Estimates of appropriations

Vote Audit - Estimates of Appropriations 2012/13 - Estimates 2012/2013

MINISTER(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROPRIATIONS: Speaker of the House of Representatives (M78)

ADMINISTERING DEPARTMENT: Controller and Auditor-General


Overview of the Vote#

The Speaker of the House is responsible for appropriations in the Vote for the 2012/13 financial year covering the following:

  • a total of $9.272 million for the Controller and Auditor-General supporting Parliament in its role of ensuring accountability for public resources, including advice to Select Committees and other bodies, undertaking the Controller function, plus undertaking and reporting on performance audits and inquiries relating to public entities
  • a total of $69.018 million for providing audit services to public entities, and other audit-related assurance services.

Details of these appropriations are set out in Parts 2-6 for Vote Audit in the Information Supporting the Estimates of Appropriations.

Details of Appropriations#

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations

Details of Annual and Permanent Appropriations - Audit
  2011/12 2012/13
Titles and Scopes of Appropriations by Appropriation Type Budgeted

Departmental Output Expenses


Audit and Assurance Services RDA (M78)

This appropriation is limited to audit and related assurance services as required or authorised by statute.
70,635 69,921 68,868

Audit and Assurance Services (M78)

This appropriation is limited to the performance of audit and related assurance services as required or authorised by statute for smaller entities such as cemetery trusts and reserve boards.
150 150 150

Statutory Auditor Function MCOA (M78)

9,292 9,142 9,272
Performance Audits and Inquiries
This output class is limited to undertaking and reporting on performance audits and inquiries relating to public entities under the Public Audit Act 2001 and responding to requests for approvals in relation to pecuniary interest questions regulated by the Local Authorities Members' Interests Act 1968.
6,287 6,137 6,587
Supporting Accountability to Parliament
This output class is limited to reporting to Parliament and others as appropriate on matters arising from audits and inquiries, reporting to and advising select committees, and advising other agencies in New Zealand and abroad to support Parliament and governing bodies in holding their executives to account for the use of public resources.
3,005 3,005 2,685

Total Departmental Output Expenses

80,077 79,213 78,290

Departmental Other Expenses


Remuneration of Auditor-General and Deputy Auditor-General PLA (M78)

This appropriation is limited to remuneration expenses for both the Auditor-General and the Deputy Auditor-General as authorised by clause 5 of the Third Schedule of the Public Audit Act 2001.
848 848 848

Total Departmental Other Expenses

848 848 848

Departmental Capital Expenditure


Controller and Auditor-General - Capital Expenditure PLA (M78)

This appropriation is limited to the purchase or development of assets by and for the use of the Controller and Auditor-General, as authorised by section 24(1) of the Public Finance Act 1989.
1,152 1,152 4,394

Total Departmental Capital Expenditure

1,152 1,152 4,394

Total Annual and Permanent Appropriations

82,077 81,213 83,532

Details of Projected Movements in Departmental
Net Assets#

Controller and Auditor-General

Controller and Auditor-General - Details of Projected Movements in Departmental Net Assets - Audit
Details of Net Asset Schedule 2011/12
Estimated Actual
Explanation of Projected Movements in 2012/13
Opening Balance 4,021 4,021  
Capital Injections - 2,200 Capital injection to fund fitout of alternative Wellington premises for the Controller and Auditor-General.
Capital Withdrawals - -  
Surplus to be Retained (Deficit Incurred) - -  
Other Movements - -  

Closing Balance

4,021 6,221