Estimates of appropriations

Vote Labour Market - Economic Development and Infrastructure Sector - Estimates 2017/18

Formats and related files

Vote Labour Market#

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister for ACC (M1), Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment (M14), Minister for Economic Development (M25), Minister of Immigration (M38), Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety (M43)

APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATOR: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


Overview of the Vote#

Five Ministers are responsible for appropriations in this Vote.

The Minister for ACC is responsible for appropriations of:

  • just over $1,092 million to cover the estimated cost of injury prevention, claim processing, assessment, payment services and case management, public health acute services, medical services, social rehabilitation, elective health care and contracted services for claims on the Non-Earners' Account
  • just over $144 million to cover the estimated cost of injury prevention, claim processing, assessment, payment services and case management, public health acute services, medical services, social rehabilitation, elective health care and contracted services for claims by non-earners on the Treatment Injury Account
  • $122,000 for purchasing services to manage the residual long-term responsibility related to the Crown's on-going risks resulting from the introduction of the competitive accident insurance market during 1999/2000
  • just under $59 million to cover the cost of income maintenance, independence allowance, and other compensation payments for claims on the Non-Earners' Account
  • just under $14 million for provision of income maintenance, independence allowance, and other compensation payments for claims by non-earners on the Treatment Injury Account, and
  • just under $45 million for supporting equitable pay for care and support workers.

The Minister for Economic Development, as Minister responsible for MBIE, is responsible for one appropriation of $125,000 relating to impairment of debts owed to the Crown.

The Minister of Immigration is responsible for appropriations of:

  • just over $295 million for Immigration Services, including assessment and processing services (majority funded by third party revenue of $210 million), services for the attraction of immigrants, settlement and integration of refugees (of which $846,000 is to be funded by third party revenue) and integrity and security of the New Zealand immigration system, and
  • just over $2.500 million for Regulation of Immigration Advisers of which $935,000 is to be funded by third party revenue.

In addition, the Minister of Immigration is responsible for a forecast total of just under $26 million in non-tax Crown revenue for 2017/18.

The Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment is responsible for an appropriation of just over $4 million for the provision of employment information and facilitation services.

The Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety is responsible for appropriations of:

  • just under $94 million for the purchase of services from non-departmental providers in relation to workplace health and safety and the collection of the Health and Safety at Work Levy
  • just over $35 million for provision of employment relations services, including support services provided to employment relations institutions
  • $11 million for shared services for WorkSafe and just over $9 million in non-departmental capital for WorkSafe Capability Change Programme, and
  • a total of just over $6 million for other expenses including salaries and allowances of the Employment Relations Authority and Remuneration Authority members, subscription to the International Labour Organisation, promotion of equal employment opportunities and better relations through the Equal Employment Opportunities Trust, and for the New Zealand Industrial Relations Foundation.

In addition, the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety has overall responsibility for over $21 million to provide policy advice and related services to the Minister for ACC, the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, the Minister of Immigration, and the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-4.