Estimates of appropriations

Vote Biosecurity - Estimates 2010/2011


ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry


Overview of the Vote#


The Minister for Biosecurity is responsible for appropriations in Vote Biosecurity for the 2010/11 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of nearly $90 million (48% of the Vote) for border biosecurity risk management covering monitoring and clearance programmes that manage the biosecurity risk associated with international trade and travel, and development and maintenance of standards and systems that manage biosecurity risk associated with imports and exports
  • a total of just over $54 million (29% of the Vote) for domestic biosecurity risk management covering the assessment, containment and possible eradication of suspected risk organisms within New Zealand, and domestic biosecurity surveillance activities
  • a total of just over $11 million (6% of the Vote) for policy advice with regard to biosecurity issues and ministerial servicing
  • a total of over $30 million (17% of the Vote) for the Crown's contribution to implementation of the Bovine Tuberculosis National Pest Management Strategy, and
  • a total of $330,000 on subscriptions to international organisations.

Crown Revenue

The Minister of Biosecurity is also responsible for Crown revenue in the Vote for the 2010/11 financial year for a total forecast of $850,000 in Biosecurity Act fines.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Biosecurity in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Biosecurity
2009/10 2010/11
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses

Biosecurity Policy Advice (M7)

This appropriation is limited to policy advice and analysis on biosecurity, and ministerial servicing.
13,348 13,279 11,411

Border Biosecurity Risk Management MCOA (M7)

- - 89,842
Border Biosecurity Monitoring and Clearance
This output class is limited to biosecurity monitoring and clearance programmes that manage the biosecurity risk associated with international trade and travel.
- - 75,095
Border Biosecurity Systems Development and Maintenance
This output class is limited to the development and maintenance of standards and systems that manage biosecurity risk associated with imports and exports.
- - 14,747

Domestic Biosecurity Risk Management MCOA (M7)

- - 54,362
Biosecurity Incursion Response and Long Term Pest Management
This output class is limited to the assessment, containment and possible eradication of suspected risk organisms within New Zealand.
- - 12,495
Domestic Biosecurity Surveillance
This output class is limited to domestic biosecurity surveillance activities.
- - 41,867

Biosecurity Approvals and Assurance (M7)

Administration of biosecurity standards and export certification. Involves auditing against biosecurity regulatory standards and providing assurance to trading partners that New Zealand exporters are complying with the relevant regulations.
3,059 2,437 -

Biosecurity Enforcement (M7)

Investigation and (where appropriate) prosecution of individuals and organisations who breach biosecurity legislation.
3,262 3,237 -

Biosecurity Standards (M7)

Setting biosecurity standards, undertaking risk analysis to support standard development and monitoring border pathways.
24,979 22,217 -

Biosecurity Surveillance and Incursion Response (M7)

Surveillance for new organisms in the terrestrial and aquatic environments, maintenance of the capability to investigate and respond to new organisms and if necessary the delivery of services for their eradication or management.
44,618 42,067 -

Border Clearance Services (M7)

This appropriation is limited to the management of biosecurity risks at the border. Comprises the inspection and clearance of aircraft, vessels, cargo, containers, mail and passengers in accordance with biosecurity legislation and standards.
63,122 60,120 -

Total Departmental Output Expenses

152,388 143,357 155,615

Non-Departmental Output Expenses

Control of TB Vectors (M7)

This appropriation is limited to the Crown's contribution to the implementation of the Bovine Tuberculosis National Pest Management Strategy.
29,739 29,439 30,505

Total Non-Departmental Output Expenses

29,739 29,439 30,505

Non-Departmental Other Expenses

Subscriptions to International Organisations (M7)

This appropriation is limited to New Zealand's membership of biosecurity related international organisations.
130 130 330

Total Non-Departmental Other Expenses

130 130 330

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

182,257 172,926 186,450