Vote Conservation#
APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Conservation (M16), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations (M74)
Overview of the Vote#
The Minister of Conservation is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2019/20 financial year covering the following:
- a total of nearly $264 million for the management of natural heritage including the maintenance, restoration and protection of ecosystems, habitats and species
- a total of over $174 million for recreational facilities and services, and the management of business concessions
- a total of nearly $39 million for working with communities to protect natural and historic resources
- a total of nearly $24 million for the identification and implementation of protection for natural and historic places
- a total of nearly $14 million for policy advice, statutory planning, and services to ministers and statutory bodies
- a total of nearly $13 million for management services of natural and historic places, ongoing management and maintenance of the Moutua Gardens Reserve, and funding for projects for the Community Conservation Funds
- a total of nearly $6 million for the protection and conservation management of historic heritage
- a total of nearly $6 million for compensation payments, depreciation on crown property, plant and equipment, loss on disposal of crown property, plant and equipment, Matauranga Maori Fund, payment of rates on properties for concessionaires, provision for bad and doubtful debts, subscriptions to international organisations, vesting of reserves and the Waikaremoana Lakebed lease
- a total of over $3 million for services to control weed and animal pests on lands administered by the department in relation to regional pest management plans
- a total of over $1 million for lifting the productivity potential of the regions through conservation-related projects
- a total of nearly $44 million for departmental capital expenditure regarding property, plant, equipment and intangible assets, and
- a total of nearly $5 million for non-departmental capital expenditure regarding crown land acquisitions, Pike River Memorial and Museum and the purchase and development of reserves.
The Minister of Conservation is also responsible for a multi-year appropriation of nearly $24 million from 2016/17 to 2019/20 to fund a predator free New Zealand by 2050.
The Minister of Conservation is also responsible for a capital injection of nearly $30 million to the Department of Conservation.
The Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations is responsible for an appropriation in the Vote for 2019/20 financial year of $50,000 for the impairment of public conservation land to be transferred to iwi as part of Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-4.
Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections#
Annual Appropriations and Forecast Permanent Appropriations#
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type | Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Conservation with the Community (M16) This appropriation is limited to public awareness and educational services, and growing conservation through building partnerships with others, including iwi, councils, community groups, businesses, and individuals. |
40,554 | 40,444 | 38,653 |
Crown Contribution to Regional Pest Management (M16) This appropriation is limited to delivery of services to control weed and animal pests on lands administered by the Department of Conservation to meet statutory good neighbour obligations and negotiated outcomes of regional pest management plans. |
3,241 | 3,241 | 3,291 |
Management of Historic Heritage (M16) This appropriation is limited to the protection and conservation management of historic heritage. |
7,850 | 7,340 | 5,810 |
Management of Natural Heritage (M16) This appropriation is limited to maintaining, restoring and protecting ecosystems, habitats and species. |
206,502 | 201,205 | 263,742 |
Management of Recreational Opportunities (M16) This appropriation is limited to recreational facilities and services, and the management of business concessions. |
165,782 | 164,775 | 174,492 |
Total Departmental Output Expenses |
423,929 | 417,005 | 485,988 |
Departmental Other Expenses |
Loss on Departmental Property, Plant and Equipment Transfers to Other Entities (M16) This appropriation is limited to losses incurred on the transfer of Departmental property, plant and equipment to other entities. |
1,425 | 1,425 | - |
Total Departmental Other Expenses |
1,425 | 1,425 | - |
Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Department of Conservation - Capital Expenditure PLA (M16) This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Department of Conservation, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989. |
35,268 | 33,964 | 43,680 |
Total Departmental Capital Expenditure |
35,268 | 33,964 | 43,680 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Community Conservation Funds (M16) This appropriation is limited to grants: for community groups and private landowners to undertake work on public and private land; to provide private land managers with information and advice, or assistance with pest and weed control, fencing and other biodiversity management actions; and to support community biodiversity restoration initiatives. |
5,927 | 3,645 | 12,037 |
Management Services - Natural and Historic Places (M16) This appropriation is limited to management services for properties with historical or natural significance, including maintenance work, access for the public and management advice on covenanted properties. |
1,166 | 1,166 | 916 |
Moutoa Gardens/Pakaitore (M16) This appropriation is limited to the ongoing management and maintenance of the Moutoa Gardens Reserve. |
23 | 23 | 23 |
Stewart Island Infrastructure (M16) This appropriation is limited to assistance to the Southland District Council for additional community infrastructure arising from increased visitor numbers on Stewart Island. |
292 | 292 | - |
Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
7,408 | 5,126 | 12,976 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Compensation Payments (M16) This appropriation is limited to making obligatory compensation payments: when esplanade reserves are created, and upon vesting of coastal marine areas in the Crown. |
60 | 60 | 60 |
Depreciation - Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16) This appropriation is limited to the depreciation on Crown property, plant and equipment on Crown land administered by the Department of Conservation. |
311 | 311 | 311 |
Impairment of Public Conservation Land (M74) This appropriation is limited to the impairment in value of Public Conservation land to be transferred to iwi as part of Treaty of Waitangi Settlements. |
1,386 | 50 | 50 |
Loss on Disposal of Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16) This appropriation is limited to losses incurred on the disposal of Crown property, plant and equipment. |
600 | 600 | 2,525 |
Matauranga Maori Fund (M16) This appropriation is limited to making grants to support initiatives to protect traditional Maori knowledge relating to NZ's indigenous biodiversity. |
921 | 88 | 999 |
Payment of Rates on Properties for Concessionaires (M16) This appropriation is limited to the payment of rates: on reserves; conservation areas that are used for private or commercial purposes; and for services provided by a local authority. |
839 | 839 | 839 |
Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts (M16) This appropriation is limited to the write-off of debts relating to Crown Revenue. |
100 | 100 | 100 |
Subscriptions to International Organisations (M16) This appropriation is limited to meeting annual subscriptions to international conservation organisations. |
405 | 405 | 405 |
Vesting of Reserves (M16) This appropriation is limited to the costs incurred in vesting Crown reserves in third parties, and Crown contributions towards the purchase of reserves by third parties. |
3,718 | 150 | 150 |
Waikaremoana Lakebed Lease (M16) This appropriation is limited to payments made under the Lake Waikaremoana Act 1971 for the lease of the lakebed and foreshore for conservation purposes. |
241 | 241 | 241 |
Payment to Facilitate the Transfer of Assets as Part of a Treaty of Waitangi Settlement (M16) This appropriation is limited to a payment to facilitate the transfer of the Waipahihi Stream Conservation Area as part of an historical Treaty of Waitangi settlement with Ngati Tuwharetoa. |
2,000 | - | - |
Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
10,581 | 2,844 | 5,680 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Crown Land Acquisitions (M16) This appropriation is limited to the purchase of property for the Conservation Estate. |
4,240 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
Pike River Memorial and Museum (M16) This appropriation is limited to the Pike River memorial, the interpretation centre and museum as historic assets. |
- | - | 921 |
Purchase and Development of Reserves (M16) This appropriation is limited to the purchase of conservation land, including the purchase of reserves, and any associated administration costs as provided for under the Reserves Act 1977. |
5,967 | 5,967 | 1,800 |
Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
10,207 | 7,967 | 4,721 |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure |
Identification and Implementation of Protection for Natural and Historic Places MCA (M16) The single overarching purpose of this appropriation is to support the protection for natural and historic places. |
16,192 | 7,260 | 23,528 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II This category is limited to identification and implementation of protection of biodiversity on private land. |
3,412 | 3,412 | 3,412 |
Nature Heritage Fund This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on private land. |
1,787 | 787 | 6,097 |
Nga Whenua Rahui This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on Maori land. |
10,393 | 3,061 | 9,430 |
South Island Landless Natives Act This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems in Maori ownership on South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) land. |
600 | - | 4,589 |
Policy Advice, Statutory Planning, and Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies MCA (M16) The single overarching purpose of this appropriation is to provide policy advice and other services to Ministers and other parties. |
11,131 | 11,081 | 13,511 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Policy Advice This category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to conservation. |
3,351 | 3,351 | 4,011 |
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies This category is limited to statutory planning and the provision of services to Ministers (other than policy decision making responsibilities) and statutory bodies to enable them to discharge their portfolio and responsibilities. |
7,780 | 7,730 | 9,500 |
Provincial Growth Fund - Conservation Projects MCA (M16) The single overarching purpose of this appropriation is to lift the productivity potential of the regions through conservation-related projects. |
- | - | 1,003 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Regional Projects This category is limited to expenses incurred on conservation-related projects that contribute to regional development. |
- | - | 500 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Infrastructure Projects This category is limited to capital expenditure on conservation-related infrastructure projects that contribute to regional development. |
- | - | 503 |
Total Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure |
27,323 | 18,341 | 38,042 |
Total Annual Appropriations and Forecast Permanent Appropriations |
516,141 | 486,672 | 591,087 |
Multi-Year Appropriations#
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Predator Free New Zealand (M16) This appropriation is limited to contributions towards activities aimed at controlling and eradicating mammalian pests in New Zealand by 2050.Commences: 01 November 2016 Expires: 30 June 2020 |
Original Appropriation | 23,504 |
Adjustments to 2017/18 | (188) | |
Adjustments for 2018/19 | 188 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 23,504 | |
Actual to 2017/18 Year End | 4,501 | |
Estimated Actual for 2018/19 | 9,502 | |
Estimate for 2019/20 | 9,501 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
Total Annual Appropriations and Forecast Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriations#
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Annual Appropriations and Forecast Permanent Appropriations | 516,141 | 486,672 | 591,087 |
Total Forecast MYA Non-Departmental Output Expenses | 9,502 | 9,502 | 9,501 |
Total Annual Appropriations and Forecast Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriations |
525,643 | 496,174 | 600,588 |
Capital Injection Authorisations#
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Department of Conservation - Capital Injection (M16) | 46,747 | 45,443 | 29,780 |
Supporting Information#
Part 1 - Vote as a Whole#
1.1 - New Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Appropriation | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy |
Management of Natural Heritage Departmental Output Expenses |
- | 42,168 | 44,123 | 46,073 | 48,043 |
Improving the safety and security of conservation workers and volunteers |
Management of Natural Heritage |
- | 1,378 | 1,323 | 1,326 | 1,323 |
Departmental Output Expenses | ||||||
Management of Recreational Opportunities |
- | 1,377 | 1,323 | 1,326 | 1,323 | |
Departmental Output Expenses | ||||||
Conservation-related projects through the Provincial Growth Fund |
Departmental Capital Injection |
- | 647 | 1,472 | 2,945 | 1,470 |
Provincial Growth Fund - Conservation Projects (MCA) |
Regional Projects |
- | 500 | 2,295 | 4,589 | 2,290 | |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses | ||||||
Infrastructure Projects |
- | 500 | 2,305 | 4,610 | 2,300 | |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure | ||||||
Reprioritisation of funding - historic property maintenance |
Management Services - Natural and Historic Places |
- | (250) | (250) | (250) | (250) |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses | ||||||
Reprioritisation of funding - South Island Landless Natives Act |
Identification and Implementation of Protection for Natural and Historic Places (MCA) |
South Island Landless Natives Act |
- | (1,869) | - | - | - | |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses | ||||||
Total Initiatives |
- | 44,451 | 52,591 | 60,619 | 56,499 |
1.2 - Trends in the Vote
Summary of Financial Activity
2014/15 | 2015/16 | 2016/17 | 2017/18 | 2018/19 | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | ||||
Actual $000 |
Actual $000 |
Actual $000 |
Actual $000 |
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Departmental Transactions Budget $000 |
Non- Departmental Transactions Budget $000 |
Total Budget $000 |
Estimated $000 |
Estimated $000 |
Estimated $000 |
Appropriations |
Output Expenses | 342,508 | 365,941 | 384,725 | 385,571 | 440,839 | 431,633 | 485,988 | 22,477 | 508,465 | 499,449 | 510,250 | 512,131 |
Benefits or Related Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Borrowing Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Other Expenses | 3,836 | 10,644 | 16,632 | 7,115 | 12,006 | 4,269 | - | 5,680 | 5,680 | 3,310 | 3,310 | 3,310 |
Capital Expenditure | 23,594 | 18,139 | 20,204 | 30,234 | 45,475 | 41,931 | 43,680 | 4,721 | 48,401 | 38,506 | 39,079 | 37,604 |
Intelligence and Security Department Expenses and Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - |
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure (MCA) | ||||||||||||
Output Expenses | 22,309 | 21,899 | 18,404 | 18,172 | 27,323 | 18,341 | 13,511 | 23,528 | 37,039 | 24,792 | 24,792 | 24,792 |
Other Expenses | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 500 | 500 | 2,295 | 4,589 | 2,290 |
Capital Expenditure | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | 503 | 503 | 2,305 | 4,610 | 2,300 |
Total Appropriations |
392,247 | 416,623 | 439,965 | 441,092 | 525,643 | 496,174 | 543,179 | 57,409 | 600,588 | 570,657 | 586,630 | 582,427 |
Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts |
Tax Revenue | - | - | - | - | - | - | N/A | - | - | - | - | - |
Non-Tax Revenue | 23,770 | 31,387 | 27,225 | 26,944 | 27,328 | 27,328 | N/A | 26,549 | 26,549 | 26,579 | 26,579 | 26,579 |
Capital Receipts | 699 | 3,483 | 258 | 452 | 3,800 | 3,800 | N/A | 3,800 | 3,800 | 2,800 | 2,800 | 2,800 |
Total Crown Revenue and Capital Receipts |
24,469 | 34,870 | 27,483 | 27,396 | 31,128 | 31,128 | N/A | 30,349 | 30,349 | 29,379 | 29,379 | 29,379 |
Note - where restructuring of the vote has occurred then, to the extent practicable, prior years information has been restated as if the restructuring had occurred before the beginning of the period covered. In this instance Total Appropriations for the Budgeted and Estimated Actual year may not equal Total Annual Appropriations and Forecast Permanent Appropriations and Multi-Year Appropriations in the Details of Appropriations and Capital Injections.
Adjustments to the Summary of Financial Activity Table Due to Vote Restructuring
There have been no restructuring adjustments to prior year information in the Summary of Financial Activity table.
1.3 - Analysis of Significant Trends
The increase in Expenses reflects additional future spending on new policy initiatives by the current Government, including:
- the introduction of the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy
- the transfer of funding from Vote Business, Science and Innovation to implement conservation-related projects through the Provincial Growth Fund, and
- funding received for improving the safety and security of conservation workers and volunteers.
Spending continues on the following policy initiatives by the current Government:
- controlling and eradicating predators in priority ecosystems to reduce the extinction risk for threatened species by improving and protecting their habitats. It will also protect and increase biodiversity values on offshore islands
- funding for other biodiversity programmes (freshwater, marine, and terrestrial)
- strengthening organisational capacity and capability by investing in and increasing organisational development, human resources and policy staff, and by ensuring that assets such as staff housing are safe and fit for purpose
- managing the impacts of increasing numbers of visitors to public conservation land by increasing capacity in research and evaluation; regulatory, policy and economic analysis; strategic planning and performance; and regional collaboration, and
- protecting the unique landscapes and biodiversity values of the Mackenzie Basin.
Spending continues on the following policy initiatives by the previous Government:
- funding for pest control programmes targeted at sites with significant likelihood of extinction or serious decline in threatened species following prolific flowering of beech and other forest species
- managing the kauri tree disease through the kauri dieback programme
- securing a long-term sustainable increase in New Zealand's kiwi population
- tourism infrastructure and growth initiatives which support tourism and regional economic development, and
- funding for the Crown Company Predator Free 2050 Ltd to help control and eradicate mammalian pests and develop more effective control techniques.
Part 2 - Details of Departmental Appropriations#
2.1 - Departmental Output Expenses
Conservation with the Community (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 40,554 | 40,444 | 38,653 |
Revenue from the Crown | 38,984 | 38,874 | 34,583 |
Revenue from Others | 1,570 | 1,570 | 4,070 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the engagement of more people with conservation and increase their understanding of the benefits conservation provides. It is also intended to achieve conservation gains from building partnerships with others.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Number of workday equivalents contributed by people volunteering. |
28,000 | 34,800 | 33,850 |
Number of partnerships run during the year. |
820 | 492 | 460 |
Percentage of partners surveyed who rate their contribution to conservation as moderate or significant, with a target of 80%. |
80% | 89% | 80% |
Percentage of partnerships that involve tangata whenua, with a target of greater than 30% (number reported at year end). |
30% | 19% | 30% |
Education and Communication# |
Number of knowledge and skill sharing (education) initiatives to be provided during year. |
780 | 665 | 690 |
Percentage of participants surveyed who rate the initiative as partly effective or effective at meeting its objectives, with a target of 70%. |
70% | 94% | 70% |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government |
Enhancing biodiversity protection in the Mackenzie Basin | 2018/19 | 800 | 820 | 820 | 160 | 160 |
Crown Contribution to Regional Pest Management (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 3,241 | 3,241 | 3,291 |
Revenue from the Crown | 3,191 | 3,191 | 3,191 |
Revenue from Others | 50 | 50 | 100 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the weed and animal pest outcomes arising from good neighbour and regional pest management plan negotiations.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Regional Pest Management Strategies# |
Number of regional pest management strategies with completed Crown exacerbator weed and pest programmes. |
13 | 13 | 13 |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Management of Historic Heritage (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 7,850 | 7,340 | 5,810 |
Revenue from the Crown | 7,775 | 7,265 | 5,335 |
Revenue from Others | 75 | 75 | 475 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the protection of New Zealand's history and bringing it to life for New Zealanders.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Historic and Cultural Heritage Restoration# |
Number of historic heritage assets for which remedial work is completed to standard during the year. |
3 | 4 | 6 |
Percentage of historic heritage assets for which regular maintenance work is on track to standard during the year, with a target of 75% (number reported at year end). |
75% | 83% | 75% |
Percentage of historic or cultural heritage assessment reports completed to standard during the year, with a target of 40% (number reported at year end). |
40% | 67% | 40% |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Previous Government |
Pike River Memorial Track and visitor assets | 2016/17 | 142 | 142 | 142 | 142 | 142 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2019/20 is mainly due to a fiscally neutral adjustment of $1.300 million to this appropriation from other Departmental output expenses in 2018/19 to realign budgets with work plans (decrease).
Management of Natural Heritage (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 206,502 | 201,205 | 263,742 |
Revenue from the Crown | 184,001 | 178,704 | 240,391 |
Revenue from Others | 22,501 | 22,501 | 23,351 |
Components of the Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Public conservation lands, waters and species are held now and for future generations | 87,187 | 84,954 | 127,443 |
Full range of NZ's ecosystems is conserved to a healthy functioning state | 75,862 | 73,919 | 86,645 |
Nationally threatened species are conserved to ensure persistence | 15,178 | 14,802 | 18,701 |
Other operational programmes including providing support, developing tools and undertaking research and evaluation | 28,275 | 27,530 | 30,953 |
Total | 206,502 | 201,205 | 263,742 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the maintenance and restoration of the diversity of New Zealand's natural heritage.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Pest and Weed Control# |
Hectares of land under sustained rat control. |
New measure | 1,159,281 | 1,353,600 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for rats and mustelids. |
702,000 | 750,636 | 1,418,400 |
Hectares of land under sustained possum control. |
1,508,000 | 1,486,924 | 1,563,000 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for possums. |
270,000 | 146,944 | 256,000 |
Hectares of land under sustained deer control. |
980,000 | 980,363 | 980,000 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for deer. |
375,000 | 294,253 | 401,500 |
Hectares of land under sustained goat control. |
2,180,000 | 2,178,462 | 2,200,000 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for goats. |
1,220,000 | 1,114,889 | 1,126,700 |
Number of island biosecurity programmes where a pest-free status has been maintained. |
58 | 55 | 58 |
Hectares of land under sustained weed control using a site-led approach. |
928,000 | 918,687 | 909,600 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for weeds using a site-led approach. |
309,000 | 275,238 | 288,900 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for wilding conifers using a site-led approach. |
385,000 | 170,545 | 269,500 |
Hectares of land under sustained wilding conifer control. |
1,800,000 | 1,801,259 | 1,797,000 |
Legal Protection of Areas and Marine Protection# |
Hectares of terrestrial environment legally protected during the year. |
17,000 | 15,738 | 16,500 |
Ecosystems Management# |
Number of optimised ecosystem prescriptions providing active management of ecosystems. |
500 | 500 | 500 |
Species Management# |
Number of threatened species managed for persistence. |
338 | 338 | 350 |
Number of species under active management to ensure local security. |
440 | 364 | 404 |
Number of species under active management to improve understanding. |
288 | 108 | 275 |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government |
International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy | 2019/20 | - | 42,168 | 44,123 | 46,073 | 48,043 |
Improving the safety and security of conservation workers and volunteers | 2019/20 | - | 1,378 | 1,323 | 1,326 | 1,323 |
Biodiversity (freshwater, marine and terrestrial) | 2018/19 | 7,169 | 15,747 | 21,924 | 31,160 | 31,160 |
Enhancing biodiversity by controlling and eradicating predators | 2018/19 | 4,400 | 30,400 | 23,400 | 23,080 | 23,080 |
Strengthening organisational capability and capacity | 2018/19 | 1,140 | 1,560 | 1,560 | 1,560 | 1,560 |
Previous Government |
Kauri Dieback | 2015/16 | 5,486 | 5,486 | 5,486 | 5,486 | 5,486 |
Save Our Iconic Kiwi | 2015/16 | 6,602 | 6,815 | 6,815 | 6,815 | 6,815 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is mainly due to:
- new funding of $42.168 million in 2019/20 from the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (increase)
- Budget 2018 funding of $26 million in 2019/20 for the controlling and eradicating predators initiative (increase)
- Budget 2018 funding of $8.578 million in 2019/20 for biodiversity (freshwater, marine and terrestrial); this was a tagged contingency in Budget 2018, but has since been approved (increase)
- net expense transfers to 2019/20 of $5.574 million mainly as a result of pending enactment of legislation (increase)
- new funding of $1.378 million for the improving the safety and security of conservation workers and volunteers initiative (increase)
- Budget 2018 funding of $420,000 in 2019/20 for the strengthening organisational capability and capacity initiative (increase)
- decrease of $11.980 million relating to $5.990 million brought forward from 2019/20 to 2018/19, due to increased pest control operations in 2018/19 in response to the mega Beech Mast event of the 2018/19 summer (decrease)
- fiscally neutral adjustment of $9 million from other Departmental output expenses in 2018/19 to realign budgets to updated work plans (decrease)
- Conservation Services Programme funding of $4.551 million for 2018/19 only (decrease), and
- funding of $1.543 million in 2018/19 for biodiversity expenditure funded from the West Coast mining compensation received (decrease).
Management of Recreational Opportunities (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Expenses and Revenue
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 165,782 | 164,775 | 174,492 |
Revenue from the Crown | 128,405 | 127,398 | 142,765 |
Revenue from Others | 35,377 | 35,377 | 29,727 |
Components of the Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Icon sites are NZ's national outdoor treasures, developed to support the growth of domestic and international tourism | 40,156 | 39,911 | 42,266 |
Gateway destinations are developed to introduce new participants and to grow recreation in the outdoors | 31,970 | 31,776 | 33,650 |
Locally treasured destinations are managed to grow community connection with, and use of, their locally important places | 26,369 | 26,209 | 27,754 |
Accessing public conservation land including managing facilities at destinations that support visitor opportunities | 26,231 | 26,072 | 27,609 |
The backcountry network is enhanced to attract a wider range of visitors and increased use of these special places | 20,456 | 20,332 | 21,531 |
Other recreational activities | 20,600 | 20,475 | 21,682 |
Total | 165,782 | 164,775 | 174,492 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve increased participation of people in recreation.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Asset Management# |
Percentage of huts meeting required service standard, with a target of 90% to standard (number reported at year end). |
90% | 90% | 90% |
Percentage of tracks meeting required service standard in each Visitor Group, with a target of 45% to standard, (kilometres reported at year end). |
45% | 45% | 45% |
Percentage of structures meeting the required service standard, with a target of 95%, (number reported at year end). |
95% | 95% | 95% |
Recreation Opportunities Management# |
Percentage of visitor recreation and interpretation publications meeting publication standard, with a target of 90%, (number reported at year end). |
90% | 90% | 90% |
Recreation Concessions# |
Number of one-off recreation concessions managed. |
70 | 100 | 80 |
Number of longer-term recreation concession permits, licences, leases and easements managed. |
1,300 | 1,100 | 1,100 |
Percentage of recreation longer-term concession permits, licenses, leases, and easements monitored annually, with a target of 15% of the number managed. |
15% | 15% | 15% |
Other Resource Use Concessions# |
Number of one-off other resource use concessions managed. |
120 | 200 | 120 |
Number of longer-term other resource use concession permits, licences, leases and easements managed. |
3,300 | 3,400 | 3,300 |
Percentage of other longer-term resource use concessions monitored annually, with a target of 15% of the number managed. |
15% | 9% | 15% |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government |
Improving the safety and security of conservation workers and volunteers | 2019/20 | - | 1,377 | 1,323 | 1,326 | 1,323 |
Managing impacts of increasing visitors to public conservation land | 2018/19 | 1,000 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 |
Strengthening organisational capability and capacity | 2018/19 | 930 | 1,270 | 1,270 | 1,270 | 1,270 |
Previous Government |
Tourism infrastructure - maintenance | 2017/18 | 7,103 | 10,624 | 9,987 | 9,987 | 9,987 |
Tourism growth initiative - new walks | 2017/18 | 2,126 | 3,436 | 4,238 | 4,238 | 4,238 |
Pike River Memorial Track and visitor assets | 2015/16 | 2,480 | 2,584 | 2,584 | 2,584 | 2,584 |
Share of costs for Budget 2015 whole-of-government initiatives | 2015/16 | (307) | (307) | (307) | (307) | (307) |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is mainly due to:
- fiscally neutral adjustments of $13.800 million to other Departmental output expenses in 2018/19 to realign budgets with updated work plans (increase)
- Budget 2017 funding of $3.521 million in 2019/20 for the tourism infrastructure - maintenance initiative (increase)
- Budget 2017 funding of $1.310 million in 2019/20 for the tourism infrastructure - new walks initiative (increase)
- new funding of $1.377 million for the improving the safety and security of conservation workers and volunteers initiative (increase)
- Budget 2018 funding of $500,000 in 2019/20 for the managing impacts of increasing visitors to public conservation land initiative (increase)
- Budget 2018 funding of $340,000 in 2019/20 for the strengthening organisational capability and capacity initiative (increase)
- reduction in third party revenue of $5.650 million (decrease)
- additional Crown concessions revenue of $4.546 million in 2018/19 for recreational services (decrease), and
- net expense transfers of $2.865 million in 2018/19 as a result of delays in consultation with Treaty partners and external consultants and weather-related delays for visitor assets construction (decrease).
2.3 - Departmental Capital Expenditure and Capital Injections
Department of Conservation - Capital Expenditure PLA (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Forests/Agricultural | - | - | - |
Land | - | - | - |
Property, Plant and Equipment | 34,268 | 32,964 | 42,680 |
Intangibles | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Other | - | - | - |
Total Appropriation |
35,268 | 33,964 | 43,680 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the renewal and replacement of life-expired assets in support of the delivery of the Department of Conservation services.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
Performance will be assessed through the monitoring of expenditure to ensure that it is in accordance with the Department of Conservation's intentions to enhance asset management.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for capital expenditure will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Capital Injections and Movements in Departmental Net Assets
Department of Conservation
Details of Net Asset Schedule | 2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Projected $000 |
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2019/20 |
Opening Balance | 634,170 | 677,613 | |
Capital Injections | 45,443 | 29,780 | The projected capital injection is made up of the following components: visitor assets ($14.432 million), tourism initiatives ($9.264 million), transfers from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) arising from tenure reviews ($5.120 million), the transfer of funding from Vote Business, Science and Innovation to implement conservation-related projects through the Provincial Growth Fund ($647,000) and on-going injections ($317,000) relating to previous cabinet decisions such as intensive integrated biodiversity management at new sites on Conservation land, Waikato River co-management and treaty settlement implementation costs. |
Capital Withdrawals | - | - | |
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) | (2,000) | (2,000) | |
Other Movements | - | - | |
Closing Balance |
677,613 | 705,393 |
Part 3 - Details of Non-Departmental Appropriations#
3.1 - Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Community Conservation Funds (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 5,927 | 3,645 | 12,037 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for private and community pest, weed and biodiversity restoration initiatives.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Percentage of projects funded that meet deed and reporting standards, with a target of 95%. |
95% | 100% | 95% |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Conservation in the Vote Conservation Non-Departmental Appropriations report.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations | ||||
Community Conservation groups | 5,927 | 3,645 | 12,037 | Ongoing |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is mainly due to expense transfers from 2018/19 to 2019/20 as a result of the alignment of funding with the timing of grants.
Management Services - Natural and Historic Places (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 1,166 | 1,166 | 916 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve on-going maintenance and access for the public to properties with historical or natural significance.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations | ||||
Property maintenance, security and structural review services | 1,166 | 1,166 | 916 | Ongoing |
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government Reprioritisation of funding - historic property maintenance |
2019/20 | - | (250) | (250) | (250) | (250) |
Moutoa Gardens/Pakaitore (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 23 | 23 | 23 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the ongoing maintenance of Moutoa Gardens Reserve.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Moutoa/Pakaitore Historic Reserve Board | 23 | 23 | 23 | Ongoing |
Predator Free New Zealand (M16)
Scope of Appropriation and Expenses
Type, Title, Scope and Period of Appropriations | Appropriations, Adjustments and Use | $000 |
Predator Free New Zealand (M16) This appropriation is limited to contributions towards activities aimed at controlling and eradicating mammalian pests in New Zealand by 2050.Commences: 01 November 2016 Expires: 30 June 2020 |
Original Appropriation | 23,504 |
Adjustments to 2017/18 | (188) | |
Adjustments for 2018/19 | 188 | |
Adjusted Appropriation | 23,504 | |
Actual to 2017/18 Year End | 4,501 | |
Estimated Actual for 2018/19 | 9,502 | |
Estimate for 2019/20 | 9,501 | |
Estimated Appropriation Remaining | - |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve a predator free New Zealand by 2050.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
The predator free programme is on track to meet the Predator Free Trust disbursement milestones. |
Meets | Meets | Meets |
The predator free programme is on track to meet funding allocations for tools resulting from the predator research priorities. |
Meets | Meets | Meets |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Minister of Conservation in the Vote Conservation Non-Departmental Appropriations report.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Crown Company | ||||
Predator Free 2050 Ltd | 9,502 | 9,502 | 9,501 | 30 June 2020 |
3.4 - Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Compensation Payments (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 60 | 60 | 60 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the Crown's legislative obligations when esplanade reserves are created under section 289 of the Local Government Act 1974 and when coastal marine areas are vested.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Depreciation - Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 311 | 311 | 311 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the maintenance of property, plant and equipment on Crown land administered by the Department of Conservation.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(ii) of the PFA, as additional performance information is unlikely to be informative because this appropriation is solely for payment of depreciation. Performance information relating to the management of Crown assets is provided under the Departmental output expense appropriation Management of Recreational Opportunities.
Impairment of Public Conservation Land (M74)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 1,386 | 50 | 50 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the provision for the impairment in value of Public Conservation land as part of Treaty of Waitangi Settlements.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to a decrease in the write-down of land subject to Treaty settlements in 2018/19.
Loss on Disposal of Crown Property, Plant and Equipment (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 600 | 600 | 2,525 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the provision for losses incurred on the disposal of Crown property, plant and equipment.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to an expense transfer of $1.925 million from 2018/19 pending enactment of Waitangi Endowment Forest legislation.
Matauranga Maori Fund (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 921 | 88 | 999 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve support for indigenous initiatives in the revival, use and retention of traditional Maori knowledge and practices in biodiversity management, and to promote biodiversity and ensure traditional knowledge and practices of Maori are respected and preserved in the management of our biodiversity and natural resources.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations | ||||
Hapu and iwi groups | 921 | 88 | 999 | Ongoing |
Payment of Rates on Properties for Concessionaires (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 839 | 839 | 839 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the Crown's obligations for rates on conservation land.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations |
Local Authorities | 839 | 839 | 839 | Ongoing |
Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 100 | 100 | 100 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the provision for bad debts against Crown revenue.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Subscriptions to International Organisations (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 405 | 405 | 405 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve New Zealand's interests in international conservation issues.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations |
International conservation organisations | 405 | 405 | 405 | Ongoing |
Vesting of Reserves (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 3,718 | 150 | 150 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the provision for the protection of natural and historic places through vesting Crown reserves with local authorities and other parties.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
Service Providers
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Non-Government Organisations |
Local authorities | 3,718 | 3,718 | 150 | Ongoing |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to the reduced number of parcels of public conservation land to be vested to third parties.
Waikaremoana Lakebed Lease (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 241 | 241 | 241 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the provision for access to Lake Waikaremoana for conservation purposes.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $5 million.
3.5 - Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
Crown Land Acquisitions (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 4,240 | 2,000 | 2,000 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the protection of heritage values on acquired or leasehold land.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $15 million.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to the expected completion of the Redcliffs Park and School land exchange in 2018/19 following the Christchurch earthquakes.
Pike River Memorial and Museum (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | - | - | 921 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the establishment of the Pike River memorial and the interpretation centre and museum as historic assets.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $15 million.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to expense transfers from 2018/19.
Purchase and Development of Reserves (M16)
Scope of Appropriation
Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation | 5,967 | 5,967 | 1,800 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the protection of heritage values by purchasing land for conservation purposes.
How Performance will be Assessed and End of Year Reporting Requirements
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount is less than $15 million.
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The decrease in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to the Reserve Trust balance brought forward to 2018/19 only.
Part 4 - Details of Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure#
Multi-Category Expenses and Capital Expenditure
Identification and Implementation of Protection for Natural and Historic Places (M16)
Overarching Purpose Statement
Scope of Appropriation
Non-Departmental Output Expenses
Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth IIThis category is limited to identification and implementation of protection of biodiversity on private land.
Nature Heritage Fund
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on private land.
Nga Whenua Rahui
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on Maori land.
South Island Landless Natives Act
This category is limited to the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems in Maori ownership on South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) land.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation |
16,192 | 7,260 | 23,528 |
Non-Departmental Output Expenses |
Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II | 3,412 | 3,412 | 3,412 |
Nature Heritage Fund | 1,787 | 787 | 6,097 |
Nga Whenua Rahui | 10,393 | 3,061 | 9,430 |
South Island Landless Natives Act | 600 | - | 4,589 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve identification and protection of biodiversity and indigenous ecosystems on private, Maori and South Island Landless Natives Act land.
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation
The Department will monitor the ongoing achievement of the identification and protection of biodiversity and indigenous ecosystems on private, Maori and South Island Landless Natives Act land.
What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II# |
This category is intended to achieve the identification and implementation of protection of biodiversity on private land. |
An exemption was granted under s15D(2)(b)(iii) of the PFA, as the amount of Legal Protection Queen Elizabeth II is less than $5 million. |
Exempted | Exempted | Exempted |
Nature Heritage Fund# |
This category is intended to achieve the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on private land. |
Number of successful purchases. |
Exempted | Exempted | 2 |
Nga Whenua Rahui# |
This category is intended to achieve identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems on Maori land. |
Number of restoration programmes undertaken that meet the criteria for success set out in their programme plan. |
10 | 10 | 12 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for possums. |
21,000 | 23,798 | 21,000 |
Number of possum operations undertaken that meet their targets for operational success. |
22 | 12 | 12 |
Hectares of land receiving treatment for goats. |
118,000 | 135,149 | 135,149 |
Number of other terrestrial animal pest operations undertaken that meet the criteria for success set out in their programme plan. |
9 | 9 | 9 |
Number of acutely threatened species that will have improved security for one or more populations as a result of active species conservation programmes. |
4 | 4 | 4 |
Number of agreements where Biodiversity Impact Monitoring is undertaken to measure the effectiveness of the agreement. |
40 | 22 | 40 |
Hectares of land receiving Biodiversity Impact Monitoring to measure the effectiveness of the agreement. |
20,000 | 7,878 | 25,00 |
Number of kawenata (covenants) approved in each of the 3 most threatened LENZ environments. |
Reported at year end | Reported at year end | Reported at year end |
South Island Landless Natives Act# |
This category is intended to achieve the identification and implementation of protection of indigenous ecosystems in Maori ownership on South Island Landless Natives Act (SILNA) land. |
Number of SILNA blocks protected. |
1 | 1 | 1 |
Hectares of indigenous ecosystem protected. |
738 | 738 | 382 |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Service Providers for the Multi-Category Appropriation
Provider | 2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2018/19 Estimated Actual $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
Expiry of Resourcing Commitment |
Queen Elizabeth II National Trust | 3,412 | 3,412 | 3,412 | Ongoing |
Nature Heritage Fund | 1,787 | 787 | 6,097 | Ongoing |
Nga Whenua Rahui | 10,393 | 3,061 | 9,430 | Ongoing |
Various non-government organisations (SILNA) | 600 | - | 4,589 | Ongoing |
Total |
16,192 | 7,260 | 23,528 |
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government |
Reprioritisation of funding - South Island Landless Natives Act | 2019/20 | - | (1,869) | - | - | - |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is mainly due to:
- Nature Heritage Fund net expense transfers of $4.310 million as a result of commitments by the Fund that will not be expended until 2019/20 (increase)
- Nga Whenua Rahui net expense transfers of $963,000 as a result of expected commitments by the Fund in 2018/19 (decrease), and
- South Island Landless Natives Act net expense transfers of $3.989 million as a result of delays due to complexities of multiple ownership of the land areas involved (increase).
Policy Advice, Statutory Planning, and Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies (M16)
Overarching Purpose Statement
Scope of Appropriation
Departmental Output Expenses
Policy AdviceThis category is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to conservation.
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies
This category is limited to statutory planning and the provision of services to Ministers (other than policy decision making responsibilities) and statutory bodies to enable them to discharge their portfolio and responsibilities.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation |
11,131 | 11,081 | 13,511 |
Departmental Output Expenses |
Policy Advice | 3,351 | 3,351 | 4,011 |
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies | 7,780 | 7,730 | 9,500 |
Funding for Departmental Output Expenses |
Revenue from the Crown |
10,965 | 10,965 | 12,945 |
Policy Advice | 3,331 | 3,331 | 3,911 |
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies | 7,634 | 7,634 | 9,034 |
Revenue from Others |
166 | 116 | 566 |
Policy Advice | 20 | 20 | 100 |
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies | 146 | 96 | 466 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve effective policy advice in support of Government priorities and the Department's outcomes.
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation
The Department will monitor the provision of advice to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to conservation, and the provision of statutory planning and services to Ministers and statutory bodies to enable them to discharge their portfolio and responsibilities.
What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Policy Advice# |
This category is intended to achieve effective policy advice to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to conservation. |
The satisfaction of the Minister of Conservation with the policy advice service, as per common satisfaction survey. |
At least 80% | At least 80% | See Note 1 |
Technical quality of policy advice papers assessed by a survey and robustness assessment. |
Reported at year end | Reported at year end | See Note 2 |
Statutory Planning, Services to Ministers and Statutory Bodies# |
This category is intended to achieve the provision of services to Ministers and statutory bodies to enable them to discharge their portfolio and responsibilities. |
Number of ministerial briefings (range). |
900-1,000 | 1,250-1,300 | 1,150-1,250 |
Number of Official Information Act requests received and actioned within statutory requirements. |
500-550 | 1,150-1,250 | 750-850 |
Number of Parliamentary Questions received (range) with 100% meeting the ministerial deadline. |
350-400 | 750-800 | 650-750 |
Note 1 - The Standard will be identified based on the revised Ministerial Satisfaction Survey and updated in the Supplementary Estimates. All agencies are required to use the refined Ministerial Satisfaction Survey from 2019/20 to assess ministerial satisfaction with the policy service. The survey is currently under review and the refined survey and guidance will be released before 30 June 2019.
Note 2 - The Standard will be identified based on the refreshed Policy Quality Framework and updated in the Supplementary Estimates. All agencies are required to use the refreshed Policy Quality Framework from 2019/20 to assess the quality of their policy advice papers. The Policy Quality Framework is currently being refreshed. The refreshed Framework will be released before 30 June 2019.
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government |
Strengthening organisational capacity and capability | 2018/19 | 1,210 | 1,490 | 1,490 | 1,490 | 1,490 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
The increase in this appropriation for 2019/20 is due to:
- a fiscally neutral adjustment of $1.700 million to other Departmental output expenses in 2018/19 to realign budgets with work plans (increase)
- a reduction in third party revenue in 2018/19 of $400,000 (increase), and
- Budget 2018 funding of $280,000 in 2019/20 for the strengthening organisational capacity and capability initiative (increase).
Provincial Growth Fund - Conservation Projects (M16)
Overarching Purpose Statement
Scope of Appropriation
Non-Departmental Other Expenses
Regional ProjectsThis category is limited to expenses incurred on conservation-related projects that contribute to regional development.
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure
Infrastructure ProjectsThis category is limited to capital expenditure on conservation-related infrastructure projects that contribute to regional development.
Expenses, Revenue and Capital Expenditure
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Final Budgeted $000 |
Estimated Actual $000 |
Budget $000 |
Total Appropriation |
- | - | 1,003 |
Non-Departmental Other Expenses |
Regional Projects | - | - | 500 |
Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure |
Infrastructure Projects | - | - | 503 |
What is Intended to be Achieved with this Appropriation
This appropriation is intended to achieve the completion of projects approved by the Provincial Growth Fund and which are managed by the Department of Conservation.
How Performance will be Assessed for this Appropriation
The Department will monitor the progress and completion of the projects it manages and which are approved by the Provincial Growth Fund.
What is Intended to be Achieved with each Category and How Performance will be Assessed
2018/19 | 2019/20 | ||
Assessment of Performance | Final Budgeted Standard |
Estimated Actual |
Budget Standard |
Regional Projects# |
This category is intended to achieve the completion of conservation-related regional projects that contribute to regional development. |
Regional projects milestones met. |
- | - | Meets |
Infrastructure Projects# |
This category is intended to achieve the completion of conservation-related infrastructure projects that contribute to regional development. |
Infrastructure projects milestones met. |
- | - | Meets |
End of Year Performance Reporting
Performance information for this appropriation will be reported by the Department of Conservation in the Annual Report.
Current and Past Policy Initiatives
Policy Initiative | Year of First Impact |
2018/19 Final Budgeted $000 |
2019/20 Budget $000 |
2020/21 Estimated $000 |
2021/22 Estimated $000 |
2022/23 Estimated $000 |
Current Government |
Conservation-related projects through the Provincial Growth Fund |
Regional Projects | 2019/20 | - | 500 | 2,295 | 4,589 | 2,290 |
Infrastructure Projects | 2019/20 | - | 500 | 2,305 | 4,610 | 2,300 |
Reasons for Change in Appropriation
This is a new appropriation for 2019/20.