Estimates of appropriations

Vote Official Development Assistance - Estimates 2009/2010


ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade


Overview of the Vote#

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2009/10 financial year covering the following:

  • A total of over $29 million for Management of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Programme.
  • A total of over $9 million for Strategic Advice and Evaluation.
  • A total of over $94 million for contributions to international organisations.
  • A total of almost $33 million for contributions to non-government organisations.
  • A total of $102 million from the multi-year appropriation for Global Development Assistance.
  • A total of almost $232 million from the multi-year appropriation for Pacific Development Assistance.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Official Development Assistance in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Official Development Assistance
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation TypeBudgeted

Departmental Output Expenses

Management of Official Development Assistance Programme (M34)

The purchase of the design and management of development assistance programmes, including the procurement, contract management and monitoring of development activities within programmes.

Strategic Evaluation and Advice (M34)

This appropriation is limited to the work and advice necessary to improve the overall effectiveness of development assistance, comprising international development research, evaluation of Official Development Assistance (ODA) programmes and activities, analysis and consultation leading to the development of ODA strategies and policies, the provision of advice on international development issues, and Ministerial services.

Total Departmental Output Expenses


Non-Departmental Other Expenses

International Agency Funding (M34)

Contributions to international agencies for multilateral humanitarian and development policy and programme activity.

New Zealand Voluntary Agency Grants (M34)

Contributions to non-government organisations providing humanitarian and development assistance overseas, conducting development education within New Zealand and providing capacity building and co-ordination support to New Zealand NGOs.

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations


Details of Multi-Year Appropriations#

Multi-Year Appropriations - Official Development Assistance
Type, Title, Scope and Period of AppropriationsAppropriation$000

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Global Development Assistance (M34)

Provision of assistance for development activities for non Pacific Island countries including Asian, African, Latin American, Caribbean, and Middle Eastern countries. The assistance will be provided to development organisations, partner countries and through other delivery mechanisms and be used to implement activities that include humanitarian assistance; design, management, implementation and evaluation of those partner-led activities. The assistance is to be consistent with Ministers' requirement for NZAID to work with development partners to ensure aid expenditure is targeted as close as possible to need.

Commences: 1 July 2006

Expires: 30 June 2009

Original Appropriation234,930
Adjustments for 2007/0837,845
Adjustments to 2008/09(2,044)
Adjusted Appropriation270,731
Actual to 2007/08 Year End160,725
Estimated Actual for 2008/09110,006
Estimated Actual for 2009/10-
Estimated Appropriation Remaining-

Global Development Assistance (M34)

This appropriation is limited to provision of assistance for development activities for non Pacific Island countries including Asian, African, Latin American, Caribbean, and Middle Eastern countries. The assistance will be provided to development organisations, partner countries and through other delivery mechanisms and be used to implement activities that include humanitarian assistance; design, management, implementation and evaluation of those partner-led activities. The assistance is to be consistent with Ministers' requirement for NZAID to work with development partners to ensure aid expenditure is targeted as close as possible to need.

Commences: 1 July 2009

Expires: 30 June 2012

Original Appropriation312,000
Adjustments for 2007/08-
Adjustments to 2008/09-
Adjusted Appropriation312,000
Actual to 2007/08 Year End-
Estimated Actual for 2008/09-
Estimated Actual for 2009/10102,000
Estimated Appropriation Remaining210,000

Pacific Development Assistance (M34)

Provision of assistance for development activities for Pacific Island countries. The assistance will be provided to development organisations, partner countries and through other delivery mechanisms; and be used to implement activities that include humanitarian assistance; design, management, implementation and evaluation of those partner-led activities. The assistance is to be consistent with Ministers' requirement for NZAID to work with development partners to ensure aid expenditure is targeted as close as possible to need.

Commences: 1 July 2006

Expires: 30 June 2009

Original Appropriation499,720
Adjustments for 2007/0899,836
Adjustments to 2008/09(8,661)
Adjusted Appropriation590,895
Actual to 2007/08 Year End342,096
Estimated Actual for 2008/09238,799
Estimated Actual for 2009/10-
Estimated Appropriation Remaining10,000

Pacific Development Assistance (M34)

This appropriation is limited to provision of assistance for development activities for Pacific Island countries. The assistance will be provided to development organisations, partner countries and through other delivery mechanisms; and be used to implement activities that include humanitarian assistance; design, management, implementation and evaluation of those partner-led activities. The assistance is to be consistent with Ministers' requirement for NZAID to work with development partners to ensure aid expenditure is targeted as close as possible to need.

Commences: 1 July 2009

Expires: 30 June 2012

Original Appropriation755,801
Adjustments for 2007/08-
Adjustments to 2008/09-
Adjusted Appropriation755,801
Actual to 2007/08 Year End-
Estimated Actual for 2008/09-
Estimated Actual for 2009/10231,978
Estimated Appropriation Remaining523,823