Estimates of appropriations

Vote Parliamentary Service - Estimates of Appropriations 2012/13 - Estimates 2012/2013

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Speaker of the House of Representatives (M78)



Overview of the Vote#

The Speaker is responsible for appropriations in Vote Parliamentary Service for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of $67.900 million for purchasing support and administrative services from the Parliamentary Service
  • a total of $43.700 million for other expenditure to support members
  • a total of $20 million for payment of members' salaries and allowances
  • a total of $16 million for multi-year capital investment in the parliamentary precincts
  • a total of $4.900 million for departmental capital expenditure.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Parliamentary Service in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Parliamentary Service
  2011/12 2012/13
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses


Operations, Information and Advisory Services MCOA (M78)

52,888 52,888 50,401
Advice on Parliamentary Services and Entitlements
This output class is limited to the provision of information, analysis and advice to the Speaker, the Parliamentary Service Commission, and the Parliamentary Corporation.
836 836 816
Building and Operations Management
This output class is limited to the provision of building maintenance and operational services for the parliamentary precincts.
27,803 27,803 26,191
Parliamentary Information Services
This output class is limited to the provision of library and electronic information services through the Parliamentary Library; the provision of computing facilities; and computing and telecommunications advisory services associated with these.
16,934 16,934 18,040
Personnel and Accounting Services to Members and Other Agencies
This output class is limited to the provision of services to members, Leader and Whip offices, electoral candidates and former members, providing travel, accounting, staffing advice and support, health safety and wellness, payroll services; and, bureau accounting and payroll services to other parliamentary agencies.
7,315 7,315 5,354

Services to Members (M78)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of services to Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and of support staff to members and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates and former members in accordance with Directions given by the Speaker.
19,855 19,855 17,880

Total Departmental Output Expenses

72,743 72,743 68,281

Departmental Other Expenses


Recovery from February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake (M78)

This appropriation is limited to writing off, or making good damage to, departmental assets and re-establishing out-of-Parliament offices in Christchurch following the 22 February 2011 earthquake.
18 18 -

Total Departmental Other Expenses

18 18 -

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Depreciation Expense on Parliamentary Complex (M78)

This appropriation is limited to the depreciation expense on the Parliamentary buildings, furniture, antiques and art collection, and the library collection.
14,000 14,000 14,000

Members' Communications (M78)

This appropriation is limited to members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' communications (voice and data) entitlements, and members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' use of standard office products and stationery supplies as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
2,626 2,626 2,426

Members of the House of Representatives' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M78)

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred under section 16 of the Civil List Act 1979 and incorporates salaries and allowances determined by the Remuneration Authority, payable to members of Parliament who are neither Ministers of the Crown nor Parliamentary Under-Secretaries.
20,000 20,000 20,000

Party and Member Support - ACT (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the ACT parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, Whip's office, members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
437 430 187

Party and Member Support - Green (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the Green parliamentary party to support its Co-Leaders' office, research operations, Parliamentary musterer's office, members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
1,569 1,530 1,882

Party and Member Support - Labour (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the Labour parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, Whips' office, members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
5,503 5,500 5,026

Party and Member Support - Mana (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the Mana parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, office and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
282 282 272

Party and Member Support - Maori (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the Maori parliamentary party to support its Co-Leader's office, research operations, Whips' office, members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
580 580 466

Party and Member Support - National (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the National parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, Whips' office, members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
7,076 6,526 7,152

Party and Member Support - New Zealand First (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the New Zealand First parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, Whips' office members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
567 567 1,118

Party and Member Support - United Future (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the United Future parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, member's and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
187 152 187

Travel of Members and Others (M78)

This appropriation is limited to domestic accommodation, air, land and sea travel, and international air travel for members, spouses/partners and dependents, electoral candidates and their spouses/partners and dependents, former members and spouses/partners, political exchange participants and officials as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
10,800 10,800 11,000

Member Support - Independent (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the Independent members' and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
32 24 -

Party and Member Support - Progressive Coalition (M78)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the Progressive Coalition parliamentary party to support its Leader's office, research operations, member's and, during the immediate post election period, electoral candidates' and former members' parliamentary operations as allowed under directions given by the Speaker.
124 124 -

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

63,783 63,141 63,716

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Parliamentary Service - Capital Expenditure PLA (M78)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Parliamentary Service, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
6,730 6,730 4,950

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

6,730 6,730 4,950

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

143,274 142,632 136,947

Details of Multi-Year Appropriations#

Multi-Year Appropriations - Parliamentary Service
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations Appropriation, Adjustments and Use $000

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Crown Asset Management (M78)

Minor Capital works within the Parliamentary Complex to carry out essential maintenance and minor capital improvements.

Commences: 1 July 2008

Expires: 30 June 2012

Original Appropriation 7,112
Adjustments for 2010/11 5,011
Adjustments to 2011/12 (3,200)
Adjusted Appropriation 8,923
Actual to 2010/11 Year End 4,514
Estimated Actual for 2011/12 4,409
Estimated Actual for 2012/13 -
Estimated Appropriation Remaining -

Crown Asset Management (M78)

This appropriation is limited to minor capital works within the Parliamentary Complex to carry out essential maintenance and minor capital improvements.

Commences: 1 July 2012

Expires: 30 June 2016

Original Appropriation 16,000
Adjustments for 2010/11 -
Adjustments to 2011/12 -
Adjusted Appropriation 16,000
Actual to 2010/11 Year End -
Estimated Actual for 2011/12 -
Estimated Actual for 2012/13 6,400
Estimated Appropriation Remaining 9,600

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Parliamentary Service

Parliamentary Service - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Parliamentary Service
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2011/12
Estimated Actual
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2012/13
Opening Balance 25,760 25,760 Estimates opening balance reflects the audited results as at 30 June 2011.
Capital Injections - -  
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

25,760 25,760