Information release

Budget 2023 Tax Initiatives Information Release

This proactive release covers Officials’ advice to Ministers on tax initiatives during the lead up to Budget 2023. This release includes reports, aide memoires, briefing notes, Cabinet papers and minutes, and Budget Ministers’ slide packs.

Some parts of this information release would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.

Budget 2023 Tax Initiatives Information Release: Documents

Doc. Date Sort descending Creator Title
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury
Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury; Inland Revenue
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
Office of the Minister of Finance; Office of the Minister of Revenue
Cabinet Office
Inland Revenue; Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Office of the Minister of Finance; Office of the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
Cabinet Office
Inland Revenue