Corporate document

Our combined Kia Toipoto and Inclusion & Diversity Plan 2023/24

Formats and related files

Our context#

We have made significant progress with closing the gender pay gap at the Treasury (Te Tai Ōhanga), with the pay gap more than halving since 2018 (currently 8.7%, down from 20% in 2018).

Our ethnic pay gap has almost halved in the last year, and we have a negative mean pay gap for our Pacific and Māori employees.

The value Inclusion & Diversity brings#

New Zealand is diverse and continues to become more so over time. Diversity is all around us; it has shaped economic trends and changed how organisations operate. The key to unlocking the economic and social benefits of diversity is through having organisational cultures of inclusion. A focus on inclusion will drive success in three key areas*:

Social License

Having a diverse and inclusive workplace culture allows for social equity, cohesion, and co-production to happen more readily. This means the communities we serve are more ready to collaborate on and contribute towards the design and delivery of strategies to help us achieve the Treasury's goal of lifting the living standards for all New Zealanders.


An inclusive culture is proven to boost morale and engagement for employees, which drives benefits to productivity and lower staff turnover. This equates to more value to the New Zealand taxpayer. Diversity encourages creativity and fosters an innovative organisational spirit through openness and inclusiveness, and bringing diversity of thought and perspectives to problem solving, decision making, and carrying out our purpose.


By managing our diversity well and strategically developing our inclusive culture, we will have the required tools to ‘prospect' for opportunities that help us achieve our purpose. This will allow us to plan better, anticipate barriers before they arise, and deliver better outcomes to New Zealanders.

*These focus areas come from Diversity Works, New Zealand's national body for workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Our context and story so far#

  • Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) has been a key focus for our organisation since 2012 when we developed our first strategy. Our name in te reo, Te Tai Ōhanga, flows from the four tides - reflecting that we both lead and serve from the centre. To achieve our vision of lifting living standards for all New Zealanders, we know we need to be a genuinely inclusive workplace that embraces diverse thinking and effectively engages with and better represents our diverse communities. Our combined Kia Toipoto/I&D action plan builds on prior mahi to be a workplace where everyone is equally welcomed, heard, valued, and respected.
  • Establishing our wharenui (meeting house) was a bold and innovative move in the late 1980s. The name of our wharenui, Ngā Mokopuna a Tāne (the grandchildren of Tāne), has great relevance and meaning for us and reminds us of the importance of an intergenerational lens on our mahi.
  • Our latest I&D strategy and plan was refreshed using an organisation-wide co-design approach. This resulted in good buy-in from our people, a reaffirmed commitment to I&D, and updated aspirations that signalled the kind of organisation we want to be. I&D is integrated into key processes, such as induction, and regular confidential employee surveys and exit interviews help us track our progress.
  • Our refreshed Values and Behaviours, developed using an organisation-wide collaborative process, describe us at our best. Ngā Mokopuna a Tāne serves as both an anchor and inspiration for these. The values Making a difference - Kia pono, Enhancing mana - Kia whakamana and Achieving together - Kia hono guide our actions and support our Guardianship and Stewardship (Tiakina) responsibilities. We've also introduced Te Ara Pounamu Awards to recognise individuals and teams who demonstrate our Values and Behaviours in all they do.
  • Leaders are key to driving our I&D mahi. Our Chief Executive (CE) actively champions I&D internally and externally as a member of Champions for Change (a group of private and public sector CEs and Chairs who collectively work to accelerate inclusive and diverse leadership). We hold regular People Leader Forums so our leaders can connect, hear diverse perspectives and share ideas to build a strong, diverse, inclusive organisation. Our People Leader Capability Framework includes a section dedicated to I&D to support individual development.
  • In line with our Whāinga Amorangi and Te Puna Anamata (te reo) plans to build cultural capability, we've increased our suite of Māori capability training and survey our people annually to gain their perspectives and assess our progress. Te Wiki o te reo Māori and Matariki are celebrated annually, with senior leader-led initiatives that both engage and educate.
  • The Treasury is ably supported by Te Puna Aronui, a cross-organisation network of analysts with expertise in Te Ao Māori and Pacific perspectives. With their guidance, we're on a journey to integrate Te Ao Māori perspectives into our policy advice through our He Ara Waiora framework, which presents a holistic, intergenerational approach to wellbeing. We draw too on wisdom and support from Ngā Pūkenga, a partnership group of Māori thought leaders that provides appropriate stewardship and our use of He Ara Waiora.
  • To support the aims of our Pacific Strategy 2022-2025, Ua gatasi le futia ma le umele (a traditional fishing proverb that speaks to partnership and balance between elements), we've developed two learning modules. Shared widely with other public service agencies, the first module focuses on building capability through understanding the Pacific Operating Model. The second module, soon-to-be launched, focuses on applying Pacific perspectives to our policy advice.
  • In 2016, the annual Ivan Kwok Award began in honour of Ivan Kwok (ONZ) to recognise excellence in engagement with Māori. The legendary Ivan dedicated 41 years at the Treasury to advising, influencing, and raising awareness across government with his tireless contribution to Crown-Māori relationships.
  • One of the unique ways we foster belonging is by welcoming new people to our work whānau with an official pōwhiri greeting in our wharenui, supported by our in-house waiata group, Te Puna Wai. A source of waiata and wairua (spirit) within our organisation, Te Puna Wai supports our Executive Leadership Team and the wharenui at pōwhiri for new starters, visiting dignitaries and on special occasions, as well as giving occasional informal concerts in the atrium and participating in Te Kōnohete (a public sector kapa haka competition).
  • We continue to build our kete of organisational cultural resources, and our recently updated Puna Ako mobile application supports correct pronunciation of te reo Māori, tikanga (protocols) and Māori engagement. Available for use by the public as well as our people, the app is a comprehensive and easy to access resource for people wishing to increase their confidence and knowledge to assist them in their daily mahi.
  • We aim to eliminate bias from our people processes. In recruitment, use of a gender-decoder tool mitigates potential bias in our advertisements, and a gender pay gap calculator identifies impacts on pay gaps when making remuneration decisions. We routinely monitor like-for-like gender pay gaps, and use gender-balanced recruitment panels when interviewing candidates. We have anonymised recruitment in place for our graduate and intern recruitment campaigns.
  • Our employee-led networks include our Women's Network and Rainbow Network, which are well established and supported at Te Tai Ōhanga, having been in place for several years. We're excited that two more networks (Pan-Asian and Neurodiversity) have joined the suite this year and, supported by their senior sponsors, are already working collaboratively to add value to our approach to I&D.
  • While we know there's much more to do, we're proud of the progress we have made to date. Our 2023/24 combined Kia Toipoto/I&D action plan sets out how we aim to build on this progress to further close our pay gaps, accelerate progress for diverse women, and create a fairer workplace for all.

Alignment with Papa Pounamu principles#

The Papa Pounamu programme sets the diversity and inclusion programme for the wider public service and has 5 priority areas. The Treasury's strategy maps closely to the Papa Pounamu principles as shown below:

Papa Pounamu Principles

I&D Strategy focus areas

Te whakawhanaungatanga / Building relationships
Ngā tūhononga e kōkiritia ana e ngā kaimahi / Employee-led networks
Inclusive workplace practices
Hautūtanga Ngākau Tuwhera / Inclusive leadership Leader-led Inclusion & Diversity
Te Urupare I te Mariu / Addressing bias Inclusive talent approaches
Te āheinga ā-ahurea / Cultural competency Cultural capability
                                ←        Data-led monitoring and reporting         →

An overview of the Treasury's Inclusion & Diversity strategy#

We aim to be an inclusive organisation, and one that attracts and retains the best talent, draws on our diverse skills and experiences and is informed by diverse perspectives. Our I&D strategy focuses on five key areas:

Inclusive workplace practices

Building a culture where everyone feels welcomed, heard, valued, and respected, so they can contribute to their potential.

Leader-led Inclusion & Diversity

Supporting our people leaders to confidently lead and integrate Inclusion & Diversity into our mahi and ways of working.

Inclusive talent approaches

Making our people processes fair, transparent, and equitable by identifying and minimising potential for unconscious bias to affect outcomes.

Cultural capability

Strengthening our culture by building individual and organisational capability, supporting the public sector shared goal of true Māori-Crown partnership.

Data-led monitoring and reporting

Enhancing and improving the quality and transparency of our workforce data to support effective tracking, reporting, and decision-making.

Our 2023/24 action plan summary#

I&D Strategy:

Our 2023/24 focus areas in a nutshell:

Inclusive workplace practices Implementing our refreshed Values and Behaviours, continuing to support our employee-led networks, and promoting and supporting the implementation of the Reasonable Accommodation* policy.
Leader-led Inclusion & Diversity Broadening our leadership development approach to encompass all our people (‘lead from where you stand') and strengthening the cultural capability of our leaders to model inclusive ways of working.
Inclusive talent approaches Expanding our talent attraction pools to increase diversity, building key relationships to strengthen our talent pipeline and extending rollout of key aspects of last year's Career Development workshops.
Cultural capability Extending and supporting uptake of our tools and resources and continuing to provide opportunities for development through our range of Māori capability course offerings.
Data-led monitoring and reporting Monitoring our gender and ethnic pay gaps and implementing the public service Four-Point Plan to increase rainbow and disabled representation in the public service.

*Reasonable accommodation is the term used to describe creating an environment intended to ensure equality of opportunity. Accommodations can be physical, religious, mental or emotional, academic, etc.

Workforce data as at 30 September 2023#


As we work towards lifting living standards and improving intergenerational wellbeing for New Zealanders, the Treasury (Te Tai Ōhanga) also has a role to play as an employer. Our organisation can positively affect the lifetime earnings of its female and ethnic employees in a global environment where pay gaps still exist for women and non-European ethnic groups.

We remain committed to addressing our gender and ethnic pay gaps as a priority, and we continue to work towards understanding and addressing the drivers that contribute to these gaps.

In this section we will outline our workforce composition, our pay gaps, and some of the contributing drivers.

Figure 1: Our refreshed four-year strategy (July 2021-June 2025)

Figure 1: Our refreshed four-year strategy (July 2021-June 2025)


Workforce composition

As at 30 September 2023, our workforce comprised 666 permanent and fixed-term employees (headcount). Their gender and ethnic representation is shown in this table.

Note that:

  • As shown here, a small subset of our employees have not stated a gender or identified as another gender; in the interests of privacy, we have not included them in our analysis other than where gender is not a factor.
  • Since one person may identify with multiple ethnicities, ethnicity percentages can add up to more than 100%.
  • MELAA stands for Middle Eastern/Latin American/African.

Source: Treasury employee data, September 2023

Employees by gender and employment type

This table shows our gender and employment type breakdown. As at 30 September 2023, 50.2% of our employees are women, 13.5% of whom work part-time (less than 80 hours a fortnight, excluding people seconded out or on extended leave). This compares with 7% of men working part-time.

This table does not include those that have identified as another gender or have not stated a gender, therefore the total in this table does not match the overall headcount.

Source: Treasury employee data, September 2023

Women in senior leadership

At the Treasury, women hold 52% of senior leadership roles (defined as Tiers 1-3). In the public service (by this same definition), women hold 55.9% of senior leadership roles.

We have three women (including the Chief Executive) and four men on the Executive Leadership Team. Kaiurungi is our Tier 3 leadership group. The Māori word ‘Kaiurungi' is used to refer to those who steer or guide the organisation. This group comprises eleven women (including the Tier 2 chair) and eight men.

Data provided to Te Kawa Mataaho for their workforce data release is provided as at 30 June 2023, therefore there may be slight differences in what appears in this report, which uses data as at 30 September 2023.

Source: Te Kawa Mataaho Workforce Data 2023

Ethnic Diversity at Te Tai Ōhanga and in the public service

This graph shows the ethnic makeup of the Treasury and the public service*.

While there has been a small upward trend in the percentage of Māori and Pacific Peoples in our workforce over recent years**, we still have some way to go before we can say that our workforce is representative of New Zealand's population. We are less ethnically diverse than the public service on average, although this is slowly changing over time.

*If an individual reported identifying with two ethnicities that fall into the same Level 1 category (eg, NZ European and Australian, or Chinese and Filipino) this was counted only once.

**The percentage of Māori employees at the Treasury has gone down from 2022 to 2023, however, this is due to the change in our overall numbers of staff rather than people leaving.

Source: Te Kawa Mataaho Workforce Data 2023

Pay Gap#

Mean gender pay gap over time

Our mean gender pay gap has decreased from 10.8% in 2022 to 8.7% in 2023, which has more than halved since 2018.

It remains slightly higher than the overall public service gender pay gap of 7.1%.

Source: Te Kawa Mataaho Workforce Data 2023

Gender pay gap

We have made significant progress with closing the gender pay gap, with the pay gap more than halving since 2018.

Our data shows that the Treasury's mean gender pay gap is 8.7%, and the median gender pay gap is 7.2%. This is largely influenced by grade distribution.

While we are pleased to see that our gender pay gap has continued to decrease, there is more work to be done, and there are some specific areas we will continue to address in our latest action plan.

Median remuneration by ethnicity

Our data shows that there is still an overall ethnic pay gap. The median remuneration has been used for each ethnic group, because:

  • Some groups have low numbers of representation.
  • The results are affected by very high or low individual salaries.
  • This method better protects individuals' privacy.

The employees who did not specify an ethnicity with which they identified, have not been included in this section of the report.

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023

Mean ethnic pay gap

Our overall ethnic pay gap (non-European vs European) currently sits at a mean of 12.4%. This time last year, our overall ethnic pay gap was sitting at a mean of 24.7%, almost halving over that period.

When looking at the mean ethnic pay gap for our Pacific and Māori employees within our organisation, these groups are experiencing a negative pay gap (in favour of Pacific and Māori). Our Asian and MELAA employees are however experiencing a higher pay gap than the overall public service, although these pay gaps have improved since last year.

Asian pay gap

At the Treasury, we are not seeing the same rise in our Asian pay gap as is being observed in the public service. In fact, we saw an improvement over the past year. However, the factors Te Kawa Mataaho cited in their workforce data release 2023 (tenure and age) are likely to influence why they remain present.

For example, the average tenure for Asian employees at the Treasury is 2.8 years, compared with 4.9 years for non-Asian employees, and the average age for Asian employees at the Treasury is 37.3 years, compared with 41.5 years for non-Asian employees.

Our newly formed internal, employee-led Pan-Asian network is fully committed to helping us understand and address our ethnic pay gaps.

“[Across the public service] The Asian pay gap has risen, from 12.4% in 2022 to 13.0% in 2023, the highest it has even been since measurement began. Asian representation in the Public Service has been growing strongly in recent years and this means an increasing number, and proportion, of Asian employees are new recruits than in the past. This is likely to be counteracting improvements in pay gaps.”

-Te Kawa Mataaho (2023)

Occupational grouping

Our data shows that patterns of ‘occupational grouping' are still present and continue to have a significant impact on our pay gaps. This is also an issue in similar organisations overseas and across the public service.

Occupational grouping means that women or ethnic groups are over-represented in lower-paid occupational groups and men or Europeans are over-represented in higher-paid occupational groups.

“Occupations that are traditionally male dominated tend to be more highly valued than are occupations that are traditionally female dominated, and this influences salaries. This occupational segregation - women being more likely to be working in lower-paid occupations - is a key driver of the gender pay gap for many departments.”

- Te Kawa Mataaho (2023)
“Like the gender pay gap, ethnic pay gaps can relate to occupational segregation or the occupation profile of a particular ethnic group. Māori, Pacific and Asian public servants are over-represented in lower-paid occupation groups.”

- Te Kawa Mataaho (2023)

Gender representation by pay quartile

One of the primary drivers of our gender pay gap is occupational grouping, a pattern we generally see emerging as pay gaps increase by grade, tenure, and age. The interplay between these factors can be complex and may be subject to legacy issues (eg, organisational, sectoral, or societal) still evident in parts of the wider system.

For example, women fill 61% of the lower-paid jobs (the bottom quartile), but only 42% of the higher-paid roles (the top quartile).

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023

Occupational grouping: representation by grade and tenure

Our data shows that our gender pay gap increases by grade, in line with external research that suggests the gender pay gap in New Zealand increases for women in more senior positions and on higher salaries.

We see a negative gender pay gap of -9.3% for grades 11-14F, however, we see the gender pay gap increases in grades 15 and above. This may be connected to tenure; women in grades 11-14F have, on average, been at the Treasury for 4.3 years, compared with 1.6 years for their male counterparts. Conversely, men in grades 15 and above have, on average, been at the Treasury longer. For example, men in grades 18-20F and 21-24 have, on average, been at the Treasury 2.5 and 3 years longer respectively.

While hiring men into our higher bands does impact on our overall gender pay gap, the specific gender pay gap for these grade brackets is lower than our overall gender pay gap, despite men having significantly higher average tenure.

Not all of our pay grades had enough people for meaningful comparison, so we have combined our grades into groups.

Gender Representation and GPG by grade

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023

Tenure at the Treasury by grade

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023

Occupational grouping: pay gaps by tenure and age

Our data shows that the gender pay gap increases with tenure, which also relates to occupational grouping. Women with more than 10 years' employment at the Treasury are more likely to be in lower grades than their male counterparts.

The decrease in the gender pay gap for those with under 10 years' employment may also be reflective of our mahi to reduce the gender pay gap in recent years.

By age, we see the gender pay gap fluctuates but rises steeply from the mid-fifties onwards; for under-55, the gender pay gap is 4.1%, whereas for over 55, it is 25.1%. This has a significant influence on our organisational gender pay gap.

Te Kawa Mataaho states, “Gender pay gaps increase with age, starting from 1.5% for those aged 20 to 24 and rising to 11.4% for those aged 60 to 64.” Higher pay gaps for some women over 55 have also been observed in external research*.

Our data points to occupational grouping being the main driver; 46% of women aged over 55 hold roles graded below 18, compared with only 11.8% of men.

*Sin, Stillman and Fabling (2017) and Australian Workplace Gender Equality Agency (2021)

Gender representation and GPG by tenure

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023

Gender representation and GPG by age

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023


In New Zealand, large ethnic pay gaps exist, compounded for women of diverse ethnicities, combining to create larger pay gaps compared with the average earnings of all men.

Te Kawa Mataaho states: “In the Public Service men are paid more on average than women in each ethnic group, and Europeans are paid more on average than other ethnicities. This reflects the way that gender and ethnic bias compounds for Māori, Pacific and ethnic women. Pacific women and Asian women have the lowest average salaries in the Public Service. Overall, the largest percent increases this year went to Pacific men and women, and Māori men and women.”

“The gaps in pay between all men and wāhine Māori, and between all men and Pacific women, are substantially higher than the overall gender pay gap.”

- Ministry for Women (Manatū Wāhine)

Mean gender pay gaps for European and Asian women

Our small sample sizes make it somewhat challenging to effectively examine the causes of the ethnic pay gap, as well as the effects of intersectionality (eg, gender and ethnicity together). We do have sufficient numbers for analysis of the gender pay gaps for female European and Asian employees respectively, shown here.

Compared with all men, we see a small gender pay gap (5.8%) for European women (n=268) at the Treasury and a larger one (19%) for Asian women (n=49). Te Kawa Mataaho's Workforce Data 2023 shows that, in the public service, men are paid more on average than women in each ethnic group, and that Europeans are paid more on average than other ethnicities.

Source: Treasury Employee Data, September 2023

Calculating our gender pay gap#


We calculate pay gaps in alignment with how Te Kawa Mataaho calculates the public service average gender and ethnic pay gaps in their Workforce Data release. Unless otherwise stated, our data throughout this report:

  • includes fixed-term and permanent employees, but not temporary/casual employees or contractors/consultants
  • is current as at 30 September 2023
  • includes all employees seconded out, and employees on extended leave, but not secondees from other agencies working at the Treasury
  • is headcount and not Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff
  • is based on the mean gender pay gap
  • may have been summarised or aggregated where sample sizes are small (fewer than 20 men or 20 women) and/or where individual privacy is a consideration.

For example:

(Mean male full-time rem - mean female full-time rem)/(Mean male full-time rem) x 100


(Median male full-time rem - median female full-time rem)/(Median male full-time rem) x 100

Calculating our ethnic pay gap#


When calculating ethnic pay gaps, all employees are assigned a value for each major ethnic group:

  • TRUE: This employee identifies with this ethnic group.
  • FALSE: This employee doesn't identify with this ethnic group.
  • Not Stated: The employee did not disclose their ethnicity.

For ethnic pay gap calculations, only employees who have values of TRUE or FALSE are included in calculations. As employees can select up to three ethnicities, an employee can be in multiple ethnic groups and employees who have not disclosed their ethnicity are excluded from the calculations.

The ethnic pay gaps are calculated as the average total remuneration of those that identify with that ethnic group vs those that don't identify with that ethnic group. For our overall ethic pay gap calculation, we use a Non-European vs European format where a positive number indicates that there is a pay gap in favour of European employees.

For example, the Non-European pay gap is calculated as follows. All other ethnic pay gaps are calculated in the same way but by using different ethnic groups.

For example, the Non-European pay gap is calculated as follows. All other ethnic pay gaps are calculated in the same way but by using different ethnic groups:

(Mean European full-time rem - mean Non-European full-time rem)/(Mean European full-time rem) x 100


(Mean Non-Māori full-time rem - mean Māori full-time rem)/(Mean Non-Māori full-time rem) x 100

A closer look at our 2023/24 action plan#

Leader-led Inclusion & Diversity#

Actions to support our key Inclusion & Diversity focus areas: Success factors that will let  us know we've made progress:

Leadership development

  • broaden our leadership development approach and offerings to encompass all our people and align with our refreshed values (ie, ‘lead from where you stand')
  • provide opportunities and support employees to attend the Accentuated Leadership programme, a programme designed by ethnically diverse women for ethnically diverse women to step into their authentic leadership identity and power
  • continue to incorporate leader-led I&D into our development mechanisms such as our People Leader Forums and refresh our People Leader Capability Framework to bolster our strengths-based approach to development and performance

Increase our leaders' cultural capability

  • gain insight into and increase understanding of Māori engagement protocols (tikanga) in a marae environment
  • build stronger communication skills through Māori language pronunciation tools and essential phrases
  • develop greater understanding of the relevance and practical application of the Treaty of Waitangi in the public sector
  • feedback from employees about increased levels of empowerment and engagement from those not in formal leadership positions
  • positive feedback about the Accentuated programme from participants and their people leaders

Papa Pounamu principle:

Hautūtanga Ngākau Tuwhera / Inclusive leadership

Inclusive workplace practices#

Actions to support our key Inclusion & Diversity focus areas: Success factors that will let  us know we've made progress:

Embed our Values and Behaviours:

  • develop collateral to support implementation of the Values and Behaviours
  • reflect the Values and Behaviours in all of our people processes, eg, induction, recruitment
  • implement practical solutions that bring the Values and Behaviours to life at Te Tai Ōhanga
  • embed Te Ara Pounamu, a recognition programme that aims to celebrate those that demonstrate all three of our Values

Support our employee-led networks:

  • continue to support our employee-led networks, including the newly established Pan-Asian and Neurodiversity Networks
  • develop an Allyship programme to equip our people to have the confidence and capability to be good allies

Continue to renew and update our people policies:

  • consult our union and staff on our draft Reasonable Accommodation policy, which aims to increase our employee value proposition and support a more inclusive workplace culture
  • our people can articulate and demonstrate our refreshed Values and Behaviours
  • employee-led networks have annual plans in place
  • we have consulted on our Reasonable Accommodation policy and implemented it by next September

Papa Pounamu principle:

Te whakawhanaungatanga / Building relationships

Ngā tūhononga e kōkiritia ana e ngā kaimahi / Employee-led networks

Inclusive talent approaches#

Actions to support our key Inclusion & Diversity focus areas: Success factors that will let  us know we've made progress:

Talent attraction

  • broaden our talent attraction pools to increase our demographic and cognitive diversity 
  • implement refreshed recruitment and careers website and collateral to be more people - and purpose - focused and showcase the Treasury as a diverse and inclusive employer
  • strengthen existing and build new key relationships with education providers to lift our profile and build our future graduate and intern pipelines
  • capture and apply learnings from our successful graduate and intern recruitment round last year, which resulted in gender balance and increased ethnic diversity in our cohorts

Development and progression

  • repurpose elements of our career development workshops for a wider roll out to those seeking to prepare themselves for career progression
  • our pool of candidates for roles becomes increasingly diverse 
  • we are increasingly attracting and/or recruiting a more diverse range of graduates and interns 
  • the diversity of our range of graduate and intern applicants increases
  • positive feedback on career development workshops from participants and their people leaders

Papa Pounamu principle:

Te Urupare I te Mariu / Addressing Bias

Cultural capability#

Actions to support our key Inclusion & Diversity focus areas: Success factors that will let  us know we've made progress:

Training and development

  • support our Pacific Strategy and launch our Pacific Operating Model e-learning module to help policy analysts apply Pacific cultural capability to their practice
  • continue to deliver and assess effectiveness and gaps to improve our suite of offerings

Tools and resources

  • run our annual Māori Capability survey to measure our progress against our Whāinga Amorangi plan and hear our people's perspectives
  • continue to build our toolkit for our people, eg, mihi whakatau guidance
  • support our people to be able to articulate the important elements of Māori perceptions of wellbeing, and the tikanga (values or principles) that underpin He Ara Waiora, a framework that gives a uniquely Aotearoa perspective to measure wellbeing
  • positive feedback on our learning solutions to support the Pacific Strategy 
  • we improve against our measures as outlined in our Whāinga Amorangi plan

Papa Pounamu principle:

Te āheinga ā-ahurea / Cultural competency

Data-led monitoring and reporting#

Actions to support our key Inclusion & Diversity focus areas: Success factors that will let  us know we've made progress:
  • continue to monitor the gender and ethnic make-up of candidates throughout various stages of the recruitment process, across our organisation and leadership levels, and across our analyst/advisor level roles
  • continue to monitor salaries of same or similar roles for gender and ethnic pay gaps, through our annual remuneration round and quarterly reporting to senior leadership
  • begin to implement the public service's new Four-Point Plans for increasing rainbow and disabled peoples' representation in the public sector, in consultation with our relevant internal networks and employee groups (We anticipate starting with step one: visibility through improvements to data collection.)
  • work with the Rainbow Network to address gaps or inconsistencies in IT systems related to name or gender marker changes
  • ensure equity is an overarching principle to any changes to our remuneration system
  • our senior leadership teams remain gender balanced at 40-40-20
  • the percentage of Māori and Pacific applicants for our roles doubles (Five-year target)
  • our representation of Māori and Pacific employees in bands 19 and above increases
  • our pay gaps for the same or similar roles remain negligible
  • the Four-Point Plan work is scoped and a timeline developed

Supports achievement of the 5 Papa Pounamu principles

Tracking our progress: Kia Toipoto 2022/23#

Progress against our 2022/23 Action Plan#

Engaging with our people

We met with each of our internal employee-led network committees, Te Puna Aronui, and the Public Service Association (PSA) to discuss the progress we have made since last year and explore what we might include in this year's action plan.

Treasury Women's Network

The Treasury Women’s Network (TWN) is one of our longest-standing internal employee-led networks. Their vision is to shape the future of women at the Treasury by providing opportunities for development, fostering valuable connections, and facilitating member success through career growth. They also run events for Suffrage Day and International Women's Day, which are fully supported by our Chief Executive and executive sponsors.

TWN has played a large role in developing our Kia Toipoto action plans, with discussions centred on their insights into the patterns of occupational grouping we observed and how we might address these.

They were pleased to see the progress we had made in this particular area, especially with regard to the delivery of a series of Career Development workshops for the business support cohort, with the aim of supporting participants to craft their personal brands, discover their strengths, and build their confidence to have targeted development conversations with their people leaders. This year they are keen that we explore opportunities to further mitigate bias in our systems and processes around career development, given that research shows that women and certain cultures are likely to be less confident in promoting their own skills and abilities.

Treasury Rainbow Network

The Treasury Rainbow Network (TRN) is our internal Rainbow Network that aims for a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ employees (including parents of and allies) to connect.

The discussions focused on how rainbow data is displayed in the report, what data is collected by the Treasury, and where improvements can be made, especially in alignment with the public sector's new Rainbow Four-Point Plan, the first step of which addresses visibility and data collection.

We also intend on working with the TRN to pilot Allyship training.

Treasury Pan-Asian Network

The Treasury Pan-Asian Network formed following last year's Kia Toipoto report, where a group of Asian employees came together to discuss the Asian employee experience, potential drivers behind the significant Asian pay gap and how to increase Asian representation in leadership. The Network's vision is to support an authentically positive and inclusive workplace where our Pan-Asian employees can thrive.

So far, the Network has undertaken significant work for the Treasury. This includes onboarding a senior leader sponsor and committee members, undertaking a member survey, participating in graduate and intern interviews, initiating the Accentuated Women of Colour leadership training pilot programme, contributing to the Talent Attraction Project, organising cultural events, mentoring within the network, and engaging with the People & Wellbeing team to support inclusiveness.

The data in this year's report indicates that while the Asian pay gap has improved, it persists. We will continue to work with our Pan-Asian Network and others to examine the drivers of this pay gap, review the levers we have pulled so far, and evaluate how we can work together continue to make a difference. We have signalled this in our refreshed action plan.

Neurodiversity Network

At the time of our engagement on our action plan, the Neurodiversity Network was still in the process of forming. Since then, however, they have successfully launched the network, recruited committee and general members, onboarded an executive sponsor, and published several educational articles to our intranet.

To support the network, members of our People & Wellbeing team have recently attended Unlocking Potential: Neurodivergence in the Workplace training. We have also consulted them on our draft Reasonable Accommodation policy, and we will continue to support and build the relationship with them as they grow the network.

Te Puna Aronui

Te Puna Aronui is a cross-organisation network of analysts with expertise in Te Ao Māori and Pacific perspectives. They host a fortnightly, informal hui with the purpose of providing advice on incorporating a Te Ao Māori view into our work. Anyone in the organisation can attend this hui to present their project and gain the perspectives of this group.

When we consulted Te Puna Aronui on our upcoming Kia Toipoto action plan, they recommended incorporating a greater focus on nurturing an inclusive environment grounded in the aspect of enhancing mana. Our recently refreshed Values and Behaviours includes ‘Enhancing Mana - Kia Whakamana', which has been included in our action plan.

They were keen to focus on attracting more Māori people into our organisation, acknowledging the Talent Attraction Project and some of the initiatives we've trialled as part of our internship recruitment process (eg, advertising in te reo Māori) are great first steps. They have suggested we continue to embed those activities and expand them for a wider audience.

Public Service Association

The Treasury is currently in bargaining with the PSA for a new collective agreement. We met with delegates as part of our wider employee-led network engagement, and gave a high-level overview, focused on building the relationship and providing them with a status update on the 2022/23 action plan. Going forward, we will continue to consult with the PSA via delegates on our Kia Toipoto report and action plans alongside the employee-led networks.

Inclusive workplace practices

Our people feel welcome, heard, valued, and respected

What we said we'd do…

How we did...

Focus groups with our people

We will co-facilitate focus group sessions with our Women's Network, to gain insights into our employees' perspectives.

We conducted focus group sessions with each of the employee-led network committee, our union (the PSA), and Te Puna Aronui. Their feedback is summarised in the “Feedback from our people” section (slides 37-43).

Reasonable Accommodation policy

We will develop a Reasonable Accommodation policy, with the aim of increasing our employee value proposition and providing a progressively more inclusive workplace culture.

We have referred to Te Kawa Mataaho and the Ministry of Social Development's guidance and consulted with others in the public sector to draft our version of a Reasonable Accommodation policy. We aim to consult our people on this policy and implement it as part of this action plan. 

Papa Pounamu principle:

Te whakawhanaungatanga / Building relationships

Ngā tūhononga e kōkiritia ana e ngā kaimahi / Employee-led networks

Leader-led Inclusion & Diversity

Take opportunities to continue incorporating Leader-led Inclusion & Diversity capability building options aligned to our leadership development framework and refreshed Values and Behaviours

What we said we'd do…

How we did...

Leadership development

We increasingly provide targeted development options for our Māori and Pacific employees.

Along with our existing leadership development opportunities, we also piloted the Accentuated Leadership programme for ethnically diverse women, initiated by our newly formed Pan-Asian Network. We have received positive feedback so far and have advertised for the next cohort. We also supported a participant's attendance on Te Kawa Mataaho's 2022 Emerging Māori Leader programme.

Education for hiring managers

We have identified an opportunity to strengthen our education for hiring managers, in relation to the starting salary calculator, and with a Recruitment 101 e-learning module, which would incorporate education on unconscious bias.

We have ensured that individual managers are trained prior to interviewing candidates. We continue to strengthen and promote our resources and educational materials. 

Papa Pounamu principle: Hautūtanga Ngākau Tuwhera / Inclusive leadership

Cultural capability

Strengthen our culture by building individual and organisational capability

What we said we'd do… How we did...

Pilot Mana Āki

We will pilot Mana Āki, the public service's cultural competence e-learning module, within an area of the organisation (yet to be determined).

We are near the completion of the pilots of Mana Āki, the public service's intercultural competence e-learning module with our Workforce Capability team and the Pan-Asian Network. We are gathering feedback to help us consider its wider application at Te Tai Ōhanga.

A note on our Whāinga Amorangi plan…

In our Kia Toipoto plan last year, we didn't include our Whāinga Amorangi goals. Besides continuing to deliver our training, offering new starter pōwhiri, and celebrating special events, (eg, Matariki & Te Wiki o Te Māori) further actions have been taken, such as:

  • holding a People Leader Forum at Waiwhetū Marae to strengthen our relationship with Mana Whenua
  • developing tools and resources to support uptake and understanding of He Ara Waiora as a policy tool
  • integrating a Te Ao Māori perspective in our Values and Behaviours mahi
  • developing the second Pacific Operating Model Module
  • conducting our second Māori capability survey
  • building the Māori capability of our senior leaders
  • a comprehensive update of our Puna Ako app

Papa Pounamu principle: Te āheinga ā-ahurea / Cultural competency

Inclusive talent approaches

To monitor our people processes to ensure they are fair, transparent, and equitable

What we said we'd do…

How we did...

Talent Attraction Project 

Our Talent team has initiated the Talent Attraction Project, to review and update our full suite of recruitment collateral - the aim includes improving our appeal to diverse talent. There are a number of facets to this project that it's anticipated will help us with addressing some areas in which there is gender and/or ethnic over or under-representation.

The Talent Attraction Project collateral has now been developed, and we will work towards incorporating this into our recruitment materials to uplift the attraction of a diverse pool of candidates, eg, our job ad templates.

School visits 

We will revamp our school visits programme to increase awareness of potential careers at the Treasury, for Māori, Pacific, and other ethnic groups.

Due to capacity constraints, the school visits action has been delayed until next year. It is noted as a priority in our Workforce plan and is now included in our 2023/24 action plan. We are looking at online options to ensure access to a broader range of schools.

Business support roles

In our business support cohort (eg, team administrators and executive assistants), which are typically lower-banded roles, women are over-represented. Through our collaboration with the Treasury Women's Network, we plan to address this by offering career development workshops for those in business support roles seeking career progression.

We delivered a series of Career Development workshops for our business support cohort, consisting of modules on how to build your personal brand, how to analyse your gaps, harness and promote your strengths, and how to have effective development conversations with your people leader. Feedback for these workshops was overwhelmingly positive.

Summer internship and graduate programmes

We develop our talent pipeline, by seeking gender and ethnic balance with our intern and graduate cohorts. We understand this may have a negative effect on our pay gaps by increasing representation of these groups in these early-in-workforce, lower-banded roles. It is, however, anticipated that this activity will support representation over time (ie, as people in these cohorts advance to more senior roles).

We have achieved gender balance and improved diversity in our current early-in-career cohorts, and our upcoming cohorts are on track to achieve this as well. We increased our number of Tupu Tai interns and advertised in te reo Māori to increase the attraction of Māori applicants to the intern programme.

Career progression for our analyst/advisor cohort

While there is a gender balance in our analyst/advisor cohort and the senior analyst/advisor sub-group, women make up only a quarter of the principal advisor sub-group. We plan to explore the possible reasons for this through our talent mapping.

There were initial improvements made to the process to ensure the criteria and eligibility requirements are clear and the potential bias is mitigated in our processes. We now have specific reporting on this cohort to governance and senior leadership.

Our data tells us we continue to have gender balance within our analyst/advisor and senior subgroups, and we have increased the percentage of women in principal roles from 26.85% (as at Sept 2021) to 39% (as at Sept 2023), which signals we've improved but there is still more to be done. We will continue to monitor the gender balance of this cohort.

Papa Pounamu principle: Te Urupare I te Mariu / Addressing Bias

Data-led monitoring and reporting

To enhance and improve the quality of our workforce data to support effective monitoring and progress reports

What we said we'd do… How we did...

Salaries for same or similar roles

We will embed the Te Kawa Mataaho guidance on salaries for the same or similar roles, and enhance our reporting on salaries/gender pay gap for our larger role groups.

We have implemented expanded gender and ethnic pay gap reporting to governance and senior leaders. Our data tells us that pay gaps for the same or similar roles remain negligible. We will continue to monitor our progress in this area.

Gender and ethnic representation

We have identified several areas of unbalanced representation, which is driving our pay gaps. We have selected gender and ethnicity areas of focus, to improve representation in certain areas as well as throughout the stages of the recruitment process.

We achieved our 40:40:20 gender balance target across our leadership levels, improved our ethnic diversity in bands 19 and above, and worked with our employee-led networks to increase the diversity on our interview panels. We will continue to monitor our progress in this area.


Improvements to data management

We have recently upgraded our ethnicity data capture, to allow employees to enter up to three ethnicities with which they identify. This has provided us with a clearer picture of our ethnic demographics. We aim to embed this new feature, and to remind employees to provide their ethnicity data via Kōrero Mai, our regular engagement survey, or directly through our online HR kiosk.

We improved our ethnicity data collection mechanisms, and are now able to report a more accurate reflection of our demographics.

Supports achievement of the five Papa Pounamu principles

Ngā mihi | Thank you