Estimates of appropriations

Vote Conservation - Estimates of Appropriations 2011/12

Formats and related files


ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Department of Conservation


Overview of the Vote#

The Minister of Conservation is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2011/12 financial year covering the following:

  • working with communities to protect natural and historic resources ($15.363 million)
  • services to control weed and animal pests on lands administered by the department in relation to regional pest management strategies ($2.998 million)
  • the protection and conservation management of historic heritage ($5.661 million)
  • Management of natural heritage including the maintenance, restoration and protection of ecosystems, habitats and species ($165.906 million)
  • recreational facilities and services, and the management of business concessions ($142.279 million)
  • policy advice, services to the Minister of Conservation and statutory bodies, and provision of statutory planning ($5.823 million)
  • identification and implementation of protection for natural and historic places, management services of natural and historic places, ongoing management and maintenance of the Moutua Gardens Reserve, and funding for projects for the New Zealand Biodiversity funds ($28.669 million)
  • a total of $769,000 for assistance to the Southland District Council for additional community infrastructure arising from increased visitor numbers
  • a total of $6.608 million for other expenses to be incurred by the Crown
  • departmental capital expenditure of $53.066 million
  • non-departmental capital expenditure regarding crown land acquisitions, Milford flood protection and the purchase and development of reserves of $14.186 million.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Conservation in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Conservation
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation TypeBudgeted

Departmental Output Expenses

Conservation with the Community (M16)

This appropriation is limited to educational and public awareness services, and facilitation of community involvement and community-led conservation activities.

Crown Contribution to Regional Pest Management Strategies (M16)

This appropriation is limited to controlling weed and animal pests on lands administered by the Department of Conservation to meet negotiated outcomes of regional pest management strategies.

Management of Historic Heritage (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the protection and conservation management of historic heritage.

Management of Natural Heritage (M16)

This appropriation is limited to maintaining, restoring and protecting ecosystems, habitats and species.

Management of Recreational Opportunities (M16)

This appropriation is limited to recreational facilities and services, and the management of business concessions.

Policy Advice, Servicing the Minister and Statutory Bodies, and Statutory Planning (M16)

This appropriation is limited to policy advice, services to the Minister of Conservation and statutory bodies, and provision of statutory planning.

Recreational Opportunities Review (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the depreciation and write-off of visitor assets to be decommissioned following the review of recreational opportunities.

Total Departmental Output Expenses


Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Identification and Implementation of Protection for Natural and Historic Places (M16)

This appropriation is limited to identification and implementation of protection for natural and historic places.

Management Services - Natural and Historic Places (M16)

This appropriation is limited to management services for properties with historical or natural significance, including maintenance work, access for the public and management advice on covenanted properties.

Moutoa Gardens/Pakaitore (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the ongoing management and maintenance of the Moutoa Gardens Reserve.

NZ Biodiversity Funds (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the payment of grants: to provide private land managers with information and advice, or assistance with costs of pest and weed control, fencing and other biodiversity management actions; and to support community biodiversity restoration initiatives.

Stewart Island Infrastructure (M16)

This appropriation is limited to assistance to the Southland District Council for additional community infrastructure arising from increased visitor numbers on Stewart Island.

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Departmental Other Expenses

Recovery from February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake (M16)

This appropriation is limited to writing off, or making good damage to, departmental assets and re-establishing departmental operations in Christchurch following the 22 February 2011 earthquake.

Total Departmental Other Expenses


Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Compensation Payments (M16)

This appropriation is limited to making obligatory compensation payments: when esplanade reserves are created, and upon vesting of coastal marine areas in the Crown.

Depreciation - Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the depreciation on Crown property, plant and equipment on Crown land administered by the Department of Conservation.

Loss on Disposal of Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)

This appropriation is limited to losses incurred on the disposal of Crown property, plant and equipment.

Matauranga Maori Fund (M16)

This appropriation is limited to making grants to support initiatives to protect traditional Maori knowledge relating to NZ's indigenous biodiversity.

Payment of Rates on Properties for Concessionaires (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the payment of rates: on reserves; conservation areas that are used for private or commercial purposes; and for services provided by a local authority.

Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the write-off of debts relating to Crown Revenue.

Subscriptions to International Organisations (M16)

This appropriation is limited to meeting annual subscriptions to international conservation organisations.

Vesting of Reserves (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the costs incurred in vesting Crown reserves in third parties, and Crown contributions towards the purchase of reserves by third parties.

Waikaremoana Lakebed Lease (M16)

This appropriation is limited to payments made under the Lake Waikaremoana Act 1971 for the lease of the lakebed and foreshore for conservation purposes.

Redress payments under Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 (M16)

This appropriation is limited to redress payments to local authorities under Section 25 of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004.

Vested Coastal Marine Areas Compensation (M16)

This appropriation is limited to obligatory compensation payable upon vesting of coastal marine areas in the Crown.

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Departmental Capital Expenditure

Department of Conservation - Capital Expenditure PLA (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of Conservation, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure


Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

Crown Land Acquisitions (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of property for the Conservation Estate.

Milford Flood Protection (M16)

This appropriation is limited to flood protection works on the Cleddau River at Milford Sound.

Purchase and Development of Reserves (M16)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of conservation land, including the purchase of reserves, and any associated administration costs as provided for under the Reserves Act 1977.

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations


Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Department of Conservation

Department of Conservation - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Conservation
Details of Net Asset Schedule2010/11
Estimated Actual
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2011/12
Opening Balance557,277580,881
Capital Injections23,75440,666Capital injection of $17.833 million due 2010/11 deferred to 2011/12.
Capital Withdrawals--
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred)(150)(5,371)
Other Movements-5,721Adjustment arising from forecast deficits.

Closing Balance
