Estimates of appropriations

Vote Social Development - Estimates of Appropriations 2012/13 - Estimates 2012/2013

Formats and related files

Note 51

From the Estimates of Appropriations 2012/13 in Budget 2012, Vote Youth Development was merged into Vote Social Development.

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister for Disability Issues (M23), Minister of Health (M36), Minister of Revenue (M57), Minister for Social Development (M63), Minister of State Services (M66), Minister of Youth Affairs (M77)

ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Ministry of Social Development


Overview of the Vote#

The Minister for Social Development is responsible for the appropriations in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of over $489 million on Child Youth and Family related services including responding to and preventing child abuse and neglect, managing adoptions and youth justice services
  • a total of over $525 million on services to assist people into employment, and to assess and pay the appropriate entitlement of social assistance to beneficiaries, and to protect the integrity of the benefit system, including collection of debt
  • a total of nearly $57 million on specialised services, including services for students, seniors and administration of community services and SuperGold cards
  • a total of over $74 million on social policy advice and leadership and co-ordination services to support and strengthen families, communities and whanau
  • a total of nearly $6 million on planning, correspondence and monitoring
  • a total of over $363 million purchasing services from other organisations, the Children's Commissioner and the Families Commission
  • a total of over $171 million on a series of assistance programmes and debt write-downs
  • a total of $10,243 million on payments of New Zealand Superannuation
  • a total of $4,877 million on payments for the working age benefits - Domestic Purposes, Unemployment, Sickness, Invalid's and Widow's benefits
  • a total of $1,913 million on payments for assistance with expenses related to accommodation, disability, hardship and entering or remaining in the workforce
  • a total of $685 million on payments to assist people to obtain a qualification or youth to continue education/training or obtain work
  • a total of $341 million on other forms of financial assistance such as childcare, care of unsupported children, payments to Australia and special circumstances, and
  • a total of $148 million on advances of benefits and other recoverable payments to assist with hardship.

The Minister for Youth Affairs is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of nearly $3 million for the delivery of services and leadership to improve services for young people
  • a total of nearly $6 million to provide programmes and services to implement the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa, and
  • a total of nearly $900,000 to provide one-off partial funding to Territorial Authorities to respond to emerging needs of young people.

The Minister of Health is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of nearly $300,000 for administration by committed individuals of the delivery of social sector services for young people in selected locations, and
  • a total of over $1 million to fund delivery of social sector services for young people in selected locations where the delivery is led by a non-governmental organisation.

The Minister of Revenue is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of nearly $16 million for management of student loans, and
  • a total of $1,644 million on payments for student loans.

The Minister for Disability Issues is responsible for an appropriation in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of over $2 million on promoting positive outcomes for disabled people.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Social Development in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Social Development
  2011/12 2012/13
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses


Administration of Trialling New Approaches to Social Sector Change (M36)

This appropriation is limited to the administration by committed individuals of the delivery of social sector services for young people in specified locations.
- - 283

Adoption Services (M63)

The management of services, incorporating education, assessment, reporting, counselling, and mediation, to all people who are party to adoption-related matters, past or present.
7,222 7,222 7,142

Care and Protection Services (M63)

Social work services, both statutory and informal, that protect and assist children and young people who are in need of care and protection.
334,247 334,247 345,765

Collection of Balances Owed by Former Clients and Non-beneficiaries (M63)

Services to manage the collection of overpayments and recoverable assistance loans from former clients and other balances owed comprising of Student Allowance overpayments, Liable Parent Contributions, and court ordered Maintenance.
16,235 14,835 14,084

Development and Funding of Community Services (M63)

Management of Government funding of community-based social and welfare services.
8,127 8,127 8,227

Family and Community Services (M63)

Provision of leadership and co-ordination services to support and strengthen families and whanau; including providing information and advice that assists families, young people and communities and managing preventative social services programmes.
33,475 33,475 35,546

Income Support and Assistance to Seniors (M63)

This appropriation is limited to paying New Zealand Superannuation and social security entitlements (including administering related international social security agreements) and providing advice to help older people maintain independence and social participation; and administering international social security agreements relating to non-superannuitants; and assessing financial entitlement to residential Care Subsidies.
37,104 35,854 34,960

Management of Service Cards MCOA (M63)

7,076 7,076 6,681
Administration of Community Services Card
This output class is limited to assessing entitlement, issuing cards, and promoting and distributing information about the Community Services Card.
5,655 5,655 5,274
Management of SuperGold Card
This output class is limited to management of the SuperGold Card and the Veteran SuperGold Card comprising assessing entitlement for, and issuing cards, distributing information about the Card, enlisting business partners to provide discounts to cardholders, and promoting use of the Card and related discounts.
1,421 1,421 1,407

Management of Student Loans (M57)

This appropriation is limited to assessing and paying student loans to eligible tertiary students, and as part of managing this support, providing related guidance to students making financial and study decisions.
16,367 16,367 15,593

Management of Student Support, excluding Student Loans (M63)

This appropriation is limited to managing non-recoverable financial support to students, involving assessing and paying student allowances and other income support to eligible secondary and tertiary students.
16,394 16,094 15,998

Planning, Correspondence and Monitoring (M63)

This appropriation is limited to providing planning, reporting and monitoring, Crown entity and statutory appointment advice (other than policy decision-making advice) and correspondence services to support Ministers to discharge their portfolio responsibilities.
- - 5,554

Prevention Services (M63)

Education and advice services for the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and the promotion of the wellbeing of children, young people and their families.
4,400 4,400 4,045

Promoting Positive Outcomes for Disabled People (M23)

This appropriation is limited to providing services to promote and monitor the implementation of the New Zealand Disability Strategy, to monitor and implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and to provide information to Ministers on disability matters.
1,250 1,250 2,160

Services to Protect the Integrity of the Benefit System (M63)

Services to minimise errors, fraud and abuse of the benefit system.
36,331 36,331 35,316

Social Policy Advice MCOA (M63)

- - 30,550
Forecast, Modelling, Information Monitoring and Analysis
This output class is limited to providing forecast, modelling, information monitoring and analysis used to inform social policy development and to support government decision-making.
- - 6,450
Longitudinal Studies
This output class is limited to providing longitudinal studies to inform social policy development and to support decision-making by Ministers on government social policy matters.
- - 2,088
Policy Advice
This output class is limited to providing advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government social policy matters, including social sector issues.
- - 18,362
Research and Evaluation
This output class is limited to providing research and evaluation to inform the development of social policy advice and to support government decision-making.
- - 3,650

Tailored Sets of Services to Help People into Work or Achieve Independence (M63)

This appropriation is limited to delivering tailored sets of services to individuals to help them into sustainable employment, participate more fully in their community or achieve a greater level of social independence; and the management of related non-departmental output contracts. The composition of each set of services is determined by the individual's needs and selected from a mix of employment readiness training and support, employment placement, social support services, payment of income support and training support benefits, and referrals to other employment or social support providers.
425,994 425,794 421,057

Vocational Skills Training (M63)

This appropriation is limited to vocationally based skills training for working-age people through the Training Opportunities Programme.
54,515 54,515 54,635

Youth Development (M77)

This appropriation is limited to providing leadership and service delivery to promote the interests of, and improve outcomes for, young people.
- - 2,974

Youth Justice Services (M63)

Social work and other services to manage and resolve offending behaviour by children and young people, by providing assessment, support, programmes, containment and care of young offenders.
133,876 133,376 132,440

Policy Advice and Support to Ministers MCOA (M63)

37,645 36,395 -
Crown Entity Monitoring
This output class is limited to the purchase, appointment and monitoring advice for social development and employment Crown entities, and appointment advice for social development and employment statutory tribunals.
303 303 -
Social Policy Advice
This output class is limited to policy advice and servicing support comprising advice on cross-sectoral and long term social policy matters; advice on the design and operation of social development programmes and initiatives; the provision of information to, and discussion fora for, the public and other agencies on social policy issues; and ministerial servicing.
37,342 36,092 -

Property Management Centre of Expertise (M66)

This appropriation is limited to the operation of a Property Management Centre of Expertise, to provide guidance, support, and monitoring in respect of property management within the Public Sector.
400 400 -

Total Departmental Output Expenses

1,170,658 1,165,758 1,173,010

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Assistance to Disadvantaged Persons (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of resources and assistance to disadvantaged and disabled people in the community and comprises: distribution of talking books and articles for the blind; advocacy assistance to people seeking entitlements from government agencies; and supporting and promoting the development of more houses accessible by disabled and older people.
1,450 1,450 1,450

Children's Commissioner (M63)

Provision of services from the Children's Commissioner including the discharge of the Commissioner's duties under the Children's Commissioner Act 2003, monitoring and reporting on services delivered under the Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act, 1989, and the identification of aspects of law, policy and practice that might adversely affect children and the development and proposal of remedies.
2,157 2,157 2,157

Connected Communities (M63)

Funding of services that strengthen and support communities and community functioning, and which assist communities to support families in improving their family circumstances.
16,829 16,829 15,079

Counselling and Rehabilitation Services (M63)

Purchase of services, including family counselling and other post-crisis interventions that restore the wellbeing of children, young people and families who have suffered harm and abuse or other forms of family breakdown or youth justice issues.
17,813 17,813 17,829

Education and Prevention Services (M63)

Purchase of education and prevention programmes and initiatives that aim to provide skills to children, young people and families who are at risk of harm or abuse, which will help them reduce the risk of that abuse or harm.
8,678 8,678 8,706

Families Commission (M63)

Provision of services from the Families Commission to promote the wellbeing of a full range of New Zealand families and whanau through undertaking research and evidence gathering to build a transfer of knowledge to policymakers and purchasers and providers of services.
8,124 8,124 7,124

Family Wellbeing Services (M63)

Purchase of services that aim to improve the life outcomes for children, young people and families through support and development programmes, and programmes that will prevent any future harm or abuse.
71,909 71,909 78,476

Independent Advice on Government Priority Areas MCOA (M63)

520 520 538
Other Advice
This output class is limited to the procurement of other advice (including advice on operational matters; advice from expert parties that provide review services not available in-house; advice on matters where a review is necessary but cannot be undertaken due to a conflict of interest; and advice on procurement to ensure value for money) on government priority areas.
260 260 269
Policy Advice
This output class is limited to the provision of independent advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government priority areas.
260 260 269

Services for Young People (M77)

Provision of programmes and services to enable the implementation of the Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa at a regional and local level.
- - 5,554

Strengthening Providers and Communities (M63)

Purchase of services that contribute to strengthening the capacity and capability of providers to deliver strong and effective social services.
2,382 2,382 2,382

Strong Families (M63)

Purchase of services to improve outcomes for families and their members. These services aim to support vulnerable families with a focus on prevention and early intervention.
112,177 112,177 104,874

Student Placement Services (M63)

Provision of placement services for students for holiday and term employment.
3,512 3,512 3,512

Trialling New Approaches to Social Sector Change (M36)

This appropriation is limited to the delivery of social sector services for young people in specified locations and, in those locations where the delivery is led by non-governmental organisation, to the administration of that delivery.
- - 1,224

Vocational Services for People with Disabilities (M63)

Provision of vocational services for people with disabilities including community participation and employment services.
88,285 88,285 89,042

Youth Development Partnership Fund (M77)

Provision of one-off partial funding, to assist Territorial Authorities to respond to the emerging needs and opportunities for young people.
- - 889

Youth Support Services MCOA (M63)

- - 32,162
Support for Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment recipients
This output class is limited to the provision of support to Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment recipients, and other young people subject to obligations associated with these payments, to help them re-engage in education, training or work-based learning.
- - 12,742
Support to prevent disengaged young people from coming on to benefit at the age of 18
This output class is limited to the provision of support to young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) or are at risk of becoming NEET, to help them re-engage in education, training or work-based learning.
- - 19,420

Youth Transition Services (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of transition support, further training, education and employment activities for all school leavers aged 15 to 20 years.
12,657 12,657 -

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

346,493 346,493 370,998

Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses


Accommodation Assistance (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the Accommodation Supplement, Special Transfer Allowance, and Away From Home Allowance to persons to cover accommodation costs, paid in accordance with the criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964 and delegated legislation issued under that Act.
1,210,752 1,202,759 1,242,983

Benefits Paid in Australia (M63)

Reimbursement to the Australian Government for income support assistance provided to New Zealanders eligible under the 1994 Reciprocal Agreement, which was terminated for new entrants on 1 July 2002. From 1 July 2002 the Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Australia) Order 2002 came into force, with payments now reflecting pre-agreed amounts in Australian currency before adjusting for annual inflation.
37,373 37,372 21,986

Childcare Assistance (M63)

Provision of assistance for the costs of childcare that meets specific quality guidelines, where parents meet activity and income criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964 and delegated legislation issued under that Act.
197,680 189,114 191,081

Disability Assistance (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the Disability Allowance to persons with disability costs and the Child Disability Allowance to the caregivers of children with a serious disability, paid in accordance with the criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964 and delegated legislation issued under that Act.
403,727 402,592 365,589

Domestic Purposes Benefit (M63)

Provision of income support for sole parents, caregivers of sick or infirm people or women alone, whose domestic circumstances exclude them from fully participating in the labour force. Paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964.
1,826,355 1,818,271 1,819,655

Employment Related Training Assistance (M63)

Provision of assistance with costs of undertaking approved employment related training, which is paid in accordance with the criteria set out in delegated legislation under the Social Security Act 1964.
16,136 16,136 14,268

Family Start/NGO Awards (M63)

Payment of course fees for Family Start family/whanau and NGO workers pursuing social work qualifications.
705 705 705

Hardship Assistance (M63)

This appropriation is limited to Civil Defence payments, Funeral Grants, Live Organ Donors Assistance, Special Benefit, Special Needs Grants, Temporary Accommodation Assistance and Temporary Additional Support to provide means-tested temporary financial assistance to persons with emergency or essential costs, paid in accordance with the criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964 and delegated legislation issued under that Act.
274,623 266,432 282,877

Independent Youth Benefit (M63)

Provision of income support for people aged 16 or 17 years who are currently unemployed but actively seeking work, training for work, at school, or sick, injured or disabled, where it is inappropriate for them to obtain financial support from their parents. Paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964.
12,714 12,547 1,632

Invalid's Benefit (M63)

Provision of means-tested income support for people who are totally blind, or permanently and severely restricted in their capacity for work due to sickness, injury or disability. Paid in accordance with the criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964.
1,330,793 1,325,765 1,320,559

New Zealand Superannuation (M63)

Provision of an income for people who have reached the qualifying age of 65 years and fulfil the residency requirements, as provided for in the New Zealand Superannuation and Retirement Income Act 2001.
9,614,854 9,587,267 10,242,827

Orphan's/Unsupported Child's Benefit (M63)

Provision of income support for people charged with the responsibility for the care of a child whose parents are dead or cannot be located, or suffer a serious long-term disablement that renders them unable to care for the child, or where there has been a breakdown in the child's family. Paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964.
112,250 111,499 114,879

Sickness Benefit (M63)

Provision of means-tested income support for people who are not in full-time employment and are limited in their capacity for work, or who are in employment but working at a reduced level, because of sickness, injury, disability or pregnancy. Paid in accordance with the criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964.
778,214 773,846 781,488

Special Circumstance Assistance (M63)

This appropriation is limited to financial assistance to people in special circumstances and comprises the Clothing Allowance, and providing assistance for community costs, domestic violence and witness protection relocation, home help, social rehabilitation assistance, telephone costs paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964, and delegated legislation under that Act; and Civilian Amputees Assistance, paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975.
14,127 13,233 13,339

Student Allowances (M63)

This appropriation is limited to means-tested allowances for students on an approved study programme in accordance with the criteria established by the Student Allowance Regulations 1998; and payment of Student Allowance Transfer Grants to students with dependants in accordance with the criteria established by delegated legislation issued under the Social Security Act 1964.
659,216 649,278 601,582

Study Scholarships and Awards (M63)

This appropriation is limited to scholarships and awards to tertiary students awarded in accordance with Cabinet decisions; and Teach NZ Scholarships awarded in accordance with the Education Act 1989.
30,762 30,762 28,137

Transition to Work (M63)

Provision of payments to beneficiaries, low income earners, students and ex beneficiaries, who meet certain criteria, to assist in the transition from benefit to employment and the continuation of employment. Criteria are set out in relevant Welfare Programmes and Ministerial Directions pursuant to the Social Security Act 1964.
22,835 22,233 21,921

Unemployment Benefit and Emergency Benefit (M63)

Provision of means-tested assistance for people who are not in full-time employment and are available for and seeking full time employment, or engaged in approved activities. Also the provision of assistance to people who are in hardship and unable to earn enough income for themselves (and any dependent family) and cannot receive another benefit. Both forms of assistance are paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964 and delegated legislation issued under that Act.
897,544 887,653 880,592

Widow's Benefit (M63)

Provision of means-tested income support for women whose partners have died and who do not yet qualify for New Zealand Superannuation, but meet residency and other requirements. Paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964.
76,333 75,923 74,736

Youth Payment and Young Parent Payment (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of income support and incentive payments for people aged 16, 17 or 18 years who are currently unemployed but are in or available for full-time education, training or work-based learning and where it is inappropriate for them to obtain financial support from their parents, and 16, 17, 18 and 19 year old parents who are currently unemployed but are in or available for full-time education, training or work-based learning. Paid in accordance with criteria set out in the Social Security Act 1964 and delegated legislation issued under that Act.
- - 38,272

Total Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses

17,516,993 17,423,387 18,059,108

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Debt Write-downs (M63)

Provision for write-downs of Crown debt administered by the Ministry of Social Development due to debt write offs or debt provisions resulting from the need to value debt in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.
653,180 653,180 54,748

Employment Assistance (M63)

Provision of assistance to help address barriers faced by job seekers so they can become work ready, move into employment and stay in employment for longer periods of time. This employment assistance is governed by the Cabinet and Ministerial Guidelines for Employment and Training Assistance.
111,094 111,094 93,468

Mainstream Supported Employment Programme (M63)

This appropriation is limited to salary subsidies, training for participants, supervisors and placement specialists, and funding for other employment support provided by the Mainstream Supported Employment Programme.
3,546 3,546 3,546

Out of School Care Programmes (M63)

Provision of assistance to CYF approved OSCAR programmes to assist with the establishment and/or operating costs of OSCAR programmes.
19,153 19,153 18,853

Rena Grounding Employment Support (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of assistance to help ensure employees can stay in employment for longer periods of time, where those employees were in paid work immediately prior to the Rena grounding on 5 October 2011, and whose paid work has been adversely affected by the Rena grounding.
360 360 -

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

787,333 787,333 170,615

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Ministry of Social Development - Capital Expenditure PLA (M63)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Social Development, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
70,639 70,639 72,439

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

70,639 70,639 72,439

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Recoverable Assistance (M63)

Facility for low-income earners and beneficiaries to access means-tested assistance to enable them to meet essential and immediate needs, or costs in specific circumstances. Criteria are set out in relevant Welfare Programmes and Ministerial Directions pursuant to the Social Security Act 1964.
150,344 148,043 147,985

Student Loans (M57)

This appropriation is limited to loans to tertiary students undertaking studies at approved tertiary institutions in accordance with Cabinet decisions.
1,632,443 1,607,443 1,643,644

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

1,782,787 1,755,486 1,791,629

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

21,674,903 21,549,096 21,637,799

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Ministry of Social Development

Ministry of Social Development - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Social Development
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2011/12
Estimated Actual
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2012/13
Opening Balance 300,771 300,771  
Capital Injections - -  
Capital Withdrawals - (8,000) Capital repayment to partially fund Welfare Reform
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

300,771 292,771