Estimates of appropriations

Vote Courts - Justice - Estimates 2014/2015

Formats and related files

APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister for Courts (M19)



Summary of the Vote#


The Minister for Courts is responsible for appropriations in Vote Courts for the 2014/15 financial year, covering the following:

  • a total of $436.880 million (62% of the Vote) on purchasing services (mostly support for managing cases, claims and applications through courts and tribunals, and the collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts) from the Ministry of Justice
  • a total of $143.992 million (21% of the Vote) on purchasing services from non-departmental providers. The major part of the appropriation covers costs incurred under various Acts, and
  • a total of $119.262 million (17% of the Vote) on non-departmental expenditure to cover judges' and coroners' salaries and allowances.

The imposition of $179.486 million of fines, offender levies, contributions towards lawyer for child costs, and other penalties imposed through the courts is expected during the 2014/15 financial year.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-4.

Estimates of Appropriations#

Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#

Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation TypeBudgeted

Departmental Output Expenses

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCOA (M19)

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services
This output class is limited to the purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.
District Court Services
This output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court.
Higher Court Services
This output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court.
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services
This output class is limited to the provision of services in regard to the work of the Environment Court, Employment Court, Maori Land Court, Maori Appellate Court, Disputes Tribunals, Tenancy Tribunal, Liquor Licensing Authority, the Waitangi Tribunal, Coroners and a range of other tribunals and authorities. This output class also includes services to Maori landowners and contracting mortuary services as part of supporting the work of Coroners.

Total Departmental Output Expenses


Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Abortion Supervisory Committee - Certifying Consultants Fees (M19)

Payments to certifying consultants for providing opinions under Section 33 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.

Assistance to Victims of Crime (M19)

Funding for the Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme.

Coroners Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)

This appropriation is limited to the costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Coroners pursuant to Section 110 of the Coroners Act 2006.

Court and Coroner Related Costs (M19)

This appropriation is limited to funding professional and administrative services provided to or directed by courts and coroners, including costs that are required by legislation and costs incurred by Visiting Justices.

Impairment of Debt Established to Recognise Contributions towards Family Court Professional Services (M19)

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of debt owing as a contribution towards Family Court Professional Services costs in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

Impairment of Fines Receivable (M19)

This appropriation is limited to allowing for the impairment of fines, court costs and enforcement fees in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.

Judges' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)

Costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Judges and acting warranted Judges in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, District Court, Employment Court and Maori Land Court incurred pursuant to s.9A Judicature Act 1908, s.6 District Courts Act 1948 and s.13 Te Ture Whenua Maori Land Act 1993.

Judicial Review Costs (M19)

Cost of legal services (including settlement of claims) in cases involving the exercise of judicial functions or the execution of judicial process or costs of counsel to assist the court, including payments ordered to be made from the Maori Land Court Special Aid Fund.

Justices of the Peace Association (M19)

This appropriation is limited to the cost of administrative services from the Royal Federation of Justices including training and rostering Justices of the Peace for court hearings, and training for Visiting Justices.

Tribunal Related Fees and Expenses (M19)

This appropriation is limited to funding remuneration, allowances, or fees for the Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors of Specialist Tribunals, and expenses incurred by those Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors in relation to Tribunal work.

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCA (M19)

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide courts, tribunals and other authorities services, including the collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.
Departmental Output Expenses
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services
This category is limited to the purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.
District Court Services
This category is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court.
Higher Court Services
This category is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court.
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services
This category is limited to the provision of services in regard to the work of New Zealand's specialist courts, tribunals and authorities.

Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure


Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations


Supporting Information#

Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#

1.1 - New Policy Initiatives

Policy InitiativeAppropriation2013/14
Civil fees review

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCA

Departmental Output Expense
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services111267267267267
District Court Services672690690690690
Higher Court Services2,2122,2122,2122,2122,212
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services616954954954954
Justice Sector Fund - design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCA

Departmental Output Expense
District Court Services986----
Higher Court Services323----
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services391----
Support and mentoring of Pacific Island judges

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCA

Departmental Output Expense
Higher Court Services148174183159184
Coronial transportation services

Court and Coroner Related Costs

Non-departmental Output Expense
Vulnerable Children Bill Implementation

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCA

Departmental Output Expense
District Court Services-359---

Summary of Financial Activity#



Output Expenses------------
Benefits or Related Expenses------N/A-----
Borrowing Expenses------------
Other Expenses236,211210,981221,825235,768272,109262,109-263,254263,254264,251264,514264,514
Capital Expenditure------------
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure-------N/A----
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)
Output Expenses
Other Expenses
Capital Expenditure

Total Appropriations


Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue------N/A-----
Non-Tax Revenue237,957190,333175,661168,035177,349177,349N/A179,486179,486179,683180,066180,066
Capital Receipts------N/A-----

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts


Note - where restructuring of the vote has occurred then, to the extent practicable, prior years information has been restated as if the restructuring had occurred before the beginning of the period covered.

Adjustments to the Summary of Financial Activity Table due to Vote Restructuring#



Output Expenses(401,978)(406,745)(425,694)(445,322)(459,495)(459,495)
Benefits or Related Expenses------
Borrowing Expenses------
Other Expenses------
Capital Expenditure------
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure------
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA)
Output Expenses
Other Expenses
Capital Expenditure

Total Appropriations







Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts

Tax Revenue------
Non-Tax Revenue------
Capital Receipts------

Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts


As a consequence of the 2013 Amendment to the Public Finance Act, Multi-Class Output Appropriations were converted to Multi Category Appropriations.

Total Vote: All Appropriations

Total Vote: All Appropriations
The Vote trends in actual expenses and capital expenditure by appropriation type chart is a Line chart. Sourced from Ministry of Justice - Vote Courts. The X axis shows Financial Year; The Y axis shows millions of dollars. The first series is Departmental Output Expenses and its values are: 2009 2010  Actual 402 million, 2010 2011  Actual 407 million, 2011 2012  Actual 426 million, 2012 2013  Actual 445 million, 2013 2014  Est. Actual 459 million, 2014 2015  Estimated 437 million, 2015 2016  Estimated 444 million, 2016 2017  Estimated 442 million, 2017 2018  Estimated 441 million. The second series is Other Expenses and its values are: 2009 2010  Actual 236 million, 2010 2011  Actual 211 million, 2011 2012  Actual 222 million, 2012 2013  Actual 236 million, 2013 2014  Est. Actual 262 million, 2014 2015  Estimated 263 million, 2015 2016  Estimated 264 million, 2016 2017  Estimated 265 million, 2017 2018  Estimated 265 million.
Source: Ministry of Justice - Vote Courts

Output Expenses

Departmental output expenses fall in 2014/15 as a result of the completion of a number of projects which received one-off funding in 2013/14 and a higher efficiency savings target in 2014/15 compared with other years. Expenses are expected to be relatively stable in future years, with the Ministry aiming to manage cost pressures through productivity and efficiency savings, as well as reprioritising funding where appropriate.

Performance Trends

The amount of fines and infringements to be collected is beginning to plateau. The practice by the New Zealand Police of issuing warning letters before issuing infringements saw a temporary reduction in infringements filed in Court. However, volumes have now resumed to a steady state. The value collected is also relatively stable.

Other Expenses

The non-departmental other expenses are forecast to remain relatively constant over the forecast period.

Performance Trends

The number of service provision appointments has decreased, due to a decrease in the number of applications for counselling under the Family Proceedings Act, the number of Care of Children Act applications, and a reduction in the number of free counselling sessions available under these Acts.

1.4 - Reconciliation of Changes in Appropriation Structure#

Old StructureNew Structure
2013/14 Appropriations
in the 2013/14 Structure
Appropriations to which
Expenses (or Capital
Expenditure) have been Moved from or to
2013/14 Appropriations
in the 2014/15 Structure

Departmental Output Expense

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCOA459,495From Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCOA459,495To Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCA459,495436,880

Total Changes in Appropriations





Explanations of the reasons for changing the appropriation structure are noted in the details of each appropriation in Parts 2-4.

Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#

3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses#

Abortion Supervisory Committee - Certifying Consultants Fees (M19)

Scope of Appropriation

Payments to certifying consultants for providing opinions under Section 33 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation4,5634,5635,063

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient provision of medical opinions under the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977 via providing payments to certifying consultants.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for payments under Section 33 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

The increase in this appropriation of $500,000 for 2014/15 is due to a transfer for 2013/14 for the establishment of the Youth Crime Action Plan Innovation Fund. The 2014/15 appropriation returns to baseline.

Assistance to Victims of Crime (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Funding for the Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation404040

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve effective support and services for victims, to reduce the impact of crime.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental other expense is less than $5 million.

Coroners Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Coroners pursuant to Section 110 of the Coroners Act 2006.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation5,1735,1735,173

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient running of the coronial system of New Zealand by providing payment of salaries and allowances to coroners.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for payments under Section 110 of the Coroners Act 2006.

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to funding professional and administrative services provided to or directed by courts and coroners, including costs that are required by legislation and costs incurred by Visiting Justices.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation77,69377,69373,863

Components of the Appropriation#

Estimated Actual
Children Young Persons and Their Families Professional Services9,2509,2509,250
Coroner-Directed Post-Mortems8,6208,6209,094
Domestic Violence Professional Services7,1037,1037,264
Family Court Professional Services33,97233,97229,507
Medical and Other Professional Services3,9783,9783,978
Personal Property Protection Rights Costs2,5002,5002,500
Witness Fees and Expenses3,4603,4603,460
Youth Court Professional Fees8,0008,0008,000

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve effective professional and administrative services to ensure that court users receive appropriate support and representation, and the judiciary have sufficient information to proceed with cases.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

Assessment of Performance Budgeted
Estimated Actual
Children Young Persons and Their Families Professional Services
Number of service provision appointments (see Note 1)5,850 - 6,0005,6305,600 - 5,800
Domestic Violence Professional Services
Number of referrals to a Domestic Violence Programme (see Note 2)6,950 - 7,1505,9504,900 - 5,100
Family Court Professional Services
Number of service provision appointments (see Note 3)21,800 - 22,70022,30012,800 - 13,800 (see Note 4)

Note 1 - The services provided are demand driven and dependent on the type of cases before the court. The services are judicially ordered.

Note 2 - The services provided are demand driven and dependent on the type of cases before the court. The services are judicially ordered. The services provided count the Domestic Violence Programmes that are available through the Family Court and the District Court.

Note 3 - The services provided include court appointed counsel, such as lawyer for child, lawyer to assist the court and specialist report writers. These services are demand driven and professional service providers are engaged when the Judge determines there is a need. An application can have more than one type of service provision appointment.

Note 4 - Family Court Professional Services includes counselling, which is to change under the new Family Court process for Care of Children. Forecasts have been revised accordingly.

End of Year Performance Reporting#

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Ministry of Justice in its Annual Report.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives#

Policy InitiativeYear of
Coronial transportation services2013/149491,4231,4231,4231,423
Family Court Review - to fund the providers of Family Dispute Resolution Services2013/14(3,270)(4,360)(4,360)(4,360)(4,360)
Family Court Review - to facilitate the more targeted use of lawyer for child services during court proceedings2013/14(9,898)(12,369)(15,474)(15,474)(15,474)
Family Court Review - forecast changes to revenue2012/13(1,418)(1,575)(1,575)(1,575)(1,575)
Family Court Review - to provide for a temporary reduction on court funded counselling services2012/13(950)----
Family Court Review - to provide for the administration of subsidies for participants of the Family Dispute Resolution Service2012/13(537)(240)(240)(240)(240)
Family Court Review - costs associated with implementing the review's recommendations2012/13(446)(3,216)(111)(111)(111)
Family Court Review - to provide improved information and resources to parents with family disputes2012/13(1,500)(1,000)(1,000)(1,000)(1,000)
Changes to lawyer for child services2012/132,7235,2305,2305,2305,230
Domestic Violence (Enhancing Safety) Bill2010/112,8772,8772,8772,8772,877
Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Act 20092010/113232323232

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The decrease in this appropriation of $3.830 million for 2014/15 is mainly due to transfers to the Vote Justice Family Disputes Resolution Services appropriation to fund the family justice reforms.

Impairment of Debt Established to Recognise Contributions towards Family Court Professional Services (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the impairment of debt owing as a contribution towards Family Court Professional Services costs in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation9099091,292

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient running of the Family Court system by providing for the incurring of expenses involved in the impairment of debt, which is owed as a contribution towards Family Court Professional Services.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the impairment of debt. Performance information relating to what is intended to be achieved with this expenditure is provided under the Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services multi-category appropriation, specifically the District Court Services category.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives#

Policy InitiativeYear of
Contributions for costs for lawyer for child services2012/131,2641,6861,6861,6861,686
Family Court Review - forecast changes to revenue2012/13(355)(394)(394)(394)(394)

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The increase in this appropriation of $383,000 for 2014/15 is due to the 2014/15 financial year being the first full year of operation of the policy requiring a contribution towards Family Court Professional Services in certain situations.

Impairment of Fines Receivable (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to allowing for the impairment of fines, court costs and enforcement fees in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation60,07250,07257,114

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient running of the court system by providing for the incurring of expenses involved in the impairment of fines, court costs and enforcement fees.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for the impairment of fines and enforcement fees. Performance information relating to what is intended to be achieved with this expenditure is provided under the Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services multi-category appropriation, specifically the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services category.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The decrease in this appropriation of $2.958 million for 2014/15 is due to changes in the expected level of fines and enforcement fees imposed.

Judges' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Judges and acting warranted Judges in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, District Court, Employment Court and Maori Land Court incurred pursuant to s.9A Judicature Act 1908, s.6 District Courts Act 1948 and s.13 Te Ture Whenua Maori Land Act 1993.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation116,789116,789114,089

Components of the Appropriation#

Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation116,789116,789114,089
Supreme Court Judges4,2374,2374,237
Court of Appeal Judges5,4105,4105,410
High Court Judges24,83724,83724,837
District Court Judges72,14272,14269,442
Environment Court Judges3,5243,5243,524
Employment Court Judges2,2322,2322,232
Maori Land Court Judges4,4074,4074,407

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient running of the courts system of New Zealand by providing payment of salaries and allowances to the judiciary.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for payments under s.9A Judicature Act 1908, s.6 District Courts Act 1948 and s.13 Te Ture Whenua Maori Land Act 1993.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives#

Policy InitiativeYear of
Funding of additional Law Commissioner2012/13(151)(151)(151)(151)(151)
Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Act 20092010/11363363363363363

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The decrease in this appropriation of $2.700 million for 2014/15 is due to an accounting adjustment for the annual leave liability accrued by District Court Judges in 2013/14 not recurring in 2014/15.

Judicial Review Costs (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

Cost of legal services (including settlement of claims) in cases involving the exercise of judicial functions or the execution of judicial process or costs of counsel to assist the court, including payments ordered to be made from the Maori Land Court Special Aid Fund.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation1,4961,4961,196

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve an effective process for ensuring that decisions made by public bodies are lawful and within their rights.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental other expense is less than $5 million.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The decrease in this appropriation of $300,000 for 2014/15 is due to an increase to the appropriation of $300,000 in 2013/14 to meet increased demand. In 2014/15, the appropriation returns to baseline.

Justices of the Peace Association (M19)#

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to the cost of administrative services from the Royal Federation of Justices including training and rostering Justices of the Peace for court hearings, and training for Visiting Justices.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation350350350

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient running of the courts of New Zealand by providing funding for the work performed by the members of the Royal Federation of New Zealand Justices' Associations.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount of this annual appropriation for a non-departmental other expense is less than $5 million.

Scope of Appropriation#

This appropriation is limited to funding remuneration, allowances, or fees for the Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors of Specialist Tribunals, and expenses incurred by those Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors in relation to Tribunal work.


Estimated Actual
Total Appropriation5,0245,0245,074

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation#

This appropriation is intended to achieve the efficient running of the tribunals administered by the Ministry of Justice through the payment of remuneration, allowances, fees and expenses for Chairs, Members, Adjudicators, and Assessors of Specialist Tribunals.

How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements#

An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for funding remuneration, allowances, or fees.

Reasons for Change in Appropriation#

The increase in this appropriation of $50,000 for 2014/15 is due to the annualised increase in tribunal members' fees.

Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services (M19)

Overarching Purpose Statement

The overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide courts, tribunals and other authorities services, including the collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.

Scope of Appropriation

Departmental Output Expenses
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services
This category is limited to the purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services.
District Court Services
This category is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court.
Higher Court Services
This category is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court.
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services
This category is limited to the provision of services in regard to the work of New Zealand's specialist courts, tribunals and authorities.

Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure

Estimated Actual

Total Appropriation


Departmental Output Expenses

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services--66,057
District Court Services--215,278
Higher Court Services--68,253
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services--87,292

Funding for Departmental Output Expenses

Revenue from the Crown

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services--61,565
District Court Services--189,860
Higher Court Services--57,400
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services--79,069

Revenue from Others

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services--4,492
District Court Services--25,418
Higher Court Services--10,853
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services--8,210

Components of the Appropriation

Estimated Actual


Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

Collection and Enforcement of Fines--56,607
Collections and Enforcement of Civil Debts--9,450

District Court Services

Criminal Court--138,568
Civil Court--19,310
Family Court--57,400

Higher Court Services

Supreme Court - Civil--8,667
Supreme Court - Criminal--6,480
Court of Appeal - Civil--3,248
Court of Appeal - Criminal--3,648
High Court - Civil--26,430
High Court - Criminal--19,780

Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services

Environment Court--9,583
Employment Court--2,059
Maori Land Court and Maori Land Information--21,155
Disputes Tribunal--11,887
Tenancy Tribunal--6,623
Coroner Services--8,665
Waitangi Tribunal Services--10,077
Other Tribunals And Authorities--17,243


Comparators for Restructured Appropriation

Vote, Type and Title of Appropriation Budgeted
Estimated Actual

Vote Courts - MCOA to MCA

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services64,26364,26366,057
District Court Services232,714232,714215,278
Higher Court Services70,62470,62468,253
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services91,89491,89487,292

As a result of the Public Finance Amendment Act 2013, the existing Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services Multi-Class Output Appropriation (MCOA) was converted to a Multi Category Appropriation (MCA).

What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation

This appropriation is intended to achieve an efficient and accessible system of courts, tribunals and other authorities, which is trusted by New Zealanders.

How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation

Assessment of Performance Budgeted
Estimated Actual

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

Satisfaction of court users with court services and facilities (see Note 1)80%80%80%
Percentage of juror survey responses that rate overall juror satisfaction as "satisfied" or better (see Note 2)90%90%90%

Note 1 - Court users, including people who attend court to pay their fines, are surveyed two-yearly for the satisfaction with the Ministry's services at the largest courts. This measure is for overall satisfaction and is aligned with the State Services Commission's Common Measurement Tool for measuring satisfaction with state services.

Note 2 - Juror satisfaction is measured by an annual survey of jurors. The performance measure standard is the percentage of survey responses where jurors rate their overall satisfaction level with specific services as "satisfied" or better. The scale for responses is: very satisfied; satisfied; neither satisfied nor dissatisfied; dissatisfied; very dissatisfied.

What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed

Assessment of Performance Budgeted
Estimated Actual

Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

Departmental Output Expense

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services
This category is intended to achieve efficient and effective collection of fines, reparation and civil debt services that will enhance the credibility of fines as a sentencing option; increase public regard for the administration of justice, and foster respect for, and compliance with, the law.
Amount collected$216m - $238m$220.600m$217.500m
Percentage of court-imposed fines collected or placed under arrangement within four months84%84%84%
Percentage of infringement fines collected or placed under arrangement within four months75%85%84%
Percentage of civil enforcement applications actioned within seven days of court hearing dateNew measureNew measure94%
Amount collected through the Offender Levy$4.400m$4m$4.100m
Percentage of Offender Levy collected or placed under arrangement within four months80%85%85%
Ministry of Justice administrative data from the Collections system shows a decrease in the proportion of people who have not paid or made an arrangement to pay their fine, infringement or reparation, at 30 June40%52%40%
District Court Services
This category is intended to achieve efficient and accessible District Court services that are trusted by New Zealanders.
Criminal (including jury, summary and Youth Court)
Number of new criminal cases (total) (see Note 1)131,100 - 153,900132,370122,100 - 142,600 (see Note 2)
Number of new jury cases (subset of criminal cases) (see Note 1)2,960 - 3,4903,1423,000 - 3,300
Number of criminal cases disposed (total)140,100 - 164,500138,000113,600 - 145,100
Number of jury cases disposed (subset of criminal cases)3,240 - 3,8203,4453,100 - 3,800
Number of new Youth Court cases (subset of criminal cases) (see Note 1)3,320 - 3,9003,6893,200 - 3,600
Number of Youth Court cases disposed (subset of criminal cases)3,320 - 3,9103,1362,300 - 3,200
Percentage of survey responses about criminal trial cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of survey responses about criminal trial cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Number of criminal jury cases stayed for undue delay in terms of section 25(b) of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 for reasons wholly or partly the responsibility of the Ministry020
Number of other judge alone criminal cases stayed for undue delay in terms of section 25(b) of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 for reasons wholly or partly the responsibility of the Ministry090
Percentage of survey responses about Youth Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of survey responses about Youth Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Number of Youth Court cases stayed for undue delay in terms of section 25(b) of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 for reasons wholly or partly the responsibility of the Ministry000
Number of new civil cases (see Note 1)17,500 - 19,10016,12014,400 - 15,400
Number of civil cases disposed18,200 - 20,80017,69616,200 - 18,300
Percentage of survey responses about civil cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of survey responses about civil cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Family Court
Number of new Family Court substantive applications (see Note 1)58,300 - 60,70066,28963,900 - 65,700
Number of Family Court substantive applications disposed62,700 - 66,00060,00750,000 - 56,900
Percentage of survey responses about Family Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of survey responses about Family Court cases that rate "fairly satisfied" or better for courtroom support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Higher Court Services
This category is intended to achieve efficient and accessible Higher Court services that are trusted by New Zealanders.
Supreme Court
New business of civil and criminal appeals (see Note 1)10 - 404215 - 50
Disposals of civil and criminal appeals15 - 552310 - 40
New business of civil and criminal applications for leave to appeal (see Note 1)80 - 135160100 - 170
Disposals of civil and criminal applications for leave to appeal80 - 15014885 - 155
Court of Appeal
New business of civil and criminal appeals (see Note 1)765 - 845836760 - 840
Disposals of civil and criminal appeals690 - 850852770 - 910
High Court
Percentage of responses from High Court judges surveyed about criminal appeals and jury trial cases that rate case management/file preparation and presentation as "meets expectations " or better (see Note 3)90%90%75% (see Note 5)
Percentage of responses from High Court judges surveyed about criminal appeals and jury trial cases that rate courtroom support provided as "meets expectations" or better (see Note 3)90%90%75% (see Note 5)
Percentage of responses from High Court judges surveyed about civil cases and civil and family appeals that rate case management/file preparation and presentation as "meets expectations" or better (see Note 3)90%90%75% (see Note 5)
Percentage of responses from High Court judges surveyed about civil cases and civil and family appeals that rate courtroom support as "meets expectations" or better (see Note 3)90%90%75% (see Note 5)
Number of new jury cases - refer to District Courts for overall number of new jury cases (subset of criminal cases) (cross-output measure) (see Note 1)N/AN/AN/A
Number of jury cases disposed - refer to District Courts for overall number of jury cases disposed (subset of criminal cases) (cross-output measure)N/AN/AN/A
New business of civil cases (see Note 1)2,860 - 3,1202,7742,550 - 2,820
Disposals of civil cases2,880 - 3,2202,4422,360 - 2,940
New business of civil and criminal appeals (see Note 1)1,420 - 1,6801,4481,240 - 1,500
Disposals of civil and criminal appeals1,420 - 1,6801,3581,250 - 1,510
Number of High Court criminal cases stayed for undue delay in terms of section 25(b) of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 for reasons wholly or partly the responsibility of the Ministry000
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services
This category is intended to achieve efficient and accessible specialist courts, tribunals and other authorities' services that are trusted by New Zealanders
Coronial Services Unit
Cases referred (see Note 1)5,550 - 6,1505,4505,650
Cases disposed5,700 - 6,3005,7505,650 (see Note 6)
Percentage of coronial cases on hand under 12 months old65% or more65%70% (see Note 7)
Percentage of coroners surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with inquest hearing support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of coroners surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Disputes Tribunal
Cases received (see Note 1)16,500 - 17,50016,00016,000 - 17,000
Cases disposed16,500 - 17,50016,00016,000 - 17,000
Percentage of Disputes Tribunal pending cases under three months old75% or more80%80%
Employment Court
Cases received (see Note 1)190 - 210180180
Cases disposed190 - 210220200
Percentage of Employment Court cases on hand under 12 months old70% or more70%75% (see Note 7)
Percentage of Employment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management/file preparation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of Employment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with courtroom and hearing support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Environment Court
Cases received (see Note 1)550 - 600350300 (see Note 8)
Cases disposed650 - 700750 (see Note 9)500 (see Note 10)
Percentage of cases on hand under 18 months oldNew measureNew measure75%
Percentage of Environment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management/file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of Environment Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with courtroom, hearing and mediation support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Immigration and Protection Tribunal
Cases received (see Note 1)1,250 - 1,3501,2001,200 - 1,300
Cases disposed1,100 - 1,2001,3001,200 - 1,300
Sittings days supported150150150
Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal
Cases received (see Note 1)30 - 3545 (see Note 11)35 - 45 (see Note 11)
Cases disposed30 - 353530 - 35
Sittings days supported3065 (see Note 12)40 - 60
Legal Aid Review Authority
Cases received (see Note 1)20 - 305 (see Note 13)15 - 20 (see Note 13)
Cases disposed20 - 308 (see Note 14)15 - 20 (see Note 13)
Legal Aid Tribunal
Cases received (see Note 13)130 - 15090 (see Note 15)80 - 120 (see Note 15)
Cases disposed140 - 16090 (see Note 16)80 - 120 (see Note 15)
Legal Complaints Review Officer
Cases received (see Note 1)350 - 400360350 - 400
Cases disposed250 - 300220 (see Note 17)250 - 300
Sittings days supported8045 (see Note 18)60 (see Note 18)
Maori Land Court
Applications received (see Note 1)5,300 - 5,8005,500 - 5,8005,400 - 5,900 (see Note 19)
Applications disposed5,300 - 5,8005,700 - 6,000 (see Note 20)5,400 - 5,900
Percentage of all Maori Land Court applications disposed within 12 months90% or more100%100%
Percentage of written enquiries completed within 10 working days of receipt90%90%90%
Percentage of Maori Land Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with judicial support and administration services provided (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of Maori Land Court judges surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with courtroom and hearing support provided (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of customers surveyed satisfied with the services provided by the Maori Land Court95%95%95%
Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority
Percentage of uncontested applications issued within six weeks70% or more70%70%
Licence applications received300 - 400200 (see Note 21)150 - 250 (see Note 21)
Certificate applications received5,000 - 6,0004,000 (see Note 21)3,500 - 4,500 (see Note 21)
Number of contested applications (complaints, objections, disqualifications) received (see Note 1)800 - 900450 (see Note 22)400 - 500 (see Note 22)
Number of contested applications (complaints, objections, disqualifications) disposed800 - 900600 (see Note 22)400 - 500 (see Note 22)
Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal
Cases received (see Note 1)80 - 11010080 - 110
Cases disposed80 - 110120 (see Note 23)90 - 120 (see Note 23)
Sittings days supported5080 (see Note 24)80 (see Note 24)
Tenancy Tribunal
Cases disposed - cases determined and mediation orders sealed36,000 - 37,00033,000 (see Note 25)34,000 - 36,000
Number of Tenancy Tribunal sitting days supported3,6003,6003,600
Percentage of judicial officers surveyed who are at least "fairly satisfied" with case management or file preparation and presentation (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of judicial officers surveyed who are at least "fairly satisfied" with hearing or hearing room support (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Waitangi Tribunal
New claims lodged10 - 1535 (see Note 26)30 - 35 (see Note 26)
New claims registered35 - 4060 (see Note 27)40 - 45 (see Note 27)
Percentage of research and report writing outputs provided by due date90%90%90%
Percentage of Waitangi Tribunal judicial officers surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with judicial support and administration services provided (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Percentage of Waitangi Tribunal judicial officers surveyed that are at least "fairly satisfied" with hearing support provided (see Note 3)75% (see Note 4)75%75%
Weathertight Homes Tribunal
Cases received (see Note 1)110 - 13060 (see Note 28)50 - 60 (see Note 28)
Cases disposed110 - 13085 (see Note 28)60 - 70 (see Note 28)

Note 1 - The number of new cases or cases received is demand-driven and is contextual information for the number of cases disposed.

Note 2 - New business has been decreasing over the last five years. The number of new cases is expected to continue to decrease, in line with the Justice Sector Forecast.

Note 3 - Satisfaction is measured by an annual survey of the relevant judges or judicial officers. The performance measure standard is the percentage of respondents who rate "fairly satisfied" or better about case management, file preparation, file presentation, and courtroom and hearing or mediation support provided (where applicable). The scale for responses is a five-point satisfaction scale.

Note 4 - The budgeted standard has been revised to 75%. This reflects changes to the satisfaction scale, which has been adjusted from a five-point scale with a mid-point of "Meets expectations", to a five-point scale with a mid-point of "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied".

Note 5 - The budgeted standard will be revised to 75%. This reflects changes that will be made to the satisfaction scale, from a five-point scale with a mid-point of "Meets expectations", to a five-point scale with a mid-point of "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied".

Note 6 - The forecast for 2014/15 has been revised down. Amendments to the Coroners Act are likely to reduce the available sitting time for Coroners, while training and other implementation occurs.

Note 7 - The Ministry expects to continue to improve, due to a focus on disposing of older cases.

Note 8 - Incoming cases are lower than historical levels and a predicted increase in cases received in 2013/14 has not eventuated. It is anticipated that the downward trend will continue in 2014/15.

Note 9 - Lower than anticipated incoming cases allowed the Court to dispose more cases than predicted through greater capacity to manage, mediate, hear and decide matters.

Note 10 - The forecast for 2014/15 is revised down as there will be fewer cases to be decided; both on hand at the start of the year and filed during the year.

Note 11 - Matters are filed with the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal by a New Zealand Law Society or Society of Conveyancers Standards Committee, or by the Legal Complaints Review Officer. The workloads of those bodies have been increasing, which impacts on the cases subsequently received by the Tribunal.

Note 12 - An increase in the number of pre-trial hearings and interlocutory applications has resulted in an increase in the number of sitting days required.

Note 13 - This is a relatively new jurisdiction and its caseload is still being understood. It was thought that the caseload would increase in its second and third years, but this has not eventuated. The caseload is manageable and the forecasts have been revised down.

Note 14 - There have been fewer cases received, resulting in fewer disposals. All cases received have been disposed.

Note 15 - This is a relatively new jurisdiction and its caseload is still being understood. The caseload has been significantly less than initial forecasts, which were based on the caseload of the former Legal Aid Review Panel. The new legislation has resulted in fewer applications than under the previous system, and it appears this trend is continuing. Forecasts have been revised down.

Note 16 - There have been fewer cases received, resulting in fewer disposals.

Note 17 - It was expected that the appointment of an additional deputy Legal Complaints Review Officer would result in an increase in disposals. However, this has not yet eventuated. A new workplan is being implemented and a new Legal Complaints Review Officer is due to be appointed in 2014.

Note 18 - There has been a greater focus on writing reserved decisions, resulting in fewer hearings and sitting days. Forecasts have been revised down.

Note 19 - It is anticipated that the number of applications received will be at the higher range of what was forecast. Forecasts for 2014/15 have been adjusted to reflect this increase.

Note 20 - There has been a concerted focus on processing cases more quickly, which has led to more cases being disposed.

Note 21 - There has been a continued downward trend in the number of applications being received as the majority of people working in the industry now hold a licence or Certificate of Approval. Forecasts have been revised down.

Note 22 - There are fewer contested applications received and disposed, due to there being fewer applications overall.

Note 23 - Additional time has been set aside for the Judge to complete reserved decisions. This has led to an increase in disposals overall. The forecast has been revised up.

Note 24 - The number of sitting days is consistent with the previous financial year. Forecasts have been amended accordingly.

Note 25 - There has been an increase in Unit Titles matters, which are more complex than residential tenancy matters and take longer to hear.

Note 26 - Claim lodgement trends have not decreased as expected. Claims increased following the release of the Supreme Court decision in the Haronga matter. This trend is expected to continue as historical claims are settled, and the Waitangi Tribunal is increasingly involved in kaupapa and contemporary inquiries. The forecast has been revised up.

Note 27 - The Tribunal's focus on obtaining further information concerning historical claims resulted in many of these claims being registered. The registration of new claims is expected to continue to correlate with the increased lodgement of claims. However, due to the small number of remaining historical unregistered claims that could be registered, the forecast for 2014/15 is lower than the estimated full year result for 2013/14.

Note 28 - There has been a steady decrease in caseload in this jurisdiction as building standards and compliance procedures improve. This trend is expected to continue and forecasts have been revised down.

End of Year Performance Reporting

Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Ministry of Justice in its Annual Report.

Current and Past Policy Initiatives

Policy InitiativeYear of

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

Civil fees review2013/14111267267267267
Ongoing efficiency savings2012/13(2,914)(4,099)(2,905)(2,905)(2,905)
Contributions to lawyer for child costs2012/133647474747
Credit reporting, Driver Licence Stop Orders and civil enhancements and reparations2011/121,5382,2762,2762,2762,276
Victims' services funding2010/111,3221,3221,3221,3221,322
Implementation of Offenders Levy2009/109797979797
Improving the collection of fines2009/103,2913,2913,2913,2913,291
Vehicle Confiscation and Seizure Bill2009/10892892892892892

District Court Services

Vulnerable Children Bill Implementation2014/15-359---
Civil fees review2013/14672690690690690
Justice Sector Fund - design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct2013/14986----
Family Court Review - to facilitate the more targeted use of lawyer for child services during court proceedings2013/149,89810,00010,00010,00010,000
Family Court Review - costs associated with implementing the reviews recommendations2012/13446111111111111
Family Court Review - to provide improved information resources to parents with family disputes2012/131,5001,0001,0001,0001,000
Justice Sector Fund - to extend the use of audio-visual links between courts and prisons2012/132,1302,0002,000--
Justice Sector Fund - to improve the rostering and scheduling of court proceedings2012/13990----
Justice Sector Fund - to fund priorities in Four-Year Plan2012/131,244----
Introduction of Family Court fees2012/133,3003,3003,3003,3003,300
Ongoing efficiency savings2012/13(9,543)(13,371)(9,516)(9,516)(9,516)
Monitoring and co-ordination of Alcohol and Other Drug Court pilot2012/13105105105105105
Services for victims of sexual abuse2011/121,7181,7181,7181,7181,718
Implementation of Electronic Operating Model2011/122,7162,7162,7162,7162,716
Contributions to lawyer for child costs2011/121,3891,6661,6661,6661,666
Increase in Civil Court fees2011/121,3291,3291,3291,3291,329
Family Court service improvements2010/11931931931931931
Audio-visual links in courts and corrections2010/11148148148148148
Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Act 20092010/11452452452452452
Domestic Violence (Enhancing Safety) Bill2009/101,0661,0661,0661,0661,066
Sentencing and Parole Reform Bill2009/104949494949
Emergency cost pressures in the Ministry2009/109,9489,9489,9489,9489,948
Funding to support additional judicial appointments, made to manage the increased demand on the courts resulting from the appointment of additional police staff2009/101,1441,1441,1441,1441,144
A Fresh Start for Young Offenders2009/10271271271271271

Higher Court Services

Civil fees review2013/142,2122,2122,2122,2122,212
Justice Sector Fund - design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct2013/14323----
Support and mentoring of Pacific Island judges2013/14148174183159184
Ongoing efficiency savings2012/13(3,066)(4,312)(3,057)(3,057)(3,057)
Increase in Civil Court fees2011/121,4121,4121,4121,4121,412
Funding to support additional Judicial appointments, made to manage the increased demand on the courts resulting from the appointment of additional police staff2009/10672672672672672
Funding to support new judicial appointment2009/10200200200200200

Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services

Civil fees review2013/14616954954954954
Justice Sector Fund - design and build of the Christchurch Justice and Emergency Services Precinct2013/14391----
Ongoing efficiency savings2012/13(3,788)(5,166)(3,769)(3,769)(3,769)
Specialist courts, tribunals and other authorities services2011/12229229229229229
Implementation changes to threshold of the Disputes Tribunal2009/10660660660660660

Reasons for Change in Appropriation

As a result of the Public Finance Amendment Act 2013, the existing Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services Multi-Class Output Appropriation (MCOA) was converted to a Multi Category Appropriation (MCA). The explanations below represent the movements between the MCOA figures in 2013/14 and the new MCA figures for 2014/15 as they fund the same outputs.

Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services

The increase in this appropriation of $1.794 million in 2014/15 is mainly due to two policy initiatives that see funding increase in 2014/15 compared with 2013/14, and a number of reprioritisations between appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address priorities and cost pressures identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan.

District Court Services

The decrease in this appropriation of $17.436 million for 2014/15 is mainly due to a number of projects that received implementation funding in 2013/14 being completed such as the Family Court reforms, a higher efficiency savings target for 2014/15, and a number of reprioritisations between appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address priorities and cost pressures identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan.

Higher Court Services

The decrease in this appropriation of $2.371 million for 2014/15 is mainly due to a number of projects that received implementation funding in 2013/14 being completed, a higher efficiency savings target for 2014/15, and a number of reprioritisations between appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address priorities and cost pressures identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan.

Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services

The decrease in this appropriation of $4.602 million for 2014/15 is mainly due to a number of projects that received implementation funding in 2013/14 being completed, a higher efficiency savings target for 2014/15, and a number of reprioritisations between appropriations administered by the Ministry of Justice to address priorities and cost pressures identified in the Justice Sector Four-year Plan.

Memorandum Account

Estimated Actual

Name of Memorandum Account

Second Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Opening Balance at 1 July

Opening balance at 1 July592592669
Closing balance at 30 June569669684

Motor Vehicle Dealers

Opening balance at 1 July(1,361)(1,361)(1,479)
Closing balance at 30 June(1,489)(1,479)(1,656)

Legal Complaints Review Officers

Opening balance at 1 July(203)(203)(235)
Closing balance at 30 June(203)(235)(263)

Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal

Opening balance at 1 July203203(3)
Closing balance at 30 June132(3)(211)

Private Security Personnel and Private Investigators

Opening balance at 1 July1,3501,3501,092
Expenses - Ministry of Justice(715)(656)(657)
Expenses - Department of Internal Affairs(672)(650)(650)
Closing balance at 30 June1,1441,092833