Cabinet paper

Cabinet Paper DEV-22-SUB-0094: Future delivery of Crown infrastructure projects

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Only the Proposal section of this Cabinet paper is extracted below in HTML. If you require a full accessible version please contact [email protected] and cite : "Cabinet Paper DEV-22-SUB-0094: Future delivery of Crown infrastructure projects" as a reference.

Future delivery of Crown infrastructure projects#


1 I am seeking Cabinet agreement to:

1.1 progress work to establish a central Crown infrastructure delivery (CCID) agency, to provide vertical and horizontal infrastructure project delivery services to other Crown agencies;

1.2 progress work to repurpose Ōtākaro Limited (Ōtākaro), a Public Finance Act 1989 Schedule 4A company specialising in Christchurch regeneration infrastructure projects, to become the CCID entity; and

1.3 explore options to strengthen the requirements for Crown agencies with consistent, capital-intensive vertical and horizontal infrastructure portfolios to work in a more coordinated manner to improve outcomes for the Crown.

[Extract ends]