Data release

Reporting on COVID-19 Specific Appropriations

This data release captures and reports on expenditure incurred in relation to new appropriations established as part of the Government's response to COVID-19, up until 30 June 2022. It includes expenditure incurred on initiatives announced on 17 March 2020 and subsequent initiatives that have been funded through the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund (CRRF).   

The below table shows the cumulative expenditure incurred from the beginning of the pandemic response through to 30 June 2022 against new appropriations with expenditure over $100m. This list includes both capital and operating expenditure.

Cumulative Expenditure Incurred from the Beginning of the Pandemic Response through to 30 June 2022
Vote Appropriation $m
Social Development Business Support Subsidy Covid-19 17,995.540
Revenue COVID-19 Resurgence Support Payment 2,912.490
Health National Response to COVID-19 Across the Health Sector 2,704.552
Revenue Small Business Cashflow Scheme COVID-19 2,263.320
Health Implementing the COVID-19 Vaccine Strategy 1,709.111
Building and Construction Isolation and Quarantine Management 1,568.292
Revenue COVID-19 Support Payment 1,306.810
Finance Shovel Ready Project Funding - Crown Infrastructure Partners 1,034.892
Transport COVID-19 - NLTF Funding for Cost Pressures and Revenue Shocks 655.267
Social Development COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme 501.047
Transport Maintaining international air services 466.127
Social Development COVID-19 Apprentice Support 410.779
Transport Maintaining Airfreight Capacity 376.010
Business, Science and Innovation Economic and Regional Development: Supporting Infrastructure Projects 333.737
Transport COVID-19 - NLTF Borrowing Facility 325.000
Transport Protection of Transport Sector Agency Core Functions 243.096
Social Development COVID-19 Income Relief Assistance 196.394
Social Development Community Support Services 191.220
Business, Science and Innovation Support the Growth and Development of New Zealand Firms, Sectors and Regions 172.230
Finance Shovel Ready Project Funding - Ōtākaro Limited 137.211
Māori Development Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund 130.866
Health Minimising the health impacts of COVID-19 120.755
Finance COVID-19: Capital Injections to Airways New Zealand 117.000
Transport Meeting fees, charges and levies on behalf of airlines 112.884
Business, Science and Innovation Economic Development: Implementation of Improvements in Public Sector Procurement and Services to Business 103.427

Not all the initiatives introduced by the Government have resulted in the establishment of a new appropriation or require an appropriation.

Some initiatives represented an extension of existing government activities and fell within existing appropriations. Expenditure incurred under pre-existing appropriations is not captured in this data release. For example, some funding received by Vote Education (such as funding to support mental health and wellbeing and funding to expand Ka Ora Ka Ako Healthy School Lunches Programme) and some funding received by Vote Health (all non-immunisation related expenditure in 2019/20, as well as a portion of non-immunisation related expenditure in 2020/21 and 2021/22) was incurred against existing appropriations and is therefore not captured in the data release.

Some initiatives introduced provided tax relief to taxpayers, which results in a reduction in tax revenue rather than an increase in expenditure to the Crown, therefore no appropriation is necessary.

The amount of expenditure incurred may differ from the amount managed against the CRRF.

For each initiative, the net expected fiscal cost (as estimated at the time the decision is made) on the Crown's net debt is managed against the CRRF.

The amount appropriated represents the authority to incur expenditure (either operating or capital) rather than the net expected fiscal cost on the Crown's net debt. In some cases, the appropriated amount and net expected fiscal cost will be the same. For others these two figures will be different. Two examples of this are: Loans to Air New Zealand (where expected repayments reduce the expected fiscal cost on the Crown's net debt but not the appropriated amount) and the Small Business Cashflow Scheme (where valuation losses from the loans require an appropriation but do not have a fiscal cost on the Crown's net debt and where repayments are also expected).

Details of where Non-financial Performance Information in respect of these appropriations will be or has been reported can be found in the relevant Estimates documents.

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