Unless otherwise specified, all monetary units in this Overview are New Zealand dollars. The mid-point rate on 29 January 2010 was NZ$1 = US$0.7048.
The fiscal year of the Government of New Zealand ends on 30 June.
Spelling and punctuation conform to usage in New Zealand and have not been adjusted to conform to usage in the United States or any particular external market.
Where figures in tables have been rounded, totals listed may not equal the sum of the figures.
In tables, NA = Not Available.
Formats and related files
Table of Contents
Table of contents
- Further Information
- Summary
- Introduction
- Economy
- Response to International Credit Crisis
- Macroeconomic Policy
- Monetary Policy
- Fiscal Policy
- Direct Public Debt
- Selected Statistical and Financial Data
- New Zealand
- New Zealand (continued)
- The Economy of New Zealand: Overview
- The Economy of New Zealand: Overview (continued)
- National Accounts
- Prices and Costs
- Labour Markets
- Industrial Structure and Principal Economic Sectors
- Energy and Minerals
- Manufacturing
- Service Industries
- Service Industries (continued)
- External Sector
- External Trade (continued)
- Geographic Distribution of External Trade
- Principal Trading Partners
- Foreign Investment Policy
- Balance of Payments
- Foreign-Exchange Rates and Overseas Reserves
- Banking and Business Environment
- Business Law Environment
- Financial Reporting Law
- Monetary Policy
- Interest Rates and Money and Credit Aggregates
- Public Finance and Fiscal Policy
- Current Fiscal Position and 2009 Budget
- Taxation
- Government Enterprises
- Performance of Government Enterprises
- Direct Public Debt[1]
- Summary of Direct Public Debt
- Tables and Supplementary Information