Cabinet paper

Cabinet Paper CAB-24-SUB-0163: Report on Overseas Travel: Hon Nicola Willis Travel to Washington DC

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Report on Overseas Travel: Hon Nicola Willis Travel to Washington DC#

I recommend that Cabinet note this report on my travel to Washington DC, United States, from 16-21 April 2024.


1 I attended and represented the New Zealand Government at the 2024 World Bank and IMF Spring meetings (the Spring Meetings) in Washington DC from 17 to 19 April.[1]

2 The main purpose of my visit was to attend the in-person meeting of the Five Finance Ministers (5FM) grouping (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States), which took place on the side lines of the Spring Meetings. Attending this meeting in person provided an opportunity for me to build relationships with key counterparts, show that New Zealand is a credible partner, and express New Zealand’s priorities for the grouping.

[Extract ends]


  1. [1] Accounting for travel time, I was away from New Zealand from 16 to 21 April.