Cabinet paper

Cabinet Paper ECO-24-SUB-0264: Improving Infrastructure Funding and Financing Report-back

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Only the Proposal section of this Cabinet paper is extracted below in HTML. If you require a full accessible version please contact [email protected] and cite ECO-24-SUB-0264 as a reference.

Cabinet Paper ECO-24-SUB-0264: Improving Infrastructure Funding and Financing Report-back#


1 This paper reports back on the Improving Infrastructure Funding and Financing work programme Cabinet endorsed in May 2024 [ECO-24-MIN-0076 refers].

2 I am seeking Cabinet endorsement of the following Improving Infrastructure Funding and Financing work programme deliverables:

2.1 Funding and Financing Framework (Annex One)

2.2 Strategic Leasing Guidance (Annex Two)

2.3 Guidelines for Market-led Proposals (Annex Three)