Formats and related files
MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister Responsible for the National Library (M48)
ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Department of Internal Affairs
Overview of the Vote#
The Minister Responsible for the National Library is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2011/12 financial year covering the following:
Departmental Appropriations
- a total of $32.787 million for the provision of services which assist access to library collections and other information, including cataloguing and describing, the provision of tools, finding aids, providing access to the collections, and the purchase of information; and administration of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Scheme
- a total of $23.070 million for collecting and preserving published and unpublished items for the National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library collections
- a total of $14.577 million for the provision of library and information services and products to schools, in support of the National Curriculum
- a total of $1.040 million for policy advice and service support to the Minister on the role of information in New Zealand's cultural and economic life, and support to advisory bodies.
Non-Departmental Appropriations
- a total of $2 million on Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors
- a total of $1.546 million for the purchase of material for the Alexander Turnbull Library collections held and managed by the National Library.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote National Library in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.
Details of Appropriations#
Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations
2010/11 | 2011/12 | ||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
National Library Services MCOA (M48) | 69,272 | 65,649 | 71,474 |
Access to InformationThe provision of services which assist access to library collections and other information, including cataloguing and describing, the provision of tools and finding aids, providing access to the collections, and the purchase of information; and administration of the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Scheme. | 30,426 | 27,631 | 32,787 |
Collecting and Preserving InformationCollecting and preserving published and unpublished items for the National Library and Alexander Turnbull Library collections. | 24,293 | 23,674 | 23,070 |
Library and Information Services to SchoolsThe provision of library and information services and products to schools, in support of the National Curriculum. | 13,623 | 13,445 | 14,577 |
Policy Advice and Statutory ServicingPolicy advice on the role of information in New Zealand's cultural and economic life, including services to the Minister Responsible for the National Library, the support of the advisory bodies established under the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 and the Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors Act 2008. | 930 | 899 | 1,040 |
Total Departmental Output Expenses | 69,272 | 65,649 | 71,474 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Public Lending Right for New Zealand Authors (M48)This appropriation is limited to payment to New Zealand authors in recognition that their books are available for use in New Zealand libraries. | 2,000 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses | 2,000 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Departmental Capital Expenditure | |||
National Library of New Zealand - Capital Expenditure PLA (M48)This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the National Library of New Zealand, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. | 6,113 | 6,113 | - |
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure | 6,113 | 6,113 | - |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | |||
Heritage Collections - Annual (M48)Purchase of material for the Alexander Turnbull Library collections held and managed by the National Library. | 1,546 | 1,546 | 1,546 |
Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | 1,546 | 1,546 | 1,546 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations | 78,931 | 75,308 | 75,020 |