 2005/06 9 9 9 9 9

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health Services Funding (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding to respond to emerging health sector risks, provision for DHB structural deficit support, and contingency funding for Government priority health policy initiatives.


Expenses - Health Services Funding (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 9 9 162,027

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Health Services Funding (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Managing sector risks within Vote Health Achieved Achieved Achieved

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Health Services Funding (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Health and Disability Services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000
Health and Disability Services Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health Services Funding (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Unutilised Risk Reserve Balance - Reprioritised 2009/10 (30,104) - - - -
Voluntary Bonding - Additional volumes 2010/11 - - 5,128 1,368 1,094
Risk Reserve - Increase 2010/11 - 10,195 7,700 7,700 7,700
Boost funding for subsidised medicines 2010/11 - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Shared Services establishment costs 2010/11 - 6,000      
Sector Risk Management 2008/09 (51,226) (47,181) (36,375) (18,437) (18,437)
Line-by-Line Review Savings 2008/09 (5,959) (3,584) (3,534) (3,534) (3,534)
Voluntary Bonding Scheme 2011/12 - - 6,728 8,526 8,526
Training 800 Health Professionals to Support New Elective Surgery Theatres 2009/10 10,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics - Ministry of Health 2009/10 85,841 83,841 83,841 83,841 83,841
Encouraging more training in rural and provincial areas 2009/10 500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000
DHB Deficit Support 2009/10 53,332 38,332 23,332 8,332 8,332
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 10,192 10,192 10,192 10,192 10,192
Sector risk management 2008/09 16,116 27,252 520 520 520
Primary Health Care Strategy Implementation 2008/09 19,490 19,490 19,490 19,490 19,490
Reorientation of Child and Adolescent Oral Health Services 2008/09 15,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 4,851 4,851 4,851 4,851 4,851
Demographics 2007/08 2,687 2,687 2,687 2,687 2,687
Transitional Funding For Primary Healthcare Initiatives 2007/08 2,900 - - - -
Sector Risk Management 2007/08 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000
Other Initiatives and Risk Management 2005/06 203,047 209,929 209,929 209,929 209,929
Other Initiatives and Risk Management 2004/05 14,211 14,211 14,211 14,211 14,211
Disability Support Services and Health of Older People 2005/06 33,745 33,745 33,745 33,745 33,745
Primary Health Care Strategy 2005/06 71,111 71,111 71,111 71,111 71,111
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 736 736 736 736 736
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 92 92 92 92 92
Demographics 2004/05 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Rollout of the Health Funding Package 2006/07 488,889 488,889 488,889 488,889 488,889
Health Funding Package 2005/06 475,556 475,556 475,556 475,556 475,556
Demographic change - to fund health services for changes in population numbers, age mix, ethnicity and deprivation 2003/04 4,057 4,057 4,057 4,057 4,057

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health Workforce Training and Development (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Provision of clinical training for doctors, nurses, dentists and other health professionals.


Expenses - Health Workforce Training and Development (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 122,667 119,667 135,507

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Health Workforce Training and Development (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
The number of post-entry clinical trainees trained in 2010/11 N/A 5,648 5,872
The number of funded training places      
  • Non-vocational medical
N/A 550 562
  • Vocational medical
N/A 1,103 1,146
  • Technician medical
N/A 136 148
  • General practice
N/A 359 419
  • Nursing
N/A 2,671 2,678
  • Midwifery
N/A 145 145
  • Maori training
N/A 190 230
  • Maori support
N/A 278 340
  • Pharmacy internship
N/A 199 186
  • Clinical Rehabilitation Certificate
N/A 17 18

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Health Workforce Training and Development (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Post-entry clinical training Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Health Workforce Training and Development (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
GP Training & Upskilling in Primary Maternity Care 2009/10 150 300 300 300 300
Boost GP Training 2009/10 2,500 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Palliative Medicine Registrar Training 2008/09 300 300 300 300 300
Medical Physics Training 2008/09 105 105 105 105 105
Maternity Action Plan 2008/09 1,775 1,775 1,775 1,775 1,775
New Medical Registrations 2008/09 1,242 2,062 3,404 4,584 4,584
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 4,957 4,957 4,957 4,957 4,957
Workforce development 2008/09 7,610 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 2,993 2,993 2,993 2,993 2,993
Demographics 2007/08 1,643 1,643 1,643 1,643 1,643

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Meningococcal Vaccine Programme (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding for the purchase and delivery of a vaccine against the epidemic strain of group B meningococcal disease to target population groups.


Expenses - Meningococcal Vaccine Programme (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 1,800 1,300 1,500

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Meningococcal Vaccine Programme (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Successful close-off of meningococcal vaccine programme including residual vaccine written off and/or expired doses disposed of N/A N/A Achieved

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Meningococcal Vaccine Programme (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Meningococcal Vaccine Ongoing Delivery 2006/07 6,632 - - - -

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Provision of services to monitor and protect health consumer interests by the Health and Disability Commissioner, District Mental Health Inspectors and Review Tribunals, and the Mental Health Commission.


Expenses - Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 14,839 14,839 14,839

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Health and Disability Commissioner      
The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent      
Mental Health Commission      
The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent      
Mental health reviews and inquiries      
The number of District Mental Health Inspectors N/A 34 34
The percentage of District Mental Health Inspectors' monthly reports sent to the Director of Mental Health, on their duties undertaken, within 14 days after completion 100% 100% 100%
The annual report by the Mental Health Review Tribunal, on their duties undertaken, to the Director of Mental Health by the due date 1 report 1 report By 31 August 2010
The estimated number of applications received by the Mental Health Review Tribunal N/A 175 175
The estimated number of applications that proceed to a Mental Health Review Tribunal hearing N/A 100 100
Inquiries into the mental health care and treatment of patients completed and reported within the agreed timeframes N/A 100% 100%

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Health and Disability Commissioner Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994
Mental Health Commission Mental Health Commission Act 1998
District Inspectors' monthly reports to the Director of Mental Health Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 633 633 633 633 633
Health and Disability Commissioner advocacy services 2008/09 550 550 550 550 550
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 400 400 400 400 400
Demographics 2007/08 220 220 220 220 220
Health and Disability Commissioner - Expand Advocacy services 2007/08 550 550 550 550 550
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 117 117 117 117 117
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 14 14 14 14 14

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Advisory and Support Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Provision of advisory and support services by independent service providers.


Expenses - National Advisory and Support Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 340 340 340

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Advisory and Support Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
The percentage of independent service providers who provide advisory and support services in accordance with their standard contract with the Ministry of Health N/A 100% 100%
The number of service provider reports received on time 4 4 4

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Advisory and Support Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules

National Child Health Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

For the funding and purchase of child health services directly by the Crown.


Expenses - National Child Health Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 58,094 57,094 61,397

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Child Health Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Well Child/Tamariki Ora Framework      
Well Child/Tamariki Ora Framework services are available nationally      
  • At least 85% of new babies are enrolled with Plunket national Well Child Services
N/A 53,000 ≥ 85% of annual birth rate (53,161 see Note 1)
  • Combined volume of core contacts and additional contact equivalents are provided to enrolled children
N/A 550,000 ≥ 550,000
Telephone information and advisory services to support the Well Child/Tamaki Ora Framework are delivered (PlunketLine)      
  • Phone line service is available 24/7
N/A 100% ≥ 99%
  • Call abandonment rate (percentage of calls offered)
N/A Less than 10% Less than 10%
B4 Schools Check      
DHBs deliver against agreed volumes of checks N/A 36,500 48,000
DHBs that provide the volumes of checks as specified in funding arrangements N/A 21 20
Youth Access to Health Services      
DHBs contracted to provide school-based health services in decile 1 and 2 secondary schools N/A 21 20
The approximate number of students accessing school-based health services in decile 1 and 2 secondary schools N/A 22,000 29,000

Note 1 - The estimated eligible population is based on the number of live births (62,540) in the year ended December 2009.

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Child Health Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Child health services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000
Disability Support Services Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Child Health Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
PlunketLine 2010/11 - 375 375 375 375
Plunket Well Child 2010/11 - 688 688 688 688
Plunket Well Child 2008/09 1,927 1,927 1,927 1,927 1,927
PlunketLine 2008/09 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500
B4 School Checks 2008/09 9,410 9,410 9,410 9,410 9,410
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700
AIMHI Healthy Community Schools - Nurse Component 2008/09 1,130 1,130 1,130 1,130 1,130
Youth Access to Health Services 2008/09 3,812 5,583 5,583 5,583 5,583
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 1,111 1,111 1,111 1,111 1,111
Demographics 2007/08 609 609 609 609 609
Plunket Well Child Contacts (Telephone Delivery) 2007/08 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
AIMHI Health Community Schools - Nurse Component and Project Evaluation 2007/08 1,010 1,010 1,010 1,010 1,010

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Contracted Services - Other (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

For the funding and purchase of other health services including mobile surgical services, telephone advice services, sexual and reproductive health services, and services associated with the implementation of the Oral Health and Cancer Control Strategies.


Expenses - National Contracted Services Other (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 165,032 140,032 185,122

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Contracted Services Other (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent      
Health Research Council      
The performance measures are those contained in the Crown entity's Statement of Intent      
Nationally Purchased Personal Health      
National telephone triage and health advice services (Healthline)      
  • Phone line service is available 24/7
N/A 100% 99%
  • Call abandonment rate (percentage of calls offered)
N/A 12% Less than 10%
Mobile Surgical Services      
  • Elective day surgery target of 705 case-weights (approximately 1,500 operations per annum)
N/A 705 705
  • Rural health professional development and remote collaboration services volume targets met
N/A 100% 100%
Hospital chaplaincy services      
  • Ecumenical hospital chaplaincy services accessible in all public hospitals in New Zealand
N/A 100% 100%
Oral health service enrolments of children and adolescents aged 0-12 increased by 3% N/A 624,849 640,718
Oral health service utilisation by adolescents increased by 4% N/A 173,435 180,346
Support DHBs to ensure everyone needing radiation treatment will have this within four weeks by December 2010 N/A N/A 100%
The expected number of sexual and reproductive health consultations N/A 165,600 ≥ 165,600
National Implementation of InterRAI assessment tool (see Note 1)      
DHBs implement the InterRAI Home Care and Contact Assessments tools for assessing the needs of older people to access long-term support services in the community or residential care 100% 9 DHBs 14 DHBs
Child and Youth Mortality Review      
DHBs are contracted to lead multi-sector groups reviewing preventable child and youth deaths N/A 200 reviews 250 reviews
Hospital Productivity      
Implementation of Releasing Time to Care: Productive Ward - (number of beds licensed to implement in New Zealand DHBs) N/A 2,073 1,927
Implementation of the "Productive Operating Theatre Programme" - (number of Theatres implementing programme) N/A N/A 50
Hospital Productivity and Quality Summit - National Summit workshops provided N/A 2 2

Note 1 - InterRAI is a collaborative network of researchers in over 30 countries committed to improving health care for persons who are elderly, frail, or disabled.

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Contracted Services Other (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
PHARMAC New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000, section 46 and Schedule 6
Crown Entities Act 2004
Health Research Council Health Research Council Act 1990
Personal Health services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000
Disability Support Services Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Contracted Services Other (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Mobile Surgical Services 2010/11 - 521 521 521 521
Hospital Chaplaincy 2010/11 - 114 114 114 114
Healthline 2010/11 - 587 587 587 587
Contact Lens Volume 2010/11 - 94 94 94 94
Increased Health Sector Purchases 2010/11 - 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Unutilised Risk Reserve balance reprioritisation 2010/11 (911)        
Re-prioritised Savings 2010/11 - (5,797) (7,656) (6,127) (7,627)
Boosting Hospice Care 2009/10 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
Boost Funding for Subsidised Medicines 2009/10 8,900 11,200 13,000 13,800 13,800
Line-by-Line Review 2008/09 (5,746) (5,746) (5,746) (5,746) (5,746)
Innovations 2008/09 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Hepatitis C 2008/09 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Child/Adolescent Oral Health 2008/09 14,153 18,087 19,568 19,569 19,569
Bedside Verification of Drugs 2008/09 5,300 4,300 4,200 4,200 4,200
Child/Adolescent Health 2008/09 801 1,104 827 827 827
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 5,958 5,958 5,958 5,958 5,958
Interim Funding Pool for People with Chronic Health Conditions 2008/09 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Financial incentives for DHBs to realise efficiencies & progress Health Targets 2008/09 43,065 43,065 43,065 43,065 43,065
National Implementation of InterRAI assessment tool 2008/09 3,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Improving patient safety using bedside verification of drugs in DHB hospitals 2008/09 5,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300
Service Planning and New Health Intervention Assessment Framework (SPNIA) 2008/09 1,460 1,580 1,580 1,580 1,580
Support for Health Sector to build capability and innovate 2008/09 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000
Cancer Control Strategy 2008/09 5,630 5,630 5,630 5,630 5,630
Quality Improvement Control Projects 2007/08 2,019 2,019 2,019 2,019 2,019
Oral Health Business Case Development 2007/08 683 634 634 634 634
Safe Staffing Support Unit 2007/08 400 400 400 400 400
Extreme Complex Burns 2007/08 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400 3,400
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 1,826 1,826 1,826 1,826 1,826
Demographics 2007/08 1,002 1,002 1,002 1,002 1,002
Aged Residential Care 2007/08 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500 37,500
Pharmaceuticals Budget 2007/08 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Improve Terms and Conditions For Low-Paid DHB Workforce 2007/08 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Cancer Control Action Plan 2007/08 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500
Extend "Get Checked" Programme to Include Cardiovascular Disease 2007/08 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300 3,300
Additional Demographic Funding 2006/07 4,336 4,336 4,336 4,336 4,336
Additional Forecast Funding Track Funding 2006/07 54,882 54,882 54,882 54,882 54,882
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 4,427 4,427 4,427 4,427 4,427
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 545 545 545 545 545
Removal of Asset Testing 2005/06 12,444 12,444 12,444 12,444 12,444
Holidays Act 2005/06 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400
Family Income Assistance 2004/05 1,244 1,244 1,244 1,244 1,244
ACC Primary Referred Pharmaceuticals and Laboratory Costs 2003/04 9,156 9,156 9,156 9,156 9,156
Removal of Asset Testing 2005/06 106,133 106,133 106,133 106,133 106,133
Demographic change - to fund health services for changes in population numbers, age mix, ethnicity and deprivation 2004/05 2,082 2,082 2,082 2,082 2,082

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Disability Support Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Delivery of disability support services provided through DHBs and third-party service providers.


Expenses - National Disability Support Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 939,013 932,013 970,250

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Disability Support Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Disability Support Services will be available for all eligible and assessed clients N/A 29,000 ≥ 29,000 people receive services
Equipment and modification services will be available for eligible and priority assessed clients N/A 40,000 ≥ 40,000 people receive services
Needs Assessment and Service Coordination      
  • All new eligible Disability Support Services clients are assessed within 20 days of referral
N/A 80% ≥ 80%
  • All new clients assessed as being eligible for Ministry-funded support are provided with support options within 20 days of assessment
N/A 80% ≥ 80%
Home and Community Services      
  • Home help and personal care services will be available for all eligible and assessed clients
N/A 95% coverage 95% coverage
  • Increased availability of Individualised Funding arrangements to improve client and family choice and control
N/A 15% 15% increase of participating clients
Residential Services      
  • Residential services support people to have an everyday life. At least 80% of clients and families are satisfied with the service, as demonstrated through the developmental evaluations
N/A 80% ≥ 80%
  • The number of clients in very high cost services (High and Complex Services) will be maintained at a sustainable level
N/A   Under 500 people

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Disability Support Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Disability Support Services Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001
Disability Support Service Providers New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000
Monitoring by District Inspectors Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Disability Support Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Equipment waiting List 2010/11 - 15,000 5,000    
Carer Support 2010/11 - 600 600 600 600
Cochlear Implants 2010/11 - 400 400 400 400
Crown Funding with DHBs 2010/11 - 830 830 830 830
Home and Community Support 2010/11 - 6,390 6,390 6,390 6,390
NASC Management 2010/11 - 177 177 177 177
Other Disability Services 2010/11 - 862 862 862 862
Residential Services for People with Intellectual Disabilities 2010/11 - 5,370 5,370 5,370 5,370
Respite Care 2010/11 - 677 677 677 677
Support Independent Living 2010/11 - 1,980 1,980 1,980 1,980
Young Persons with Physical /Sensory Disability 2010/11 - 1,053 1,053 1,053 1,053
Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) 2009/10 7,800 9,800 9,800 9,800 9,800
Huntington's Disease 2008/09 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200
Doubtless Bay 2008/09 583 583 583 583 583
Wage Rates 2008/09 6,170 6,170 6,170 6,170 6,170
Respite Care 2008/09 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Workforce Development 2008/09 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 38,199 38,199 38,199 38,199 38,199
Autism Spectrum Disorder work programme 2007/08 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Environmental Disability Support Services (ESS) 2008/09 990 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Enhanced access to hearing aids for Super Gold Card holders 2008/09 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 23,338 23,338 23,338 23,338 23,338
Demographics 2007/08 12,809 12,809 12,809 12,809 12,809
Home-Based Support Services for People Aged Over 65 and Implementation of InterRAI (residential Assessment) Tool 2007/08 20,300 20,300 20,300 20,300 20,300
Environmental Support Services 2007/08 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000
Residential Services For Disabled People Aged Under 65 2007/08 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000
Home-Based Disability Support Services for People Under 65 2007/08 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) and High and Complex Needs 2007/08 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Autism Spectrum Disorder Work Programme 2007/08 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Cochlear Implant Services For Adults and Newborns 2007/08 2,850 1,800 1,300 1,300 1,300
Provide Support For Family Caregivers 2007/08 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Setting NZ Superannuation and Veterans Pension Rates 2006/07 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
Kimberley Deinstitutionalisation 2005/06 3,132 3,132 3,132 3,132 3,132
Holidays Act 2005/06 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 5,905 5,905 5,905 5,905 5,905
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 734 734 734 734 734
Demographic change - to fund health services for changes in population numbers, age mix, ethnicity and deprivation 2004/05 9,431 9,431 9,431 9,431 9,431

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Elective Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding for the purchase of additional elective surgery services.


Expenses - National Elective Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 202,606 199,606 223,726

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Elective Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
The performance measures are those contained in DHB Statements of Intent. The following are expected results and coverage:      
DHBs that provide additional elective services in accordance with their provider contracts with the Ministry of Health - elective surgical discharges (excluding dental) by DHBs N/A 131,700 133,717
DHBs that set an agreed increase in the number of elective service discharges and that provide the level of service agreed N/A 21 20 DHBs
DHBs that report on the delivery of services provided to the Ministry of Health in accordance with the provisions of their organisations funding agreements N/A 21 20 DHBs
DHBs that maintain compliance in all Elective Services Patient Flow Indicators (ESPIs) N/A 21 20 DHBs

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Elective Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
DHBs New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Elective Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Increased Funding to Reduce Waiting List for Cardiac Surgery 2010/11 - 1,500      
Elective Services Funding 2009/10 10,200 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Breast Reconstruction 2010/11 - 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Cardiac Services 2008/09 10,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 6,244 6,244 6,244 6,244 6,244
Electives Initiative - additional volumes 2008/09 40,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 4,104 4,104 4,104 4,104 4,104
Demographics 2007/08 2,252 2,252 2,252 2,252 2,252
Additional Elective Surgical Volumes 2007/08 59,000 59,000 59,000 59,000 59,000
Cataracts 2005/06 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756 6,756
Orthopaedics 2005/06 26,667 26,667 26,667 26,667 26,667
Orthopaedics 2004/05 35,111 35,111 35,111 35,111 35,111

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Emergency Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

For the funding and purchase of health emergency services directly by the Crown.


Expenses - National Emergency Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 83,077 81,077 83,077

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Emergency Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Emergency calls are triaged and services dispatched effectively and efficiently      
  • Call response times - calls answered in 15 seconds
N/A 95% 95%
  • Calls reach compliance with the medical priority dispatch system performance indicators
N/A 100% 100%
Ambulance services are provided in a safe and consistent way      
Ambulance response times - for life-threatening incidents an ambulance reaches the scene within      
  • Urban reached in 8 minutes
N/A 50% 50%
  • Urban reached in 20 minutes
N/A 95% 95%
  • Rural reached in 12 minutes
N/A 50% 50%
  • Rural reached in 30 minutes
N/A 95% 95%
  • Remote reached in 25 minutes
N/A 50% 50%
  • Remote reached in 60 minutes
N/A 95% 95%
Ambulance sector engagement with health and emergency services sectors - attendance at 15 meetings and/or ambulance sector forums within the year N/A 15 15
Complaints, both individual cases and trends - follow-up on investigation of sentinel and adverse events N/A Achieved Achieved

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Emergency Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Emergency services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 section 8

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Emergency Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Ambulance Services 2009/10 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Ambulance Services 2008/09 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 2,736 2,736 2,736 2,736 2,736
Stabilisation of the ambulance sector 2008/09 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,900
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 1,924 1,924 1,924 1,924 1,924
Demographics 2007/08 1,056 1,056 1,056 1,056 1,056
Suicide Guidelines for Accident and Emergency Departments 2004/05 204 204 204 204 204

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Maori Health Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

For the funding and purchase of Maori health services directly by the Crown.


Expenses - National Maori Health Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 7,421 7,421 9,821

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Maori Health Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Funding and purchasing of Maori health services consistent with the aims of He Korowai Oranga (the Maori Health Strategy) 100% 100% 100%
National Maori service contracts provided in accordance with their standard contract with the Ministry of Health 100% 100% 100%

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Maori Health Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Maori health services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 section 4
Maori health services Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Maori Health Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 426 426 426 426 426
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 267 267 267 267 267
Demographics 2007/08 147 147 147 147 147

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Maternity Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

For the funding and purchase of maternity services directly by the Crown.


Expenses - National Maternity Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 132,642 132,642 135,299

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Maternity Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Lead Maternity Carer      
Lead maternity carers (LMCs) deliver quality maternity services in compliance with the Section 88 Primary Maternity Services Notice 2007 (excludes DHB primary maternity services):      
  • Percentage of women giving birth in the year receive primary maternity services through the section 88 Primary Maternity Notice
N/A 43,000 > 70%
(43,000 see Note 1)
  • Recruitment and retention services for rural midwifery supported through Locum cover - at least 200 LMCs provided with locum cover per annum
N/A N/A ≥ 200

Note 1 - The estimated eligible population is based on the number of live births (62,540) in the year ended December 2009.

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Maternity Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Maternity services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 section 8

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Maternity Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Optional General Practice Visit for "At Risk" pregnant woman 2009/10 159 2,816 2,816 2,816 2,816
National Maternity Services 2008/09 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Primary Maternity Care Services 2008/09 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000
Primary Maternal Foetal Medicine Centre 2008/09 400 400 400 400 400
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 4,759 4,759 4,759 4,759 4,759
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 3,081 3,081 3,081 3,081 3,081
Demographics 2007/08 1,691 1,691 1,691 1,691 1,691
Rural Support For Primary Maternity Care 2007/08 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

National Mental Health Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

For the funding and purchase of mental health services directly by the Crown.


Expenses - National Mental Health Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 58,987 50,987 70,333

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - National Mental Health Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
The percentage of mental health service providers who provide services in accordance with their provider contracts with the Ministry of Health N/A 100% 100%
Deliver on Tackling Methamphetamine: An Action Plan - Health Initiatives N/A 5 measures 5 measures
Number of annual contacts made through the National Depression Helpline service N/A 15,000 17,000
Deliver on four Mental Health and Addiction Workforce Centre work programmes, including review and development and sector intelligence 4 4 4

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - National Mental Health Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Mental health services New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 section 8
Mental Health and Addiction Workforce Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Act 1966
Mental health services Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - National Mental Health Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Mental Health Services - Government Commitments 2010/11 - 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Reprioritised Savings 2010/11 - (2,650) (2,650) (2,650) (2,650)
Tackling Methamphetamine 2009/10 622 7,705 9,022 9,022 9,022
Mental Health Blueprint Implementation 2009/10 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Line-by-Line Review 2008/09 (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200) (4,200)
Effective Interventions 2008/09 7,941 - - - -
Mental Health Blueprint Implementation 2008/09 22,222 22,222 22,222 22,222 22,222
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 3,612 3,612 3,612 3,612 3,612
Suicide prevention and National Depression Awareness Initiative 2008/09 2,825 3,025 3,025 3,025 3,025
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2007/08 1,554 1,554 1,554 1,554 1,554
Demographics 2007/08 853 853 853 853 853
Strengthen Primary Mental Healthcare Response to Mental Illness and Addiction 2007/08 7,600 4,400 3,900 3,900 3,900
Suicide Prevention and National Depression Awareness 2007/08 4,270 5,590 1,950 1,950 1,950
Holidays Act 2005/06 500 500 500 500 500
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services Directory 2005/06 16 16 16 16 16
Central Region - Alcohol and Other Drugs Youth Residential Treatment 2004/05 949 949 949 949 949
Mental Health Blueprint Implementation 2004/05 88,889 88,889 88,889 88,889 88,889
Drug and alcohol services (Christchurch) 2003/04 551 551 551 551 551

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Primary Health Care Strategy (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to services to implement and deliver the Primary Health Care Strategy.


Expenses - Primary Health Care Strategy (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 175,678 175,678 182,442

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Primary Health Care Strategy (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Successful business case developers meet key milestones identified in their implementation plans for 2010/11 N/A N/A 100%
A reduction in the number of Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) N/A N/A 25% reduction
Access to affordable primary health care services      
New Zealand children who receive free access to Under 6 services 80% 78% 80%
National average for PHO performance in the PHO Performance Programme to improve health outcomes for New Zealanders 70% 68% 75%
People with diagnosed diabetes who access free annual checks 55% 57% 55%
People with diagnosed diabetes who are on satisfactory or better diabetes management 75% 75% 75%
The proportion of priority groups having had an absolute CVD risk assessment in the last five years 73% 73% 76%
District Health Boards      
Additional performance measures are contained in DHB Statement of Intents      

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Primary Health Care Strategy (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Primary Health Care Strategy New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 section 8

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Primary Health Care Strategy (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
PHO Performance 2010/11 - 3,772 3,772 3,772 3,772
Very Low Cost Access 2010/11 - 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500
Care Plus 2010/11 - 15,982 15,982 15,982 15,982
Re-prioritised Savings 2010/11 - (14,190) (14,690) (14,690) (14,690)
PHO Performance Payments 2008/09 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500
Primary Health Care Strategy Implementation 2008/09 19,490 19,490 19,490 19,490 19,490
Transitional Funding For Primary Healthcare Initiatives 2007/08 2,900 - - - -
FFT & Demographics 2007/08 5,816 5,816 5,816 5,816 5,816
Cornerstone Accreditation 2007/08 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584 1,584
Post Graduate Nursing Education in Chronic Disease Management 2007/08 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Zero Fees Under Sixes 2007/08 8,249 8,249 8,249 8,249 8,249
Increase Very Low Cost Access 2007/08 10,999 10,999 10,999 10,999 10,999
FFT & Demographics 2006/07 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073 4,073
FFT & Demographics 2005/06 8,537 8,537 8,537 8,537 8,537
Additional Funding 2005/06 68,656 68,656 68,656 68,656 68,656
FFT & Demographics 2005/06 1,818 1,818 1,818 1,818 1,818
Annual Price Adjustment 2004/05 8,889 8,889 8,889 8,889 8,889
Funding for 18 to 24 Year Olds 2004/05 2,044 2,044 2,044 2,044 2,044
PHO CPI 2004/05 3,111 3,111 3,111 3,111 3,111
2005/06 Roll Out - Achieving Low Cost Access) 2004/05 75,556 75,556 75,556 75,556 75,556
Achieving Low Cost Access 2004/05 188,889 188,889 188,889 188,889 188,889
PHO CPI Adjustment 2003/04 3,087 3,087 3,087 3,087 3,087
2002 Budget Package 2002/03 173,333 173,333 173,333 173,333 173,333

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Problem Gambling Services (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding to support the research and implementation of strategies to prevent and minimise the harm from gambling, and for the provision of treatment services to problem gamblers and assistance to their families and whanau in accordance with the Gambling Act 2003.


Expenses - Problem Gambling Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 17,510 16,510 17,670

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation reflects the expected expenditure profile on problem gambling services during the three-year programme (2007/08 to 2009/10) and the next three-year programme (2010/11 to 2012/13) on which the present gambling levy has been assessed.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Problem Gambling Services (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
The percentage of problem gambling service providers who provide services in accordance with their provider contracts with the Ministry of Health N/A 100% 100%
The number of people seeking support from problem gambling services N/A 6,000 6,000

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Problem Gambling Services (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Problem Gambling Service Gambling Act 2003 [Administered by Department of Internal Affairs]

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Problem Gambling Services (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Problem Gambling Levy 2010/11 - 5,479 5,773 6,425 -
Problem Gambling Levy 2007/08 7,192 - - - -
Problem Gambling Levy 2004/05 10,527 10,527 10,527 10,527 10,527

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Public Health Service Purchasing (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Public Health Services funded by the Ministry of Health from DHBs and other public health service providers.


Expenses - Public Health Service Purchasing (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 495,327 494,327 517,485

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from changes in funding arising from the current and past policy initiatives scheduled below.

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Public Health Service Purchasing (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
National Screening Unit      
Delivery of national screening programmes according to policy and quality standards and guidelines      
  • Screening programmes
N/A 5 5
  • Quality improvement programme
N/A 1 1
National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP)      
  • Eligible women to be screened every three years
N/A 916,000 (see Note 1) 918,000 (see Note 2)
  • Increase in Maori coverage
N/A 2% 2%
  • Increase in Pacific coverage
N/A 2% 2%
BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA)      
  • Eligible women to be screened every two years (see Note 3)
N/A 309,000 312,000 (see Note 4)
  • Increase in Maori coverage
N/A 2% 2%
  • Increase in Pacific coverage
N/A 2% 2%
Newborn Metabolic Screening      
  • Newborn babies offered screening
N/A 61,914 ≥ 98%
(61,914 see Note 5)
Universal Newborn Hearing      
  • DHBs implementing the programme (programme in development)
N/A 20 20
Antenatal HIV      
  • DHBs implementing the programme (programme in development)
N/A 20 20
Antenatal Screening for Down Syndrome and other conditions      
  • Women screened in first and second trimester under new guidelines (quality improvement programme in early development)
N/A N/A 25%
Tobacco-control programme      
The proportion of Year 10 students identifying as 'never smoked' 61% 61% 64%
Hospitalised smokers and those presenting to primary care will be provided with advice and helped to quit:      
  • For hospitalised smokers
80% 80% 90%
  • For primary care smoker presentations
N/A N/A 80%
Services for children      
The proportion of infants exclusively and fully breastfeeding at:      
  • Six weeks
74% 74% 74%
  • Three months
57% 57% 57%
Drinking Water Assistance Programme and Sanitary Works Subsidy Scheme      
All approved applications have contracts sent to the provider within two months N/A 100% 100%
Contract milestones for subsidy payments are met N/A 100% 100%
Communicable Disease and Immunisation      
Two year olds who are fully immunised 87% of 2 year olds 85% 90%
Supplies of vaccine are sufficient to meet demand N/A 100% 100%
The development of the overarching sector plan on approaches to preventing and controlling community-acquired infectious diseases meets agreed milestones and timeframes N/A 100% 100%
Providers of population health protection scientific advice, outbreak response and surveillance deliver milestones in accordance with contract requirements N/A 100% 100%
Public Health Services - All DHB-owned public health services are required to meet the various public health statutory obligations      
Investigate any public health event or emergency with inter-district, national or potentially international implication:      
  • Notify the Ministry of Health within 24 hours
N/A 90% 90%
  • Submit an investigation report no later than 14 days after the occurrence of the event
N/A 90% 90%
  • Plan and implement (as appropriate) border health protection surveillance programmes - percentage of services within annual plans
N/A 100% 100%
Enforce Smokefree Environments Act (as specified in the Smokefree Environment Enforcement Manual) - percentage of services within annual plans N/A 100% 100%
DHBs that run regional Public Health Services      
Additional performance information is contained in DHB Statements of Intent for DHBs that run regional Public Health Services      

Note 1 - The estimated actual standard is for the number of women screened over a three-year period.

Note 2 - Based on a projection from the 2001 Census for eligible women aged 20-69 years (hysterectomy adjusted). Work is underway to update population data based on the 2006 Census, which may impact on reporting for 2011.

Note 3 - Provider performance for women aged 45-49 years is not subject to targets. This is because there is insufficient international data from which to derive targets for biennial screening of women under 50 years.

Note 4 - The eligible women population is based on projections from the 2001 Census. Work is currently underway to update population data based on the 2006 Census, which may impact on reporting for 2011.

Note 5 - The estimated eligible population is based on the number of live births (62,540) in the year ended December 2009.

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Public Health Service Purchasing (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Public Health Services, DHBs New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Public Health Service Purchasing (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Bowel Cancer Screening Programme 2010/11 - 1,200 7,600 7,600 7,600
Antenatal & Newborn Screening Services 2010/11 - 288 288 288 288
Breast Screening Services 2010/11 - 4,030 4,030 4,030 4,030
Breast Screening Secondary Services 2010/11 - 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Cervical Screening 2010/11 - 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250
Re-prioritised Savings 2010/11 - (18,570) (16,570) (16,570) (16,570)
Funding For Measles Pandemic 2009/10 1,500 - - - -
Pandemic Funding 2009/10 3,515 - - - -
Sport For Young Kiwis - Green Prescription Programme - Cabinet Decision 2009/10 5,713 2,413 2,413 2,413 2,413
Pandemic Vaccine 2009/10 5,008 - - - -
FFT/Demographics - 2009/10 12,719 12,719 12,719 12,719 12,719
Line by Line Review Savings 2008/09 (15,775) (10,075) (8,595) (7,317) (7,317)
Emergency Planning 2008/09 2,728 2,728 2,728 2,728 2,728
Improving Control Of Antimicrobial Resistance 2008/09 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 19,296 19,296 19,296 19,296 19,296
Improving the Quality of Antenatal Screening for Down Syndrome 2008/09 689 5,203 8,032 9,417 9,417
National Drug Policy - Mass media and education campaign on illicit drugs 2008/09 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250
Pneumococcal vaccine in National Immunisation Schedule (NIS) 2008/09 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Sexual health education and reduction of sexually transmitted infections 2008/09 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100
Smoking cessation: new pharmaceutical and improved DHB services 2008/09 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Response to Health Select Committee Inquiry into Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes 2008/09 11,674 11,794 11,794 11,824 11,824
Sanitary Works Subsidy Scheme (SWSS) for Sewerage 2008/09 15,220 12,045 7,245 2,979 2,979
Migrant Health Initiative 2008/09 1,917 1,900 1,900 2,000 2,000
Investing in medicines sector infrastructure 2008/09 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200 2,200
Treatment services for Victims of Sexual Abuse and Assault 2008/09 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
HPV vaccine immunisation 2008/09 43,517 45,627 39,644 25,512 13,500
Universal Newborn hearing Screening 2007/08 3,350 3,500 3,400 3,050 3,050
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) 2007/08 10,290 10,290 10,290 10,290 10,290
Demographics 2007/08 5,647 5,647 5,647 5,647 5,647
Include Pneumococcal Vaccine In National Immunisation Register 2007/08 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000
Healthy Eating - Healthy Action Implementation Plan 2007/08 12,450 12,750 12,750 12,750 12,750
Smoking Cessation Programmes 2007/08 10,600 10,600 10,600 10,600 10,600
Antenatal Downs Syndrome Screening Programme 2007/08 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900
Programmes To Prevent Family Violence 2007/08 2,640 2,640 2,640 2,640 2,640
Sexual Health Education and Reducing Sexually Transmitted Infection 2007/08 2,500 3,900 3,400 3,400 2,500
Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme 2007/08 500 500 500 500 500
National Drug Policy - Mass Media and Education Programme On Illicit Drugs 2007/08 250 250 250 250 250
National Drug Policy - Online Drug Data and Information Systems 2007/08 50 200 200 200 200
Breast Screening Age Range Extension 2006/07 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300
Healthy Eating, Healthy Action Plan 2006/07 19,033 19,033 19,033 19,033 19,033
Primary Containment 3 Laboratory Capability 2006/07 1,511 1,552 1,552 1,552 1,552
Additional Forecast Funding Track 2005/06 2,367 2,367 2,367 2,367 2,367
Additional Funding for Demographic Changes 2005/06 292 292 292 292 292
Drinking Water Assistance Programme 2005/06 22,222 28,889 28,889 15,555 11,111
Rebranding of Rockquest 2004/05 200 200 200 200 200
Community Action on Drugs 2005/06 735 750 750 750 750
National Depression Awareness 2005/06 2,203 2,083 2,083 2,083 2,083
National Drug Policy - Contestable Pool 2004/05 855 855 855 855 855
One for One Needle and Syringe Exchange 2004/05 889 889 889 889 889
Drug Foundation 2004/05 252 252 252 252 252
Demographic change - to fund health services for changes in population numbers, age mix, ethnicity and deprivation 2004/05 1,583 1,583 1,583 1,583 1,583

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as They Affect Public Health (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Purchasing taxonomic services to support surveillance programmes for exotic mosquitoes of public health significance.


Expenses - Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as They Affect Public Health (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 56 56 56

Output Performance Measures and Standards

Output Performance Measures and Standards - Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as They Affect Public Health (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Performance Measures Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Terms and conditions of the contract for the provision of scientific advice services are met N/A 100% 100%

Conditions on Use of Appropriation

Conditions on Use of Appropriation - Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as They Affect Public Health (M36) - Health
Reference Conditions
Provider contracts All providers contracted under the Vote Health non-departmental expenditure are required to sign the standard contract with the Ministry of Health, which includes general terms and conditions, and standard conditions that include Service Schedules
Health Act 1956 Mosquito Identification Service

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Scientific Advice to Support Pest Management Strategies as They Affect Public Health (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Forecast Funding Track (FFT) and Demographics 2008/09 3 3 3 3 3

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Summary of Service Providers for Non-Departmental Outputs#

The following table summarises the resources to be allocated through Vote Health to non-departmental providers, along with an indication of the mechanism to be used for reporting actual performance and (where determined) the length of the funding commitment.

Summary of Service Providers - Summary of Service Providers for NonDepartmental Outputs - Health
Provider 2009/10
Estimated Actual
Expiry of
Crown Entities          
District Health Boards       Provider's Annual Report  
  • Health and Disability Support Services - DHBs (21)
9,699,635 9,698,707 10,044,028    
  • Health Workforce Training and Development (part)
103,686 103,686 Not yet known    
  • National Child Health Services (part)
14,180 14,180 Not yet known    
  • National Contracted Services - Other (part)
40,470 40,470 Not yet known    
  • National Disability Support Services (part)
159,301 159,301 Not yet known    
  • National Elective Services (part)
202,078 202,078 Not yet known    
  • National Mental Health Services (part)
2,894 2,894 Not yet known    
  • Primary Health Care Strategy (part)
175,212 175,212 Not yet known    
  • Problem Gambling Services (part)
156 156 Not yet known    
  • Public Health Service Purchasing (part)
168,697 168,697 Not yet known    
Mental Health Commission       Provider's Annual Report  
  • Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (part)
2,821 2,821 2,821    
Health Sponsorship Council       Section 32A Report  
  • Problem Gambling Services (part)
2,085 2,085 Not yet known    
  • Public Health Service Purchasing (part)
9,512 9,512 Not yet known    
PHARMAC       Provider's Annual Report  
  • National Contracted Services - Other (part)
12,556 12,556 12,556    
Health and Disability Commissioner       Provider's Annual Report  
  • Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (part)
9,170 9,170 9,170    
Crown Health Financing Agency       Provider's Annual Report  
  • Crown Health Financing Agency
1,700 1,700 1,700    


The above table summarises funding to be allocated through Vote Health to non-departmental providers, along with an indication of the mechanism to be used for reporting actual performance and (where determined) the length of the funding commitment.

Part 5 - Details and Expected Results for Other Expenses#

Part 5.2 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives - Part 5.2 NonDepartmental Other Expenses - Health
Intended Impacts, Outcomes or Objectives of Appropriations Appropriations
Impact: New Zealand's membership to the World Health Organisation is funded and grants of extra budgetary contributions are provided to specific World Health Organisation projects International Health Organisations
Impact: Costs associated with the defence of legal claims and for the settlement of legal claims against the Crown are met Legal Expenses
Impact: A third-party health service workforce that targets specific population groups is developed Provider Development

International Health Organisations (M36)

Scope of Appropriation

Funding for New Zealand's membership to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the contribution to specific WHO projects.


Expenses - International Health Organisations (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 2,570 1,970 2,230

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from Current and Past Policy Initiative funding changes (see table below).

Expected Results

Expected Results - International Health Organisations (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Provision and funding to support New Zealand's membership and support for the World Health Organisation N/A Achieved Achieved
Number of specific WHO projects supported through New Zealand's contribution N/A As requested As requested

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - International Health Organisations (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
NZAID Water Quality Capacity Building 2008/09 222 - - - -
NZAID Projects 2008/09 118 - - - -

Scope of Appropriation

Funding for the defence and settlement of legal claims against the Crown.


Expenses - Legal Expenses (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 778 178 2,778

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Legal Expenses (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Legal 2010/11 - 2,000 - - -

Expected Results

Expected Results - Legal Expenses (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Funding made available As required As required As required

Provider Development (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding support and provide assistance for the development of the third party health service workforce, in particular, Maori and Pacific people's providers.


Expenses - Provider Development (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 20,639 20,639 26,939

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The change in this appropriation arises from Current and Past Policy Initiative funding changes (see table below).

Expected Results

Expected Results - Provider Development (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
To support the sustainability of viable Maori providers for improving access to, and the quality of services      
  • The number of Maori providers receiving funding
N/A 163 140
To recruit and retain Maori health professionals onto a health career pathway      
  • The number of students funded
N/A 1,000 1,000
To support the sustainability of viable Pacific providers for improving access to and the quality of services      
  • Consolidation in the number of providers funded
N/A 10  
To recruit and retain the Pacific health and disability workforce by funding students N/A 500 > 500

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Provider Development (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Maori Innovations Fund 2010/11 - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Maori Nursing workforce development 2008/09 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
Maori Health Provider and Workforce Development 2008/09 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Reporting Mechanisms#

Reporting Mechanisms - Reporting Mechanisms - Health
Appropriation Reporting Mechanism
International Health Organisations Reporting of these non-departmental appropriations for expenditure incurred by the Crown will be undertaken under the provisions of section 32A of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Legal Expenses Reporting of these non-departmental appropriations for expenditure incurred by the Crown will be undertaken under the provisions of section 32A of the Public Finance Act 1989.
Provider Development Reporting of these non-departmental appropriations for expenditure incurred by the Crown will be undertaken under the provisions of section 32A of the Public Finance Act 1989.

The above table indicates the mechanisms to be used for reporting actual performance for each non-departmental other expenses appropriation.

Part 6 - Details and Expected Results for Capital Expenditure#

Part 6.1 - Departmental Capital Expenditure

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives - Part 6.1 Departmental Capital Expenditure - Health
Intended Impacts, Outcomes or Objectives of Appropriations Appropriations
To purchase and develop assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Health Ministry of Health - Capital Expenditure PLA

Ministry of Health - Capital Expenditure PLA (M36)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Health, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure - Ministry of Health Capital Expenditure PLA (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment 3,720 3,720 3,310
Intangibles 13,545 13,545 15,000
Other - - -

Total Appropriation

17,265 17,265 18,310
Forests/Agricultural - - -
Land - - -
Property, Plant and Equipment 3,720 3,720 3,310
Intangibles 13,545 13,545 15,000
Other - - -

Total Appropriation

17,265 17,265 18,310

This appropriation is to maintain and enhance the Ministry's infrastructure so it can support its own operations and those of the wider Health sector.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The appropriation is consistent with the previous year.

Part 6.2 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure#

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives

Intended Impacts, Outcomes and Objectives - Part 6.2 NonDepartmental Capital Expenditure - Health
Intended Impacts, Outcomes or Objectives of Appropriations Appropriations
Impact: The Government's equity interest in District Health Boards is maintained Deficit Support for DHBs
Impact: Health sector assets, including hospitals and other infrastructure are maintained and improved Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies
Health Sector Projects
Loans for Capital Projects
Impact: Older people moving into residential care have access to interest free loans, rather than sell their homes, if they are above the asset thresholds Residential Care Loans

Deficit Support for DHBs (M36)

Scope of Appropriation

This appropriation is limited to equity injections to District Health Boards to address deficits.

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure - Deficit Support for DHBs (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 110,000 87,000 -

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

Funding for Deficit Support for DHBs in 2010/11 will be transferred from operational funding during the year.

Expected Results

Expected Results - Deficit Support for DHBs (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Deficit support for DHBs 110,000 87,000 -

Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Capital contributions to District Health Boards and health sector Crown agencies to cover new investments and reconfiguration of their balance sheets.

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure - Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 70,674 70,674 399,766

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The $329 million increase in appropriation arises from Current and past policy initiative changes (see table below), fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations and rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Expected Results

Expected Results - Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Drawdown of equity for capital projects and the reconfiguration of balance sheets by District Health Boards and health sector Crown agencies 70,674 70,674 399,766

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Equity for Capital Expenditure for Health Sector Projects 2012/13       3,336 3,336
Re-Appropriations 2011/12 - - 37,087 - -
Government contribution to the Health Capital Envelope in Budget 2008 2011/12 - - 50,000 - -
Government contribution to the Health Capital Envelope in Budget 2007 2010/11   60,000 - - -
Health Capital Envelope 2009/10 50,377 50,000 70,000 75,000  
Re-Appropriations 2008/09 - 52,786 - - -
Child/Adolescent Oral Health 2008/09 - 16,000 - - -
Government contribution to the Health Capital Envelope in Budget 2006 2006/07 65,000 23,000 - - -

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or the current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Health Sector Projects (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Capital investment in specific health sector assets.

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure - Health Sector Projects (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation - - 3,765

Expected Results

Expected Results - Health Sector Projects (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation - - 3,765

Loans for Capital Projects (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Provision of new loans to DHBs for the purpose of facilities redevelopment and other purposes agreed by the Crown including balance sheet reconfiguration.

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure - Loans for Capital Projects (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 80,820 80,820 74,080

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The funding for capital projects and balance sheet reconfiguration in the Health sector is generally appropriated in the first instance to the 'Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Entities' capital appropriation. Once the DHB's or Health Sector Crown Entities' preference for debt for particular requirements (in full or part) is established and approved, the necessary funds are transferred to this appropriation so they can be drawn down.

Expected Results

Expected Results - Loans for Capital Projects (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Provision of new loans to DHBs for the purpose of facilities redevelopment and other purposes agreed by the Crown including balance sheet reconfiguration 80,820 80,820 74,080

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Current and Past Policy Initiatives - Loans for Capital Projects (M36) - Health
Policy Initiative Year of
Re-Appropriations 2011/12 - - - 68,043 26,510

These policy initiatives have been shown against their original appropriation, or the current equivalent. Subsequent changes may have been made to some of these initiatives by way of fiscally neutral transfers to other appropriations, devolution of funding to DHBs or rephasing of the expenditure through expense transfers.

Residential Care Loans (M36)#

Scope of Appropriation

Funding to provide interest-free loans to people entering into aged residential care facilities.

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure - Residential Care Loans (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation 15,000 12,000 15,000

Expected Results

Expected Results - Residential Care Loans (M36) - Health
  2009/10 2010/11
Estimated Actual
Funding for residential care loans 15,000 12,000 15,000

Reporting Mechanisms#

Reporting Mechanisms - Reporting Mechanisms - Health
Appropriation Reporting Mechanism
Deficit Support for DHBs Annual reports of District Health Boards
Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies Annual reports of District Health Boards
Health Sector Projects Annual reports of District Health Boards
Loans for Capital Projects Annual reports of District Health Boards
Residential Care Loans Nil

The above table indicates the mechanisms to be used for reporting actual results for each non-departmental capital expenditure appropriation.

Statement of Forecast Service Performance#

The Statement of Forecast Service Performance of the department included in the Health Sector comprises the service performance information for all departmental output expense appropriations that are proposed to be used by that department. In this context, service performance information comprises the scope, expenses and revenue, and output performance measures and standards for each class of outputs within those departmental appropriations, as set out in Part 2.1 of the Performance Information for appropriations in the Vote.

The following table identifies the classes of outputs incorporated in the Statement of Forecast Service Performance for the department in the Health Sector.

Department Composition of Statement of Forecast Service Performance
Ministry of Health The service performance information in Part 2.1 for the classes of outputs within all the departmental output expense appropriations in Vote Health.

Statement of Common Accounting Policies#

These accounting policies have been applied in the forecast financial statements of all departments and Offices of Parliament except as outlined in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies for individual departments or Offices of Parliament.

These forecast financial statements are prepared in accordance with section 41(1)(a)-(f) of the Public Finance Act 1989. The purpose of the forecast financial statements is to facilitate Parliament's consideration of appropriations for, and planned performance of, departments and offices of Parliament. Use of this information for other purposes may not be appropriate. It is not intended that these forecast financial statements be updated subsequent to publication.

Statement of Compliance

These forecast financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2010 comply with FRS-42 Prospective Financial Statements.

Specific Accounting Policies#

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these statements. These statements have been prepared on a going-concern basis. The measurement base applied is historical cost modified by the revaluation of certain assets and liabilities as identified in this statement of accounting policies.

The accrual basis of accounting has been used unless otherwise stated. These financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars, which is the entity's functional currency. All financial information presented has been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Judgements and Estimations

The preparation of forecast financial statements in conformity with FRS-42 requires judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates and these variations may be material.


Revenue is derived through the provision of outputs to the Crown and from services to third parties. Revenue is recognised in the forecast statement of financial performance when earned.


Operating Leases

Where substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor, leases are classified as operating leases.

Lease payments under operating leases are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

Finance Leases

Leases which effectively transfer to the department substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased items are classified as finance leases. These are capitalised at the lower of the fair value of the asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments. The leased assets and the corresponding lease liabilities are recognised in the statement of financial position. The leased assets are depreciated over the period the department is expected to benefit from their use. The interest expense component of finance lease payments is recognised in the statement of financial performance.

Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs are recognised as an expense when incurred.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment, other than land and buildings, is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Land and buildings are stated at fair value as determined by an independent registered valuer. Fair value is determined using market-based evidence. Land and buildings are revalued with sufficient regularity to ensure that carrying value is not materially different from fair value at the end of the reporting period. Additions between revaluations are recorded at cost. Any capitalisation thresholds applied are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.


Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis so as to allocate the cost (or valuation) of an item of property, plant and equipment, less any estimated residual value, over its estimated useful life.

The estimated useful lives are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.

Leasehold improvements are capitalised and the cost is amortised over the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvements, whichever is shorter.

Items under construction are not depreciated. The total cost of a capital project is transferred to the appropriate asset class on its completion and then depreciated.

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets with finite useful lives (such as computer software) are recorded at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses. Any capitalisation thresholds applied are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.

Amortisation is charged to the statement of financial performance on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset.

The estimated useful lives are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are not amortised, but are tested at least annually for impairment. Where there is an active market for an intangible asset, the asset is recorded at a revalued amount, being fair value less any subsequent accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash includes cash on hand and funds on deposit with banks with an original maturity of 3 months or less.

Debtors and Other Receivables

Debtors and other receivables are initially measured at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate, less impairment charges. Allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts are recognised when there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired.


Inventories held for sale or use in the production of goods and services on a commercial basis are recorded at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of purchased inventory is determined using the weighted average cost method.

Inventories held for distribution for public benefit purposes are recorded at cost (calculated using the weighted average cost method) adjusted when applicable for any loss of service potential. Where inventories are acquired at no cost, or for nominal consideration, the cost is the current replacement cost at the date of acquisition.

Employee Entitlements

Pension Liabilities

Obligations for contributions to defined contribution retirement plans are recognised in the statement of financial performance as they fall due.

Other Employee Entitlements

Employee entitlements to salaries and wages, annual leave, sick leave, long service leave, retiring leave and other similar benefits are recognised in the statement of financial performance when they accrue to employees. Employee entitlements to be settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid. Long-term employee entitlements are reported at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows.

Termination Benefits

Termination benefits are recognised in the statement of financial performance only when there is a demonstrable commitment to either terminate employment prior to normal retirement date or to provide such benefits as a result of an offer to encourage voluntary redundancy. Termination benefits to be settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid. Other termination benefits are reported at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows.

Onerous Contracts

Where the benefits to be derived from a contract are lower than the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligation under the contract, a provision is recognised. The provision is stated at the present value of the future net cash outflows expected to be incurred in respect of the contract.

Foreign Currency

Foreign currency transactions are reported at the New Zealand dollar exchange rate at the date of the transaction.

Statement of Cash Flows

The following are definitions of the terms used in the statement of cash flows:

  • cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash in transit, bank accounts and deposits with an original maturity of no more than three months
  • investing activities are those activities relating to the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets
  • financing activities comprise capital injections by, or repayment of capital to, the Crown, and
  • operating activities include all transactions and other events that are not investing or financing activities.


Departments and Offices of Parliament are exempt from income tax as public authorities. Accordingly no charge for income tax has been provided for.

Goods and Services Tax

These forecast financial statements are GST exclusive, except for receivables and payables in the statement of financial position, which are stated on a GST inclusive basis. Where GST is not recoverable as input tax, then it is recognised as part of the related asset or expense.

The net amount of GST owing to or from the Inland Revenue Department at balance date is included as part of receivables or payables (as appropriate) in the statement of financial position.


Future expenses and liabilities to be incurred on contracts that have been entered into at balance date are disclosed as commitments to the extent that there are equally unperformed obligations.

Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Contingent liabilities are disclosed if the possibility that they will crystallise is not remote. Contingent assets are disclosed if it is probable that the benefits will be realised.

Changes in Accounting Policies#

Any changes in accounting policies since the date of the last audited financial statements prepared under New Zealand generally accepted accounting practice are described in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies. The last audited financial statements (30 June 2009) were prepared in accordance with NZ IFRS (New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards) as appropriate for public benefit entities.

Forecast Financial Statements Ministry of Health#

Statement of Forecast Comprehensive Income for the year ending 30 June 2011

Statement of Forecast Comprehensive Income for the year ending 30 June 2011 - Health
    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
  Note Actual
In 2009


Crown 3 201,504 200,968 204,598 198,948
Department(s)   2,602 1,897 1,503 1,897
Other revenue 1 17,149 14,384 15,202 15,418
Gains   - - - -
Interest   - - - -
Total Income   221,255 217,249 221,303 216,263


Personnel   126,265 124,716 126,265 121,265
Operating 2 73,404 75,175 69,290 74,424
Depreciation and amortisation   9,673 14,033 11,393 18,219
Capital charge   1,498 3,325 2,355 2,355
Finance costs   - - - -
Other   9 - - -
Total Expenses   210,849 217,249 209,303 216,263
Net Surplus / (Deficit) 4 - - 12,000 -
Other comprehensive income   (1,080) - - -
Total Comprehensive Income   9,326 - 12,000 -

Statement of Forecast Changes in Taxpayers' Funds for the year ending 30 June 2011#

Statement of Forecast Changes in Taxpayers' Funds for the year ending 30 June 2011 - Health
    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
  Note Actual
In 2009

Balance at 1 July

General funds   18,623 32,390 31,131 31,131
Revaluation reserve   1,350 1,350 270 270
Other reserves   - - - -
Taxpayers' Funds Opening Balance   19,973 33,740 31,401 31,401

Changes in Taxpayers' Funds

Comprehensive income for the period   9,326 - 12,000 -
Repayment of surplus   (10,406) - (12,000) -
Capital contribution   12,508 10,594 - 11,853
Capital withdrawal   - - - -
Other   - - - -
Total Changes in Taxpayers' Funds   11,428 10,594 - 11,853

Balance at 30 June

General funds   31,131 42,984 31,131 42,984
Revaluation reserve   270 1,350 270 270
Other reserves   - - - -
Taxpayers' Funds Closing Balance   31,401 44,334 31,401 43,254

Forecast Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2011#

Forecast Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2011 - Health
    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
  Note Actual
In 2009



Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents   9,522 16,158 14,424 19,231
Debtors and other receivables   18,350 3,605 8,930 3,930
Prepayments   1,284 1,201 2,040 2,040
Inventories   - - - -
Other current assets   - - - -
Total Current Assets   29,156 20,964 25,394 25,201

Non-current Assets

Property, plant and equipment 5 22,117 31,849 21,104 15,529
Intangible assets 6 23,412 48,008 30,238 35,859
Other non-current assets   - - - -
Total Non- current Assets   45,529 79,857 51,342 51,388
Total Assets   74,685 100,821 76,736 76,589



Current Liabilities

Creditors and other payables   17,781 41,418 17,264 17,264
Repayment of surplus   10,409 - 12,000 -
Employee entitlements   9,251 7,837 10,846 10,846
Other current liabilities   4,411 5,676 3,786 3,786
Total Current Liabilities   41,852 54,931 43,896 31,896

Non-current Liabilities

Provisions   - - - -
Employee entitlements   1,432 1,556 1,439 1,439
Other non-current liabilities   - - - -
Total Non-current Liabilities   1,432 1,556 1,439 1,439
Total Liabilities   43,284 56,487 45,335 33,335

Taxpayers' Funds

General funds   31,131 42,984 31,131 42,984
Revaluation reserve   270 1,350 270 270
Other reserves   - - - -
Total Taxpayers' Funds   31,401 44,334 31,401 43,254
Total Liabilities and Taxpayers' Funds   74,685 100,821 76,736 76,589

Statement of Forecast Cash Flows for the year ending 30 June 2011#

Statement of Forecast Cash Flows for the year ending 30 June 2011 - Health
    2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
  Note Actual
In 2009


Cash Flows from Operating Activities


Receipts from:

Crown   199,813 205,968 213,719 203,948
Department(s)   2,628 1,897 1,503 1,897
Other   14,990 14,384 15,202 15,418
Interest   - - - -

Payments to:

Suppliers   (67,581) (63,689) (70,076) (75,210)
Employees   (133,338) (124,202) (125,479) (120,479)
Capital charge   (1,498) (3,325) (2,355) (2,355)
Goods and services tax (net)   (1,177) - - -
Other operating activities   - - - -
Net Cash from Operating Activities   13,837 31,033 32,514 23,219

Cash Flow from Investing Activities


Receipts from:

Sale of property, plant and equipment   22 100 59 45
Sale of intangible assets   - - - -
Sale of other non-current assets   - - - -

Purchase of:

Property, plant and equipment   (4,516) (10,410) (3,720) (3,310)
Intangible assets   (14,434) (25,000) (13,545) (15,000)
Other non-current assets   - - - -
Net Cash from Investing Activities   (18,928) (35,310) (17,206) (18,265)

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Capital contribution   12,508 10,594 - 11,853
Other financing cash inflows   - - - -
Repayment of surplus   (7,432) (6,300) (10,406) (12,000)
Capital withdrawal   - - - -
Other financing cash outflows   - - - -
Net Cash from Financing Activities   5,076 4,294 (10,406) (147)
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash   (15) 17 4,902 4,807
Cash at the beginning of the year   9,537 16,141 9,522 14,424
Cash at the end of the year   9,522 16,158 14,424 19,231

Statement of Significant Assumptions#

These forecast financial statements have been compiled on the basis of existing government policies and Ministerial expectations at the time the statements were finalised.

The main assumptions are as follows:

  • The Ministry's activities will remain substantially the same as for the previous year.
  • Operating costs are based on historical experience. The general historical pattern is expected to continue.
  • Estimated year end information for 2009/10 is used as the opening position for the 2010/11 forecasts.

These assumptions are adopted as at 21 April 2010.

Factors that could lead to material differences between the forecast financial statements and the 2008/09 actual financial statements include:

  • Changes to the baseline budget through new initiatives, or technical adjustments.

Statement of Entity-Specific Accounting Policies#

Department - Specific Accounting Policies

The Ministry of Health has applied the accounting policies set out in Statement of Accounting Policies Standard included in this document, except as stated below.

Reporting Entity

These are the prospective financial statements of Ministry of Health, prepared in accordance with section 38 of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Ministry of Health is a Government Department as defined by section 2 of the Public Finance Act 1989. For the purposes of financial reporting Ministry of Health is a public benefit entity.

Statement of Entity Specific Accounting Policies


Depreciation is charged on a straight-line basis at rates calculated to allocate the cost or valuation of an item of property, plant and equipment, less any estimated residual value, over its estimated useful life. Typically, the estimated useful lives of different classes of property, plant and equipment.

Estimated Economic Life of property, plant and equipment - Health
  Useful life Depreciation rate
Buildings 40 years 2.5%
Motor vehicles 5 years 20%
Furniture and fittings 5-10 years 10-20%
Machinery 5 years 20%
Leasehold improvements 5-10 years 10-20%
IT equipment 3-5 years 20-33.3%
Scientific equipment 5-10 years 10-20%
Intangible assets

Intangible assets with finite lives are subsequently recorded at cost less any amortization and impairment losses. Amortisation is charged to the Statement of Financial Performance on a straightline basis over the useful life of the asset. Typically, the estimated useful lives of these assets are as follows:

Estimated useful Life of intangible assets - Health
  Useful life Amortisation rate
Software - internally generated 3-5 years 20-33.3%
Software - other 3-5 years 20-33.3%
Cost allocation

Direct costs are those costs directly attributed to an output. Indirect costs are those costs that cannot be identified in an economically feasible manner with any one specific output.

Direct costs are charged directly to outputs while indirect costs are charged to outputs based on the level of activity associated with relevant cost drivers.

Depreciation is charged to Business Units on the basis of asset utilisation with the balance being charged as indirect costs. Direct personnel costs are allocated to the output expenses with the balance being charged as indirect costs.

Statement of Entity-Specific Accounting Policies#

The Ministry of Health has applied the accounting policies set out in Statement of Accounting Policies Standard included in this document, except as stated below.

Reporting Entity

These are the prospective financial statements of Ministry of Health, prepared in accordance with section 38 of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Ministry of Health is a Government Department as defined by section 2 of the Public Finance Act 1989. For the purposes of financial reporting Ministry of Health is a public benefit entity.

Authorisation Statement

These forecast financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2011 comply with FRS-42 Prospective Financial Statements.

Specific Accounting Policies

The accounting policies set out below have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these statements. These statements have been prepared on a going-concern basis. The measurement base applied is historical cost modified by the revaluation of certain assets and liabilities as identified in this statement of accounting policies.

The accrual basis of accounting has been used unless otherwise stated. These financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars, which is the entity's functional currency. All financial information presented has been rounded to the nearest thousand.

Judgements and Estimations

The preparation of forecast financial statements in conformity with FRS-42 requires judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates and these variations may be material.


Operating Leases

Where substantially all of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor, leases are classified as operating leases.

Lease payments under operating leases are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

Finance Leases

Leases which effectively transfer to the department substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased items are classified as finance leases. These are capitalised at the lower of the fair value of the asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments. The leased assets and the corresponding lease liabilities are recognised in the statement of financial position. The leased assets are depreciated over the period the department is expected to benefit from their use. The interest expense component of finance lease payments is recognised in the statement of financial performance.

Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs are recognised as an expense when incurred.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment, other than land and buildings, is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Land and buildings are stated at fair value as determined by an independent registered valuer. Fair value is determined using market-based evidence. Land and buildings are revalued with sufficient regularity to ensure that carrying value is not materially different from fair value at the end of the reporting period. Additions between revaluations are recorded at cost. Any capitalisation thresholds applied are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.


Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis so as to allocate the cost [or valuation] of an item of property, plant and equipment, less any estimated residual value, over its estimated useful life.

The estimated useful lives are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.

Leasehold improvements are capitalised and the cost is amortised over the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvements, whichever is shorter.

Items under construction are not depreciated. The total cost of a capital project is transferred to the appropriate asset class on its completion and then depreciated.

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets with finite useful lives (such as computer software) are recorded at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses.

Any capitalisation thresholds applied are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.

Amortisation is charged to the statement of financial performance on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life of the asset.

The estimated useful lives are set out in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies.

Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives are not amortised, but are tested at least annually for impairment.

Where there is an active market for an intangible asset, the asset is recorded at a revalued amount, being fair value less any subsequent accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash includes cash on hand and funds on deposit with banks with a maturity of 3 months or less from date of acquisition.

Debtors and Other Receivables

Debtors and other receivables are initially measured at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate, less impairment charges. Allowances for estimated irrecoverable amounts are recognised when there is objective evidence that the asset is impaired.


Inventories held for sale or use in the production of goods and services on a commercial basis are recorded at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of purchased inventory is determined using the weighted average cost method.

Inventories held for distribution for public benefit purposes are recorded at cost (calculated using the weighted average cost method) adjusted when applicable for any loss of service potential. Where inventories are acquired at no cost, or for nominal consideration, the cost is the current replacement cost at the date of acquisition.

Employee Entitlements

Pension Liabilities

Obligations for contributions to defined contribution retirement plans are recognised in the statement of financial performance as they fall due.

Other Employee Entitlements

Employee entitlements to salaries and wages, annual leave, sick leave, long service leave, retiring leave and other similar benefits are recognised in the statement of financial performance when they accrue to employees. Employee entitlements to be settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid. Long-term employee entitlements are reported at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows.

Termination Benefits

Termination benefits are recognised in the statement of financial performance only when there is a demonstrable commitment to either terminate employment prior to normal retirement date or to provide such benefits as a result of an offer to encourage voluntary redundancy. Termination benefits to be settled within 12 months are reported at the amount expected to be paid. Other termination benefits are reported at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows.

Onerous Contracts

Where the benefits to be derived from a contract are lower than the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligation under the contract, a provision is recognised. The provision is stated at the present value of the future net cash outflows expected to be incurred in respect of the contract.

Foreign Currency

Foreign currency transactions are reported at the New Zealand dollar exchange rate at the date of the transaction.

Statement of Cash Flows

The following are definitions of the terms used in the statement of cash flows:

  • cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash in transit, bank accounts and deposits with a maturity of no more than three months from date of acquisition
  • investing activities are those activities relating to the acquisition and disposal of non-current assets
  • financing activities comprise capital injections by, or repayment of capital to, the Crown, and
  • operating activities include all transactions and other events that are not investing or financing activities.


Departments and Offices of Parliament are exempt from income tax as public authorities. Accordingly no charge for income tax has been provided for.

Goods and Services Tax

These forecast financial statements are GST exclusive, except for receivables and payables in the statement of financial position, which are stated on a GST inclusive basis. Where GST is not recoverable as input tax, then it is recognised as part of the related asset or expense.

The net amount of GST owing to or from the Inland Revenue Department at balance date is included as part of receivables or payables (as appropriate) in the statement of financial position.


Future expenses and liabilities to be incurred on contracts that have been entered into at balance date are disclosed as commitments to the extent that there are equally unperformed obligations.

Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

Contingent liabilities are disclosed if the possibility that they will crystallise is not remote. Contingent assets are disclosed if it is probable that the benefits will be realised.

Changes in Accounting Policies#

Any changes in accounting policies since the date of the last audited financial statements prepared under New Zealand generally accepted accounting practice are described in the statement of entity-specific accounting policies. The last audited financial statements (30 June 2009) were prepared in accordance with NZ IFRS (New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards) as appropriate for public benefit entities.

Notes to the Financial Statements#

Note 1 - Revenue - Other
Note 1 - Revenue - Other - Health
  2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
In 2009
Medicines registration 9,033 8,386 8,386 8,530
Service Fees 3,763 2,924 3,334 3,291
Annual licence and registration fees 1,186 1,175 1,585 1,700
State Sector Retirement Saving Scheme recovery 2,204 1,897 1,897 1,897
Other departmental revenue 397      
Other 566      


17,149 14,382 15,202 15,418

Note 2 - Operating Expenses#

Note 2 - Operating Expenses - Health
  2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
In 2009
Consulting expenses 9,172 9,690 8,378 7,500
Overseas Travel 1,149 1,163 775 650
Domestic travel 7,010 6,064 5,503 4,953
Other 56,074 58,258 54,634 61,321
Total 73,404 75,175 69,290 74,424

Note 3 - Debtors and Other Receivables#

Note 3 - Debtors and Other Receivables - Health
  2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
In 2009
Debtor - Crown 15,878 2,757 6,757 1,757
Debtors - Other 2,502 848 2,173 2,173
Total 18,380 3,605 8,930 3,930

Note 4 - Reconciliation of Net Surplus to Net Cashflows from Operating Activities#

Note 4 - Reconciliation of Net Surplus to Net Cashflows from Operating Activities - Health
  2008/09 2009/10 2010/11
In 2009
Net surplus/(deficit) 10,409 16,158 9,905 19,231
Add/(less) non-cash items:        
Depreciation and amortisation expense 9,674 11,402 11,481 8,840
Add/(less) items classified as investing or financing activities:        
(Gains)/losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment 9 - - -
Add/(less) movements in working capital items:        
(Inc)/dec in debtors and receivables (780) (5,323) 5,422 5,148
(Inc)/dec in debtor Crown (1,691) 13,121 (4,000) 5,000
(Inc) dec in prepayments (81) - - -
Inc/(dec) in creditors and payables (3,369) 4,813 5,187 (5,000)
Inc/(dec) in provisions (1,654) - - -
Inc/(dec) in employee entitlements 1,322 (9,138) - -
Net Movements in working capital items (6,253) 14,875 18,090 13,988
Net Cash from operating activities 13,839 31,033 27,995 23,219

Note 5 - Property, Plant and Equipment#

Note 5 - Property, Plant and Equipment - Health
Leasehold improvements
Furniture/office equipment

Cost or revaluation

Balance as at 1 July 2010 5,350 7,840 - 9,771 49,751 72,712
Additions by purchase - 900 - 810 8,700 10,410
Additions internally developed - - - - - -
Revaluation increase - - - - - -
Transfers between classes - - - - - -
Disposals - - - -30 -70 -100
Balance as at 30 June 2011 5,350 8,740 - 10.551 58,381 83,022

Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses

Balance as at 1 July 2010 - 4,273 - 5,674 36,247 46,194
Depreciation expense - 578 - 931 3,470 4.979
Eliminate on disposal - - - - - -
Eliminate on revaluation - - - - - -
Transfers between classes - - - - - -
Impairment losses -   - - - -
Balance as at 30 June 2011 - 4,851 - 6,605 39,717 51,173
Carrying amount as at 30 June 2011 5,350 3,889 - 3,946 18,664 31,849

Note 6 - Intangible Assets#

Note 6 - Intangible Assets - Health
  Acquired software
generated software


Balance as at 1 July 2010 20,701 41,635 - 62,336
Additions by purchase 8,700 - - 8,700
Additions internally developed - 6,300 - 6,300
Disposals - - - -
Balance as at 30 June 2011 29,401 47,935 - 77,336

Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses

Balance as at 1 July 2010 8,397 23,701 - 32,098
Amortisation expense 5,440 3,939 - 9,379
Disposals - - - -
Impairment losses - - - -
Balance as at 30 June 2011 13,837 27,640 - 41,477
Carrying amount as at 30 June 2011 15,564 20,295 - 35,859

Purpose of Information Supporting the Estimates#

The Information Supporting the Estimates provides members of Parliament with information on expected performance to:

  • support their examination of the appropriations and other authorities requested by the Government in the first Appropriation Bill for the forthcoming financial year, and
  • provide a basis against which they can later assess the actual performance of each individual department and Office of Parliament over that financial year.

The Information Supporting the Estimates is organised into 10 volumes by sector, each of which covers one or more Votes. The scope of each sector and the allocation of Votes to a sector reflect a balancing of three desired characteristics - namely that each volume should, where possible:

  • reflect natural sectors
  • keep together Votes administered by the same department, and
  • keep together Votes allocated to a particular select committee of the House of Representatives for examination.

The number of sectors and coverage of each sector was set in consultation with the Finance and Expenditure Committee. The 10 sectors are:

  • Economic Development and Infrastructure Sector
  • Education and Science Sector
  • Environment Sector
  • External Sector
  • Finance and Government Administration Sector
  • Health Sector
  • Justice Sector
  • Māori, Other Populations and Cultural Sector
  • Primary Sector
  • Social Development and Housing Sector.