Formats and related files
APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Labour (M43)
APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATOR: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Summary of the Vote#
The Minister of Labour is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2014/15 financial year covering the following:
- a total of over $37 million for departmental output expenses including provision of employment relations services, including support services provided to employment relations institutions and for shared services for WorkSafe New Zealand
- a total of just under $87 million for the purchase of services from non-departmental providers in relation to the Employment Relations Education Contestable Fund, collection of the Health and Safety in Employment Levy, and for Workplace Health and Safety
- a total of just under $6 million for other expenses including write-off for non-recovered hearing fees, salaries and allowances of the Employment Relations Authority Members, subscription to the International Labour Organisation, promotion of equal employment opportunities and better relations through the Joint Equal Employment Opportunities Trust, and for the New Zealand Industrial Relations Foundation, and
- a total of over $8 million for multi-category appropriations for policy advice and ministerial servicing.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-4.
Estimates of Appropriations#
Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#
Annual and Permanent Appropriations
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Employment Relations Services (M43)This appropriation is limited to the provision of information, guidance, investigation, mediation and decision-making regarding employment rights and upholding regulatory standards including support services provided to employment relations institutions. | 30,550 | 30,550 | 26,174 |
Shared Services Support (M43)This appropriation is limited to the provision of support services to other agencies. | - | - | 11,505 |
Health and Safety Services (M43)This appropriation is limited to the provision of information, education and support for workplaces regarding effective workplace health and safety practice, and enforcement action to promote compliance with the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and related regulations. | 38,568 | 38,568 | - |
Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA (M43) | 7,697 | 7,697 | - |
Ministerial ServicesThis output class is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities. | 1,169 | 1,169 | - |
Policy Advice - LabourThis output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to employment relations, health and safety (including Hazardous Substances and New Organisms) and international labour commitments. | 6,528 | 6,528 | - |
Total Departmental Output Expenses | 76,815 | 76,815 | 37,679 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Employment Relations Education Contestable Fund (M43)Grant funding for programmes that promote improved employment relationships and good faith behaviour, and good health and safety practices amongst employers, unions and employees. | 1,470 | 1,470 | 500 |
Health and Safety in Employment Levy - Collection Services (M43)This appropriation is limited to the provision of collection services from the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), to collect the HSE Levy on behalf of the Crown. | 869 | 869 | 869 |
Workplace Health and Safety (M43)This appropriation is limited to the provision of information, education, leadership, standards, support, and enforcement services relating to the health and safety of workplaces, the safe management of hazardous substances in workplaces, the safety of gas and electricity systems, and the inspection of amusement devices. | 44,112 | 44,112 | 85,591 |
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses | 46,451 | 46,451 | 86,960 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses | |||
Bad Debt Expense (M43)To cover the expected cost of writing off hearing fees for hearings of longer than a day in length at the Employment Court (hearings pre 1 December 2004) and the Employment Relations Authority where the applicant is granted hardship or where debt recovery is unsuccessful after three months. | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Employment Relations Authority Members' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M43)As set by the Remuneration Authority in order to administer and enforce employment-related legislation (section 171 of the Employment Relations Act 2000). | 3,980 | 3,980 | 3,980 |
International Labour Organisation (M43)New Zealand's annual subscription to the ILO. | 1,400 | 1,269 | 1,400 |
Joint Equal Employment Opportunities Trust (M43)Funding to promote EEO as a good management practice, delivered in partnership with the private sector. | 450 | 450 | 450 |
New Zealand Industrial Relations Foundation (M43)Funding for education to promote better industrial relations. | 15 | 15 | 15 |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses | 5,860 | 5,729 | 5,860 |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure | |||
Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA (M43)The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other support to Ministers in discharging their policy decision-making and other portfolio responsibilities. | - | - | 8,286 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Ministerial ServicesThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities. | - | - | 2,035 |
Policy Advice - LabourThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to employment relations, health and safety (including Hazardous Substances and New Organisms) and international labour commitments. | - | - | 6,251 |
Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | - | 8,286 |
Total Annual and MYA Expenses | 129,126 | 128,995 | 138,785 |
Supporting Information#
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#
1.1 - New Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Appropriation | 2013/14 Budgeted $000 | 2014/15 Budget $000 | 2015/16 Estimated $000 | 2016/17 Estimated $000 | 2017/18 Estimated $000 |
Improving Health and Safety at Work: Overview | Health and Safety ServicesDepartmental Output Expenses | 21,492 | 30,621 | 31,128 | 31,528 | 32,028 |
Canterbury Re-Build: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Ensuring Fair Workplaces | Employment Relations ServicesDepartmental Output Expenses | - | 998 | 998 | 998 | 998 |
Savings from the Formation of Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Employment Relations ServicesDepartmental Output Expenses | - | (784) | (784) | (784) | (784) |
Policy Advice and Related OutputsMinisterial ServicesMulti-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | (34) | (34) | (34) | (34) | |
Policy Advice and Related OutputsPolicy Advice - LabourMulti-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | (208) | (208) | (208) | (208) | |
Shared Services Support | Shared Services SupportDepartmental Output Expenses | - | 11,505 | 11,505 | 11,505 | 11,505 |
Total Initiatives by Year | 21,492 | 42,098 | 42,605 | 43,005 | 43,505 |
1.2 - Trends in the Vote#
Summary of Financial Activity#
2009/10 | 2010/11 | 2011/12 | 2012/13 | 2013/14 | 2014/15 | 2015/16 | 2016/17 | 2017/18 | ||||
Actual $000 | Actual $000 | Actual $000 | Actual $000 | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Departmental Transactions Budget $000 | Non- Departmental Transactions Budget $000 | Total Budget $000 | Estimated $000 | Estimated $000 | Estimated $000 | |
Appropriations | ||||||||||||
Output Expenses | 67,938 | 69,502 | 69,061 | 79,404 | 115,569 | 115,569 | 37,679 | 86,960 | 124,639 | 125,542 | 124,614 | 125,071 |
Benefits or Related Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Borrowing Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Expenses | 5,410 | 6,499 | 4,800 | 5,009 | 5,860 | 5,729 | - | 5,860 | 5,860 | 5,860 | 5,806 | 5,806 |
Capital Expenditure | 19,975 | 23,927 | 15,516 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA) | ||||||||||||
Output Expenses | 9,742 | 8,883 | 9,340 | 8,996 | 7,697 | 7,697 | 8,286 | - | 8,286 | 8,235 | 8,235 | 8,235 |
Other Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Appropriations | 103,065 | 108,811 | 98,717 | 93,409 | 129,126 | 128,995 | 45,965 | 92,820 | 138,785 | 139,637 | 138,655 | 139,112 |
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts | ||||||||||||
Tax Revenue | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Non-Tax Revenue | 49,487 | 44,271 | 46,096 | 47,960 | 54,976 | 54,976 | N/A | 78,622 | 78,622 | 80,771 | 82,977 | 85,244 |
Capital Receipts | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts | 49,487 | 44,271 | 46,096 | 47,960 | 54,976 | 54,976 | N/A | 78,622 | 78,622 | 80,771 | 82,977 | 85,244 |
Note - where restructuring of the vote has occurred then, to the extent practicable, prior years information has been restated as if the restructuring had occurred before the beginning of the period covered.
Adjustments to the Summary of Financial Activity table due to Vote Restructuring#
2009/10 Adjustments $000 | 2010/11 Adjustments $000 | 2011/12 Adjustments $000 | 2012/13 Adjustments $000 | 2013/14 Budgeted Adjustments $000 | 2013/14 Estimated Actual Adjustments $000 | |
Appropriations | ||||||
Output Expenses | (9,742) | (8,883) | (9,340) | (8,996) | (7,697) | (7,697) |
Benefits or Related Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Borrowing Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | |
Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA) | ||||||
Output Expenses | 9,742 | 8,883 | 9,340 | 8,996 | 7,697 | 7,697 |
Other Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Appropriations | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts | ||||||
Tax Revenue | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Non-Tax Revenue | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Capital Receipts | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The prior year information in the Summary of Financial Activity table has been restated to reflect the current Vote structure.
1.3 - Analysis of Significant Trends#
Total Vote: All Appropriations
The variation overall is mainly due to: time limited initiatives; a reduction of $495,000 from 2011/12 as a consequence of internal structural changes in corporate and policy functions within the then Department of Labour; and a reduction of $1.979 million from 2012/13 due to efficiency savings of $1.979 million and additional funding appropriated to increase the delivery of Health and Safety services.
In 2013/14 there was a significant change with the establishment of WorkSafe New Zealand as a Crown entity from 16 December 2013 which resulted in the transfer of funding from departmental to non- departmental expenditure and additional Crown funding.
Output Expenses
The trend in the output expenses reflects additional funding for enhanced health and safety and hazardous substances activities, and the transfer of funding for energy safety activities from Vote Energy to Vote Labour.
Other Expenses
The trend for this appropriation type has been reasonably constant with the slight fluctuations reflecting the impact of decisions relating to the Employment Relations Authority Members' salaries and allowances and the exchange rate fluctuations on the International Labour Organisation membership fee.
Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure reflects the capital investment under the previous Labour Department. Capital expenditure is now reflected in Vote Economic Development and Employment since the establishment of MBIE.
The expenditure mainly reflected the phasing of the motor vehicle replacement programme, the cost of the remedial work to the Immigration ICT System and the implementation of the financial management system.
Multi-Category Output Expenses
The key changes reflected in these trends are:
- fluctuations due to the phasing of the funding for the skills strategy programme from 2009/10 to 2011/12
- the reprioritisation of funds for the new New Zealand Productivity Commission from 2010/11, and
- post implementation activities of free trade agreements causes a decline in from 2011/12 and outyears.
1.4 - Reconciliation of Changes in Appropriation Structure#
Old Structure | New Structure | |||||
2013/14 Appropriations in the 2013/14 Structure | 2013/14 (Current) $000 | Appropriations to which Expenses (or Capital Expenditure) have been Moved from or to | Amount Moved $000 | 2013/14 Appropriations in the 2014/15 Structure | 2013/14 (Restated) $000 | 2014/15 $000 |
Departmental Output Expense | ||||||
Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA | 7,697 | To Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA | 7,697 | Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCA | 7,697 | 8,286 |
Health and Safety Services | 38,568 | Transfer to Workplace Health and Safety | (38,568) | |||
Non-Departmental Output Expense | ||||||
Workplace Health and Safety | 44,112 | Workplace Health and Safety | 44,112 | Workplace Health and Safety | 82,680 | 85,591 |
Transfer from Health and Safety Services | 38,568 | |||||
Totals | 90,377 | 90,377 | 93,877 |
The above changes reflect the restructuring of departmental output expenses following the establishment of WorkSafe New Zealand and the implementation and restructure of Multi-Class Output appropriations (MCOAs) to Multi-Category appropriations (MCAs) as per the Public Finance Act amendments.
Explanations of the reasons for changing the appropriation structure are noted in the details of each appropriation in Parts 2-4.
Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#
2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses#
Employment Relations Services (M43)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 30,550 | 30,550 | 26,174 |
Revenue from the Crown | 30,550 | 30,550 | 26,174 |
Revenue from Others | - | - | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve well functioning workplaces through services to educate and advise employers and employees about their obligations and entitlements, to enforce minimum employment standards, and to resolve employment problems where they arise.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual Standard | Budget Standard |
The percentage of investigations into suspected breaches of regulatory standards of employment legislation completed within six months of receipt. | Updated measure | Updated measure | 90% |
Satisfaction of customers with overall quality and timeliness of mediation services. | Updated measure | Updated measure | 80% Satisfied or very satisfied |
Satisfaction of customers with the overall quality of contact centre services. | Updated measure | Updated measure | 80% Satisfied or very satisfied |
Activity Information (see Note 1). | |||
The number of interventions aimed at ensuring compliance with minimum standards of employment legislation (see Note 2). | 2,000 - 2,500 | 2,000 - 2,500 | 2,500 - 3,000 |
Note 1 - Activity information relates to output volume measures that are demand driven and therefore outside the Ministry's control.
Note 2 - Due to process changes, straightforward cases are no longer classified as investigations, but are managed through other processes. Because only the more complex cases are now classified as investigations this has pushed out the average timeframe for completing investigations.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in its annual report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2013/14 Budgeted $000 | 2014/15 Budget $000 | 2015/16 Estimated $000 | 2016/17 Estimated $000 | 2017/18 Estimated $000 |
Canterbury Re-Build: Protecting Vulnerable Workers and Ensuring Fair Workplaces | 2014/15 | - | 998 | 998 | 998 | 998 |
Savings from the Formation of Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | 2014/15 | - | (784) | (784) | (784) | (784) |
Reprioritisation Across Votes to Meet Cost Pressures | 2014/15 | - | 1,422 | 473 | - | - |
Reprioritisation Across Years to Meet Cost Pressures | 2012/13 | 441 | (374) | - | - | - |
Vote Realignment to Reflect Changes in Cost Allocation and Reprioritisation | 2012/13 | 1,437 | 1,297 | 1,244 | 1,244 | 1,244 |
Review of Funding for the Remuneration Authority | 2012/13 | 161 | 89 | 216 | 132 | 89 |
Efficiency Savings | 2012/13 | (572) | (566) | (566) | (566) | (566) |
Cessation of Publications Revenue | 2011/12 | (202) | (202) | (202) | (202) | (202) |
Funds Reprioritised from Disestablishment of the Partnership Resource Centre | 2011/12 | (1,173) | (1,173) | (1,173) | (1,173) | (1,173) |
Change Management, Primary Contact Centre and Practice Leadership | 2010/11 | 600 | 600 | 600 | 600 | 600 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation is mainly due to the cessation of one-off funding in 2013/14 as a result of fiscally neutral reallocation of overhead costs across Votes and appropriations administered by MBIE.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation
Reference | Conditions |
Employment Relations Act 2000 | Registration of receipt, processing, assessment and approval of applications made for union registration. |
Shared Services Support (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
Expenses and Revenue#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | - | - | 11,505 |
Revenue from the Crown | - | - | - |
Revenue from Others | - | - | 11,505 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to provide administration services on behalf of WorkSafe New Zealand and other agencies that arrangements are made with.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual Standard | Budget Standard |
Service level standards are met to the standards and timeframes agreed with WorkSafe New Zealand. | New measure | New measure | Achieved |
End of Year Performance Reporting#
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in its annual report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives#
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2013/14 Budgeted $000 | 2014/15 Budget $000 | 2015/16 Estimated $000 | 2016/17 Estimated $000 | 2017/18 Estimated $000 |
Shared Services Support | 2014/15 | - | 11,505 | 11,505 | 11,505 | 11,505 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
This appropriation was established in 2014/15. The appropriation enables the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to provide shared services to other agencies, such as WorkSafe NZ, that are funded by those other agencies.
Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#
3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses#
Employment Relations Education Contestable Fund (M43)
Scope of Appropriation
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 1,470 | 1,470 | 500 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to contribute to increase skills and knowledge of employment relations matters to enable employers, employees and unions to deal with each other in good faith and build productive relationships, and to provide health and safety representatives with the skills and knowledge needed to promote the successful management of health and safety issues.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental output expense is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2013/14 Budgeted $000 | 2013/14 Estimated Actual $000 | 2014/15 Budget $000 | Reporting to the House | Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations | |||||
Employer and Union training providers | 1,470 | 1,470 | 500 | Not required | Ongoing |
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2013/14 Budgeted $000 | 2014/15 Budget $000 | 2015/16 Estimated $000 | 2016/17 Estimated $000 | 2017/18 Estimated $000 |
Reprioritise Employment Relations Education (ERE) Funding | 2011/12 | (678) | (678) | (678) | (678) | (678) |
Employment Relations Education (ERE) Reprioritised for Primary Contact Centre | 2010/11 | (600) | (600) | (600) | (600) | (600) |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2014/15 is mainly due to the cessation of an expense transfer from 2012/13 to 2013/14.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation
Reference | Conditions |
2000/01 Budget | Proposed courses should be linked to the objectives of the Employment Relations Act 2000 or the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 or both, and may include:
Health and Safety in Employment Levy - Collection Services (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 869 | 869 | 869 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is to pay the costs charged by ACC for collection of the Health and Safety in Employment Levy.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental output expense is less than $5 million.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation#
Reference | Conditions |
Health and Safety in Employment (Rates of Funding Levy) Regulations | The levy rate is $0.08 in every $100 of total liable earnings. |
Workplace Health and Safety (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 44,112 | 44,112 | 85,591 |
Components of the Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Workplace Health and Safety | 41,613 | 41,613 | 81,177 |
Energy Safety | 2,499 | 2,499 | 4,414 |
Comparators for Restructured Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Vote, Type and Title of Appropriation | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Vote Labour, Departmental Output Expense: Health and Safety Services | 38,568 | 38,568 | - |
Vote Labour, Non-Departmental Output Expense: Workplace Health and Safety | 44,112 | 44,112 | - |
Total | 82,680 | 82,680 | 85,591 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to contribute to safer and more skilled workplaces by achieving a reduction in deaths and injuries, and exposure to hazardous substances, in workplaces, and an improvement to the safety of the supply of electricity and gas.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual Standard | Budget Standard |
An increase in the proportion of employers reporting that they made changes to their workplace practices as a result of their contact with WorkSafe New Zealand: | |||
| New measure | New measure | At least 73% |
| New measure | New measure | At least 58% |
End of Year Performance Reporting#
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by WorkSafe New Zealand in its annual report.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation#
The increase in this appropriation for 2014/15 reflects a full year of operation of WorkSafe New Zealand, which was established on 16 December 2013.
3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#
Bad Debt Expense (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 15 | 15 | 15 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to allow the write off of debts owed by users of the services of the Employment Relations Authority when the Authority deems the debts are unrecoverable.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act, as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental output expense is less than $5 million.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation
Reference | Conditions |
Employment Relations Authority | Decision processes can be subjected to external audit. |
Employment Relations Authority Members' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 3,980 | 3,980 | 3,980 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to allow the Employment Relations Authority to fulfil its statutory responsibilities.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for payments of salaries and allowances under section 171 of the Employment Relations Act 2000. Performance information relating to the administration of payment is provided under the Employment Relations Services appropriation.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation#
Reference | Conditions |
Employment Relations Act 2000 - section 171 | Employment Relations Authority members' salaries and allowances are paid in accordance with the agreed schedule. |
International Labour Organisation (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 1,400 | 1,269 | 1,400 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation intended to achieve the payment of the membership subscription of the International Labour Organisation.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental output expense is less than $5 million.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation#
Reference | Conditions |
International Labour Organisation Subscription | Manage New Zealand's subscription to the International Labour Organisation. |
Joint Equal Employment Opportunities Trust (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 450 | 450 | 450 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
The Trust promotes equal employment opportunities practices in the workplace to increase the success of New Zealand businesses.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental output expense is less than $5 million.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation#
Reference | Conditions |
Equal Employment Opportunities Trust | The Equal Employment Opportunities Trust is a charitable trust established jointly by the Government and the private sector in 1991. The public sector trustees are appointed by the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Women's Affairs, while the private sector trustees are appointed by the private sector members of the Trust. The Equal Employment Opportunities Trust is jointly funding from employer subscriptions and government contributions. Government funding is on dollar-for-dollar basis with the employer contributions. |
New Zealand Industrial Relations Foundation (M43)#
Scope of Appropriation#
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | 15 | 15 | 15 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#
This appropriation is intended to contribute to helping the labour market work more effectively through the provision of new knowledge about employment relations.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the Public Finance Act as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental output expense is less than $5 million.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation#
Reference | Conditions |
Charitable Trusts Act 1957 | The Foundation is an educational trust incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957. Trustees administer the Foundation. They are the Minister of Labour (Chairperson), the President and Chief Executive of Business New Zealand and the President and Secretary of the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions. Trustees are advised by a Steering Committee consisting of the Chief Executive or his nominee, the Chief Executive of Business New Zealand and the Secretary of the Council of Trade Unions. |
Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Policy Advice and Related Outputs (M43)
Overarching Purpose Statement
Scope of Appropriation
Departmental Output Expenses
Ministerial ServicesThis category is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio (other than policy decision-making) responsibilities.
Policy Advice - Labour
This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to employment relations, health and safety (including Hazardous Substances and New Organisms) and international labour commitments.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 | |
Total Appropriation | - | - | 8,286 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Ministerial Services | - | - | 2,035 |
Policy Advice - Labour | - | - | 6,251 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Revenue from the Crown | - | - | 8,286 |
Ministerial Services | - | - | 2,035 |
Policy Advice - Labour | - | - | 6,251 |
Revenue from Others | - | - | - |
Ministerial Services | - | - | - |
Policy Advice - Labour | - | - | - |
Comparators for Restructured Appropriation
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Vote, Type and Title of Appropriation | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Labour, Departmental Output Expenses, Policy Advice and Related Outputs MCOA to MCA | |||
Ministerial Services | 1,169 | 1,169 | 2,035 |
Policy Advice - Labour | 6,528 | 6,528 | 6,251 |
Total | 7,697 | 7,697 | 8,286 |
The previous MCOA Policy Advice and Related Outputs has been converted to an MCA.
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve policy advice of high technical quality relating to employment relations, health and safety and international labour commitment; and to achieve effective and efficient ministerial services.
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation
Performance will be assessed by ministerial feedback on policy advice, external review of policy advice, cost of policy advice, and timeliness of ministerial service; and feedback from tripartite partners and senior officials as specified in the following table for each MCA category.
What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed
2013/14 | 2014/15 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Budgeted Standard | Estimated Actual Standard | Budget Standard |
Policy Advice and Related Outputs | |||
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Ministerial Services | |||
This category is intended to achieve effective and efficient ministerial services. | |||
Responses to Parliamentary Questions, ministerial correspondence and ministerial Official Information Act 1982 requests are to be completed within either specified or statutory timeframes. | 95% or above | 95% or above | 95% or above |
Policy Advice - Labour | |||
This category is intended to achieve policy advice of high technical quality relating to employment relations, health and safety and international labour commitments. | |||
The satisfaction of the Minister of Labour with the policy advice service, as per the common satisfaction survey. | At least 70% | At least 70% | At least 70% |
Technical quality of policy advice papers assessed by a survey with a methodological robustness of 80%. | At least an average of 73% | At least an average of 73% | At least an average of 73% |
The total cost per hour of producing outputs. | At most $155 | At most $155 | At most $155 |
Meet New Zealand's International Labour Organisation's related commitments through protecting and promoting New Zealand's labour interest, including submitting all required reports and questionnaires within specified timeframes. | 100% met | 100% met | 100% met |
Tripartite partners and senior officials are satisfied with the quality of support, and representation, including stakeholder consultation, provided to meet New Zealand's labour-related international commitments. | Satisfied | Satisfied | Satisfied |
Provide support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in negotiation of trade labour agreements as part of all free trade agreements, and implemented in accordance with each agreement. | Support provided as requested | Support provided as requested | Support provided as requested |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in its Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact | 2013/14 Budgeted $000 | 2014/15 Budget $000 | 2015/16 Estimated $000 | 2016/17 Estimated $000 | 2017/18 Estimated $000 |
Ministerial Services | ||||||
Savings from the Formation of Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | 2014/15 | - | (34) | (34) | (34) | (34) |
Policy Advice - Labour | ||||||
Savings from the Formation of Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | 2014/15 | - | (208) | (208) | (208) | (208) |
Policy Advice - Labour (MCOA) | ||||||
Transfer of National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women to the Ministry of Women's Affairs | 2012/13 | (200) | (200) | (200) | (200) | (200) |
Efficiency Savings | 2012/13 | (273) | (271) | (271) | (271) | (271) |
Reprioritisation Across Years to Meet Cost Pressures | 2012/13 | - | 51 | - | - | - |
Vote Realignment to Reflect changes in Cost Allocation and Reprioritisation | 2012/13 | (701) | (529) | (373) | (373) | (373) |
Reprioritise Completion of Workplace Productivity Research and Demonstration Projects | 2011/12 | (572) | (572) | (572) | (572) | (572) |
Workplace Productivity - High Performance Work Initiative | 2010/11 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
New Zealand Productivity Commission | 2010/11 | (350) | (350) | (350) | (350) | (350) |
Policy Advice Reprioritised | 2010/11 | (310) | (310) | (310) | (310) | (310) |
Free Trade Agreements | 2010/11 | 310 | 310 | 310 | 310 | 310 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This appropriation has been established as a result of the 2013 amendments.
Conditions on Use of Appropriation
Reference | Conditions |
New Zealand's membership obligations to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) | By being a member of the ILO, New Zealand is required to fulfil obligations including: reporting, tripartite consultation and attendance by a tripartite delegation to the annual ILO Conference. |
New Zealand's trade labour agreement obligations | New Zealand is committed to commencing negotiations for new, and implementing obligations from existing, free trade agreements. |