Information release

Archive of Documents for the Original Scheme - Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme

Archive page of documents relating to the original Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme that expired on 12 October 2010.

Documents relating to the original Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme are listed here. See Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme for documents, including application documents relating to the extended scheme that closed on 31 December 2011. Additional documents related to the original scheme and the Wholesale Guarantee Scheme may be found in the Crown Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme and Wholesale Funding Guarantee Facility Information Release.


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Archive of Documents for the Original Scheme - Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme

Doc. Date Sort ascending Creator Title
The Treasury
This written notice nominates certain Creditors for the purposes of Crown Deeds of Guarantee where the criteria set out in the notice of nomination are met.
The Treasury
This written notice nominates executors/trustees of deceased estates as Creditors for the purposes of Crown Deeds of Guarantee, where the criteria set out in the notice of nomination are met.
The Treasury
This written notice nominates trustees as Creditors for the purposes of Crown Deeds of Guarantee, where the criteria set out in the notice of nomination are met.
The Treasury
Released 16 November 2009, updated versions released 24 November 2009 and 14 April 2010.
The Treasury
The Treasury
Released 16 November 2009, updated versions released 24 November 2009 and 5 March 2010.
The Treasury
Released 16 November 2009, updated versions released 24 November 2009 and 5 March 2010.
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Treasury
The Minister of Finance has approved Policy Guidelines for officials to use when assessing applications for the Crown Deposit Guarantee Scheme. The Policy Guidelines set out what types of institutions will be eligible for the guarantee and what criteria and other factors may be considered by officials when assessing an application. The list of factors which may be considered by officials is non-exhaustive and officials may consider any other factors if they are relevant. Officials will assess each application on an individual basis. Further information on Qualifying Collective Investment Schemes will be made available in due course.
The Treasury
Released on 4 November 2008, updated 18 September 2009, relocated on this site 11 February 2010. The Minister of Finance has approved Policy Guidelines for officials to use when assessing applications by Collective Investment Schemes for the Crown Deposit Guarantee Scheme. The Policy Guidelines set out what types of institutions will be eligible for the guarantee and what criteria and other factors may be considered by officials when assessing an application. The list of factors which may be considered by officials is non-exhaustive and officials may consider any other factors if they are relevant. Officials will assess each application on an individual basis.
The Treasury
Released 23 Mar 2009. Updated 14 Apr 2009. This Notice of Claim form is for multiple trustees claimants making a claim under the Crown Deed of Guarantee with Mascot Finance Limited.
The Treasury
Released 19 Mar 2009. Updated 14 Apr 2009. This Notice of Claim form is for single trustee claimants making a claim under the Crown Deed of Guarantee with Mascot Finance Limited.
The Treasury
Released 19 Mar 2009. Updated 14 Apr 2009. This Schedule to the Notice of Claim form for individuals making a claim under the Crown Deed of Guarantee with Mascot Finance Limited is to be completed when there are investments held under more than one individual's name.
The Treasury
Released 5 Mar 2009. Updated 19 Mar 2009. This Notice of Claim form is for individuals making a claim under the Crown Deed of Guarantee with Mascot Finance Limited. See also the Additional Joint Holders Schedule to Notice of Claim Form below which is also to be completed when there are investments held under more than one individual's name.
The Treasury
Released 13 Mar 2009. Updated 19 Mar 2009. This Notice of Claim form is for corporate claimants making a claim under the Crown Deed of Guarantee with Mascot Finance Limited.
The Treasury
Released 2 March 2009. Updated 5 Mar 2009.
The Treasury
The Treasury
Released 11 November 2008. Updated 22 December 2008 to include specimen directors' certificate.
The Treasury
This document is a version of the CIS Deed of Nomination specifically tailored for Collective Investment Schemes which are Unit Trusts.
The Treasury
Released on 5 November 2008. Updated 14 November 2008 with amendments to definition of Capped Amount and to clause 3. Updated on 24 November 2008 with clarifying amendments to clause 7.1(a) and 7.2.
The Treasury
Released 5 November 2008. Updated 7 November 2008. Additional information may be required by the Crown in relation to any application.Collective Investment Schemes that have already applied do not need to re-apply but additional information may be requested.
The Treasury
Updated 14 October 2008 to include a request for relevant trust deeds. Additional information may be required by the Crown in relation to any application.
The Treasury
Note that further covenants may be required by the Crown. Amended 30 October 2008 to change reference Income Tax Act 2004 to Income tax Act 2007 in the definition of 'financial instiution'.
The Treasury
Note: This specimen deed has been prepared for NZ-incorporated companies. Further covenants may be required by the Crown and the Crown reserves the right to require modifications for other entities (such as credit unions and building societies) to reflect, for example, their different forms and applicable regulatory regimes. Amended 30 October 2008 to change reference Income Tax Act 2004 to Income tax Act 2007 in the definition of 'financial instiution'.
The Treasury
Note that further covenants may be required by the Crown.
The Treasury

Withdrawn Documents#

Doc. Date Creator Title Details
18 Nov 2009 The Treasury Unit Trust - Final Specimen - Deed of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination Released 18 November 2009 and withdrawn from website as has been superseded as at 5 March 2010. See Unit Trust - Final Specimens - First and Second Deeds of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination above.
18 Nov 2009 The Treasury Unit Trust - Final Specimen - Schedule to Deed of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination
Released 18 November 2009 and withdrawn from website as has been superseded as at 5 March 2010. See Unit Trust - Final Specimens - First and Second Deeds of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination above.
18 Nov 2009 The Treasury Group Investment Fund - Final Specimen - Deed of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination
Released 18 November 2009 and withdrawn from website as has been superseded as at 5 March 2010. See Group Investment Fund - Final Specimens - First and Second Deeds of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination above.
18 Nov 2009 The Treasury Group Investment Fund - Final Specimen - Schedule to Deed of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination
Released 18 November 2009 and withdrawn from website as has been superseded as at 5 March 2010. See Group Investment Fund - Final Specimens - First and Second Deeds of Amendment to Crown Deed of Nomination above.

Contact for Enquiries

Email: [email protected]