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Only the Proposal section of this Cabinet paper is extracted below in HTML. If you require a full accessible version please contact [email protected] and cite : "Cabinet Paper DEV-22-SUB-0228: Establishing a Central Crown Infrastructure Delivery agency" as a reference.
Establishing a Central Crown Infrastructure Delivery agency#
1 In May 2022, Cabinet agreed that the Treasury should progress work to prepare Ōtākaro Limited to become a Crown Infrastructure Delivery agency (CCID). Cabinet also agreed that I would provide you with an update on this work prior to Cabinet considering the formal establishment of a CCID [DEV-22-MIN-0094 refers].
2 I am now seeking Cabinet’s agreement to, in summary:
2.1 formally establish a CCID by repurposing Ōtākaro;
2.2 agree the principles by which a CCID would interact with Project Owners across the Crown; and
2.3 fund the CCID with operating funding and working capital.
3 This Cabinet paper addresses the work required to repurpose Ōtākaro, and to establish and fund the CCID so that the CCID may begin work on an inaugural portfolio of projects. The paper also provides an update on work to improve wider infrastructure system co-ordination. I propose to provide Cabinet with a more substantive update on this work in February 2023.
[Extract ends]