Cabinet paper

Cabinet Paper ECO-24-SUB-0047: Natural Hazards Insurance Act Code of Insured Persons' Rights

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Only the Purpose section of this Cabinet paper is extracted below in HTML. If you require a full accessible version please contact [email protected] and cite ECO-24-SUB-0047 as a reference.

Cabinet Paper ECO-24-SUB-0047: Natural Hazards Insurance Act Code of Insured Persons' Rights#


1This paper informs you of my intention to make the Code of Insured Persons’ Rights (the Code) as required by the Natural Hazard Insurance Act 2023 (NHI Act). The Code will be secondary legislation and is one of the new requirements on the Earthquake Commission (the Commission or EQC) with the NHI Act coming into force on 1 July 2024.

[Extract ends]