Note 33
From the Estimates of Appropriations 2011/12 in Budget 2011, Vote Education was split into Vote Tertiary Education and Vote Education.
MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister of Education (M26), Minister for Tertiary Education (M68)
Overview of the Vote#
The Minister of Education is responsible for appropriations in Vote Education for the 2011/12 financial year covering the following:
- A total of just over $1,812 million for services from the Ministry of Education (depreciation and capital charge on school accommodation and special education services being the most significant costs).
- A total of nearly $392 million for educational services from central education Crown entities (New Zealand Qualifications Authority and Career Services) and other non-departmental providers. The most significant costs are for professional development in the school and early childhood education sectors and school transport services.
- A total of just over $63 million for allowances, bursaries, scholarships (including national study awards for teachers) and grants.
- A total of just over $6,539 million for educational services from schools (including teacher salaries), early childhood education providers and other education providers.
- A total of just over $26 million for capital expenditure for Crown entities and schools.
- A total of nearly $547 million for capital expenditure by the Ministry of Education, mainly related to school sector property.
From 2011/12 a new Vote Tertiary Education has been created, which has incorporated funding for tertiary and international education that was previously appropriated under Vote Education.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Education in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.
Details of Appropriations#
Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations
2010/11 | 2011/12 | ||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Interventions for Target Student Groups (M26)Expenditure on policies and services focused on targeted student groups' or individuals' participation in education. This includes providing services to individuals with special education and developmental needs, providing additional funding for the support of students with special education needs, providing alternative education options, working with individuals and relevant stakeholders to resolve participation issues, and administering scholarships and awards for individuals. | 242,394 | 242,394 | 256,515 |
School Property Portfolio Management (M26)Expenditure on goods and services focused on providing the land, buildings and other facilities that make up the property portfolio of the State school sector. This includes purchasing and constructing new property, upgrading existing property to maintain the quality of the portfolio, disposing of surplus property, and managing teacher and caretaker housing. | 1,258,407 | 1,258,407 | 1,353,815 |
Strategic Leadership in the Sector (M26)Expenditure on policies and services focused on the Ministry's leadership role in the education sector. This includes enhancing the Ministry's coordination with other sector and Government agencies and forums, undertaking research and analysis, developing sector policy, monitoring the sector and select Crown entities, and supporting the Minister of Education and Associate Minister to meet their obligations to Parliament. | 34,081 | 34,081 | 34,136 |
Support and Resources for Education Providers (M26)Expenditure on policies, regulations and services focused on the governance, management and operation of education providers. This includes managing regulations, administering the distribution of resources, delivering services that support school management - including industrial relations and education payroll - and working with providers to resolve underperformance. | 74,752 | 74,752 | 75,624 |
Support and Resources for Teachers (M26)Expenditure on policies and services focused on supporting the work and enhancing the capability of teachers. This includes providing curriculum and achievement standards, teaching resources, professional development, and administering scholarships and awards for teachers and principals. | 63,050 | 63,050 | 79,347 |
Support and Resources for the Community (M26)Expenditure on policies and programmes focused on the community's knowledge of and participation in the education system. This includes engaging with, providing information and support to, and delivering education courses to the community. | 13,565 | 13,565 | 13,048 |
Strategic Leadership in the Tertiary System (M68)Expenditure on policies and services focused on the Ministry's leadership role in the tertiary system. This includes enhancing coordination with sector and Government agencies and forums, undertaking research and analysis, developing sector policy, monitoring the system, providing information on tertiary and international education services, representing the education sector internationally, supporting international students, and supporting Ministers to meet their obligations to Parliament. | 16,292 | 16,292 | - |
Total Departmental Output Expenses | 1,702,541 | 1,702,541 | 1,812,485 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Curriculum Support (M26)Purchase of supplementary educational programmes for schools and communities to ensure wider access to these opportunities. | 63,835 | 63,835 | 62,289 |
Education Research Initiatives (M26)Purchase of research about teaching and learning in our educational institutions and independent research on education issues, policies and practices. | 3,008 | 3,008 | 3,008 |
Professional Development and Support (M26)Delivery of professional development and advisory support to staff, managers and parents in early childhood education services and in schools, to support effective teaching and enhance self-management. | 91,385 | 91,385 | 87,617 |
Provision of Information and Advisory Services (M26)This appropriation is limited to providing a range of stakeholders with information, capability building and advisory services related to education policies and programmes. This includes careers information, advice and guidance services, information on qualifications, assessment and quality assurance, communication and information services for the sensory sector as well as mobility, orientation and habilitation services, and support to assist with management, governance, licensing and capacity of providers. Services from Career Services and New Zealand Qualifications Authority for Government Ministers are also included. | 22,547 | 22,547 | 22,639 |
Qualifications Support Structures (M26)This appropriation is limited to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority overseeing the setting of standards and New Zealand qualifications. It also includes standard-setting and qualifications development responsibility, recognition and review of qualifications, records management processes to support the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, and participation in the promotion of the New Zealand qualifications system to key education and immigration partner countries. | 6,062 | 6,062 | 6,049 |
Quality Assurance (M26)This appropriation is limited to the provision by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority of quality assurance services to support the New Zealand qualifications system that include ongoing development and management of quality assurance processes, monitoring and managing providers at risk and the ongoing refinement and maintenance of the quality assurance framework. | 4,370 | 4,370 | 4,370 |
School Transport (M26)Purchase of services to transport eligible students to and from State and integrated schools. Also included are payments to schools that manage their own transport services and payments to parents/caregivers to compensate for the costs of taking children to school where other transport services are unsuitable or unavailable. | 162,178 | 162,178 | 171,511 |
Secondary School Assessments (M26)This appropriation is limited to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority overseeing assessment for national secondary school qualifications, including the National Certificate of Educational Achievement and Scholarship examinations, and the moderation of internal and external school assessments. | 26,480 | 26,480 | 26,480 |
Service Academies (M26)This appropriation is limited to providing military-focused programmes for disengaged or disengaging senior students in secondary schools. | 1,440 | 1,440 | 1,950 |
Supporting Parenting (M26)This appropriation is limited to purchasing delivery of specific programmes and providing advice and support that enhances the role of parents/caregivers in the development of their children and promotes the value of quality education experiences. | 3,768 | 3,768 | 5,724 |
Centres of Research Excellence (M68)Purchase of cooperative and collaborative tertiary research in areas of research strength in the tertiary education sector through the contestable Centres of Research Excellence Fund. | 33,488 | 33,488 | - |
International Education Programmes (M68)This appropriation is limited to delivery of services in respect to international education, including promotion, information, research and professional development, both in New Zealand and overseas, for the purpose of managing and increasing the flow of international students and promoting international education linkages. | 6,006 | 6,006 | - |
Managing the Government's Investment in the Tertiary Education Sector (M68)This appropriation is limited to developing, implementing and managing an investment system that aligns planning, funding, monitoring and quality assurance of tertiary education in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act 1989 and other relevant legislation. | 36,080 | 36,080 | - |
Ownership Monitoring of Tertiary Education Institutions (M68)This appropriation is limited to monitoring and advisory services - including interventions - on the government's ownership interest in tertiary education institutions. | 2,567 | 2,567 | - |
Tertiary Education and Training Policy Advice (M68)This appropriation is limited to providing advice and support to Ministers on the tertiary sector and tertiary education and training issues. | 4,546 | 4,546 | - |
Tertiary Education: Student Achievement Component (M68)This appropriation is limited to teaching and learning services for enrolled students in approved courses at tertiary education organisations to achieve recognised tertiary qualifications. | 1,834,868 | 1,834,868 | - |
Training for Designated Groups (M68)Purchasing training linked to the National Qualifications Framework and the purchase of both on-job and off-job training places including delivery of fully or partially funded training places. | 268,507 | 268,507 | - |
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses | 2,571,135 | 2,571,135 | 391,637 |
Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses | |||
Boarding Allowances and Bursaries (M26)Provides an annual allowance to subsidise boarding fees and some travel costs of primary and secondary students who must live away from home to receive their education, either because of the distance of the nearest school or bus service from their home, or because certain approved subjects are not available at their local schools. Bursaries are awarded according to the School Boarding Bursaries Regulations 1972. | 8,069 | 8,069 | 8,069 |
Home Schooling Allowances (M26)Provides an allowance payable to parents/caregivers of children in full-time correspondence programmes for primary and secondary education and to parents/caregivers of children receiving their primary and secondary education at home (where a certificate of exemption from enrolment has been approved under section 21 of the Education Act 1989). | 5,550 | 5,550 | 5,564 |
Mapihi Pounamu (M26)Assistance to at-risk students enrolled in school level Year 9 and above, who face barriers to learning, to ensure they participate and achieve in education. The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Education. | 3,250 | 3,250 | 3,250 |
National Study Awards (M26)Provision for the costs of study awards, sabbaticals and fellowships for teachers, including replacement of the teacher while on study leave. Awards include those linked to teachers' collective agreements and approved prestigious awards. Priorities, criteria and selection processes are published by the Ministry of Education. | 24,681 | 21,881 | 25,707 |
Scholarships for Students to Attend Private Schools (M26)Assistance to students from low-income families to attend private secondary schools. | 2,914 | 2,914 | 3,714 |
Teacher Trainee Scholarships (M26)Scholarships and allowances for students undertaking teacher training education, and loan support payments to teachers. The criteria and process for awarding scholarships are published by the Ministry of Education. | 4,027 | 2,527 | 16,762 |
United World Scholarships (M26)Scholarships for attendance at United World Colleges. | 50 | 50 | 50 |
International Student Scholarship Scheme (M68)Scholarships available to international students wishing to study in New Zealand. Details of the criteria and selection process for the scheme are available from Education New Zealand. | 2,200 | 2,200 | - |
Maori and Pacific Island Scholarships and Bursaries (M68)Programmes to provide scholarships and bursaries to Maori and Pasifika students, according to established criteria. The programmes include Maori Education Trust and Polynesian and Pacific Island Education Foundation Scholarships, Ngarimu VC and 28th (Maori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund and Maori and Polynesian Scholarships. | 1,037 | 1,037 | - |
Queen Elizabeth II Study Awards (M68)Awards for training assistance in a Commonwealth country provided to technicians under The Queen Elizabeth II Technicians' Study Award Act 1970. | 100 | 100 | - |
Study Abroad Awards (M68)Awards granted to provide assistance to top scholars, researchers and teachers to undertake placements abroad and to participate in reciprocal education exchange arrangements with partner countries in selected areas of priority study, teaching and research. The criteria and selection process are available from Education New Zealand and AFS Intercultural Programmes New Zealand. | 1,290 | 1,290 | - |
Targeted Education and Training Grants (M68)Initiatives to provide living support for students at risk who need to move away from home to pursue alternative education options. The criteria and process for these grants are available from the Tertiary Education Commission. | 40 | 40 | - |
Tertiary Scholarships (M68)This appropriation is limited to providing scholarships for tertiary students. The criteria and process for the awards are available from the Tertiary Education Commission. | 16,259 | 16,259 | - |
Tertiary Teaching Awards (M68)Awards to recognise outstanding tertiary education teachers as selected by a committee appointed by the Minister of Education and according to approved criteria and guidelines as published by the Tertiary Education Commission. | 200 | 200 | - |
Total Benefits and Other Unrequited Expenses | 69,667 | 65,367 | 63,116 |
Departmental Other Expenses | |||
Recovery from February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake (M26)This appropriation is limited to writing off, or making good damage to, departmental assets and re-establishing school operations in Christchurch following the 22 February 2011 earthquake. | 14,720 | 14,720 | - |
Total Departmental Other Expenses | 14,720 | 14,720 | - |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses | |||
Early Childhood Education (M26)Subsidising early childhood education services for children under six years of age from licensed and chartered early childhood education services (including centres and chartered home-based care networks) and from licence-exempt and certificated centres. Also included are several targeted funds. | 1,385,394 | 1,350,394 | 1,395,345 |
Integrated Schools Property (M26)Provision for modernisation of existing property at integrated schools as part of a funding regime negotiated with the proprietors of integrated schools. Funding to assist in the expansion of the network is also included. | 55,051 | 54,551 | 53,437 |
Interest Subsidy for Schools (M26)Provides a subsidy on interest payments for borrowing by private and State integrated schools for approved property-related projects. Administration costs are also included. | 220 | 220 | 357 |
New Zealand Teachers Council (M26)Operating grant to assist the Teachers Council to carry out its leadership function. | 178 | 178 | 178 |
Primary Education (M26)Delivering the curriculum for Years 0 to 8 (new entrant to Form 2) to pupils of State, integrated, private schools and The Correspondence School. Provides roll-based operations funding to schools, teacher and management salaries, support costs and supplementary funding programmes. | 2,700,264 | 2,700,264 | 2,730,145 |
Remission of Fees (M26)Payment to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority for student examination fees remitted in cases of hardship. | 1,288 | 1,288 | 1,288 |
School Transport Bus Controllers (M26)Payments to teachers who, as bus controllers, assist in the provision of school transport assistance. | 817 | 817 | 807 |
Schooling Improvement (M26)School support and schooling improvement projects to improve the capability of schools and school clusters and their responsiveness to the needs of their communities. These include iwi-strengthening education projects. | 9,263 | 9,263 | 8,964 |
Secondary Education (M26)Delivering the curriculum for Years 9 to 13 (Forms 3 to 7) to pupils of State, integrated, private schools and The Correspondence School. Provides roll-based operations funding to schools, teacher and management salaries, support costs and supplementary funding programmes. | 1,992,109 | 1,992,109 | 2,006,499 |
Special Needs Support (M26)Providing additional resources to enable students with special education needs to participate in education. This includes supplementary resources for special education needs, residential services, English for Speakers of Other Languages and alternative education programmes. | 312,384 | 312,384 | 317,750 |
Support for Early Childhood Education Providers (M26)This appropriation is limited to assisting early childhood education services and other bodies corporate in the provision of child places for early childhood education. Priority will be given to providers in communities that have low levels of participation in early childhood education, to increase the number of child places and therefore availability of early childhood education. The criteria and selection process for each type of assistance are published by the Ministry of Education. | 12,000 | 12,000 | 22,632 |
UNESCO (M26)Annual membership contribution to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation's international administration, and a programme of activities of the National Commission, including participation in regional and international activities. | 2,083 | 2,083 | 2,083 |
Adult and Community Education (M68)This appropriation is limited to providing funding for delivery of community and adult education courses including literacy and English for speakers of other languages training through tertiary education institutions, schools and other agencies. | 69,071 | 69,071 | - |
Performance Based Research Fund (M68)This appropriation is limited to funding research and research-based teaching on the basis of measured research quality in tertiary education organisations. | 250,000 | 250,000 | - |
Support for International Students (M68)This appropriation is limited to provision of additional support to international students and their families affected by the Christchurch earthquake, including grants toward costs not covered by ACC, insurance or other support and refunds of tuition and other fees. | 2,000 | 2,000 | - |
Tertiary Education Grants and Other Funding (M68)This appropriation is limited to providing contestable funding and miscellaneous funding to tertiary education organisations. | 26,440 | 26,440 | - |
Tertiary Education Institutions Merger Support (M68)This appropriation is limited to providing support toward the additional costs related to the merger of particular tertiary education institutions. | 5,000 | 5,000 | - |
Tertiary Education Organisation Component - Capability Fund (M68)This appropriation is limited to financial contributions to the cost of tertiary education organisations maintaining and enhancing their capability to deliver quality and relevance, and to develop their specific and distinctive roles in the network of tertiary education provision. | 195,456 | 195,456 | - |
University of Auckland Starpath Project (M68)Funding under the Partnerships for Excellence programme to support the Starpath initiatives at the University of Auckland. | 1,210 | 1,210 | - |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses | 7,020,228 | 6,984,728 | 6,539,485 |
Departmental Capital Expenditure | |||
Ministry of Education - Capital Expenditure PLA (M26)This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Ministry of Education, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. | 663,804 | 663,804 | 547,271 |
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure | 663,804 | 663,804 | 547,271 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | |||
Property Disposal Incentives Scheme (M26)Payments to schools of a share of the proceeds from the sale of their surplus school property assets. | 4,375 | 4,375 | 5,511 |
School Support Project (M26)Capital costs of implementing approved school support and schooling improvement projects (other than costs related to school property assets). | 1,880 | 580 | 1,880 |
Schools Furniture and Equipment (M26)Provides funds to schools for new furniture and equipment when capital works (including remodelling/upgrading of existing property and new school property) are approved. | 23,571 | 23,571 | 18,473 |
Quality Reinvestment Programme (M68)Support for Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics and Wananga through the Quality Reinvestment Programme to develop and maintain a high quality network of tertiary education provision aligned with the core roles of the sector as expressed in the Tertiary Education Strategy. | 2,696 | 2,696 | - |
Redevelopment of Whitireia Community Polytechnic Porirua Campus (M68)This appropriation is limited to redevelopment of the trades training facilities and the construction of a new Health Education and Social Services block at the Porirua campus of Whitireia Community Polytechnic. | 669 | 669 | - |
Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi Treaty Settlement (M68)This appropriation is limited to the full and final settlement of Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi in regards to the Waitangi Tribunal Claim (Wai 718) seeking wananga capital establishment funding comparable to other tertiary education institutions. | 14,500 | 14,500 | - |
Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | 47,691 | 46,391 | 25,864 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations | 12,089,786 | 12,048,686 | 9,379,858 |
Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#
Ministry of Education
Details of Net Asset Schedule | 2010/11 Estimated Actual $000 | 2011/12 Projected $000 | Explanation of Projected Movements in 2011/12 |
Opening Balance | 10,147,631 | 10,328,819 | |
Capital Injections | 208,451 | 136,961 | Injection mainly relates to provision for a public-private partnership for building and maintaining several schools ($40.627 million) and funding for the school property works programme, including defective buildings ($32 million) and other programmes ($38.007 million). The injection also provides $17.030 million for implementation of ultra-fast broadband in schools and $9.209 million for software development. |
Capital Withdrawals | (27,263) | (24,053) | Withdrawal relates to repayment of surplus funding from the school property works programme, after an increase in operating funding from additional depreciation, and the expected proceeds to be paid to schools from the disposal of surplus school property assets. |
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) | - | - | |
Other Movements | - | - | |
Closing Balance | 10,328,819 | 10,441,727 |