Estimates of appropriations

Vote Food Safety - Estimates of Appropriations 2008/09 - Estimates 2008/2009


ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: New Zealand Food Safety Authority


Overview of the Vote#

The Minister for Food Safety is responsible for appropriations in Vote Food Safety for the 2008/09 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of just over $6 million for the provision of policy advice regarding New Zealand's regulatory framework and legislative base
  • a total of just over $31 million for the setting of standards, including access to scientific evidence in support of those standards to ensure that consumers are protected
  • a total of just over $360,000 for maintaining preparedness in the event of a food safety emergency
  • a total of nearly $5 million for auditing and investigating possible cases of non-compliance with standards and where necessary conducting prosecutions
  • a total of just over $4 million for providing consumers with authoritative information about food safety issues and providing the opportunity for consumers to participate in the regulatory process
  • a total of just over $46 million for the delivery of monitoring and assurance services provided throughout New Zealand
  • a total of nearly $2 million to support New Zealand's participation in joint food standard setting with Australia
  • a total of nearly $6 million on the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Authority.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Food Safety in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Food Safety
  2007/08 2008/09
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses


Food Safety Information and Participation (M33)

This appropriation is limited to activities to engage and inform stakeholders about food safety and suitability and to encourage participation in NZFSA's regulatory programme. The appropriation encompasses the provision of information (and information gathering) through a range of channels including consumer help-lines, publications, web based tools, consumer education and events.
4,392 4,092 4,083

Monitoring and Assurance (M33)

This appropriation is limited to delivering assurances to consumers, the public and overseas authorities that food, food-related products and inputs into the production of food are managed and delivered in accordance with New Zealand legislation and importing countries' market access requirements.
41,469 41,469 46,189

Policy Advice on Food Safety and Suitability (M33)

This appropriation is limited to analysis, policy and legal advice and decision-making support relating to food safety, food suitability, inputs related to food production and ministerial services.
3,958 3,958 6,208

Response to Food Related Emergencies and Events (M33)

This appropriation is limited to managing preparedness and operational response to food related events and food safety emergencies.
355 355 361

Standards Setting (M33)

This appropriation is limited to the development, implementation, monitoring and review of food related standards and inputs into food production for both the domestic and export market. The appropriation encompasses inputs into joint standard setting arrangements with Australia and influencing standards for trade set by international organisations.
40,273 38,673 31,684

Systems Audit and Enforcement (M33)

This appropriation is limited to the audit and enforcement programme administered by NZFSA, as well as investigations of and response to problems, complaints and suspected breaches of legislation.
4,750 4,750 4,835

Total Departmental Output Expenses

95,197 93,297 93,360

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


New Zealand Australia Joint Food Standards Setting Treaty (M33)

This appropriation is limited to the development of joint food standards and codes of practice for Australia and New Zealand by Food Standards Australia New Zealand in accordance with the Joint Food Standards Setting Treaty.
1,790 1,790 1,577

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

1,790 1,790 1,577

Departmental Capital Expenditure


New Zealand Food Safety Authority - Capital Expenditure PLA (M33)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989
3,010 3,010 5,925

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

3,010 3,010 5,925

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

99,997 98,097 100,862

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

New Zealand Food Safety Authority

New Zealand Food Safety Authority - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Food Safety
Details of Net Asset Schedule Estimated
Actual 2007/08
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2008/09
Opening Balance - 42  
Capital Injections 5,275 5,125 The capital injection comprises $2.225 million of establishment funding originally approved in 2007/08 but not drawn down until 2008/09, and $2.900 million of development funding for electronic wine certification capability and the implementation of food reviews.
Capital Withdrawals (4,738) -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) (495) -  
Other Movements - 495 This is a non-cash movement to cover the forecasted deficit.
Closing Balance 42 5,662