The Treasury has released documents relating to Budget 2007 in response to and in anticipation of requests for Budget-related information. The documents released here are among the most frequently requested under the Official Information Act.
Note: See Budget 2007 for access to the core Budget documents such as the Budget Speech and the Estimates of Appropriations 2007/08.
Previous Budget information releases were for Budget 2006 and Budget 2005.
Pages comprising this Information Release
There are six pages comprising the Budget 2007 (28 June 2007) Information Release:
- [This Page] Home - Budget 2007 Information Release
- Key Documents comprising:
- Budget Strategy
- Senior Ministers' Multilaterals
- Budget Decisions Cabinet Paper
- Bilateral Briefings and Additional Papers - Includes additional material for Health and Rail Development.
- Cabinet Minutes by Vote
- KiwiSaver
- Business Tax Reform
Deletions to Documents#
Some of the content of these documents has been deleted where this is considered necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including deceased people; to enable commercial negotiations without prejudice or disadvantage; where the release of information would be likely to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information; or to protect the confidentiality of advice tendered by Ministers of the Crown and officials.
Where these deletions have been made, the appropriate reason for deletion has been inserted as a reference.