Formats and related files
Overview of the Vote#
The Minister for Courts is responsible for appropriations in Vote Courts for the 2013/14 financial year covering the following:
- a total of $468.284 million (65% of the Vote) on purchasing services (mostly support for managing cases, claims and applications through the courts and tribunals, and the collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts) from the Ministry of Justice
- a total of $135.378 million (19% of the Vote) on purchasing services from non-departmental providers. The major part of the appropriation covers costs incurred under various Acts, and
- a total of $115.477 million (16% of the Vote) on non-departmental expenditure to cover judges' and coroners' salaries and allowances.
The imposition of $177.349 million of fines, offender levies, contributions towards lawyer for child costs, and other penalties imposed through the other courts is expected during the 2013/14 financial year.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Courts in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.
Details of Appropriations#
Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations
2012/13 | 2013/14 | ||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Budgeted $000 | Estimated Actual $000 | Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses | |||
Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services, including the Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services MCOA (M19) | - | - | 468,284 |
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts ServicesThis output class is limited to the purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services. | - | - | 70,729 |
District Court ServicesThis output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court. | - | - | 236,213 |
Higher Court ServicesThis output class is limited to funding the provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court. | - | - | 69,263 |
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities ServicesThis output class is limited to the provision of services in regard to the work of the Environment Court, Employment Court, Maori Land Court, Maori Appellate Court, Disputes Tribunals, Tenancy Tribunal, Liquor Licensing Authority, the Waitangi Tribunal, Coroners and a range of other tribunals and authorities. This output class also includes services to Maori landowners and contracting mortuary services as part of supporting the work of Coroners. | - | - | 92,079 |
Collection and Enforcement of Fines and Civil Debts Services (M19)Purchase of collection and enforcement of fines and civil debts services. | 66,351 | 66,351 | - |
District Court Services (M19)Provision of services in regard to the work of the District Courts, including the Youth Court and Family Court. | 222,534 | 222,534 | - |
Higher Court Services (M19)Provision of services in regard to the work of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and High Court. | 69,659 | 69,659 | - |
Specialist Courts, Tribunals and Other Authorities Services (M19)Provision of services in regard to the work of the Environment Court, Employment Court, Maori Land Court, Maori Appellate Court, Disputes Tribunals, Tenancy Tribunal, Liquor Licensing Authority, Coroners and a range of tribunals and other authorities. This output class also includes services to Maori landowners and contracting mortuary services as part of supporting the work of Coroners. | 79,971 | 79,971 | - |
Waitangi Tribunal Services (M19)Purchase of research and administrative services related to the management of claims through the Waitangi Tribunal. | 11,178 | 11,178 | - |
Total Departmental Output Expenses | 449,693 | 449,693 | 468,284 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses | |||
Abortion Supervisory Committee - Certifying Consultants Fees (M19)Payments to certifying consultants for providing opinions under Section 33 of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977. | 5,063 | 5,063 | 5,063 |
Assistance to Victims of Crime (M19)Funding for the Criminal Justice Assistance Reimbursement Scheme. | 40 | 40 | 40 |
Coroners Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)This appropriation is limited to the costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Coroners pursuant to Section 110 of the Coroners Act 2006. | 4,788 | 4,788 | 4,788 |
Court and Coroner Related Costs (M19)This appropriation is limited to funding professional and administrative services provided to or directed by courts and coroners, including costs that are required by legislation and costs incurred by Visiting Justices. | - | - | 85,974 |
Impairment of Debt Established to Recognise Contributions towards Family Court Professional Services (M19)This appropriation is limited to the impairment of debt owing as a contribution towards Family Court Professional Services costs, which includes the assessment of future remittals; the discounting to present value; expected collection costs and other elements in determining fair value. | - | - | 909 |
Impairment of Fines Receivable (M19)Allowance for the impairment of fines and enforcement fees including the assessment of future fines remittals; the discounting to present value; expected collection costs and other elements in determining fair value. | 47,438 | 43,288 | 37,072 |
Judges' Salaries and Allowances PLA (M19)Costs related to the terms and conditions of remuneration for Judges and acting warranted Judges in the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, District Court, Employment Court and Maori Land Court incurred pursuant to s.9A Judicature Act 1908, s.6 District Courts Act 1948 and s.13 Te Ture Whenua Maori Land Act 1993. | 110,689 | 110,689 | 110,689 |
Judicial Review Costs (M19)Cost of legal services (including settlement of claims) in cases involving the exercise of judicial functions or the execution of judicial process or costs of counsel to assist the court, including payments ordered to be made from the Maori Land Court Special Aid Fund. | 1,346 | 1,346 | 1,196 |
Justices of the Peace Association (M19)This appropriation is limited to the cost of administrative services from the Royal Federation of Justices including training and rostering Justices of the Peace for court hearings, and training for Visiting Justices. | 350 | 350 | 350 |
Tribunal Related Fees and Expenses (M19)This appropriation is limited to funding remuneration, allowances, or fees for the Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors of Specialist Tribunals, and expenses incurred by those Chairs, Members, Adjudicators and Assessors in relation to Tribunal work. | - | - | 4,774 |
Children Young Persons and Their Families Professional Services (M19)Counsel and specialists providing services and reports as directed by the court in relation to care and protection orders under the Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989. | 9,250 | 9,250 | - |
Coroner Related Fees and Expenses (M19)Payments to Coroners for the performance of their judicial responsibilities. | 5 | 5 | - |
Coroner-Directed Post-Mortems (M19)Cost of pathology services and mortuary facilities for coroner-directed post-mortems. | 7,821 | 7,821 | - |
Costs in Criminal Cases (M19)Costs awarded to defendants by a court under the Costs in Criminal Cases Act 1967. | 300 | 300 | - |
Domestic Violence Professional Services (M19)Court appointed counsel and programme providers in relation to the Domestic Violence Act 1995 or referrals for programmes from criminal courts dealing with domestic violence cases. | 10,503 | 10,503 | - |
Family Court Professional Services (M19)Services provided by Court appointed counsel and specialists in relation to custody and access matters and matrimonial disputes, including those made under provisions of the Care of Children Act 2004. | 38,658 | 38,658 | - |
Medical and Other Professional Services (M19)Funding for medical and other professional services as required by legislation. | 3,978 | 3,978 | - |
MVDT Adjudicator Remuneration and Assessors Costs (M19)Remuneration paid to adjudicators and fees and allowances paid to assessors of the Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal (MVDT). | 305 | 305 | - |
Personal Property Protection Rights Costs (M19)Payments to service providers appointed by the court under the Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988. | 2,200 | 2,200 | - |
Representations for Blood Sampling (M19)Cost of representation for parties (aged under 17) appearing before the court with regard to providing blood samples in criminal investigations. | 10 | 10 | - |
Tribunal Members Fees and Expenses (M19)Fees for the Chairs and Members of Specialist Tribunals, and expenses incurred by those Chairs and members in relation to Tribunal work. | 4,558 | 4,558 | - |
Visiting Justices to Prisons (M19)To meet fees and expenses for Senior Counsel and Justices of the Peace appointed as Visiting Justices to prisons. | 500 | 500 | - |
Witness Fees and Expenses (M19)Payments to ordinary and expert witnesses appearing in criminal jury trials. | 3,810 | 3,810 | - |
Youth Court Professional Fees (M19)Payments to court appointed counsel and specialists providing reports as directed in the Youth Court. | 8,000 | 8,000 | - |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses | 259,612 | 255,462 | 250,855 |
Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations | 709,305 | 705,155 | 719,139 |