Estimates of appropriations

Vote Health - Estimates of Appropriations 2012/13 - Estimates 2012/2013




Overview of the Vote#

The Minister of Health is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year totalling nearly $14,125 million covering the following:

Departmental Operating Appropriations

A total of nearly $191 million (1.4% of the Vote) relates to the functions of the Ministry of Health for: policy advice, administering the purchase of national health services; monitoring the performance of the funders and providers of health and disability services; developing and administering legislation and regulations related to health service facilities, providers and public safety; ministerial servicing; and information services.

Non-Departmental Operating Appropriations

A total of just over $13,645 million (96.6% of the Vote) is for operating expenses to be incurred on behalf of the Crown and is intended to be spent as follows.

Output Expenses

These total nearly $13,618 million (96.4% of the Vote) and are to fund the purchases of health services as follows:

  • just over $10,819 million (76.6% of the Vote) to fund health services from DHBs through the DHB appropriations.
  • nearly $1,053 million (7.5% of the Vote) to purchase national disability support services.
  • just over $800 million (5.7% of the Vote) to purchase national health services and provide clinical training for health professionals.
  • just over $476 million (3.4% of the Vote) to purchase public health services.
  • nearly $176 million (1.2% of the Vote) to purchase primary health care services.
  • just over $145 million (1.0% of the Vote) to purchase national maternity services.
  • $65 million (0.5% of the Vote) for a provision for DHB deficit support.
  • $52 million (0.4% of the Vote) to manage health sector risks.
  • just over $31 million (0.2% of the Vote) to fund other health and disability services.
Other Expenses Incurred by the Crown

A total of just over $27 million (0.2% of the Vote) is for other expenses to fund provider development, legal expenses, and international health obligations including World Health Organisation (WHO) membership.

Capital Expenditure

A total of nearly $289 million (2.0% of the Vote) is to provide Capital funding and will be spent as follows:

  • nearly $259 million (1.8% of the Vote) is to provide debt or equity for district health boards or Health Sector Crown Agencies to cover new investments or for other purposes agreed by the Crown, including balance sheet restructuring, or to invest in specific health sector assets.
  • $15 million (0.1% of the Vote) is to provide interest-free loans to assist people in long-term care.
  • $15 million (0.1% of the Vote) is to purchase or develop assets for use by the Ministry of Health.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Health in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Health
  2011/12 2012/13
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses


Information and Payment Services MCOA (M36)

78,103 75,875 73,732
Health Sector Information Systems
This appropriation is limited to the provision of information technology services and the publication of data derived from these services to the health and disability system.
57,661 56,009 57,191
Payment Services
This output class is limited to the administration and audit of contracts and payments on behalf of the Crown and Crown agencies.
20,442 19,866 16,541

Managing the Purchase of Services (M36)

This appropriation is limited to purchasing services for the public and health and disability sector on behalf of the Crown, for those services where the Ministry has responsibility for the purchasing function (i.e. funding is not devolved to another entity).
37,744 36,002 35,698

Policy Advice and Ministerial Servicing MCOA (M36)

- - 16,861
Ministerial Servicing
This output class is limited to the provision of services to Ministers to enable them to discharge their portfolio responsibilities other than policy decision-making.
- - 2,115
Policy Advice
This output class is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters.
- - 14,746

Regulatory and Enforcement Services (M36)

This appropriation is limited to implementing, enforcing and administering health- and disability-related legislation and regulations, and provision of regulatory advice to the sector and to Ministers, and support services for committees established under statute or appointed by the Minister pursuant to legislation.
24,038 23,230 22,747

Sector Planning and Performance (M36)

This appropriation is limited to advising on and co-ordinating health sector planning and performance improvement; and funding, monitoring, and supporting the governance of, health sector Crown entities, and sector co-ordination.
45,326 44,410 41,947

Policy Advice (M36)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of policy advice and ministerial servicing that relates to the health and disability system, including the provision of advice and information to the public and other agencies on health and disability policy issues.
14,546 14,226 -

Total Departmental Output Expenses

199,757 193,743 190,985

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Health and Disability Support Services - Auckland DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Auckland DHB.
992,277 992,277 1,022,845

Health and Disability Support Services - Bay of Plenty DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Bay of Plenty DHB.
567,745 567,745 583,039

Health and Disability Support Services - Canterbury DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Canterbury DHB.
1,179,148 1,179,148 1,199,661

Health and Disability Support Services - Capital and Coast DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Capital and Coast DHB.
623,530 623,530 639,988

Health and Disability Support Services - Counties-Manukau DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Counties-Manukau DHB.
1,122,033 1,122,033 1,172,647

Health and Disability Support Services - Hawkes Bay DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Hawkes Bay DHB.
401,786 401,786 418,145

Health and Disability Support Services - Hutt DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Hutt DHB.
333,342 333,342 341,646

Health and Disability Support Services - Lakes DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Lakes DHB.
259,857 259,857 266,925

Health and Disability Support Services - MidCentral DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from MidCentral DHB.
424,787 424,787 439,198

Health and Disability Support Services - Nelson-Marlborough DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Nelson-Marlborough DHB.
345,821 345,821 357,292

Health and Disability Support Services - Northland DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Northland DHB.
448,097 448,097 460,985

Health and Disability Support Services - South Canterbury DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from South Canterbury DHB.
152,728 152,728 156,084

Health and Disability Support Services - Southern DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Southern DHB.
722,975 722,975 741,682

Health and Disability Support Services - Tairawhiti DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Tairawhiti DHB.
133,859 133,859 135,846

Health and Disability Support Services - Taranaki DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Taranaki DHB.
282,627 282,627 290,506

Health and Disability Support Services - Waikato DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Waikato DHB.
918,893 918,893 952,122

Health and Disability Support Services - Wairarapa DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Wairarapa DHB.
112,593 112,593 115,718

Health and Disability Support Services - Waitemata DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Waitemata DHB.
1,173,791 1,173,791 1,215,018

Health and Disability Support Services - West Coast DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from West Coast DHB.
113,027 113,027 114,532

Health and Disability Support Services - Whanganui DHB (M36)

Funding of personal and mental health services including services for the health of older people, provision of hospital and related services and management outputs from Whanganui DHB.
191,229 191,229 195,390

Health Services Funding (M36)

Funding to respond to emerging health sector risks, provision for DHB structural deficit support, and contingency funding for Government priority health policy initiatives.
- - 116,755

Health Workforce Training and Development (M36)

This appropriation is limited to provision of clinical training for doctors, nurses, dentists and other health professionals, and Voluntary Bonding Scheme claims.
160,787 148,787 169,189

Monitoring and Protecting Health and Disability Consumer Interests (M36)

Provision of services to monitor and protect health consumer interests by the Health and Disability Commissioner, District Mental Health Inspectors and Review Tribunals, and the Mental Health Commission.
15,231 15,231 14,115

National Advisory and Support Services (M36)

Provision of advisory and support services by independent service providers.
340 340 340

National Child Health Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of child health services directly by the Crown.
78,990 78,990 84,246

National Contracted Services - Other (M36)

For the funding and purchase of other health services including mobile surgical services, telephone advice services, sexual and reproductive health services, and services associated with the implementation of the Oral Health and Cancer Control Strategies.
93,419 93,419 112,013

National Disability Support Services (M36)

Delivery of disability support services provided through DHBs and third-party service providers.
1,035,134 1,028,134 1,052,849

National Elective Services (M36)

Funding for the purchase of additional elective surgery services.
265,056 255,056 274,536

National Emergency Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of health emergency services directly by the Crown.
87,521 85,521 90,243

National Maori Health Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of Maori health services directly by the Crown.
4,182 3,182 7,635

National Maternity Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of maternity services directly by the Crown.
139,504 133,504 145,129

National Mental Health Services (M36)

For the funding and purchase of mental health services directly by the Crown.
44,462 40,462 62,277

Primary Health Care Strategy (M36)

This appropriation is limited to services to implement and deliver the Primary Health Care Strategy.
171,571 163,571 175,956

Problem Gambling Services (M36)

Funding to support the research and implementation of strategies to prevent and minimise the harm from gambling, and for the provision of treatment services to problem gamblers and assistance to their families and whanau in accordance with the Gambling Act 2003.
19,864 15,864 16,952

Public Health Service Purchasing (M36)

Public Health Services funded by the Ministry of Health from DHBs and other public health service providers.
448,337 448,337 476,333

Crown Health Financing Agency (M36)

Funding for Crown Health Financing Agency (CHFA) to provide and manage the Crown term debt facilities for DHBs, provide independent advice to the Minister on the credit worthiness and financial sustainability of DHBs, and to manage residual area health board liabilities.
1,900 1,900 -

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

13,066,443 13,012,443 13,617,837

Departmental Other Expenses


Earthquake/Storm Damages (M36)

This appropriation is limited to costs arising from damage caused by earthquakes, storms or other natural disasters.
2,400 2,400 -

Total Departmental Other Expenses

2,400 2,400 -

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


International Health Organisations (M36)

Funding for New Zealand's membership to the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the contribution to specific WHO projects.
1,840 1,840 2,030

Legal Expenses (M36)

Funding for the defence and settlement of legal claims against the Crown.
6,028 6,028 1,028

Provider Development (M36)

Funding support and provide assistance for the development of the third party health service workforce, in particular, Maori and Pacific people's providers.
25,289 20,289 24,289

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

33,157 28,157 27,347

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Ministry of Health - Capital Expenditure PLA (M36)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Health, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
13,954 13,954 15,000

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

13,954 13,954 15,000

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Equity for Capital Projects for DHBs and Health Sector Crown Agencies (M36)

Capital contributions to District Health Boards and health sector Crown agencies to cover new investments and reconfiguration of their balance sheets.
129,558 - 124,064

Loans for Capital Projects (M36)

Provision of new loans to DHBs for the purpose of facilities redevelopment and other purposes agreed by the Crown including balance sheet reconfiguration.
310,864 254,899 106,510

Refinance of DHB Private Debt (M36)

Provision of funding to DHBs to replace their current debts held by private banking institutions as they become due for refinancing.
- - 28,000

Residential Care Loans (M36)

Funding to provide interest-free loans to people entering into aged residential care facilities.
18,000 16,084 15,000

Deficit Support for DHBs (M36)

This appropriation is limited to equity injections to District Health Boards to address deficits.
60,849 - -

Health Sector Projects (M36)

Capital investment in specific health sector assets.
2,665 - -

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

521,936 270,983 273,574

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

13,837,647 13,521,680 14,124,743

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Health
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2011/12
Estimated Actual
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2012/13
Opening Balance 31,719 30,840  
Capital Injections - 12,953 The capital injection planned for 2011/12 is now planned to be drawn down in 2012/13.
Capital Withdrawals (879) -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

30,840 43,793