Estimates of appropriations

Vote Canterbury Earthquake Recovery - Estimates of Appropriations 2012/13 - Estimates 2012/2013

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery (M85)

ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority


Overview of the Vote#

The Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery is responsible for appropriations in Vote Canterbury Earthquake Recovery for the 2012/13 financial year.

Central Business District Red Zone (Non-Departmental Appropriations)

Making safe and demolishing of buildings in the Central Business District will continue into 2012/13 with $24 million of funding set aside to complete this work.  The cordon will remain in place to ensure that safety of the public during this time and may continue to support the rebuild phase.  One million of funding is available to purchase properties to enable the deconstruction of unsafe buildings.

Residential Red Zone (Departmental and Non-Departmental Appropriations)

The majority of costs associated with the Crown's offer to red zone property owners will be incurred before 30 June 2012.  Ongoing management and legal fees associated with settled properties will continue into 2012/13 with funding of $13 million to support these activities.  Ten million is set aside for the demolition of Red Zone properties.

Other Departmental Appropriations

Operating funding for the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority consists of $5.300 million for the purchase of policy advice and $37.300 million for the management of the recovery.

A request to transfer any underspends in the 2011/12 appropriations to  2012/13 has been approved.  The actual value of funding available for 2012/13 will be confirmed following the preparation of the 2011/12 audited annual accounts.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Canterbury Earthquake Recovery in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
  2011/12 2012/13
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses


Management of Voluntarily Acquired Insured Residential Red Zone Properties (M85)

This appropriation is limited to expenses associated with the acquisition, valuation and management of voluntarily acquired insured residential red zone properties in Canterbury.
4,220 2,459 1,000

Managing the Recovery (M85)

This appropriation is limited to expenses incurred in managing the recovery from the Canterbury Earthquakes.
29,078 25,978 37,278

Policy Advice (M85)

This appropriation is limited to the provision of advice (including second opinion advice and contributions to policy advice led by other agencies) to support decision-making by Ministers on government policy matters relating to the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery.
4,800 4,800 5,300

Total Departmental Output Expenses

38,098 33,237 43,578

Non-Departmental Output Expenses


Canterbury Earthquake Property Demolitions and Related Costs and Compensation (M85)

This appropriation is limited to tasks necessary to proceed with and expedite demolitions associated with the Canterbury earthquakes and related compensation to property owners.
132,865 66,922 34,000

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

132,865 66,922 34,000

Non-Departmental Other Expenses


Contributions towards legal fees (M85)

This appropriation is limited to contributions towards legal fees incurred by property owners in the Red Zones in Canterbury selling properties to the Crown.
3,189 2,579 2,000

Management of Voluntarily Acquired Insured Residential Red Zone Properties (M85)

This appropriation is limited to expenses related to third party providers involved in transactions associated with the Crown's acquisition of voluntarily acquired insured residential red zone properties in Canterbury.
84,729 8,870 10,000

Acquisition of additional Red Zone properties (M85)

This appropriation is limited to the discretionary acquisition of Red Zone properties.
3,000 160 -

Acquisition of Canterbury Red Zone properties (M85)

This appropriation is limited to the acquisition of Red Zone properties in Canterbury.
453,836 453,836 -

Advance payment for the estimated Crown share of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team's infrastructure costs (M85)

This appropriation is limited to reimbursing the Christchurch City Council for the Crown share of the Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team's infrastructure costs incurred and claimed by the Council, in advance of final assessment of that claim.
24,340 24,340 -

Christchurch Temporary Stadium (M85)

This appropriation is limited to funding for the development and construction of a multi-purpose stadium and associated facilities in Christchurch at Rugby League Park.
28,000 28,000 -

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

597,094 517,785 12,000

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority - Capital Expenditure PLA (M85)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
100 25 75

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

100 25 75

Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure


Canterbury Earthquake Demolition-Related Property Purchases (M85)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase of land and buildings if required for demolition tasks ordered by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority.
4,000 - 1,000

Total Non-Departmental Capital Expenditure

4,000 - 1,000

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

772,157 617,969 90,653

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority

Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2011/12
Estimated Actual
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2012/13
Opening Balance 50 75  
Capital Injections 25 75  
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

75 150