Formats and related files
Vote Business, Science and Innovation#
APPROPRIATION MINISTER(S): Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (M13), Minister of Conservation (M16), Minister for Economic Development (M25), Minister of Energy and Resources (M28), Minister for Maori Development (M46), Minister of Tourism (M69), Minister of Science and Innovation (M84), Minister for Communications (M88)
APPROPRIATION ADMINISTRATOR: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Overview of the Vote#
Seven Ministers are responsible for appropriations in this Vote.
The Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs is responsible for appropriations of:
- just over $85 million for the development and delivery of consumer information, the protection of intellectual property rights, the administration of bankruptcies and liquidations, the registration and provision of statutory information from business registers, the enforcement of trading standards and proceeds of crime provisions, and the development and provision of access to standards
- just under $78 million to perform statutory functions of which $40 million is allocated to the Financial Markets Authority and just over $37 million to the Commerce Commission (excluding those related to telecommunications), and
- just over $13 million to the Commission for Financial Capability, the External Reporting Board, and the Takeovers Panel to perform their statutory functions.
The Minister for Communications is responsible for appropriations of:
- just over $145 million in capital investment in broadband, including ultrafast broadband
- $30 million for mobile network coverage in remote areas and telecommunications infrastructure for non-urban end users
- just under $10 million to manage New Zealand's radio spectrum
- just under $7 million for the Commerce Commission to enforce regulated telecommunications services and to undertake specific regulatory functions
- just under $5 million to carry out the functions and services of a national New Zealand computer emergency response organisation (CERT)
- just under $5 million for the purchase of deaf relay services, for subsidised equipment for hearing and speech impaired people, and costs related to access to the telecommunications relay service, and
- just under $3 million, in emergency telecommunications services and the upgrading of emergency telecommunications capability.
The Minister for Communications is also responsible for just over $93 million of non-tax revenue in 2017/18 as follows:
- $50 million from the Telecommunications Development Levy
- $6 million from the Telecommunications Levy (Regulatory), and
- just under $37 million from Radio Spectrum fees.
The Minister for Economic Development is responsible for appropriations of:
- just under $198 million for New Zealand Trade and Enterprise to grow companies international and locate in New Zealand
- just under $79 million for capital investment in the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
- just over $80 million per annum for screen productions that are internationally focused and produced in New Zealand
- just over $22 million for improvements in public sector procurement and services to business
- just under $14 million for capital investments in the early stage equity finance markets and in offshore market development assistance to business
- $13 million to support major events that provide economic, social, cultural and international profiling benefits
- $13 million for regional economic development and the validation stage of the Opotiki Harbour development projects
- just under $8 million to provide leadership, guidance and support, monitoring and brokerage in respect of property management within the State Sector
- $2 million for the depreciation on Auckland's Queens Wharf, and
- just under $2 million for subscriptions to international organisations.
In addition, the Minister of Economic Development has overall responsibility for appropriations of:
- just under $61 million to provide policy advice and related services to the Minister for Economic Development, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Minister for Communications, Minister of Energy and Resources, Minister of Science and Innovation, Minister for Small Business, and the Minister of Tourism, and
- just over $7 million to support data analysis relating to the Economic Development and Tourism portfolios.
The Minister for Economic Development is also responsible for a capital injection of $69.650 million to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to fund its capital investment.
The Minister for Maori Development is responsible for one appropriation in this Vote of $3 million for the Maori Innovation Fund.
The Minister of Energy and Resources is responsible for appropriations of:
- just over $30 million for modelling and analysis to support energy and resources sector policy advice, the management of the Crown mineral estate, the administration of the fuel quality monitoring programme (which is an industry levy funded activity), the acquisition and analysis of seismic information relating to minerals, petroleum and geothermal resources, and the management and funding of New Zealand's oil stocks obligations to the International Energy Agency
- just over $76 million for the Electricity Authority's work in regulating the electricity system, securing reserve energy supplies, ensuring that the Authority is able to participate in litigation effectively, running an emergency conservation campaign, and for international membership fees
- just over $32 million for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority's work in promoting energy efficiency, including a total of $2 million of capital expenditure for the Crown loans scheme to assist public sector agencies to implement energy efficiency projects, and
- just under $14 million to continue the Warm Up New Zealand initiative.
The Minister of Energy and Resources is also responsible for just over $296 million of tax and non-tax revenue in 2017/18 as follows:
- just over $168 million from petroleum and other Crown mineral royalties
- just under $96 million in levies from the Electricity Industry
- just under $30 million from coal and gas energy resource levies, and
- $2 million from repayment of energy efficiency loans.
The Minister of Science and Innovation is responsible for appropriations of:
- just over $261 million for the Strategic Investment Fund to support long-term programmes of mission-led science, and the platforms that enable them, to contribute to the economy, environment and well being
- just over $205 million in 2017/18 for Research and Development Growth Grants, Targeted Business Research and Development Funding, and Repayable Grants for Start-Ups (all multi-year appropriations), to co-fund private businesses for investment, research, development projects, and funding for students to work in research and development active businesses
- just over $196 million for the Contestable Research Fund to invest in the highest quality, mission-led research proposals for areas of future growth and critical need
- just over $37 million for the Partnered Research Fund to achieve greater connections between researchers and end-users, and just under $93 million for the Health Research Fund to achieve an improvement in health and well-being through health research
- just under $141 million in 2017/18 for National Science Challenges (a multi-year appropriation) to fund research projects to address pressing issues of national significance
- just under $78 million to allow Callaghan Innovation to support businesses to successfully develop new and improved products, processes and services through research and development, and technology-driven innovation
- just under $64 million for the Marsden Fund for excellent fundamental research
- just over $30 million for Contract Management to allocate funds and manage contracts for science, research and technology
- just under $27 million for Talent and Science Promotion for engagement between scientists and the public by contributing to the development of talented, skilled individuals and their organisations, and in undertaking research and innovation
- just under $24 million for regional institutes to maximise the unique business, technology and economic growth opportunities in their respective regions
- just over $13 million to achieve improved international flows of people, ideas, investment and trade through support of international research relationships, and
- just under $6 million to meet the needs for traceable physical measurements.
The Minister of Tourism is responsible for appropriations of:
- just over $117 million for the promotion of New Zealand to key overseas markets as a visitor and business destination
- just over $25 million for the funding of New Zealand Tourism Facilities, and
- just under $26 million for the funding of New Zealand Tourism Infrastructure.
Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-4.