Infrastructure plan

Infrastructure 2012: National State of Infrastructure Report: A Year on from the National Infrastructure Plan

Formats and related files

The 2011 National Infrastructure Plan (NIP) included a commitment to publish an annual national state of infrastructure report. The first report details developments over the past year in the infrastructure sectors of transport, telecommunications, energy, water and social. It also includes special topics on Auckland and Christchurch, and an overview and five think-pieces from the National Infrastructure Advisory Board.

The think-pieces from the Board are designed to promote discussion on topical infrastructure issues and challenges. The five topics are:

  • Infrastructure developments and water futures in the Canterbury region
  • Proposed transport investment and planning for Auckland
  • Economics and the role more targeted and comprehensive road pricing can play in managing demand
  • A focus on Christchurch, and
  • Risk management, resilience and insurance.

Further information on the Board is available here along with the media statement from Dr Rod Carr, Chair of the Board, accompanying the Report.

The report includes a section titled "The way forward", this sets out our longer term thinking and the general shape of the work programme over the next few years. Based around a Pressure-State-Response model, the focus is on building the information base to better understand the national infrastructure network and where the future focus needs to be to provide long-term security and certainty to enable the necessary investment at the right time.