Information release

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act - Proactive Release

In 2017, the Government announced it would undertake a Review of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989 (the Review) to modernise the monetary and financial stability policy framework. The Review is being conducted in two phases. Phase 1 implemented changes to the monetary policy role of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and Phase 2 is considering changes to Reserve Bank governance.

Phase 1 of the Review resulted in the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Monetary Policy) Amendment Act (the Act) gaining Royal assent on 20 December 2018. The Act:

  • amended the objective of monetary policy to require consideration of maximum sustainable employment alongside price stability in monetary policy decision making, and
  • instituted a monetary policy committee (MPC) to take decisions on monetary policy.

Following Royal assent of the Act, the Minister of Finance appointed the members of the MPC; issued a remit to set the objectives of monetary policy; and issued a charter to govern the decision making process and transparency of the MPC. The full provisions of the Act came into force on April 1 2019, at which point the MPC became responsible for the formulation of monetary policy.

The following documents were produced during the process of Phase 1 of the Review, including the passage of the legislation and its implementation. They are grouped as follows:

  • Documents featuring substantive policy decisions
  • Treasury policy advice
  • Externally commissioned advice to support the Review
  • Documents relating to the Independent Expert Advisory Panel
    • Final report and minutes of the Panel
    • Background papers to support the Panel
    • Public submissions to the Panel
  • Documents relating to the legislative process
  • Documents relating to the implementation of the legislation
  • Other documents, including briefing and correspondence

The Treasury is releasing these documents to be transparent and improve public understanding of the reforms made through the Review process. The documents have been released in stages, with the final release of documents following the issue of the remit and charter in February 2019 and the appointment of MPC members in March 2019.

Documents featuring substantive policy decisions#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act Proactive Release: Key documents featuring substantive policy decisions

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
Office of the Minister of Finance

Treasury advice and papers#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act - Proactive Release: Treasury Advice and Papers

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury

External advice#

Documents relating to the Independent Expert Advisory Panel (IEAP)#

The Independent Expert Advisory Panel (the Panel) was established to provide advice on the changes to the Act. The members of the Panel were Suzanne Snively, Dr Girol Karacaoglu, and Dr Malcolm Edey. The Panel met with Officials from the Treasury and the Reserve Bank several times, and considered papers and opinions provided by Officials.

The Panel’s advice was provided in a final report regarding the specification of the objectives of monetary policy; the decision-making procedures for monetary policy (including the communication of these decisions to the wider public); and implications for the role of the Board.

The Panel met for meetings on two occasions: Wednesday 20 December 2017 and Wednesday 31 January 2018. The final report and minutes of the two meetings, the background papers to support the Panel, and public submissions to the Panel, can be found below. Note these papers were provided to aid discussion and do not represent final advice.

Final report and minutes of meetings#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act - Proactive Release: Key Documents IEAP

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
Independent Expert Advisory Panel
The Treasury
The Treasury

Background papers to support the Panel#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act Proactive Release: Background Papers

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
The Treasury
The Treasury
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Reserve Bank of New Zealand; The Treasury
The Treasury

Public Submissions to the Panel#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act - Proactive Release: Public Submissions

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
The Treasury
Federated Farmers of New Zealand
Nana, Ganesh
Mortlock, Geof

Documents relating to the implementation of the legislation#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act - Proactive Release: Documents relating to the implementation of the legislation

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
Office of the Minister of Finance
The Treasury
Minister of State Services
The Treasury
Minister of Finance
The Treasury
The Treasury; Reserve Bank of New Zealand
The Treasury

Other documents (including briefing and correspondence)#

Phase 1 Reviewing the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Act - Proactive Release: Other Papers

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Cabinet Office

Papers related to the 2018 Policy Targets Agreement can be found at