Formats and related files
APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Speaker of the House of Representatives (M78)
Overview of the Vote#
The Speaker of the House of Representatives is responsible for annual appropriations in Vote Parliamentary Service for the 2017/18 financial year covering the following:
- a total of just over $60 million for purchasing administrative services and building operations from the Parliamentary Service
- a total of $425,000 for support to the Speaker's office including the 7th Appropriations Review Committee
- a total of just over $5 million for departmental capital expenditure
- a total of $22 million for payment of members' salaries and allowances
- a total over $3 million on members' communications for voice, data, standard office software, standard office products and stationery
- a total of just under $5 million on travel for members of Parliament and others
- a total of just under $3 million for payment of accommodation of members and travel of members' families
- a total of just over $1 million for the transitional costs arising from a General Election
- a total of just under $10 million for the Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy
- a total of just over $1 million on travel for qualifying former members of Parliament, and
- a total of $14 million for depreciation related to assets within the Parliamentary complex.
The Speaker is also responsible for the following multi-year appropriations that include the 2017/18 year:
- a total of just over $112 million for support to members of Parliament and their parties for the full term of the 51st Parliament
- a total of just over $125 million for support to members of Parliament and their parties for the full term of the 52nd Parliament, and
- a total of just under $16 million for multi-year capital investment for the parliamentary precinct.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-4.
Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#
Annual and Permanent Appropriations#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Support Services to the Speaker (M78)This appropriation is limited to the provision of services to support the Speaker of the House of Representatives. | 225 | 225 | 425 |
Total Departmental Output Expenses | 225 | 225 | 425 |
Departmental Capital Expenditure | |||
Parliamentary Service - Capital Expenditure PLA (M78)This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Parliamentary Service, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. | 5,234 | 5,234 | 5,111 |
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure | 5,234 | 5,234 | 5,111 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses | |||
Accommodation of Members and Travel of Members' Families PLA (M78)This appropriation is limited to accommodation services for members and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and travel services for family members of members of Parliament, of Ministers and during the immediate post-election period, of qualifying electoral candidates, as authorised by section 22(1) of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013. | 2,900 | 2,900 | 2,900 |
Depreciation Expense on Parliamentary Complex (M78)This appropriation is limited to the depreciation expense on the Parliamentary buildings, furniture, antiques and art collection, and the library collection. | 14,000 | 14,000 | 14,000 |
Members' Communications (M78)This appropriation is limited to members' and, during the immediate post election period, qualifying electoral candidates' and former members' communications (voice and data and standard office productivity software), and members' and, during the immediate post election period, qualifying electoral candidates' and former members' use of standard office products and stationery supplies as allowed under directions given by the Speaker. | 3,178 | 3,178 | 3,380 |
Members of the House of Representatives' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M78)This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred under section 8(4) of the Members of Parliament Remuneration and Salaries Act 2013 and incorporates salaries and allowances determined by the Remuneration Authority, payable to members of Parliament who are neither Ministers of the Crown nor Parliamentary Under-Secretaries. | 22,000 | 22,000 | 22,000 |
Transitional costs between Parliaments (M78)This appropriation is limited to transitional costs in relation to leaders' offices, whips' and members offices that are consequential on the result of the 2017 General Election as allowed under directions given by the Speaker. | - | - | 1,195 |
Travel of former MPs (M78)This appropriation is limited to travel expenses for qualifying former members, as specified in sections 39 - 40 of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013. | 1,300 | 1,300 | 1,300 |
Travel of Members and Others (M78)This appropriation is limited to domestic air, land and sea travel for members and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, and international travel services for members and qualifying spouses/partners, political exchange participants and officials as allowed under directions given by the Speaker. | 4,800 | 4,800 | 4,800 |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses | 48,178 | 48,178 | 49,575 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | |||
Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy (M78)This appropriation is limited to the implementation of the Future Accommodation Strategy at Parliament. | 1,400 | 1,400 | 9,900 |
Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | 1,400 | 1,400 | 9,900 |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure | |||
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCA (M78)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide administrative and support services to the House of Representatives and to members of Parliament, and making Parliament publicly accessible. | 58,656 | 58,656 | 60,395 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Building and Operations ManagementThis category is limited to the provision of building maintenance and operational services for the parliamentary precincts. | 27,793 | 27,793 | 28,731 |
Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology servicesThis category is limited to computing facilities, information sharing and telecommunication services and associated advisory services on the parliamentary network. | 16,420 | 16,420 | 17,456 |
Parliamentary LibraryThis category is limited to research, collections and information management services through the Parliamentary Library. | 5,223 | 5,223 | 4,916 |
Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary AgenciesThis category is limited to bureau accounting and payroll services for members and other parliamentary agencies and the setting, administering and delivery of members' entitlements. | 9,220 | 9,220 | 9,292 |
Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure | 58,656 | 58,656 | 60,395 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations | 113,693 | 113,693 | 125,406 |
Multi-Year Appropriations#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses | ||
Additional Support for Members (M78)This appropriation is limited to additional support for members where there is sensory or physical impairment beyond their control as authorised by the Speaker.Commences: 01 November 2014 Expires: 30 November 2017 | Original Appropriation | 900 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | (600) | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 300 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 146 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 79 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 75 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Additional Support for Members (M78)This appropriation is limited to additional support for members to address sensory or physical impairment or other events beyond their control, as authorised by the Speaker.Commences: 01 October 2017 Expires: 31 October 2020 | Original Appropriation | 900 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 900 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 225 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 675 | |
Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the ACT parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 1,349 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (365) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 2 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 986 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 486 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 410 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 90 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the ACT parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 1,116 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 1,116 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 289 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 827 | |
Party and Member Support - Green (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Green parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Parliamentary musterer's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 11,655 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (41) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 30 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 11,644 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 6,130 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 4,440 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 1,074 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - Green (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Green parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Musterer's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 12,773 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 12,773 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 3,282 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 9,491 | |
Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Labour parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 34,984 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | 377 | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 75 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 35,436 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 19,314 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 12,796 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 3,326 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Labour parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 38,973 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 38,973 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 10,004 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 28,969 | |
Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Maori parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 3,300 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (1,237) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 4 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 2,067 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 1,094 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 782 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 191 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Maori parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 2,307 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 2,307 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 595 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 1,712 | |
Party and Member Support - National (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the National parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations for the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker .For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 51,097 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (71) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 120 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 51,146 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 26,704 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 19,580 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 4,862 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - National (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the National parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 56,445 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 56,445 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 14,492 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 41,953 | |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the New Zealand First parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations for the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 6,563 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | 3,511 | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 19 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 10,093 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 4,953 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 4,289 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 851 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the New Zealand First parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 11,605 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 11,605 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 3,111 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 8,494 | |
Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the United Future parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations for the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker .For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 1,025 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (41) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 1 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 985 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 345 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 550 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 90 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - | |
Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the United Future parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 1,116 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 1,116 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 289 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 827 | |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | ||
Crown Asset Management (M78)This appropriation is limited to Minor Capital works within the Parliamentary Complex to carry out essential maintenance and minor capital improvements.Commences: 01 July 2016 Expires: 30 June 2020 | Original Appropriation | 17,012 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | (1,076) | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 15,936 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 5,392 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 6,578 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 3,966 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations | 113,693 | 113,693 | 125,406 |
Total MYA Non-Departmental Other Expenses Forecasts | 42,926 | 42,926 | 42,846 |
Total MYA Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure Forecasts | 5,392 | 5,392 | 6,578 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriation Forecasts | 162,011 | 162,011 | 174,830 |
Capital Injection Authorisations#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Parliamentary Service - Capital Injection (M78) | 4,400 | 4,400 | - |
Supporting Information#
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#
1.1 - New Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Appropriation | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Travel of Members and Others - Additional Support | Travel of Members and OthersNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | 250 | 250 | 250 | 250 |
Members' Communications - Additional Support | Members' CommunicationsNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | 575 | 575 | 575 | 575 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | Party and Member Support - National (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 489 | 652 | 652 | 163 |
Party and Member Support - NationalNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 489 | |
Party and Member Support - Labour (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 341 | 455 | 455 | 114 | |
Party and Member Support - LabourNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 341 | |
Party and Member Support - Green (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 98 | 131 | 131 | 33 | |
Party and Member Support - GreenNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 98 | |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 88 | 117 | 117 | 29 | |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand FirstNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 88 | |
Party and Member Support - Maori (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 18 | 24 | 24 | 6 | |
Party and Member Support - MaoriNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 18 | |
Party and Member Support - Act (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 7 | 9 | 9 | 2 | |
Party and Member Support - ActNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 7 | |
Party and Member Support - United Future (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 7 | 9 | 9 | 2 | |
Party and Member Support - United FutureNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 7 | |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | Party and Member Support - National (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 910 | 700 | 533 | 483 |
Party and Member Support - NationalNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 626 | |
Party and Member Support - Labour (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 813 | 625 | 476 | 431 | |
Party and Member Support - LabourNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 558 | |
Party and Member Support - Green (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 277 | 213 | 162 | 147 | |
Party and Member Support - GreenNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 191 | |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 723 | 556 | 424 | 384 | |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand FirstNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 498 | |
Party and Member Support - Maori (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 62 | 48 | 36 | 33 | |
Party and Member Support - MaoriNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 43 | |
Party and Member Support - Act (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 37 | 29 | 22 | 20 | |
Party and Member Support - ActNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 26 | |
Party and Member Support - United Future (MYA)Non-Departmental Other Expense | - | 37 | 29 | 22 | 20 | |
Party and Member Support - United FutureNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | - | - | - | 26 | |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCABuilding and Operations ManagementDepartmental Output Expense | - | 796 | 130 | 130 | 130 | |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCAParliamentary Information Communications and Technology ServicesDepartmental Output Expense | - | 59 | 58 | 59 | 58 | |
Parliamentary Transition Arising from a General Election | Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCABuilding and Operations ManagementDepartmental Output Expense | - | 192 | - | - | 192 |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCAPersonnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary AgenciesDepartmental Output Expense | - | 1,155 | - | - | 1,155 | |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCAParliamentary Information Communications and Technology ServicesDepartmental Output Expense | - | 405 | - | - | 405 | |
Transitional costs between ParliamentsNon-Departmental Other Expense | - | 1,195 | - | - | 1,195 | |
Parliamentary Service - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCAParliamentary Information Communications and Technology ServicesDepartmental Output Expense | - | 830 | 1,405 | 1,501 | 1,501 |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCAParliamentary LibraryDepartmental Output Expense | - | 523 | 733 | 926 | 926 | |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCABuilding and Operations ManagementDepartmental Output Expense | - | 1,220 | 1,711 | 2,159 | 2,159 | |
Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCAPersonnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary AgenciesDepartmental Output Expense | - | 671 | 940 | 1,187 | 1,187 | |
Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy | Parliamentary Accommodation StrategyNon-Departmental Capital Expense | 1,400 | 9,900 | - | - | - |
Total New Policy Initiatives | 1,400 | 21,678 | 9,399 | 9,859 | 14,616 |
1.2 - Trends in the Vote#
Summary of Financial Activity#
2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 | 2015/16 | 2016/17 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | ||||
Actual $000 | Actual $000 | Actual $000 | Actual $000 | Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Departmental Transactions Budget $000 | Non- Departmental Transactions Budget $000 | Total Budget $000 | Estimated $000 | Estimated $000 | Estimated $000 | |
Appropriations | ||||||||||||
Output Expenses | 18,822 | 19,021 | 7,264 | 350 | 225 | 225 | 425 | - | 425 | 225 | 225 | 425 |
Benefits or Related Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Borrowing Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Expenses | 56,505 | 58,333 | 68,667 | 80,282 | 91,104 | 91,104 | - | 92,421 | 92,421 | 89,447 | 88,922 | 91,928 |
Capital Expenditure | 7,476 | 9,231 | 10,424 | 12,161 | 12,026 | 12,026 | 5,111 | 16,478 | 21,589 | 5,164 | 6,994 | 5,859 |
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA) | ||||||||||||
Output Expenses | 49,329 | 52,256 | 55,633 | 56,050 | 58,656 | 58,656 | 60,395 | - | 60,395 | 59,696 | 60,531 | 62,082 |
Other Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Appropriations | 132,132 | 138,841 | 141,988 | 148,843 | 162,011 | 162,011 | 65,931 | 108,899 | 174,830 | 154,532 | 156,672 | 160,294 |
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts | ||||||||||||
Tax Revenue | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Non-Tax Revenue | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Capital Receipts | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Note - where restructuring of the vote has occurred then, to the extent practicable, prior years information has been restated as if the restructuring had occurred before the beginning of the period covered. In this instance Total Appropriations for the Budgeted and Estimated Actual year may not equal Total Appropriations in the Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections.
Adjustments to the Summary of Financial Activity Table Due to Vote Restructuring#
There have been no restructuring adjustments to prior year information in the Summary of Financial Activity table.
1.3 - Analysis of Significant Trends#
Output Expenses have reduced from 2014/15 onwards, as the Services to Members appropriation was phased out from Departmental to Non-Departmental Other Expenses. The Output Expenses now only includes Support Services to the Speaker.
There has been an increase in Other Expenses from 2014/15 onwards, primarily due to the Services to Members appropriation which has moved from Departmental to Non-Departmental.
Operations, Informations and Advisory Service (MCA) has increased in 2017/18 due to:
- increase in the Service's capability and capacity
- transitional costs for the 2017 General Election, and
- departmental costs resulting from the 6th Appropriations Review Committee's recommendations for out-of-Parliament office security, furniture and IST support.
Capital Expenditure is higher in 2016/17 and 2017/18 due to a number of significant projects for Crown buildings including the debating chamber sound system, Executive Wing (Beehive) ground floor refurbishment for the new visitors entrance, Parliamentary Library chiller replacement and the Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy.
Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#
2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses#
Support Services to the Speaker (M78)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 225 | 225 | 425 |
Revenue from the Crown | 225 | 225 | 425 |
Revenue from Others | - | - | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the running of Speaker's office as well as providing external triennial reviews of the appropriations supporting Parliament.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual | Budget Standard |
The Speaker is satisfied with the provision of resources and services to his office (see Note 1) | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Note 1 - Customer satisfaction of at least 4 on a scale of 1-5 in the annual Speaker's satisfaction survey, a 1 being 'Not satisfied at all' and 5 being 'Very satisfied'.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Parliamentary Service in the Annual Report to be presented to the House.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2017/18 is due to a fiscally neutral adjustment from Operations, Information and Advisory Services multi-category appropriation for costs associated with the triennial Appropriations Review Committee.
2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections#
Parliamentary Service - Capital Expenditure PLA (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation
Capital Expenditure
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Forests/Agricultural | - | - | - |
Land | - | - | - |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 1,069 | 1,069 | 1,756 |
Intangibles | 4,165 | 4,165 | 3,355 |
Other | - | - | - |
Total Appropriation | 5,234 | 5,234 | 5,111 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the replacement of life-expired assets and purchase or development of assets in support of the delivery of Parliamentary Service's outcomes.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
Expenditure is in accordance with the Parliamentary Service's capital asset programme.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Parliamentary Service in the Annual Report to be presented to the House.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The Service revised its capital spend profile based on its capital plan for 2016/17. For 2017/18 it is proposing to spend its allocated capital appropriation.
Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets
Parliamentary Service
Details of Net Asset Schedule | 2016/17 Estimated Actual $000 | 2017/18 Projected $000 | Explanation of Projected Movements in 2017/18 |
Opening Balance | 26,156 | 30,556 | |
Capital Injections | 4,400 | - | Transfer of Parliamentary Library reference collection. |
Capital Withdrawals | - | - | |
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) | - | - | |
Other Movements | - | - | |
Closing Balance | 30,556 | 30,556 |
Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#
3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#
Accommodation of Members and Travel of Members' Families PLA (M78)
Scope of Appropriation
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 2,900 | 2,900 | 2,900 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the supply of accommodation of Members and travel of Members' families.
End of Year Performance Reporting
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Finance Act (PFA), as it is solely limited to payments for accommodation services. Performance information relating to administration of these payments is provided under the MCA Category Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies. Additional information will be disclosed on a quarterly basis under s.30 of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013.
Additional Support for Members (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Additional Support for Members (M78)This appropriation is limited to additional support for members where there is sensory or physical impairment beyond their control as authorised by the Speaker.Commences: 01 November 2014 Expires: 30 November 2017 | Original Appropriation | 900 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | (600) | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 300 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 146 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 79 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 75 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for members for matters that are outside their control relating to sensory or physical impairment.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative as it is solely for the additional support of Members of Parliament where there's sensory or physical impairment that is beyond the members control. Performance information relating to administration of these payments is provided under the MCA category Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Additional Support for Members | 2014/15 | 300 | 75 | - | - | - |
Additional Support for Members (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Additional Support for Members (M78)This appropriation is limited to additional support for members to address sensory or physical impairment or other events beyond their control, as authorised by the Speaker.Commences: 01 October 2017 Expires: 31 October 2020 | Original Appropriation | 900 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 900 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 225 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 675 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for members for matters that are outside their control relating to sensory or physical impairment or other events beyond their control.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative as it is solely for the additional support of Members of Parliament where there is sensory or physical impairment that is beyond the members control. Performance information relating to administration of these payments is provided under MCA category Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Depreciation Expense on Parliamentary Complex (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 14,000 | 14,000 | 14,000 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve the decrease in value of assets relating to furniture, library, art and antiques associated to the Parliamentary buildings.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the depreciation of Crown assets. Performance information relating the administration of this payment is provided under the MCA category Building and Operations Management.
Members' Communications (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 3,178 | 3,178 | 3,380 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve communication costs solely for members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for members' communication costs. Performance information relating to administration of the payment is provided under the MCA category Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology Services.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Members' Communications - Additional Support | 2017/18 | - | 575 | 575 | 575 | 575 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
The increase in this appropriation for 2017/18 is mainly due to higher the Members' Communications - Additional Support budget initiative offset with a fiscally neutral transfer that impacted 2016/17 only.
Members of the House of Representatives' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 22,000 | 22,000 | 22,000 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve payments of salaries and allowances as determined by the Remuneration Authority solely for members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for payments of salaries and allowances. Performance information relating to administration of the payments is provided under the MCA category Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies.
Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the ACT parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 1,349 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (365) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 2 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 986 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 486 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 410 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 90 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the ACT Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the ACT Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Party and Member Support | 2014/15 | 18 | 18 | - | - | - |
Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the ACT parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 1,116 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 1,116 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 289 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 827 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the ACT Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the ACT Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Members Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 7 | 9 | 9 | 2 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 37 | 29 | 22 | 20 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Party and Member Support - Green (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - Green (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Green parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Parliamentary musterer's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 11,655 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (41) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 30 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 11,644 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 6,130 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 4,440 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 1,074 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the Green Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the Green Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Party and Member Support | 2014/15 | 249 | 249 | - | - | - |
Party and Member Support - Green (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - Green (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Green parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Musterer's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 12,773 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 12,773 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 3,282 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 9,491 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the Green Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the Green Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 98 | 131 | 131 | 33 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 277 | 213 | 162 | 147 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Labour parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 34,984 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | 377 | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 75 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 35,436 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 19,314 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 12,796 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 3,326 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the Labour Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the Labour Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Party and Member Support | 2014/15 | 834 | 834 | - | - | - |
Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Labour parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 38,973 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 38,973 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 10,004 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 28,969 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the Labour Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the Labour Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 341 | 455 | 455 | 114 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 813 | 625 | 476 | 431 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Maori parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 51st Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 3,300 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (1,237) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 4 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 2,067 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 1,094 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 782 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 191 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the Maori Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the Maori Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Party and Member Support | 2014/15 | 80 | 80 | - | - | - |
Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the Maori parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Co-Leaders' office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 2,307 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 2,307 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 595 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 1,712 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the Maori Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the Maori Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 18 | 24 | 24 | 6 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 62 | 48 | 36 | 33 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Party and Member Support - National (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - National (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the National parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations for the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker .For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 51,097 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (71) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 120 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 51,146 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 26,704 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 19,580 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 4,862 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the National Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the National Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Party and Member Support | 2014/15 | 1,257 | 1,257 | - | - | - |
Party and Member Support - National (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - National (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the National parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 56,445 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 56,445 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 14,492 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 41,953 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the National Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the National Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 489 | 652 | 652 | 163 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 910 | 700 | 533 | 483 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the New Zealand First parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations for the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 6,563 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | 3,511 | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 19 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 10,093 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 4,953 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 4,289 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 851 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the New Zealand First Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the New Zealand First Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Party and Member Support | 2014/15 | 143 | 143 | - | - | - |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the New Zealand First parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 11,605 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 11,605 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 3,111 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 8,494 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the New Zealand First Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the New Zealand First Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 88 | 117 | 117 | 29 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 723 | 556 | 424 | 384 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Purpose of the Estimates of Appropriations#
The Estimates of Appropriations (the Estimates) provides members of Parliament with:
- Details of the terms of all proposed appropriations and of capital injections to departments and Offices of Parliament.
- Supporting information providing for each appropriation or category of a multi-category appropriation:
- a concise explanation of what is intended to be achieved, and
- (unless an appropriation has been exempted from end-of-year performance reporting)
- a concise explanation of how performance will be assessed
- who will report on what was achieved with the appropriation, and
- in what document that report will be presented to the House of Representatives.
The information ensures that Parliament can exercise an appropriate level of scrutiny and control over the Government's operating and investing activities and provides a basis against which Parliament can, after the end of the financial year, assess actual performance against each appropriation (or category of a multi-category appropriation).
The 10 sector volumes of the Estimates are presented to the House of Representatives on the same day as the Government introduces the main Appropriation Bill for each financial year.
How the Estimates of Appropriations are Organised#
The Estimates of Appropriations is organised into 10 volumes (B.5 Vols 1-10) by sector, each of which covers one or more Votes. The scope of each sector and the allocation of Votes to a sector reflect a balancing of three desired characteristics - namely that each volume should, as far as possible:
- reflect natural sectors
- keep together Votes administered by the same department, and
- keep together Votes allocated to a particular select committee of the House of Representatives for examination.
The number of sectors and coverage of each sector was set initially in consultation with the Finance and Expenditure Committee.
The number of Votes has increased from 44 in the 2016/17 Estimates of Appropriations to 46 for 2017/18 as:
- Vote Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki was created on 1 April 2017 (and included in the 2016/17 Supplementary Estimates) consequent on the establishment of the Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki
- Vote Social Housing has been created by transferring relevant appropriations from Vote Social Development and Vote Building and Housing.
The table below shows the Votes in each sector and which department (or Office of Parliament) administers each Vote.
Votes in Each Sector#
Votes by Sector | Department Administering Vote(s) |
Economic Development and Infrastructure Sector - B.5 Vol.1 | |
Vote Business, Science and Innovation | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment |
Vote Labour Market | |
Vote Transport | Ministry of Transport |
Education Sector - B.5 Vol.2 | |
Vote Education | Ministry of Education |
Vote Tertiary Education | |
Vote Education Review Office | Education Review Office |
Environment Sector - B.5 Vol.3 | |
Vote Environment | Ministry for the Environment |
Vote Conservation | Department of Conservation |
Vote Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment | Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment |
External Sector - B.5 Vol.4 | |
Vote Foreign Affairs and Trade | Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade |
Vote Official Development Assistance | |
Vote Defence | Ministry of Defence |
Vote Defence Force | New Zealand Defence Force |
Vote Customs | New Zealand Customs Service |
Finance and Government Administration Sector - B.5 Vol.5 | |
Vote Prime Minister and Cabinet | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet |
Vote Communications Security and Intelligence | Government Communications Security Bureau |
Vote Security Intelligence | New Zealand Security Intelligence Service |
Vote State Services | State Services Commission |
Vote Finance | The Treasury |
Vote Revenue | Inland Revenue Department |
Vote Office of the Clerk | Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives |
Vote Parliamentary Service | Parliamentary Service |
Vote Audit | Controller and Auditor-General |
Vote Ombudsmen | Office of the Ombudsman |
Health Sector - B.5 Vol.6 | |
Vote Health | Ministry of Health |
Justice Sector - B.5 Vol.7 | |
Vote Justice | Ministry of Justice |
Vote Courts | |
Vote Corrections | Department of Corrections |
Vote Police | New Zealand Police |
Vote Serious Fraud | Serious Fraud Office |
Vote Attorney-General | Crown Law Office |
Vote Parliamentary Counsel | Parliamentary Counsel Office |
Māori, Other Populations and Cultural Sector - B.5 Vol.8 | |
Vote Māori Development | Te Puni Kōkiri |
Vote Treaty Negotiations | Ministry of Justice |
Vote Pacific Peoples | Ministry for Pacific Peoples |
Vote Women | Ministry for Women |
Vote Statistics | Statistics New Zealand |
Vote Internal Affairs | Department of Internal Affairs |
Vote Arts, Culture and Heritage | Ministry for Culture and Heritage |
Vote Sport and Recreation | |
Primary Sector - B.5 Vol.9 | |
Vote Primary Industries and Food Safety | Ministry for Primary Industries |
Vote Lands | Land Information New Zealand |
Social Development and Housing Sector - B.5 Vol.10 | |
Vote Social Development | Ministry of Social Development |
Vote Social Housing | |
Vote Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki | Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki |
Vote Building and Housing | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment |
Purpose and Nature of Appropriations#
An appropriation is a statutory authority from Parliament allowing the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure.
Neither the Crown nor an Office of Parliament can legally incur any expense or capital expenditure - as those terms are defined in the Public Finance Act 1989 (PFA) - unless it is expressly authorised by or under an Act of Parliament.
Limits Created by Appropriations#
Each appropriation is allocated to, and managed as, one of seven types of appropriation.
Each appropriation has a defined scope that limits the uses or activities for which the expenses or capital expenditure can be incurred. The scope should be sufficient on its own to establish the nature and extent of the authority to incur expenses or capital expenditure. The wording of the appropriation scope should achieve the balance between being sufficiently precise to act as an effective constraint against non-authorised activities and not so specific that it inadvertently limits activity intended to be authorised.
Except in a very limited number of cases (eg, permanent appropriations or revenue dependent appropriations) an appropriation also limits the amount of expenses or capital expenditure that can be incurred, and the time period within which those expenses or capital expenditure can be incurred.
Aside from the very limited exclusions provided for in the PFA, the amount of expense or capital expenditure authorised by an appropriation is measured in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.
Responsibility for Appropriations#
The PFA requires each appropriation to be the responsibility of one Minister (or the Speaker) and to be administered by one department (or an Office of Parliament).
A Vote is a group of appropriations (and can be a single appropriation) administered by a single department or Office of Parliament. Different appropriations within a Vote may be the responsibility of different Ministers.
Types of Appropriation#
The PFA provides for seven types of appropriation. Four appropriation types authorise the incurring of expenses; one type authorises the incurring of capital expenditure; and the remaining types authorise both. These appropriation types can be further differentiated by whether the expenses or capital expenditure are departmental or non-departmental transactions.
Appropriation Type | Transaction Status | Description |
Output Expenses | Departmental | Authorises expenses to be incurred by a department or an Office of Parliament in supplying a specified category of outputs (goods and services). |
Non-Departmental | Authorises expenses to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) in purchasing a specified category of outputs (goods and services) from Crown entities or other third parties. | |
Benefits or Related Expenses | Non-Departmental |
Authorises expenses to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) in transferring resources (generally to individuals for their personal benefit) for which the Crown receives nothing directly in return. Examples include Jobseeker Support and Emergency Benefit, Student Allowances and various scholarships and awards. |
Borrowing Expenses | Departmental |
Authorises the incurring of interest or other financing expenses for loans made to a department or an Office of Parliament, or public securities (undertakings that represent part of the public debt) issued by a department or an Office of Parliament. In practice, limitations on the rights of departments to borrow or issue securities and limitations on how Offices of Parliament can be funded mean that this type of appropriation is unlikely to be used. |
Non-Departmental |
Authorises the incurring of interest or other financing expenses for loans made to the Crown (excluding departments), or public securities (undertakings that represent part of the public debt) issued by the Crown. Crown debt management is centralised, which means that most debt-servicing expenses appear in Vote Finance. |
Other Expenses | Departmental |
Authorises expenses to be incurred by a department or an Office of Parliament that are not either output expenses or borrowing expenses. Other expenses should be used only for events that cannot be related back to output production, such as redundancy costs arising from a government decision to cease purchasing certain types of outputs, or a loss on sale of assets made surplus by departmental restructuring. |
Non-Departmental |
Authorises expenses to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) that are not structured or managed as output expenses, benefits or related expenses, or borrowing expenses. Other expenses is the residual appropriation type, which should not be used where an appropriation could be better classified or managed as one of the other appropriation types (eg, as output expenses). Examples include disposal of an asset for less than market value, grants to community organisations, subscriptions for membership of international bodies and remuneration of independent statutory officers. |
Capital expenditure | Departmental | Authorises capital expenditure to be incurred by a department or an Office of Parliament to acquire or develop assets for the use of the department. |
Non-Departmental | Authorises capital expenditure to be incurred by the Crown (excluding departments) to acquire or develop Crown assets, including the purchase of equity, or making a loan to a person or organisation that is not a department. | |
Expenses or Capital expenditure Incurred by an Intelligence and Security Department | Departmental | Authorises both expenses and capital expenditure to be incurred by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service or the Government Communications Security Bureau. |
Multi-Category Appropriations | Departmental or Non-Departmental |
Allows separate categories of departmental output expenses, non-departmental output expenses, departmental other expenses, non-departmental other expenses, or non-departmental capital expenditure to be grouped together in one appropriation provided all the categories contribute to a single overarching purpose. |
Types of Output Expense Appropriations#
Some variation is possible for output expense appropriations. For example, the constraint on the amount of expense that can be incurred is not always a fixed sum.
Output Expense Appropriations Type and Authority | Description, Constraints on Form and Typical Application |
Standard Output Expense Appropriations (section 7A(1)(a), Public Finance Act 1989) |
Departmental or non-departmental: Authorise a department or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses in supplying a specified category of outputs (goods and services), or the Crown (excluding departments) to incur expenses to purchase a specified category of outputs. Annual or multi-year: The authority lapses at the end of the financial year or multi-year period specified. Single category of output expenses only: The scope is limited to a single category of outputs (a grouping of similar or related outputs). Amount limited by Appropriation Act: The amount of a standard output expense appropriation is limited to a set amount of New Zealand dollars specified in an Appropriation Act. Typical application: The normal or default form for an output expense appropriation, used for a wide range of outputs for which the flexibility offered by a multi-category appropriation is not required. |
Revenue-Dependent Appropriations (RDA) (section 21(1), Public Finance Act 1989) |
Departmental only: Authorises a department or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses in supplying a specified category of outputs (goods and services) that are not paid for directly by the Crown. A proposed RDA must be approved by the Minister of Finance, before it is presented in the Estimates. Each category of outputs for which an RDA is approved is listed in an Appropriation Act for the relevant financial year. Annual only: The authority lapses at the end of the financial year specified. Single category of output expenses only: The scope of an RDA is limited to a single category of outputs (a grouping of similar or related outputs). Amount limited by amount of revenue earned: The amount of an RDA is limited tothe amount of revenue earned by a department or an Office of Parliament from other departments or from parties other than the Crown during a financial year. The Minister of Finance can further direct a department to incur expenses to a level lower than the amount of revenue earned, though such directions have been rare. Typical application: An RDA provides flexibility to respond to unanticipated changes in the level of external demand for a category of outputs, where the full cost of the outputs is met by external parties and not the Crown. |
Appropriation Period#
Three kinds of appropriation can be distinguished on the basis of period - annual and multi-year (as referred to in the above table on types of output expense appropriations), and permanent:
- Annual Appropriations - Most appropriations allow expenses or capital expenditure to be incurred only during a particular financial year. The amounts for RDAs are forecasts only.
- Multi-Year Appropriations (MYAs) - The PFA also permits appropriations that allow expenses or capital expenditure to be incurred during a specified period that spans the whole or parts of more than one financial year, but no more than five financial years.
- Permanent Appropriations (sometimes referred to as permanent legislative authorities or PLAs) -Permanent appropriations are authorised by legislation other than an Appropriation Act and continue in effect until revoked by Parliament. Generally the authorising legislation will impose limits on the scope of the appropriation and not its amount. For those appropriations with limits set in cash terms, section 11(2) of the Public Finance Act 1989 requires that they be reported on an accrual basis. The usual legislative wording allows for expenses to be incurred for the purpose specified in the legislation “without further appropriation than this section”. The scope of a permanent appropriation will reference the relevant section of the authorising legislation.
Types of Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts#
An operating and capital split also applies to Crown revenue and receipts. The following table outlines the three Crown revenue/receipt types:
Crown Revenue Type | Transaction Status | Description |
Tax Revenue | Non-Departmental | Tax payable to the Crown, such as Income Tax, GST and Fringe Benefit Tax. |
Non-Tax Revenue | Non-Departmental | Revenue earned by the Crown from its investing and other operating activities. Examples include interest income, capital charges and dividends from State-owned enterprises. |
Capital Receipts | Non-Departmental |
Capital received by the Crown:
Capital Injections and Movements in Net Assets#
A capital injection is an investment by the Crown in a department (or an Office of Parliament), which increases the department's net asset balance. Section 12A of the PFA requires capital injections to departments or an Office of Parliament to be authorised under an Appropriation Act.
Further information on capital injections and other movements in a department's net asset balance appears in the Estimates in a Vote that has appropriations belonging to a department's responsible Minister. The movements reconcile a department's opening and closing net asset balances. This makes it easier to see the balance sheet flows.
Movement Type | Description |
Capital injections | Investment by the Crown in a department, which increases the department's closing net asset balance. |
Capital withdrawals | Returns of capital by a department to the Crown, which reduce the department's closing net asset balance. |
Surplus to be retained/(deficit incurred) | The net surplus forecast to be retained by a department from its operations for a financial year in accordance with section 22(1) of the PFA, or the forecast deficit for the department. A surplus or deficit will, respectively, increase or decrease the department's closing net asset balance. |
Other movements | This section is for any other movements that will affect the department's net asset balance. For example movements in asset revaluation reserves. |
Guide to Reading the Estimates of Appropriations#
After the introduction in each sector volume, the following information is provided, where applicable, for each Vote within the sector.
Title page | The title page specifies the appropriation Minister(s) responsible for existing and proposed appropriations in the Vote, the appropriation administrator, and the responsible Minister for the department. |
Overview | A plain-language overview of the focus of the appropriations in the Vote. |
Details of each appropriation and capital injection |
One or more tables containing information on each appropriation in a Vote: Annual and Permanent Appropriations - The title, scope, and amount of each annual and permanent appropriation, the title and single overarching purpose of each multi-category appropriation and the title, scope and forecast amount of each category within a multi-category appropriation.
Multi-Year Appropriations - The type, title, scope and amount of each MYA , including any adjustments since originally appropriated, amounts incurred or estimated for particular years, and the estimated remaining balance. Total Annual, Permanent and Multi-Year Appropriations - The Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations and MYA forecasts by appropriation type. This table summarises total appropriations, or forecasts for MYAs for the Vote. Capital Injection Authorisations - The name of the department seeking the additional capital.
Supporting information |
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole |
Part 1.1 New Policy initiatives - A table showing how new initiatives (if any) and the associated expenses or capital expenditure are allocated to appropriations in the Vote. References are included where appropriations in other Votes are affected by the same initiative. Part 1.2 Trends in the Vote- A presentation of the actual and estimated trends in the Vote. Summary of Financial Activity - A table showing financial information for the Vote over the preceding five years (actual, budgeted or estimated actual), the current year (Budget) and the following three years (estimated) for each type of appropriation and Crown revenue and capital receipts. Where Votes have been combined or separated, appropriations have been moved into/out of a Vote, or where categories of expenses or capital expenditure have been moved into/out of a multi-category appropriation, to the extent practicable the information in the table is restated as if these adjustments had occurred before the beginning of the period covered by the table. Adjustments to the Summary of Financial Activity - A table showing any restated adjustments made to the preceding five years of the Summary of Financial Activity table. Where no restatement has occurred, a statement to this effect is inserted under this sub-heading. Part 1.3 Analysis of Significant Trends - High-level analysis of appropriations and Crown revenue and capital receipts by type over the nine financial years covered by the Summary of Financial Activity table, explanations of significant changes and may also contain graphical presentations. Part 1.4 Reconciliation of Changes in Appropriation Structure - A table providing a reconciliation and explanation of any changes in the structure or classification of appropriations (and categories within MCAs) made in the Budget year to facilitate traceability of expenditure between financial years. Part 1.5 Relationship between individual Appropriations and the Work Programme - An optional table to be used when the relationship between individual Appropriations and the Work Programmeis not readily apparent from the information provided elsewhere in the supporting information. |
Guide to Reading the Estimates of Appropriations (continued)#
Parts 2-4 Information Provided for each Appropriation or Capital Injection (where applicable) |
Part 2- Departmental Appropriations | Part 3 - Non-Departmental Appropriations |
Part 4 - MCAs | ||||||
Part 2.1 Output Expenses |
Part 2.2 Other Expenses* |
Part 2.3 Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections** |
Part 3.1 Output Expenses |
Part 3.2 Benefits or Related Expenses |
Part 3.3 Borrowing Expenses |
Part 3.4 Other Expenses |
Part 3.5 Capital Expenditure |
Part 4 Expenses and Capital Expenditure |
Title of the appropriation. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
The scope of the appropriation. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | N/A |
The single overarching purpose statement for an MCA. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ✓ |
The scope of each category in a multi-category appropriation. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ✓ |
A table showing the budgeted amount and estimated actual expenditure for the previous financial year, and the budgeted amount for the appropriation for the current financial year. | ✓ and revenue sources | ✓ | ✓ for capital expenditure |
✓ |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Components of the appropriation or category (where applicable). This information, while not required by the PFA, allows for more meaningful information to be provided where the expense is more than $50 million. | ✓ | N/A | N/A |
✓ |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Comparators for restructured appropriations or categories (where applicable). | ✓ | ✓ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
What is intended to be achieved with each appropriation. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
How performance will be assessed for each appropriation (or a statement of why the appropriation has been exempted from this requirement). | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
✓ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
What is intended to be achieved with each category of an MCA, and (if not exempted from reporting) how performance will be assessed. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ✓ |
Which appropriation Minister or agency will report at the end-of-year on the performance of the appropriation (if not exempted from reporting) and the name of the document in which the information will be presented to the House. | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
✓ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Service providers table (or text if there is only one service provider), which identifies the main service providers for each non-departmental output expense and non-departmental other expense appropriations. | N/A | N/A | N/A |
✓ |
N/A | N/A | ✓ | N/A | ✓ |
Current and past policy initiatives (if any). The current and past policy initiatives tables provides a five-year history of announced initiatives that impact on the Budget year, the preceding year, and the following three years. | ✓ | ✓ | N/A |
✓ |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Reasons for change, which explain significant changes of amounts of an appropriation between years (if any). | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Conditions on use of appropriation, which can include administrative criteria and processes contained in legislation, regulation and Government decisions. | ✓ | N/A | N/A |
✓ |
✓ | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Memorandum accounts (if any), which record accumulated surpluses and deficits incurred in the provision of outputs on a basis of full cost-recovery from third parties (including other departments). | ✓ | N/A | N/A |
N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ✓ |
Multi-year appropriations (if any). The information provided is similar to other information above, with the exception of memorandum accounts. | ✓ | N/A | N/A |
✓ |
N/A | N/A | ✓ | ✓ | N/A |
Capital injections and movements in departmental net assets table. This table shows how capital injections to be authorised relate to movements in departmental net assets and what any capital injection is for. | N/A | N/A | ✓ |
N/A |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
* This appropriation is used for events that cannot be related back to output production and for the salaries of the Officers of Parliament as determined by the Remuneration Authority.
** The purchase or development of assets by a department (other than an intelligence and security department) is made under a permanent appropriation authorised by section 24 of the PFA. Capital expenditure is defined in the PFA as the cost of assets acquired or developed, including tangible, intangible or financial assets, and any ownership interest in entities, but excluding inventories.
Useful Links#
- The suite of documents presented to the House on Budget day can be accessed in the Budgets section of the website:
Summary Tables, which are available online, provide a high-level perspective and comparative “ready reference” for all appropriations (annual, permanent and MYAs). They cover:
- the trends for all Votes - showing actual or estimated actual totals for the five years to 2016/17, Budget totals proposed for 2017/18 and estimated totals for the three financial years to 2020/21 with respect to each type of appropriation and of Crown revenue and capital receipts
- each appropriation type and total appropriations - showing budgeted and estimated actual totals for 2016/17 and totals proposed for 2017/18 for each Vote
- multi category expenses and capital expenditure (MCAs)
- current-year revenue-dependent appropriations for each Vote
- multi-year appropriations by Vote, appropriation type and period
- capital injection authorisations for 2017/18, and
- types of Crown revenue and Crown capital receipts for 2016/17 and 2017/18 associated with each Vote.
For inclusion in the Summary Tables, MYAs are converted into actual or forecast amounts for each financial year. The summary tables can be accessed here:
An electronic archive of Budgets of the Government of New Zealand from 1997 to 2016 can be accessed here:
How the Estimates Relate to Other Performance Information Presented to the House #
This section outlines the relationship between the information in the Estimates and other performance information presented to the House.
Strategic Intentions#
Each department, Office of Parliament, Crown entity and Public Finance Act Schedule 4A company presents information on its strategic intentions to the House, at least once every three years. It may be more frequently if the responsible Minister requires it; or if there is a material or significant change in the intentions; or the information in the strategic intentions is false or misleading.
Strategic intentions set out the direction of an agency and how the agency is organised to get there. The information must cover at least the next four financial years, and may include the current financial year. An agency's most recent strategic intentions must always be available on the agency's website, and can be presented to the House with other information eg, the annual report for the previous financial year or grouped with other agencies in a sector.
Annual Performance Expectations#
What an agency (eg, department, Office of Parliament, Crown entity or other service provider) intends to achieve with expenditure from appropriations in the next financial year and how each agency will demonstrate its performance (if not exempted) is available in the Estimates.
In addition, Crown entities and Public Finance Act Schedule 4A companies may have reportable outputs that are funded from revenue other than appropriations. What each agency intends to achieve and how it will demonstrate its performance for all its reportable outputs are presented to the House in a Statement of Performance Expectations. The Statement of Performance Expectations must always be available on an agency's website and can be presented to the House with other information eg, the strategic intentions or annual report.
End of Year Performance Information#
Performance information on what has been achieved with each appropriation as a whole and each category of a multi-category appropriation is provided to the House in the document most recently indicated in the Estimates or Supplementary Estimates. For example, reporting against appropriations would typically be provided to the House with the annual report of the appropriation administrator (department or Office of Parliament), the Crown entity receiving the appropriation, or in a Minister's report. Alternatively, information on the performance of an appropriation may be provided in a separate sector or thematic report where this would be more useful to Parliament.
Departmental, Office of Parliament, Crown entity, PFA Schedule 4A Company annual reports, and Ministerial reports on what has been achieved with appropriations are required to be provided to the House in the timeframes indicated below:
- Departmental and Office of Parliament annual report -each department's annual report must be presented 3-4 months after the end of the financial year. The annual report includes the financial statements for the previous financial year, the forecast financial statements for the current financial year, the statement of expenses and capital expenditure, and reporting against the department's strategic intentions and annual performance expectations contained in the Estimates.
- Crown entity orPFA Schedule 4A company annual report - each annual report must be presented 4-5 months after the end of the financial year and includes the financial statements, as well as reporting against the Crown entity's strategic intentions and annual performance expectations from all sources of reportable revenue.
- Appropriation Minister's report - the appropriation Minister must present within 4 months after the end of the financial year a report on what has been achieved with non-departmental appropriations that are not reported to the House thorough any other mechanism and have not been exempted from year-end reporting under s.15D of the PFA.
Terms and Definitions#
The table below contains terms that are used in the Estimates of Appropriations.
Term | Definition |
Appropriation | An appropriation is a parliamentary authorisation for the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure. |
Appropriation Minister | The Minister responsible for specific appropriations being sought within a Vote. As several Ministers may now hold appropriations within a single Vote, each appropriation will have a tag (M1, M2 etc) identifying the Minister responsible for that line item. |
Appropriation scope | One of the defining terms of an appropriation that establishes limits on the activities for which the Crown or an Office of Parliament is authorised to incur expenses or capital expenditure under that appropriation. |
Capital expenditure | The cost of assets acquired or developed including any ownership interest in entities, but excluding inventory. |
Capital injection | Investment by the Crown in a department, which increases the department's net asset balance. |
Capital withdrawals | Returns of capital by a department to the Crown, which reduce the department's closing net asset balance. |
Category | A grouping of similar or related expenses or a grouping of similar or related capital expenditure. |
Crown revenue | Revenue earned on behalf of the Crown. These flows are accounted for as revenue to the Crown rather than as departmental revenue. |
Department | Generally references to Departments also include an Office of Parliament as provided in section 26E(5) of the Public Finance Act 1989. |
Estimated actual |
For an amount, the estimated actual incorporates the actual amount that has been spent and an estimate of the amount to be spent for the rest of the year. For anything else, the estimated actual incorporates actual performance that has been achieved and an estimate of performance for the rest of the year. |
Expenses | Amounts consumed or losses of service potential or future economic benefits, other than those relating to capital withdrawals, in a financial year. [An accrual concept measured in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice.] |
GST | Goods and services tax. Appropriations are stated GST exclusive. |
MCA | Multi-category appropriation. |
MYA | Multi-year appropriation. |
N/A | Not applicable. |
Office of Parliament | There are three Offices of Parliament - the Controller and Auditor General, the Office of the Ombudsmen, and the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Each is headed by an Officer of Parliament. |
Outputs | Goods or services supplied by departments and other entities to external parties. Outputs are a variety of types, including policy advice, administration of contracts and grants, and the provision of specific services. |
PFA | Public Finance Act 1989. |
PLA | Permanent Legislative Authority - the traditional term for an appropriation authorised for an indefinite period by legislation other than an Appropriation Act (also known as a permanent appropriation). |
RDA | Revenue-dependent appropriations, which are authorised by section 21(1) of the PFA 1989. |
Responsible Minister | The Minister responsible for the financial performance of a department or Crown entity. In relation to an Office of Parliament, the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and the Parliamentary Service, the Speaker is the responsible Minister. |
Revenue from the Crown | Revenue earned by a department from the Crown for the provision of outputs to or on behalf of the Crown. These flows are accounted for as departmental revenue. Revenue from the Crown is eliminated for purposes of reporting the Crown's overall financial performance and position. |
Revenue from Others | Revenue earned by a department from other departments and from third parties. Revenue from other departments is eliminated for purposes of reporting the Crown's overall financial performance and position. |
Vote | A grouping of one or more appropriations that are the responsibility of one or more Ministers of the Crown and are administered by one department or Office of Parliament. |
Vol 5 Social Sector Overview#
Social Sector Overview Statement#
Two appropriations in Vote State Services in this volume are to be used by the Social Investment Agency which supports the Minister Responsible for Social Investment and the Social Sector. The Social Sector includes Vote Education (in volume 2), Vote Health (in volume 6), Vote Corrections, Vote Courts, Vote Justice and Vote Police (all in volume 7), Vote Māori Development and Vote Pacific Peoples (both in volume 8) and Vote Building and Housing, Vote Social Development, Vote Social Housing and Vote Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki (all in volume 10).
Government Priorities for the Social Sector#
Agencies within the social sector deal with some of the most complex issues facing New Zealand today. For very vulnerable New Zealanders the solutions do not sit within the ambit of a single agency and so agencies have to take person and family/whānau-centred ways of working to improve outcomes. The sector collaborates and undertakes joint activity at local, regional and national levels, when necessary to achieve Government Priorities such as through the focus on investing in vulnerable children through the establishment of a new government agency, and the Better Public Services Results Programme. Some example areas requiring cross-agency collaboration include Welfare Dependence, Health Outcomes for Children, Educational Attainment and Social Housing.
The Government's intent to implement social investment approaches across the social sector provides an opportunity for agencies to sharpen their focus on lifting outcomes for all New Zealanders, but particularly for the most vulnerable. Social investment promotes a client-centred approach so the social sector can help improve the lives of vulnerable New Zealanders and increase the effectiveness of government spending.
Social investment at its most simple is about investing earlier, and more effectively, in the lives of those who may otherwise be on track to experience poor outcomes so they achieve better in the longer-term and at a lower total cost. This will be achieved through better use of data and evidence, more rigorous programme evaluation and both a whole-of-life and whole-of-system understanding of impact, centred around people, not agencies, and whole of life service decision-making and delivery systems.
The Government has established a new portfolio with a Minister Responsible for Social Investment to further advance social investment. As well as better understanding and addressing need within portfolios, social investment approaches will increase understanding of the whole-of-social-system response required to achieve desired outcomes for particular groups of people over their lifetime.
To support the Minister and the sector, a Social Investment Board and Social Investment Agency are being established on 1 July 2017.
How we will Deliver on Government Priorities#
Social Sector agencies will continue to develop social investment approaches in their sectors. Agencies are furthering their understanding of the application of investment approaches. There are now investment approaches to welfare, social housing and justice. The Ministry for Vulnerable Children, Oranga Tamariki, launched on 1 April 2017, is taking an investment approach to vulnerable children and is the first agency established from day one using a social investment approach.
The Social Investment Board will drive action to improve outcomes for vulnerable population. It will:
- advise on the strategic direction, priorities and joint results for the social sector in areas where better results cannot be achieved without a collective approach
- advise on best investments for achieving joint results, including advice on optimal resource allocations and any reprioritisation across time, and how investments are performing
- oversee the implementation of any investment plans agreed by the government, working with social sector agencies to deliver demonstrable results.
Social sector agencies are continuing to trial new ways of working. A number of frontline initiatives are adopting social investment principles, for example Whānau Ora, the Family Violence Integrated Safety Response and Place-Based Initiatives. Whānau Ora supports whānau to achieve their aspirations by placing whānau at the centre of planning and decision-making and tailoring solutions relevant to their unique circumstances. The Integrated Safety Response tests an improved multi-agency approach to risk assessment and safety planning for families following a Police family violence incident or high risk prison release. The Place-Based Initiatives aim to improve outcomes for at-risk young people and their families by giving local social sector leaders the data, flexibility and support to collectively tailor responses to what works in their specific communities.
Agencies will be assisted by the social investment architecture developed by the Social Investment Agency. This will include tools, templates, methodologies and analysis to drive effective practice across the social sector. The Social Investment Agency will also provide whole of life and whole of system advice to Ministers, monitor capability across the sector and monitor the impact of some investments and the social investment approach.
How we will Measure Performance #
Measurement is inherent in social investment approaches. It includes:
- Measurement and evaluation to ensure service effectiveness
- Feedback loops to inform decision makers
- Commissioning of services to achieve desired outcomes
- Social licence to gain New Zealanders' support for the sharing and use of data
- Governance across the social investment system so we can better understand the impact we are having.
There is an expectation that social sector agencies will use social investment approaches to enhance their business as usual operations. Greater use of data and evidence and a focus on tracking outcomes will continue to improve agencies' understanding of their customers and service effectiveness, and enable them to identify opportunities across the system to reduce future demand pressures.
The Social Investment Board will formalise the collective accountability of chief executives for social investment advice and the delivery of results. The Board will have a role in monitoring the performance of investments.
Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the United Future parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations for the 51st Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whips' office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker .For the term of the 51st Parliament | Original Appropriation | 1,025 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | (41) | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | 1 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 985 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | 345 | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 550 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 90 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the United Future Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the support of the United Future Parliamentary Party.
Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)This appropriation is limited to funding for the United Future parliamentary party to support their parliamentary operations during the 52nd Parliament including its Leader's office, support staff, research operations, Whip's office, communications, administrative and support services for members, and, during the immediate post-election period, qualifying electoral candidates and former members, as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.This appropriation starts on the day after polling day for the 2017 general election and ends at the close of polling day at the next general election | Original Appropriation | 1,116 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | - | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 1,116 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 289 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 827 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for the United Future Parliamentary Party and its members.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because the appropriation is solely for the support of the United Future Parliamentary Party.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Member Support Staff - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 7 | 9 | 9 | 2 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 37 | 29 | 22 | 20 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation replacing a previous multi-year appropriation.
Transitional costs between Parliaments (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | - | - | 1,195 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve the transition between 51st and 52nd Parliaments.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) pf the PFA as additional performance informations is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the transitional costs between the 51st and 52nd Parliaments.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Parliamentary Transition Arising from a General Election | 2017/18 | - | 1,195 | - | - | 1,195 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This is a new appropriation.
Travel of former MPs (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 1,300 | 1,300 | 1,300 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve the supply of travel solely for former members. The level of such costs will be determined by the Remuneration Authority.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as it is solely limited to payments for travel services. Performance information relating to administration of these payments is provided under the MCA Category Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies. Additional information will be disclosed on a quarterly basis under s.30 of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013.
Travel of Members and Others (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 4,800 | 4,800 | 4,800 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve the travel of members and others.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as it is solely limited to payments for travel services. Performance information relating to administration of these payments is provided under the MCA category Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies. Additional information will be disclosed on a quarterly basis under s.30 of the Members of Parliament (Remuneration and Services) Act 2013.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Travel of Members and Others - Additional Support | 2017/18 | - | 250 | 250 | 250 | 250 |
3.5 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure#
Crown Asset Management (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Crown Asset Management (M78)This appropriation is limited to Minor Capital works within the Parliamentary Complex to carry out essential maintenance and minor capital improvements.Commences: 01 July 2016 Expires: 30 June 2020 | Original Appropriation | 17,012 |
Adjustments to 2015/16 | - | |
Adjustments for 2016/17 | (1,076) | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 15,936 | |
Actual to 2015/16 Year End | - | |
Estimated Actual for 2016/17 | 5,392 | |
Estimated Actual for 2017/18 | 6,578 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | 3,966 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve that the Parliamentary complex will be maintained in an appropriate manner.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
Expenditure is in accordance with the Parliamentary Service's capital asset programme.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Parliamentary Service in its Annual Report to be tabled in the House. Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Parliamentary Service in its Annual Report to be tabled in the House.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Parliamentary Library: Membrane Roof Replacement | 2017/18 | - | 800 | - | - | - |
Parliamentary Library: Chiller Replacement | 2017/18 | - | 1,200 | - | - | - |
Parliament Executive Wing (Beehive): Ground Floor Redevelopment | 2016/17 | 1,500 | 2,500 | - | - | - |
Debating Chamber Sound System Replacement | 2016/17 | 1,100 | - | - | - | - |
Parliament House: Building Services Upgrade | 2016/17 | 270 | 200 | 130 | 800 | - |
Parliament Executive Wing (Beehive): Building Services Upgrade | 2016/17 | 420 | 100 | 120 | 760 | - |
Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy (M78)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Capital Expenditure#
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 1,400 | 1,400 | 9,900 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to achieve the implementation of the Future Accommodation Strategy at Parliament.
End of Year Performance Reporting#
An exemption has been provided under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA as the capital expenditure in 2016/17 and 2017/18 is less than $15 million per annum.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy | 2017/18 | 1,400 | 9,900 | - | - | - |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
The increase in this appropriation for 2017/18 is for the completion of detailed design along with local authority consents for the Parliamentary Accommodation Strategy related to the Ministers and Members buildings.
Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Operations, Information and Advisory Services (M78)
Overarching Purpose Statement
Scope of Appropriation
Departmental Output Expenses
Building and Operations ManagementThis category is limited to the provision of building maintenance and operational services for the parliamentary precincts.
Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology services
This category is limited to computing facilities, information sharing and telecommunication services and associated advisory services on the parliamentary network.
Parliamentary Library
This category is limited to research, collections and information management services through the Parliamentary Library.
Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies
This category is limited to bureau accounting and payroll services for members and other parliamentary agencies and the setting, administering and delivery of members' entitlements.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 58,656 | 58,656 | 60,395 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Building and Operations Management | 27,793 | 27,793 | 28,731 |
Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology services | 16,420 | 16,420 | 17,456 |
Parliamentary Library | 5,223 | 5,223 | 4,916 |
Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies | 9,220 | 9,220 | 9,292 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Revenue from the Crown | 51,763 | 51,763 | 53,890 |
Building and Operations Management | 26,306 | 26,306 | 27,526 |
Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology services | 11,647 | 11,647 | 12,578 |
Parliamentary Library | 5,155 | 5,155 | 4,900 |
Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies | 8,655 | 8,655 | 8,886 |
Revenue from Others | 7,691 | 7,691 | 6,505 |
Building and Operations Management | 2,285 | 2,285 | 1,205 |
Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology services | 4,773 | 4,773 | 4,878 |
Parliamentary Library | 68 | 68 | 16 |
Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies | 565 | 565 | 406 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the successful operation of Parliament. The parliamentary precincts meet the constitutional and institutional requirements of a Parliament; that is, providing accessibility and security, a forum for debate and public participation, and effective office facilities and support services.
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual | Budget Standard |
Members of Parliament are satisfied with the overall quality of services (see Note 1) | Positive NPS | Positive NPS | Positive NPS |
New members are satisfied with services provided over the election period (see Note 2) | New Measure | New Measure | 80% |
Returning members are satisfied with services provided over the election period (see Note 2) | New Measure | New Measure | 80% |
What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed
2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual | Budget Standard |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Building and Operations Management | |||
This category is intended to achieve building maintenance and operational services | |||
The public has access to the parliamentary precinct via tours and education visits | 75,000 - 80,000 people | 75,000 - 80,000 people | 75,000 - 80,000 people |
Visitors undertaking a parliamentary tour rate the parliamentary experience as good or excellent | 90% | 90% | 90% |
The proceedings of the House of Representatives are not interrupted due to incidents occurring in the public gallery (see Note 3) | Proceedings are not interrupted | Proceedings are not interrupted | Proceedings are not interrupted |
The condition of our heritage buildings is maintained to reflect their national significance; and occupation and use of the buildings is not negatively impacted by significant plant failure (see Note 4) | Planned CAMP deliverables are completed | Planned CAMP deliverables are completed | Planned CAMP deliverables are completed |
The condition of our heritage buildings is maintained to reflect their national significance and these buildings are accessible to the disabled community (see Note 4) | Maintain 'Be Accessible' Silver standard or better | Maintain 'Be Accessible' Silver standard or better | Maintain 'Be Accessible' Gold standard or better |
The parliamentary precinct and members' out-of-Parliament (OOP) offices are safe and secure (see Notes 5 and 6) | |||
| 70% | 70% | 80% |
| 90% | 90% | 100% |
| 95% | 95% | 97.5% |
| 95% | 95% | 95% |
Parliamentary Information Communications and Technology services | |||
This category is intended to achieve the supply of information communications and technology services | |||
Customers receive quality network access to email services, file and print services, internet and intranet access via desktop and mobile devices in the precinct (see Note 7) | 99.8% access during business hours | 99.8% access during business hours | 99.8% access during business hours |
On-site incidents for members' offices that have priority service status are responded to on-site within six business hours | 90% response | 90% response | 90% response |
Members of Parliament are satisfied with the quality of ICT services (see Note 1) | Positive NPS | Positive NPS | Positive NPS |
Parliamentary Library | |||
This category is intended to achieve the supply of library services | |||
Members of Parliament are satisfied with the quality of Library services (see Note 1) | Positive NPS | Positive NPS | Positive NPS |
Members and their staff use of library services per year: | |||
Once or more | 97% once or more | 97% once or more | 97% once or more |
Five or more | 80% five or more | 80% five or more | 80% five or more |
Ten or more | 60% ten or more | 60% ten or more | 60% ten or more |
Personnel, Accounting and Advisory Services to Members and Other Parliamentary Agencies | |||
This category is intended to achieve the supply of finance, HR and advisory services | |||
Members of Parliament are satisfied with the quality of finance, People and Culture and travel services (see Note 1) | |||
| Positive NPS | Positive NPS | Positive NPS |
| Positive NPS | Positive NPS | Positive NPS |
| Positive NPS | Positive NPS | Positive NPS |
Employment agreements for members' staff are produced within three working days of receipt (see Note 8) | 95% | 95% | 95% |
Provision of accurate and timely payroll services to six organisations (see Note 9) | Processed with a 99.5% to 100% accuracy rate | Processed with a 99.5% to 100% accuracy rate | Processed with at least 99.5% accuracy rate |
Note 1 - Members of Parliament customer satisfaction is based on the Net Promoter Systems (NPS). The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoter of the Service. The NPS was introduced in Quarter Four 2016/17 to provide real-time feedback from members of Parliament on how well the Parliamentary Service has delivered services to them. Members of Parliament are asked to provide feedback on overall quality of services as well as specific services lines. A positive NPS score indicates that service delivery is very good.
Note 2 - Independent survey of new and returning members of Parliament following the general election of 2017 assessing their overall satisfaction rating with the quality of services received during the transition of Parliament.
Note 3 - Through the use of effective security screening visitor management, proceedings of the House of Representatives are not interrupted.
Note 4 - Maintenance work is outlined in the Service's Capital Asset Management Plan (CAMP). The completion of deliverables within the plan is designed to prevent deterioration of the heritage buildings and ensure no outage of building services. This will help ensure that access to and use of the buildings is not negatively impacted by significant plant/systems failure. 'Be Accessible' is a social change initiative in New Zealand designed to promote greater levels of accessibility throughout the country. There are several assessment ratings for organisations that showcase an organisation's accessibility. The rating are Just Started (just starting on a journey towards being accessible), Bronze (positive steps towards being accessible), Silver (good levels of accessibility in a number of areas), Gold (excellent levels of accessibility in a number of areas) and Platinum (a model of first class accessibility in almost all areas of business).
Note 5 - The Service is responding as a Person Conducting a Business Undertaking (PCBU) of staff working in out-of-Parliament offices under the new 2016 Health and Safety legislation. The Service is also aligning with the Government mandate to adhere to the new Protective Security Requirements (PSR) which sets minimum standards for personnel, physical and information security. The PSR features a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) that assists agencies to assess their current capability across a number of protective security dimensions, identify capability levels that are appropriate to the security risks they face, and to identify some of the ways in which capability could be lifted.
Note 6 - The standard for responding to and resolving security incidents has been set at 24 hours (working days) due to the complexities of the ownership of the office (where the member of Parliament is the leaseholder), remoteness of some office locations and contacting all affected Parliamentary Service employees. This standard does not include weekends where possible response times could be delayed and thus exceed 24 hours.
Note 7 - Business hours are defined as 7.30am to 11.00pm while the House of Representatives is sitting and 7.30am to 6.00pm on non-sitting days.
Note 8 - Receipt is regarded as the date the candidate's application is received through the online e-recruitment system, following a request from a member and receipt of a completed nomination form.
Note 9 - The six payroll organisations are Parliamentary Service, Parliamentary Service (Crown), Members of Parliament, Ministers, Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and Parliamentary Counsel Office.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by Parliamentary Service in its Annual Report to be presented to the House.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2016/17 Final Budgeted $000 | 2017/18 Budget $000 | 2018/19 Estimated $000 | 2019/20 Estimated $000 | 2020/21 Estimated $000 |
Sixth Appropriations Review Committee Recommendations | 2017/18 | - | 855 | 188 | 189 | 188 |
Parliamentary Transition Arising from a General Election | 2017/18 | - | 1,752 | - | - | 1,752 |
Parliamentary Service - Maintaining Capability and Capacity | 2017/18 | - | 3,244 | 4,789 | 5,773 | 5,773 |
Parliamentary Library: Membrane Roof Replacement | 2017/18 | - | 10 | - | - | - |
Review of Non Staff Support for Members of Parliament | 2016/17 | 1,000 | - | - | - | - |
Parliamentary Library: Chiller Replacement | 2016/17 | 100 | - | - | - | - |
Parliament Executive Wing (Beehive): Ground Floor Redevelopment | 2016/17 | 250 | - | - | - | - |
Parliament House: Building Services Upgrade | 2016/17 | 50 | 100 | 100 | - | - |
Parliament Executive Wing (Beehive): Building Services Upgrade | 2016/17 | 50 | 50 | 550 | - | - |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This increase in this appropriation in 2017/18 is mainly due to an increase of $5.851 million relating to new budget intiatives offset by $3.870 million from an expense transfer and other additional revenue relating to 2016/17 that is not available in 2017/18.